MADNESS: Project Nexus

MADNESS: Project Nexus

Madness Project Nexus. First of all the obvious. 600+ hours as of writing this you already know I’m going to recommend this game. Here’s why:

Why Reccomend This?

I am one of the original kickstarter backers. I’ve been around since the beginning. So I’ve seen and played this game throughout it’s entire development lifecycle. Throughout it all I’ve seen the game change a lot, from it’s graphical upgrades, to refinement of the mechanics and gameplay design, I’ve played this game through it’s best and worst. And the one thing I can absolutely say is that this is a great game that I’ve had a lot of fun with, and am confident it only gets better from here.

Real player with 678.5 hrs in game

Read More: Best Gun Customization Shooter Games.

sandford is a massive handsome hunk and i’d smooch on him all day

Jokes aside, I’ll go through the game and what I experienced. I played through Arena mode 2 times and am currently playing as ‘The Massive’, and I’ve beat the base game all on normal, and am yet to play it on tough.

This is my real first review, so i’ll break it into segments. In order, Story, Arena, and Playground. This is the order you SHOULD play the game, or at least in parts.

Story : In the story, you play through a long and grueling journey as Hank and his buds, and you make new friends along the way on your conquest to take down Project Nexus. The story, i binged through and completed in 3 days, but if you take your time, you’ll complete it in a balanced span of time. There are unique, fun to fight factions, many bosses fit for each faction and event, neatly designed levels and segments the game is played through, and many show-casings of scripting, unique weapons, and story building. It’s strong and fun, and satisfying to replay on higher difficulties. The added outfit system to allow you to replay levels with different setups is great fun. Some bits may be found strange or frustrating to fight through, but as me, a medium skill player, I always eventually prevailed. It’s definitely the main focus of the game. I rate it 8.5/10, it satisfied my Madness Combat itch!

Real player with 166.9 hrs in game

MADNESS: Project Nexus on Steam

Rest In Pieces

Rest In Pieces

If you like shooters, and you’re new to VR, this game is outstanding in my opinion. It can be a real challenge, but learning HOW to play is simple. The game mechanics, menus, and loadout system is all straightforward, and you can jump right into the action and immediately start blowing away demons, zombies, and various monsters. It’s a run and gun with a bit of a DOOM feel. Even the thrash metal soundtrack fits brilliantly with the feel and pace of the gameplay. You don’t have to hit a button for pick-ups either. Just walk over (or through) them to pick them up. There’s several maps with 5 levels of difficulty, and you can run back through with different loadouts. Pick your melee weapon, sidearm, and main weapon, and jump right in. It’s awesome.

Real player with 8.1 hrs in game

Read More: Best Gun Customization Action Games.

Disclaimer: I’ve got the game via Steam curators program.

Rest in Pieces is solid FPS, but it currently lacks content. Conserving ammo is not fun in a frantic “adrenaline shooter”, other than that the game is quite enjoyable.

UPD: With new patch a lot of UI issues were fixed, I deleted them from the Cons list.


  • Gun handling is satisfying: it has reasonable recoil and controller feedback, bullets are visible and can stagger weaker enemies. The only thing missing is the sound of bullets hitting the target

Real player with 5.5 hrs in game

Rest In Pieces on Steam

Zombie Killing Simulator

Zombie Killing Simulator


1. clunky game play and mechs.

2. Can’t run graphics on high without extreme heat. (GTX 1060)

3. Might be fun one day, but as stated before needs to focus on 1 or 2 types of play.

4. Multi player won’t be fun with these small maps.

5. Buttons and extras like health need simpler use for players and explain what some even do. I.E. Big health restores

both armour and health. I will revisit this game in the future, but for now not worth the money asked.

Also most of the people giving it a thumbs up played less than 2 hrs!

Real player with 8.5 hrs in game

Read More: Best Gun Customization Action Games.

The game is fun and relaxing! For my part, I love this game and its concept, it perfectly scratches my itch! I got some problems with starting the mars map, but other than that, I recomend it (everyone might not find the current price fitting, but with the work this lone developer has put in, you have to agree). Btw, developer, how bout adding a game mode where you have this tight corridor or whatever and zombies come from one direction, so you mow them down or something. I would quite enjoy that :)

Real player with 8.1 hrs in game

Zombie Killing Simulator on Steam

Project RIP

Project RIP

Okay, so first off, a warning… this game can be a real pain in the ass, especially when it comes to getting your character to actually hit enemies at point blank range, and the way that enemies overlap with you and stand right where you’re standing so that it’s a trouble to find them no matter how much you turn and swivel the camera can really be irritating as all hell. However… the game was addictive, all of its problems aside it’s an exciting and enticing first-person shooter with a rewarding gear achievement and upgrading system that makes it viable to take on the higher-level game modes once you’ve improved your equipment into the highest tiers. Everything that I thought could go wrong with a $7.99 game (which I bought on sale, half off) didn’t really go wrong. It’s a straightforward shooter against zombies and hell-spawn with an exciting adrenaline rush on the side. If you just want a simple, to-the-point FPS focused wholly on being a shooter, it’s really not a bad choice. The dynamic of the weapons is really rewarding, the perks that you can upgrade really make a difference, and the opponents are creatively crafted. All the minutes I spent swearing at the game pissing me off hardly compares to the hours of fun I had switching up my arsenal and going into the fray.

Real player with 44.5 hrs in game

UPDATED REVIEW AS OF 9//12/2019 , (first older review is below this)

Literally days after if not less than, the devs made HUGE content updates and also fixed the problem I had that I posted about with not being able to type my own username. A.k.a. I have 2 names on the leaderboards, GUEST and PuppyKicker. And also, no, the devs did not directly respond to me but they did fix an issue that I had along with multiple others that were troublesome and because of this I have a strong feeling they saw my comment as well as the others before mine. This is a very detailed and beautiful game, the amount of effort put into the visuals alone makes this flipping awesome. BTW, anyone who is doubtful about this, it is like a mixed drink of DOOM/PAINKILLER/RAW RED STEAK

Real player with 20.3 hrs in game

Project RIP on Steam

Everyone Dies

Everyone Dies

“Everyone Dies” is tons of fun. It runs smooth, looks great, and has an engaging design that rewards points (xp) for weapons, upgrades, unlocking areas during play, in game etc., and points to use on the main menu to unlock skins, characters, melee weapons, game setup etc.

Weapons are superb. Satisfying empty, accurate clicks sound between rifle shots and brutal crunching accompany melee attacks. Experimenting with weapons is rewarding, Most can be upgraded for the match with points earned through use. A weapon randomizer is an option on each level as well, which can give a variety of weapons.

Real player with 26.5 hrs in game

Summary: Everyone Dies is a decent and fun shooter, presenting plenty of unlockables and weapons along with having very solid shooting, but is let down by some strange design choices and poor execution with certain mechanics. 6/10

A full detailed video review can be viewed here:


In its entirety, the gameplay to Everyone Dies certainly isn’t bad. There is plenty of fun to be had with all the unlockables, the very satisfying weapons and solid combat. But there is no mistaking that there are some strange design choices and there are specific mechanics that could have been executed far better.

Real player with 13.6 hrs in game

Everyone Dies on Steam

Hard Night VR

Hard Night VR

If you like Arizona Sunshine, you’ll like this one too.

The difficulty and volume are just right.

No annoying storyline or puzzles to solve.

There are still a lot of bugs, but it’s enjoyable enough.

I’m looking forward to future updates.

Real player with 37.6 hrs in game

Yeah it has some Glitches at Doors and general the input setup is not the best for the Index.

But I do like the maps and what it shows. Sometimes the missing UI or voice that would help you navigate thru the map is a pain, because when you are wrong you cant just run there. There is no running in the game and no jumping.

Then there are points in the map, where the Ai dosnt know, how to reach it and quit the job doing nothing but standing still. When you lean towards something the game things you walked a bit forword and cause of this is you stand on top of something you just wanted to grab. Then the Weapons like to get stuck in the floor. and i would like to have more enemys it was a easy run maybe this normal run and then something like Hell upon Earth where you have like 2-3 Times the enemys and the same ammo caps and founds.

Real player with 23.0 hrs in game

Hard Night VR on Steam

ZERO Sievert

ZERO Sievert

ZERO Sievert is a post apocalyptic game setted In a fictitious part of Russia.

The bunker ZERO Sievert: here you can accept new quests, talk to NPC, trade with vendors, manage your equipment and improve your base.

Maps: Maps are procedurally generated to ensure good replayability. The main points of interest will then be in a different location each time, but there is loot in everywhere in the map so be prepared to explore!

Weapons modification: Weapons can be modified, it is up to the player to create a weapon he likes or to focus on statistics. There are a lot of different mods and an incredible amount of combinations

ZERO Sievert on Steam



This has to be one of the coolest looking but worst playing games ever. It’s not just rough around the edges, it makes you bleed. From starting the game (it prompts the default Unity resolution and quality selector but doesn’t have the Index resolutions on it) to the absolutely horrible controls.

For instance:

The main menus are cluttered and start really far from you. The game also doesn’t properly detect the controller type so you have to manually select it. There is almost no sounds in the game, which when you turn the music off, because it’s really blaring, the tutorial was silent up until the point you break the walls.

Real player with 8.0 hrs in game

first i want to address the bad reviews. there is a option in game for turning slow mo off when jumping.

second there is more content that a hours worth, i have no idea who could beat survival, the COD zombie like mode, in a hour.

there is wonky controls, but the weapons are fully articulated. so there will be some work needed there.

This game is definately growing on me. at first the clunky controls and some of the action being so chaotic was a bit difficult to deal with, for instance movement is too convoluted, and when your trying to make decisions at breakneck speeds it gets annoying. also theres some wonkyness with weapon handling, which is odd, and some physics issues ( im all up for slowing down the entire pace of the game, have a little more slow motion time, and making the physics heavier, so it feels like im really whacking them, then some grab zones need some reconfiguring.

Real player with 6.5 hrs in game

MENTAL on Steam

Combat Cycle

Combat Cycle

My final review will be mixed

if you want a game to slaughter anybody in your way for fun to take mind off, off things its great for that

BUT i dont recommend it if you just got some money and decided to buy a game i recommend this if you bought other game and got some money in your wallet left

the mechanics arent great and graphics neither but considering this was probably made by 1 person its amazing

its not that great but good as a go to after rage quit game

Real player with 0.7 hrs in game

amazing graphics and generally good gameplay but the UI and the keys needs a lotta fix. Still, worth it for the price.

Real player with 0.6 hrs in game

Combat Cycle on Steam

Anima : The Reign of Darkness

Anima : The Reign of Darkness

The Opposite of PoE!

Playing Path of Exile since 8/2011, it slowly derailed for me from hack and slash to build (or better copy) , buy , and now study bossfight phases and anounced abilities.

If you want to go back to the roots and frag some stuff 2 sec. after you logged in and dont want to plan heists or syndicates or 10 other timewasters - this may be your game for the next hours.


  • copied the right stuff from 20 other games for a unique feel

  • nice Itemsystem ( merge the stats of 2 items and upgrade items 40x 5% in Power)

Real player with 649.9 hrs in game

This game is an ode to the original ARPG’s like the original Diablo. It’s a ton of fun and I’ve blown almost 10 hours into it already and seems like I’ve been playing for a couple hours tops. The drops are fun and even has lower level legendary and set items to loot and at just a bit over $10.00 is well worth the price. So far at early leveling I have one large tower like dungeon with

many different levels to explore and quests given in town with merchants and NPC. It’s a fun

game and I see a lot of mixed reviews. I think considering the price and the fun it’s well worth $10+

Real player with 228.5 hrs in game

Anima : The Reign of Darkness on Steam