MADNESS: Project Nexus

MADNESS: Project Nexus

Madness Project Nexus. First of all the obvious. 600+ hours as of writing this you already know I’m going to recommend this game. Here’s why:

Why Reccomend This?

I am one of the original kickstarter backers. I’ve been around since the beginning. So I’ve seen and played this game throughout it’s entire development lifecycle. Throughout it all I’ve seen the game change a lot, from it’s graphical upgrades, to refinement of the mechanics and gameplay design, I’ve played this game through it’s best and worst. And the one thing I can absolutely say is that this is a great game that I’ve had a lot of fun with, and am confident it only gets better from here.

Real player with 678.5 hrs in game

Read More: Best Hack and Slash Funny Games.

sandford is a massive handsome hunk and i’d smooch on him all day

Jokes aside, I’ll go through the game and what I experienced. I played through Arena mode 2 times and am currently playing as ‘The Massive’, and I’ve beat the base game all on normal, and am yet to play it on tough.

This is my real first review, so i’ll break it into segments. In order, Story, Arena, and Playground. This is the order you SHOULD play the game, or at least in parts.

Story : In the story, you play through a long and grueling journey as Hank and his buds, and you make new friends along the way on your conquest to take down Project Nexus. The story, i binged through and completed in 3 days, but if you take your time, you’ll complete it in a balanced span of time. There are unique, fun to fight factions, many bosses fit for each faction and event, neatly designed levels and segments the game is played through, and many show-casings of scripting, unique weapons, and story building. It’s strong and fun, and satisfying to replay on higher difficulties. The added outfit system to allow you to replay levels with different setups is great fun. Some bits may be found strange or frustrating to fight through, but as me, a medium skill player, I always eventually prevailed. It’s definitely the main focus of the game. I rate it 8.5/10, it satisfied my Madness Combat itch!

Real player with 166.9 hrs in game

MADNESS: Project Nexus on Steam

Anima : The Reign of Darkness

Anima : The Reign of Darkness

The Opposite of PoE!

Playing Path of Exile since 8/2011, it slowly derailed for me from hack and slash to build (or better copy) , buy , and now study bossfight phases and anounced abilities.

If you want to go back to the roots and frag some stuff 2 sec. after you logged in and dont want to plan heists or syndicates or 10 other timewasters - this may be your game for the next hours.


  • copied the right stuff from 20 other games for a unique feel

  • nice Itemsystem ( merge the stats of 2 items and upgrade items 40x 5% in Power)

Real player with 649.9 hrs in game

Read More: Best Hack and Slash Action RPG Games.

This game is an ode to the original ARPG’s like the original Diablo. It’s a ton of fun and I’ve blown almost 10 hours into it already and seems like I’ve been playing for a couple hours tops. The drops are fun and even has lower level legendary and set items to loot and at just a bit over $10.00 is well worth the price. So far at early leveling I have one large tower like dungeon with

many different levels to explore and quests given in town with merchants and NPC. It’s a fun

game and I see a lot of mixed reviews. I think considering the price and the fun it’s well worth $10+

Real player with 228.5 hrs in game

Anima : The Reign of Darkness on Steam



Everslaught, what can I say, it’s a dream come true, so to speak, as far as fast games in VR are concerned. I don’t know of any other game that brings this speed of the popular fps genre to VR. You fight with sword, grappling hook and shotgun in constant combination and it works so smoothly that you feel like you’ve never done anything else.

The beginning of the game is very leisurely and familiarizes you with the controls. But one thing is immediately noticeable, you move fast, with dash even faster. Early on you get your first sword and try it out on the first enemies. These are some kind of zombies. There regular types which grab at you and larger ones wield axes. When you kill one you’ll get blood capsules, which become important later in the game. The combat system is not fully physics-based like perhaps in Hellsplit or Blade & Sorcery, but rather designed for fast, action-packed fps play.

Real player with 36.3 hrs in game

Read More: Best Hack and Slash Action RPG Games.

This caught my eye immediately, as a fan of Gunheart which ended up getting smooth locomotion+dash teleport+jumping… I have been craving an action title with competent traversal techniques, and I think this game delivers on that.

Here is a random list of details, some which are base mechanics which some might see as spoilers? You don’t start out with everything but I think that is just to give you a gradual introduction as to not overwhelm the player.


  • Smooth locomotion is mandatory, and it’s fast, which I enjoy but is likely not for everyone.

Real player with 34.7 hrs in game


The Light of the Darkness

The Light of the Darkness

THE LIGHT OF THE DARKNESS is a Metroidvania game inspired by the beloved classics. Explore the Lands of Oblivion, a cursed place between the worlds of Light and Darkness. Play as the first and unique hybrid, a creature of both worlds, yet bound to neither. Survive the hatred of the Pales and the Darks. Delve into a world filled with rich storytelling and an intriguing, original history.


“Ophelos: the world of Light, Zigardth: the world of Darkness and the Lands of Oblivion."

Long ago, a world divided between Light and Darkness emerged. Pales and Darks blinked into existence. Despite their world split in two by a cataclysmic event, it did not take long for the two societies to discover each other. War followed, fueled by the prejudice between them.

In a dark pit in a cursed land, a strange creature rises from a pile of corpses with no memories or knowledge about himself or the world around him. He is the first and only of his kind; a hybrid, with essences of Light and Dark. As soon he appears, the Pales and the Darks reject him for his nature, forcing him to face alone the dangers of those lands.

Follow this hybrid’s journey through the madness of war. Discover with him the strange nature of the world and its inhabitants. Help him on his journey to unite two clashing cultures, and learn the intriguing truth of his origin.


  • Episodic Metroidvania: Elaborate level design that encourages exploration and evolution of skills in an engaging manner.

  • Essence Absorption: Absorb essences from other beings, allowing the player to gain strength, abilities. Discover a diverse combination of elements, natures, and personas that can be merged into a multitude of spell variants.

  • Equipment, weapons, and more!: Access an arsenal of equipment and weapons, each with their own attributes, abilities and attack patterns.

  • Immersive visuals: Cutting-edge 3D graphics with a dark, realistic style, different environments, and dynamic lighting. Encounter beautifully detailed models and environments with a fine tuned, intuitive interface.

  • An epic tale: Immerse yourself in The Lands of Oblivion and unearth a mysterious world of mystical elements. Learn the rich history of the Pales and the Darks and what has led to their violent conflict. Play as the amnesic hybrid and collect clues and memories through flashbacks. Discover his mysterious past and what awaits him in his legendary saga.

The Light of the Darkness on Steam

M.A.S.S. Builder

M.A.S.S. Builder

Summary: MASS Builder is a fairly fun game that could keep you busy for a few hours if you have little interest in mecha/robot customization, but many more hours if you like creating custom designs and trying them out. While its customization is deep, it isn’t…broad, and a general lack of content keeps this from being a hard recommend in general. That said, it actually gets the basics done with a lot of quality and polish and is by no means bad…just very narrow in its scope. It has a lot of potential and I’m excited to see new features added to the game.

Real player with 62.6 hrs in game

Mass Builder is a customizable mecha game with great customization, but some of the worst gameplay I have ever had to slog through. The fact that the game is unfinished as of this review doesn’t excuse the game’s issues though. Let’s start with the pros, because there are some elements that are done well:


  • Great character art. I won’t go into detail, but whoever did the 2d character sprites during story segments should be commended for a job well done.

  • Great customization for mechas. The parts all look great, and there’s obvious influence from several anime designs in certain parts. Colour switching is a bit awkward, but it’s functional.

Real player with 61.2 hrs in game

M.A.S.S. Builder on Steam

Empyrean Scout

Empyrean Scout

Maneuver your scout corvette through a wonderous but hostile domain. Abuse its superior agility to grind enemies for gear and XP, empowering you to venture further. Empyrean Scout is a space combat Action-RPG, built from the ground up for VR.

Supported by a discomfort avoiding locomotion system, you will toss yourself intuitively through space with one hand while aiming the guns of your corvette with the other. Play seated, standing or in full room scale.

Empyrean Scout on Steam



Really fun, good workout

Real player with 19.1 hrs in game

In this game, you wield two “plasma wraiths”, which are essentially lightsabers but with a few extra tricks up their sleeves. You face off against bots as well as 4 different types of drones. Different types of attacks must be countered in different ways: slash, double slash, charged slash, block, deflect, and dodge. You also collect energy that when fully charged allows you to launch a special attack.

The primary game mode is level based. Clear enough levels to unlock the next tier of difficulty, which involves more opponents, tougher opponents, and increased speeds. It took me quite a while just to unlock the third tier, so I can’t even imagine what the highest difficulty (there are 9) is like. Clearing levels also unlocks upgrades to your attacks and defenses. There is also an endurance game mode which continues until you lose.

Real player with 14.8 hrs in game

Endurium on Steam




ZIX is a multiplayer roguelike adventure VR game where you and some friends will team up to bring forth chaos across the lands with a variety of unique abilities available at any moment, and random chaotic augments you can find that will vastly change each run, creating new synergies that you can execute with a fluid physics based movement system, collecting blood and bringing it back to the Obelisk to destroy order and make your powers stronger.

Spread the will of ZIX across lands tarnished by order with your friends

Traverse lands using fluid motion, to reveal secrets hidden to those that lack the agency and skill that chaos provides.

Use the powers gained by letting chaos into your heart execute incredible displays of synergistic destruction.

Increase chaos to influence the multiverse to become more and more chaotic, unleashing new ways to wreak havoc across the lands!

ZIX on Steam

Dice Knight: Mystery of the Moirai

Dice Knight: Mystery of the Moirai

If you like D&D, dice & all that good stuff, definitely try this game out. It’s a very fun & fast paced combat adventure. I love the idea that currency, ammunition for your guns, damage, health, & even the difficulty options are all tied together into the dice. The world is full of humorous sites & dialogue. The interactive dialogue with NPCs is pretty great & it feels like the choices you make in talking with them actually matters. Overall a fantastic game.

Real player with 25.8 hrs in game

Very fun RNG based game where skill reigns supreme.

Real player with 10.9 hrs in game

Dice Knight: Mystery of the Moirai on Steam

Alphabetical Order

Alphabetical Order

Great game so far, the boss fights are something else :D

Can’t wait for more content

Real player with 0.7 hrs in game

Alphabetical Order on Steam