Stack Gun Heroes

Stack Gun Heroes

Stack Gun Heroes combines fast paced combat with addicting base building. Invent your own gun and take it on challenging missions to earn valuable resources. You process the loot back home in a factory of your own design.

Gun Building

The Stack Gun can be customized however you want. Will you make a gun that shoots sentry drones that chase and shoot enemies? A gun that abducts people into the upper stratosphere? Or maybe a gun that shoots yourself at the enemy, killing them with the impact damage.

These aren’t pre-made classes. Players invent their own strategies. Chances are you will come up with a playstyle the developer has never thought of.


Your base is a giant factory that you build with the Stack Gun. You will use it to process loot into items that make you more powerful. There are tons of base machines to build, you can unlock tech infinitely, and the factory has no maximum size.


  • Make any gun. Want a gun that cuts off limbs? A gun that shoots guns at people? A gun that makes you fly? Why not all 3 in one? Combine any gun parts for whatever effects you want.

  • Get so much loot you need to design a factory to process it all. No boring menus, you interact with your machines by doing sick wall-jumps and wall-slides on them. Efficient production is radical!

  • Try out BILLIONS of procedural superpowers. Can you find a use for that power that teleports all nearby bullets wherever you point?

  • You can bring as many friends as you want into online co-op to beat very challenging maps, assuming you aren’t an incredible badass who has no friends.

  • Infinite endgame lets you advance in power forever. Start with “normal” FPS guns and before long you’ll be accidentally killing yourself with nukes 10x the size of the map and running into walls at supersponic speeds.

  • Test your most irritating guns on your friends in deathmatch. They can’t be mad. It’s for science!

  • Run through enemies, wall-slide down skyscrapers, dismember robots, collect superpowers, launch people into space. Every time there was a cool idea, it went in the game.

After 9 years and over 16,000 hours working on this project it’s almost ready. Stack Gun Heroes is my dream game. Hopefully it’s yours too!


Read More: Best Gun Customization Base Building Games.

Stack Gun Heroes on Steam

Moon Corp. Tower Defense

Moon Corp. Tower Defense

Create your corporation. Research, Build, and Upgrade turrets to defend the moon from alien invasion, while staying within budget! Hire employees, access experimental weapons through your research, test them in the firing range and call down destruction on the alien threat.

Defend against Alien Swarms. Create Unique Combinations of Weapons. Take Advantage of Alien Weaknesses. Upgrade and Specialize your Turrets.

Expand your Defense Company. Hire and Fire Employees to Research New Technologies. Customise your Office. Adopt an Office Cat!

Outsource your Defense needs with Special Abilities. Bring down the Orbital Laser. Call in an Airstrike. Drop Mechs.

Read More: Best Gun Customization Sci-fi Games.

Moon Corp. Tower Defense on Steam



War factory was game i was looking for.

Why? Because it mixes war and production managment at basic level and that was something i was really missing. Positive thing WAS (not anymore) that developers were quickly reacting on discord when i reported any bugs or suggest some ideas that might be implement into game.

Do i recommend this game? NO.

Because game is still buggy in many ways and price is definitly not something that will make you overlook this bugs. IF developer will fix bugs and will add more things (like ideas i have written to them at discord some time ago, you are welcome) then maybe it will be worth. But at this price right now definitly not.

Real player with 6.4 hrs in game

Read More: Best Gun Customization Sandbox Games.

Note this is an update for original review; in which the game was had problems affected the player’s ability to play the game. These problems have been fixed in a previous patch as writing this.

War Factory is still in an early state; but much more playable and enjoyable after the patch. Additionally, devs are very receptive to the player’s feedback in fixing problems with the game.

I do recommend this game, if you want a wargame mixed with production/efficiency focus management game. Keep in mind of the combat you don’t really have any control over the positioning, movement or the tactics of your troops in the game. But for what the game is doing I find this not a problem; as most your time is focused on the factory. However, I am unsure if this something the devs are planning to change in the future.

Real player with 2.3 hrs in game




Edit: This game is chugging right along. Still recommend, still think $10 is too much. But if it keeps going, it’ll be worth it in no time.

Ok. Here we are a month and a half in. I just picked up this game because the partner saw it and said it looked like something I would like. I did not realize it was pre-alpha, I just jumped in. Bought it for both of us. We’ve both put about or close to, 10 hours into the game, each.

I want to like this game mainly because I don’t wanna be wrong about spending $10 or go through the refund process. I am really hoping the Dev’s listen to gamer suggestions and improve this little project.

Real player with 18.4 hrs in game

This is currently pre alpha, and that taken into consideration, i could still not recommend. It is utterly unplayable 5 min in with frames counting 1/min.

I’m gonna wait it out and come back in a year or two. You should do the same, unless you wish to support the devs or just have fun money to spend with little return.

Edit: after another 4+ hours of gameplay, most of which spent on just getting the game off the ground, there are additions to be made.


So, i checked it out again as pr your recommendation. I’ve sort of completed the game - in the way that the game’s broken, inhibiting further progress through the story.

Real player with 8.0 hrs in game

Trashed on Steam

Warrior Tycoon

Warrior Tycoon

Defender of the Turrets : Warp Attack

is an Arcade Shooter where you can buy different Towers and upgrade them to destroy incoming Enemies.

The enemies come in waves, you have to survive them. In special events you need your full concentration and accuracy of aim so that no enemy can overcome your defensive line of different towers.


  • Find the best gameplay to survive the different waves of enemies.

  • Unlock different towers in challenges and select them in the defense line.

  • Tower upgrade system to increase firepower.

  • Choose between different abilities to increase firepower.

  • Show your performance on global high score lists.

  • More then 20 Achievements to unlock


  • To unlock new towers, certain challenges must be completed for each tower.

Idle Mode

With Full Automatic Towers you only have to Upgrade your Towers and can Watch them Destroying Enemy after Enemy while your Money raises up. In a global high score list we will determine the Idle Master in Defender of the Turrets.

Warrior Tycoon on Steam

Time Warpers

Time Warpers

Time Warpers takes the design philosophy and mechanics of an idle clicker, and just builds a bigger, fuller experience. And the end result is easily one of the more elegant implementations of idle clicker elements to date. The idea is to have a massively multiplayer online first-person shooter PvE experience, with a huge progression grind based in idle clicking. Yes, there are many moving parts here, and I’ll try to explain this as best I can.

First, we must consider that there is a spectrum between complete idle clicking/AFK and complete active playing. Time Warpers allows the player at any given point to choose where they want to exist on that spectrum. And really, your place on that spectrum will depend on your strategy and goals. You want to idle this in the background to grind some levels? Sure, we can do this for the most part. You want to run through FPS-style and actively progress with even more benefits? Yep, we have that option, too.

Real player with 1908.8 hrs in game

Updated review. I gave this game 11/10 before and haven’t played in months, so why the salt? Let me explain.


-Mastering this game’s movement and zooming around at the speed of light is some of the most fun you can probably have in a video game.

-A true multiplayer incremental. Holy wow. Hats off.

-Customize your weapons for maximum fun.


HOLY POWER CREEP. They flat out RUINED this game. Keep reading below to see what I mean.

The incremental part of this game was barely passable before, and every update just made it more and more bloated. Runs are now way, way, way too long given the amount of actual content the game has. The in-map collectibles (which become tedious once you’ve completed two or three loops of the entire map) were made pointless because you can now collect them just by looking at them.

Real player with 1321.3 hrs in game

Time Warpers on Steam