

Gladio has a satisfying gore mechanic and unique fighting system. The game does have its issues though, blocking sometimes does not activate at all and kicking sends enemies through the map or past the invisible wall where I cannot reach them, forcing me to restart. Overall this game is a blast and it will surely develop further into an awesome game in the future, but for now you should avoid kicking!


-More weapons and maybe a shield

-The ability to mix and match armor

-The option to choose which enemies spawn

Real player with 7.9 hrs in game

Read More: Best Hack and Slash PvE Games.

When first looking at Gladio one might think it is a tiny fighting game with with no real ingame progress and attacks that could seriously use some work. You would not be wrong. The player is in a small-ish box and has to fight enemies, the only progress is watching the wave counter go up, and attacks can seem quite stupid at times.

Still, this game can be a lot of fun when you lack something to do. Add some bounce or whatever music floats your boat (the game has no soundtrack), and you are in for half an hour of adrenaline while trying to crack that level 3 armor.

Real player with 3.9 hrs in game

Gladio on Steam

They Always Run

They Always Run

They Always run is quite the fun action side scroller game. Both the visuals and music are quite stunning. Controls are tight and it is easy to move and fight throughout the levels. Combat can and does keep you on your toes, but it is not what I’d call overly challenging. The only criticism that I can come up with at the moment is the lack of voice overs. In my opinion this game needs voice overs to help with the immersion. I don’t know why but I can imagine Simon Templeman (voice of Kain from Blood Omen) being a fitting voice for the protagonist Aidan. But who knows, maybe they’ll add voice overs in future patch/ updates.

Real player with 15.5 hrs in game

Read More: Best Hack and Slash Action-Adventure Games.

They Always… Hmmm?


+++ Bullseye!

++- Neat!

+– Mmmm … okay!

— Yikes!

+-+ Mix Bag (Sometimes is ok Sometimes is not)

+- Not a Big Deal. (Neutral)


+++ Art style is spectacular! One of the main reasons I bought the game!

++- Characters and World Building stories are pretty good. Although some of the dialogues can be cheesy.

++- Presentation of story ideas can be better. Currently some of the story elements can be a little sloppy but nothing narration breaking.

Real player with 14.3 hrs in game

They Always Run on Steam

AdventureQuest 3D

AdventureQuest 3D

You’ll probably only like this game if you enjoyed AQW.

The EXP curve is terrible, even if it’s supposed to compensate for the low level cap. You’ll get to the point where if you want to level up, you’ll have to grind certain dungeons a bunch of times, not to mention that they give far less EXP than story missions (which you probably can’t do if you are grinding the dungeons for EXP in the first place).

The graphics are nice, with it being capped at 60 fps. Everything has good brightness (loving me that bloom). I’m also glad that there’s actually sound effects in this game. That spawn-in sound effect is kind of annoying, though.

Real player with 178.4 hrs in game

Read More: Best Hack and Slash MMORPG Games.

Play it if:

-you’re bored

-you have played other AE games,

-you dont mind a grind

-you can keep in mind its early access, and not a polished product.

Dont play it if:

-you dont like grinds

-you need a story to get behind (ashfall might change this I guess, we will see)

-you are looking for the best looking game out there… (you can however use Reshade -, and tone down the saturation, add in some better FXAA, add better bloom, and add some sharpening.)

Compared to other AE games, this one seems promising, but will need some good content to really convince me its a game worth sticking with. as of now, it has seemed pretty one dimensional, however that is expected, as the devs work through making their first 3D game. promising concept guys, just follow through :D

Real player with 150.5 hrs in game

AdventureQuest 3D on Steam

Reptiles: In Hunt

Reptiles: In Hunt

An adventure game with the story of a hunter who tries to find his lost son, set in a post apocalyptic world ruled by dinosaurs and reptilian humanoids.

It’s content is very nice for an indie title. The playtime is about 4-6 hours.

The story is quite simple without decisions, still enough to keep up the interest.

The graphics and the map design looks fine.

There are even some really beautiful places which can make the player to stop and simply enjoying the view. There are some graphical bugs, but none of those are serious.

Real player with 25.4 hrs in game

TLDR: Reptiles: In Hunt has more bugs than dinosaurs, but despite its many failings there is a gaming experience worth hunting in this indie title…it just needs a lot more evolution before we can call it a ‘clever girl.’

I completed Reptiles: In Hunt today - in total, it took me a little under 10 hours (9.8 hours). Looking at other reviewers time with the game, I suspect I might be one of the few people to leave a review who’ve played this game to the end (at least, at the time of writing), so I want to offer some thoughts.

Real player with 9.8 hrs in game

Reptiles: In Hunt on Steam

Prince of Persia: The Two Thrones™

Prince of Persia: The Two Thrones™

This was a huge favorite of mine back when it was originally released, so in spite of my reservations about haphazard ports, I was happy when this unadulterated version was released on Steam. As far as I could tell, it seems to be a pretty direct copy of the original. The graphics have been touched up a bit, but the gameplay, content, menus, and music all remain the same as they were a decade ago. Steam has this tagged as “partial controller support”, but aside from a few things on the menu, the whole game is controller friendly.

Real player with 23.3 hrs in game

This game is COOL,serious this game is GOOD. It takes the best from Sands of Time and Warrior Whithin and combines it in gamaplay and story. In a sort of meta narrative the game explores the aparent double personality of the Prince, that went from a likable talkative acrobat in SoT to an angry bloodthist warrior in WW, plus it’s a throwback to the mirror/shadow Prince from the very first 1989 game

While Warrior Whithin improved the combat , this game improves the plataforming. The Prince can do some new acrobatic tricks ,like sliding up or down between close walls, rebould on wooden plates that throw him at great distences and use it’s dagger to attach hinself in some specific mechanisms . The beloved wallrunning receives a small new feature too, now Prince can run in curved walls, extending the possibilities of this mechachinic that i consider the best in the series

Real player with 17.9 hrs in game

Prince of Persia: The Two Thrones™ on Steam

Höll Space 5D6

Höll Space 5D6

This game is very obviously a work in progress and there’s a lot of rough edges. However, when you look past them and forgive the unpolished technical state, you’ll find a promising project with a lot of potential that’s pretty fun to play even now.

The first episode takes place in a broken space station (or a space ship?) full of interconnected paths that are a joy to explore and to get lost in. Don’t expect any hand-holding, though. The game gives you no directions and you’re left to figure things out on your own.

Real player with 10.7 hrs in game

The game is in early access; According to the forum, it is just one developer, but the visuals and map look surprisingly good. However, the visuals are much further along than the rest of the game. I have played all of the first episode, and it has been entertaining. There are many hidden ways to discover and find within the levels to move around and get to the different rooms and locations.

If you like to explore without handholding or, in some cases, even getting directions in a game, then this game is fun to play at this point in its development. If that is not your thing, then the game is in its current version, probably not for you.

Real player with 5.4 hrs in game

Höll Space 5D6 on Steam

Prince of Persia: The Forgotten Sands™

Prince of Persia: The Forgotten Sands™

Utterly Forgettable

As someone who loves the Sands of Time Trilogy, I absolutely cannot recommend buying this game. Reasons why are below.

Plot: Not much of a plot. The Prince visits his brother (huh, he has a brother?) in Azad and they have boring banter. Something something, the brother unleashes an ancient army, something something, sand monsters, something something,

! brother is taken over by an evil djinn. Honestly, I took a three month hiatus from this game and when I came back wasn’t overly compelled to restart, and I still don’t feel like I missed much of the plot, as forgettable as it was. 1/10

Real player with 24.6 hrs in game

I totally understand the disappointment, without Mechner looks like Ubisoft didn’t find the balance, the golden row.


The Level Design is perfect. This is where this game really shining. It’s very enjoyable finding out all the platform elements. I think maybe a second run even better than the first. I just find it funny how all of the places nearly the same as in PoP SoT, there is a Throne Room, there is a Courtyard, Observatory, Baths, Ruins, Prison, even a Clockwork system, maybe the Library was the only thing what was missing.

Real player with 16.8 hrs in game

Prince of Persia: The Forgotten Sands™ on Steam

Prince of Persia: Warrior Within™

Prince of Persia: Warrior Within™

Imagine you are on a nice trip over the sea… and suddenly you are attacked by male sexual slaves with one really hot chick leading them all… and suddenly you remembered you are hunted by guardian of the timeline called Dahaka - just big black kind of demonic dude with tentacles/Venom. Few moments later… you are a lonely loner on a lonely adventure.. alone (I STAND ALOOOONE starts playing). But not really because another hot chick is telling you what to do. You start to do all on her command because of her nice pair of eyes. So yeah you like a real gentleman in a family start to do all necessary #&@{ while she is just standing there around waiting for you. But enough of this How I met your mother tragedy origin.

Real player with 20.0 hrs in game

Prince of Persia: Warrior Within was a good experience? This game' story was great - it is conected to the first game Sands of Time but is not nessesary to play it first to have a gameplay experience - just story would make more sense? - I guess.

Why I wrote “a good experience” with question mark was because many times I put this game on hold. Sometimes it was too confusing - got lost many times. The game is sort of open world which isn’t really nessesary. Running backwards and not knowing where I had to go was a total waste of time (the map was just a picture where was a prince icon that changed location after moving a while and red cross as a mission but which way I had to move - no idea). It wouldn’t had changed a thing unless found a health upgrade secrets. Sometimes the game got too difficult. I was playing on the hardest difficutly - hoping for better game experience - I love challenges. After experiencing the difficulties I do not recommend it. It can ruin the game feel - too hard to kill the enemies. I am not sure how it is on easier difficulty but I assume it will be much more enjoyable experience. I still managed to finish the game on the hardest difficulty. But yeah - if you do play I strongly recommend to play it on easy or medium.

Real player with 19.8 hrs in game

Prince of Persia: Warrior Within™ on Steam

GunZ 2: The Second Duel

GunZ 2: The Second Duel

I Hope someone will buy this super game, cause 2 companies havent done anything to commercialize it, its a unique game where only personal skillz matter, no sort of random luck for newbs, this game got a lot of hidden techniques that help Experienced players to play more fluid (and this is the best game for fluidity), you can jump on walls, you can shot/noscope when rising a wall, you can flip enemy in air and than, in a super reflex move, shot them, this game its a perfect Esport game, cause you need a super concentration for sniping in movement, you need mouse MuscolarMemory so you can use your third eye to shot… its a First person shooter game but the point perfectly in the middle of the screen allow you to think in first person (i hate shoulder view), you can change from sword to gun in time 0 allowing you to fast think when you need to get back and shot and stop ‘meleegangbang’ its the best game for keep the mind always ON cause you want to do better in every game and a newb will be impressionated watching pro players playn, so they get curious to know new techniques (that youtube teaches)…. im really sad of no updates in this game, im a bit angry because i have used some money on it.. its just because i want to grow my equip for the future, because i know that this game will be eternal for his unique freemind movement system, you can really feel like your hand made a fusion with mouse, you fast think, it aim and shot….. I loved Quest Mode of Gunz 1 because you need to be really pro for make some of them and PRO dont mean GoodWeapon (biggerD**ck mentality of every game) PRO mean you need to block fast and shot faster…. its the only game in 2k years that allow you do things faster that you can think, this is THE game for a lot of players and if can i will buy this game with friends for make it bigger, make it complete, new weapons, new maps, parkour missions, berzerk mode. this is super better that the scripted S4L

Real player with 1877.4 hrs in game

short answer:dead game,garbage design,Pay-to-win, stay away.

long answer: Where do i even begin?

This game managed to anger everyone off, the old gunz 1 veterans, the newbies and the whales.

lets start with angering the veterans.

game has some stupid mechanics like nemesis system which is similar to the nemesis from tf2, but instead imagine if the revenge target had “wallhacks” and “100% critical hits” just because you’re his nemesis…

and this isnt only on casual, this is an actual mechanic of the game on every mode including ranked, and team deathmatch which makes no sense.

Real player with 793.2 hrs in game

GunZ 2: The Second Duel on Steam

Darksiders II Deathinitive Edition

Darksiders II Deathinitive Edition

Darksiders and its sequel remain some of my favorite games from the previous generation. The first game was clearly and deliberately derivative of some of the best titles in history, Zelda and God of War chief among them. The dungeon crawling and puzzles were top notch, as was the sense of progression and the combat, while simple, was visceral and satisfying in a way that Zelda’s never was. As important, however, was the story which was filled with engaging characters and a lore that was much more interesting than something based on Biblical mythology (not an uncommon road to tread) had any right to be. War, Samael, Vulgrim, Ulthane and Uriel were all extremely memorable characters.

Real player with 120.2 hrs in game

Darksiders 2 is an improvement over the first game and holds its own even in 2018.

** If you prefer a video review, check the bottom of this post **

The sequel’s story actually runs parallel to Darksiders 1. You are introduced to Horseman Death as he tries to free his brother War by resurrecting the kingdom of Man. To do this, the horseman ventures to different lands and realities while taking on a host of mobs and platforming activities.


Since it runs parallel to the first game, you still have the same scenario. You have the war between Heaven and Hell, the Nephilim born of the union between Angels and Demons and the Kingdom of Man. The final war was triggered inadvertently and War was framed for it. In this game, Death looks for a way to save his brother.

Real player with 59.6 hrs in game

Darksiders II Deathinitive Edition on Steam