Gauntlet™ Slayer Edition

Gauntlet™ Slayer Edition

Arrowhead was undoubtedly thrilled to apply their mantra to their childhood franchise by quickening the series with a more tactical reboot. They indeed elaborated on the action, but did they make a winning formula, and is this truly Gauntlet?

The Heroes

If your perspective on nostalgia consists of 4 buddies coming together as Warrior, Valkyrie, Wizard, and Elf and challenging the Gauntlet, you’re in for a real treat. Arrowhead’s expansion to them is very worthy! Each possesses nods to their original concept. Merlin’s spells are an absolute joy to wield, and though the others have less to work with, there is elegance in their designs. All are solid, and all depend on player skill and improvisation.

Real player with 1392.3 hrs in game

Read More: Best Hack and Slash Dungeon Crawler Games.

TLDR: Highly recommended, good fun in single player or multiplayer and ok for people who get motion sick from fps or moba style games.

If you’re thinking of getting this game, first thing I suggest you do is look at some gameplay on youtube. I have an indepth overview and review with gameplay here (hour long) and Zerohill has an awesome 20 video playlist you can see here

The aim of the game

Real player with 511.0 hrs in game

Gauntlet™ Slayer Edition on Steam

Warhammer: Vermintide 2

Warhammer: Vermintide 2

I’ve stumbled upon this game back when it was in the beta times from 2018 while watching a twitch streamer try it out and at that time I would never even have guessed that it had this much to offer and how much it means to me now.

From a game that was originally meant to be played for approx. 80-100 hours, this game has more creativity, beauty, lore, depth, personality, care and charm than any other live service games I’ve seen over the past years. It is so much more than meets the eye at first glance, this honestly is a piece of art hidden in plain sight, and all it needs.. is your attention towards it. The time you can spend with it is already insane and while you are getting used to it’s flow of mechanics such as mastering a high skill ceiling combat, movesets, movement, item management, becoming a team player, taking in the enviroment and what’s around you is going to test your patience. But that’s a good thing. Learning is afterall more.. effective and rewarding that way. Times when you turn philosophical and ask “why is this the way it is?" , “what’s the reason behind this?" , “what is happening exactly?" becomes more frequent. That of course, is if you are curious enough. Once you start going down the rabbit hole of exploring and unraveling the many secrets, depth and insane detailing of the game you start to realise that this is a psychological mental trip with details so tiny, that some may never even be mentioned.

Real player with 1495.7 hrs in game

Read More: Best Hack and Slash First-Person Games.

Great coop-focused game that’s set in the Warhammer Fantasy universe.

But even for people who’re complete strangers to this world it’s a satisfying game to play.

If you’re in for some tense firstperson hack & slash action, while at the same time you develop your character(s) and make them entirely fitting your playstyle(s), then this game is definitely for you.

Thanks to the addition of the Chaos Wastes mode, which packs another 40 Gigs (?) of action in an entirely different gamemode, it’s pretty much two games in one.

Real player with 713.6 hrs in game

Warhammer: Vermintide 2 on Steam

Dungeons & Dragons: Dark Alliance

Dungeons & Dragons: Dark Alliance

16 hours between Wulfgar / Drizzt Solo and Multiplayer before deciding to put my 2 cents.

First I’ll start by saying that two main complaints are legitimate but pretty exaggerated.

  • Netcode does need work and diminishes the value of twitch mechanics which otherwise work flawlessly Solo but at the same time you’re in a group so unless you’re the type to scream “But I pressed the button!” and rage. It’s mostly an annoyance right now and not bad enough to kill enjoyment of the game.

  • Enemy AI is indeed a bit derpy taking “Action Movie” turns to attack the player. This is most notable Solo. At the same time if the enemy were to aggro stick the player all at once I doubt it would be Solo’d above 2. Hero difficulty. Far as I’ve seen the issue with hitting enemies from range, esp bosses is generally fixed and in the end this isn’t a competitive game. I’ve seen 5/5 star games where the AI is still easily exploited. Just play the game and stop trying to break it.

Real player with 207.5 hrs in game

Read More: Best Hack and Slash Dungeons & Dragons Games.

To start this review, many of the first negative reviews, and highest rated ones, are both much too critical and based off of a low amount of hours.

This game is marvelous, but it would be ignorant to write this review and say there are no issues. Of course, there are some glaring issues. But many of them are no where near as detrimental as some of the high rated negative reviews make them seem.

The worst issue in my opinion is the lackluster AI. Many of the enemies, simply won’t attack you, if you don’t start attacking them. And you get warmed up to that very fast. However, there are some AI, who are very aggressive, and being warmed up to AI not generally attacking you, it makes it feel like… a normal game. However, if you’re playing with a team, I have not yet encountered an enemy who will actively attack you whilst reviving a teammate.

Real player with 89.0 hrs in game

Dungeons & Dragons: Dark Alliance on Steam

Go Fight Fantastic!

Go Fight Fantastic!

Go Fight Fantastic! is a vibrant 1-3 player hack n' Slash game with heavy focus on teamwork and co-operation! Play as three unique characters Tank, Striker or Healer, each with his/her own set of unique abilities - both over the Internet and with friends at home (couch co-op).

Story Mode

Unfold the story of what the alien invaders want and do your best to stop people from getting taken from their homes. Explore for meteorite upgrades you can use in any game mode to modify your character and their abilities. Face enemies, bosses, challenges and events!

Horde Mode

Challenge yourselves and go for the high score as an onslaught of enemies try to take you and your team down! The longer you play, the harder it gets.

Customize your character

Exploring for and finding Meteorite upgrades allow you to upgrade your characters and their attacks. Meteorites are persistent between games and level up as you play, allowing you to build your own collection of upgrades and customize the characters to your specific play style and needs.

Want to build a DPS Healer or make a Striker that can take every hit to the face without being downed, meteorites are the way to go!

Join the community

Join our official Discord Server and let us know what you think of the game! Come hang out, join contests and get the latest news about the development.

Go Fight Fantastic! on Steam

Final Stand: Ragnarök

Final Stand: Ragnarök

Absolutely love the game, disregarding anything wrong (granted its in early access, cant expect perfection). Definitely willing to play this game for the long to help out with exposing things to make it better. this game has very high potential and I am excited to see its growth.

Real player with 28.6 hrs in game

awww shieet look at them skills / the music is dope / the gameplay is dope / the horde of monsters are dope / the portection of towers | healing stations etc is dope / the characters are dope / the powerups dropping are dope / the items that you can use in the game are dope / graphics are dope / multiplayer in this game is dope / the store is dope / career stats are dope



Real player with 13.6 hrs in game

Final Stand: Ragnarök on Steam



Killsquad is one of the greatest isometric games i ever played in my life. It feels like a mordern Contra, Metal Slug or beatem up game. love the many quests, collectibles, skills,Events & enemies. Devs please learn from other games like Diablo those if u want your game to thrive in the market today.

Players are interested in:

  1. Dungeons/Raids(with puzzles & exclusive loot)

  2. some sort of crafting

  3. Adventure Expeditions/Exploration maps

  4. Leader boards/ or any pvp

  5. Legendary or Mythic Items

Real player with 149.2 hrs in game


It’s just alright. Nice coat of paint, responsive combat system, depth of a puddle with a carrot-on-a-stick that’s got a short stick.

It’s a decent romp for a group of people for 10-15hrs before it starts feeling really repetitive. Pick it up on a sale if you have friends.

The Ramble

The game looks colorful and everything from models to animations look and feel really good. The sound is functional but nothing spectacular. Controls are reponsive and snappy leading to pretty smooth combat on both controller and mouse and keyboard.

Real player with 17.6 hrs in game

Killsquad on Steam

Pagan: Absent Gods

Pagan: Absent Gods

My hours on the game are only for Steam, my actual hours are somewhere in the hundreds if not close to 1000. Been playing since the first alpha phase. So let me talk about the game from there. The first 3 points of this review is formatted like “most people say X, but actually Y” so I hope you’ll read it all.

1. People complain about the WASD. Many of these complaints suggest that there is no use of the mouse. This is heavily misleading. WASD + Mouse allows for directional movement while aiming skills and dodges simultaneously. Adding click to move would mean that directional skills would have to be aimed only with the direction a character is facing, or with WASD, and you wouldn’t want that would you? Embrace the WASD + Mouse Aim! Try something new!

Real player with 212.6 hrs in game

I don’t usually write reviews but I think I needed to take time off and post a review for this game. WALL OF TEXT incoming.


After playing this game for approximately 100hrs I believe that Steam needs to have a policy in place to refund gamers when a Game company does not make good on their promises. This game has glaring issues and bugs and should have NEVER made it out of early access/beta. The fact this game was launched is an insult to gamers who have invested their money on this.

Cooperative Game Play

Real player with 153.9 hrs in game

Pagan: Absent Gods on Steam

Sacred 3

Sacred 3

Giving Sacred 3 a negative review is like beating a dead horse. With a bloody Mjölnir. And extreme prejudice. Everybody hated this game. Literally, everybody. But since it was years since the initial release of the game and all of us had more than enough time to calm down a bit, I think it’s a good time to look back for a bit and think. Was Sacred 3 really that bad? Let’s find out.

The original Sacred was a blast. Not only it was one of the most ambitious games in the genre (up to this day nobody ever tried to create such a huge ARPG, as long as we’re not talking “online only” stuff), it was also one of those rare cases when ambitions didn’t lead to the failure. It was a huge game taking place in open world environment. And it was good. Sure, the balance was all over the place but the game wasn’t about balance. It was about pure ARPG fun in a scale that never been shown before. Well, technically it was but you know what I mean. We’re talking Diablo here, not The Faery Tale Adventure. Not only the world in Sacred was huge, it also looked beautiful, had a nice handmade feeling and there were tons of quests to complete. Naturally, as the result, it ended up being a big hit. Press loved it, players loved it, there were novels, merchandise and so on.

Real player with 75.5 hrs in game

Let’s get one thing straight.

To Sacred 1 fans, this game is a total disaster and an affront to old fans like myself.

To everyone else, this is an amazing CASUAL game where you sit on the couch and you play on the controller with your buddies.

This game can’t be considered a true-to-Sacred game. You will be severely disappointed if you expect awesome loot sets, lots of cities and landscapes to explore, dragons to slay, and quests to undertake. It’s NOT that kind of game. Sacred 3 is not Sacred 1 or 2. Not even remotely close.

Real player with 15.5 hrs in game

Sacred 3 on Steam

WARRIORS OROCHI 4 Ultimate - 無双OROCHI3 Ultimate

WARRIORS OROCHI 4 Ultimate - 無双OROCHI3 Ultimate

I missed Warriors Orochi 3 on consoles, so getting this on PC is really a treat.

Well, for starters, it’s the same Warriors Formula since PS2, so anyone who wants to sit on a couch (or chair) and slaughter NPCs, you’ll feel right at home.



  • It runs smoothly in 60 FPS most of the time - although it drops to 40-ish when you use some magic, especially with that bow.* Same old Warriors formula, not that one in DW 9. Something you can really enjoy.* Checkpoints - This is an incredible boon, you don’t have to repeat all those annoying moments in the game just because you get hit by lots of arrows in Chaos mode.

Real player with 89.8 hrs in game

So, blazing through both vanilla WO4 and WO4U for the first time, and getting somewhat up the final tower in Infinity Mode, I think I’m finally in the position to give this game a proper review.

TL;DR: It’s an extremely solid entry in the Warriors lineup, especially considering the combat from both DW8 & SW4-II are here + Sacred Treasure system, so I feel it’s worth a purchase. However, it is undeniably weaker compared to WO3U in terms of richness of features, and presentation in terms of visuals, story, and unique environments.

Real player with 68.4 hrs in game

WARRIORS OROCHI 4 Ultimate - 無双OROCHI3 Ultimate on Steam

Darksiders Genesis

Darksiders Genesis


! Darksiders Genesis is a prequel spin-off that introduces new features while re-introducing countless aspects of the other games. If you’ve been a fan of the franchise at any point, you should definitely not skip this entry. If you’re a newcomer, this may be a good entry point.

If you expect Diablo in a Darksiders costume, you’re tragically mistaken.

»Seek out Samael. Unravel this plot. Serve the Balance. Show them the price… of defying the Council.«

Real player with 63.5 hrs in game

I’ve completely fallen in love with this game. For a low-budget spin-off it is absolutely fantastic. I had never really even paid much attention to Darksiders but discovered this game during a Steam sale. It got my attention because I really dig the stylized look and feel of it.

First of all, I want to heavily emphasize this: Play the game with a friend. The game functions as a single player experience but it is very much designed to be a co-op game. I started playing on my own, enjoyed it, then recruited and started again with a friend and the experience got way better. Not that the game is bad on your own, its just more fun played as intended.

Real player with 46.3 hrs in game

Darksiders Genesis on Steam