Battle Motion

Battle Motion

Pretty stupid game. Fun to play when you cant refund it and youre bored of your other games.

Real player with 24.0 hrs in game

Read More: Best Hack and Slash Medieval Games.

its fun in a way but mostly no

Real player with 3.6 hrs in game

Battle Motion on Steam

Zombie Killing Simulator

Zombie Killing Simulator


1. clunky game play and mechs.

2. Can’t run graphics on high without extreme heat. (GTX 1060)

3. Might be fun one day, but as stated before needs to focus on 1 or 2 types of play.

4. Multi player won’t be fun with these small maps.

5. Buttons and extras like health need simpler use for players and explain what some even do. I.E. Big health restores

both armour and health. I will revisit this game in the future, but for now not worth the money asked.

Also most of the people giving it a thumbs up played less than 2 hrs!

Real player with 8.5 hrs in game

Read More: Best Hack and Slash Gun Customization Games.

The game is fun and relaxing! For my part, I love this game and its concept, it perfectly scratches my itch! I got some problems with starting the mars map, but other than that, I recomend it (everyone might not find the current price fitting, but with the work this lone developer has put in, you have to agree). Btw, developer, how bout adding a game mode where you have this tight corridor or whatever and zombies come from one direction, so you mow them down or something. I would quite enjoy that :)

Real player with 8.1 hrs in game

Zombie Killing Simulator on Steam

BLEACH Brave Souls

BLEACH Brave Souls

As a disclaimer, this review is only really going to help people who’ve already played the game on mobile or emulator as it’s about the port itself, not the game so if you’re looking to play for the first time, seek another review! :)

Overall the Steam release of Brave Souls is a very good port and feels great to play but as I’ll highlight below, it’s not without it’s fair share of flaws:

The Pros:

-Unlocked framerate, looks great at 144fps and plays extremely fluidly

-Will run on pretty much anything with it originally being a mobile game

Real player with 2436.3 hrs in game

Read More: Best Hack and Slash Anime Games.

1. The best gatcha game out there.

2. The banner system will get you whatever character you like.

3. The amount of pearls this game will give you for free is at another lever. I player 1500 hours( 100% free) and I got like 20.000+ pearls.

  • 150 pearls = 10 summons(There are banners that will start the 10 summons at 50 pearls and to 200, 250) There are 1st step is 50 pearls, 2nd step is 150, 3rd step is 200. 4th step is 250 and 5th step is 250 with a guarantee 5*

  • And do not forget at every 5 step you will get a guarantee 5* character

Real player with 2101.0 hrs in game

BLEACH Brave Souls on Steam