Ruin Hunters

Ruin Hunters

Ruin Hunters is a turn-based tactical game where players must lead a party of three heroes. Wander into the deep of the dungeons, defeat enemies, gather treasures, while your party grows in power.


▪ Turn-based combat (position your heroes, and choose the right skill for attack or defense)

▪ Use the environment (use it for cover, attack, or just simple push the enemy to it)

▪ Level up your heroes (learn new skills, talents)

▪ Momentum points (some skill generates points, some needs points to cast, but when the hero reaches the maximum momentum, he will be able to perform stronger actions with the skills)

Read More: Best Grid-Based Movement Turn-Based Tactics Games.

Ruin Hunters on Steam

Der Geisterturm / The Ghost Tower

Der Geisterturm / The Ghost Tower

Der Geisterturm is a game i could only describe as “hostile”.

It’s a grid-based, first person dungeon crawler not unlike say, Warhammer 40k’s Space Hulk, except you’re piloting a mecha - and i don’t mean the “protagonist” kinda mecha. You’re essentially stomping around in the kinda grunt suit that gets oneshot by the Gundam 5 seconds into a battle setpiece. You know, a Zaku I basically.

Now, while nothing in the game will actually oneshot you, what this means is that combat is often going to be an extremely risky endeavor, as to even have the slightest chance of survival you’re going to have to learn to:

Real player with 16.9 hrs in game

Read More: Best Grid-Based Movement Futuristic Games.

The spin-off sequel to the mecha dungeon crawler Das Geistersciff. Der Geisterturm improves on every aspect of the original title. Like the original game, an emphasis is placed on moving with purpose instead of slowly farming experience for levels. The player must manage limited resources such as ammo and the overall durability of your Robotic Combat Suit through the use of repair stations scattered around the tower. The player also has to worry about the health of the suit’s pilot as durability decreases, putting a heavier emphasis on avoiding enemies and damage whenever possible.

Real player with 16.9 hrs in game

Der Geisterturm / The Ghost Tower on Steam



GO HEROES: Prometheus is an innovative cross-genre game based on Greek Mythology. You play as the Titan Prometheus, and through the game, you unravel the myth while activating shrines that connect the past with the present. In your journey, you will face fierce enemies and mind-bending environmental puzzles, but fear not! Valuable skills will be given to you while mighty followers accompany and assist you in your mission to Steal the Fire from the Gods!

The innovation: Action-Turn-Based

Travel through vast grid-based levels in a four-directional movement. You’ll always move first in a turn-based logic. Yet, your enemies will respond instantly to every attack, with one goal, to encircle you into tight, challenging spots, rearranging the battlefield like a rhythmic choreography.

At your disposal, a four-slot inventory to keep and swap armor and utilize abilities with the touch of a button, allowing you to focus on the action.


  • Lore and storyline are based on the original myths; Trust us, we are Greeks.

  • Innovative Action-Turn-Based tactical combat

  • Innovative Intuitive Inventory System


GO HEROES Prometheus development started at a game jam back in 2017, where it won 1st place.

For some time, the devs showcased the prototype at conferences and festivals. After collecting positive feedback, in 2019, they decided to self-fund and focus full-time on the development. In 2021 after a long and rocky development, they have ended up with a story-rich world, innovative gameplay, and an hour-long demo. The next move is to run a Kickstarter campaign on June 29, 2021, and get the much-needed support to push the game through to its completion.

About Happyland Games

GO HEROES is being forged in the dungeons of Athens by a creative duet. Vasiliki and Marinos, both veteran visual designers, have gone developers out of their passion for building unique & imaginative journeys of adventures!

Read More: Best Grid-Based Movement 3D Platformer Games.

GO HEROES on Steam

Sonucido: The Mage - A Dungeon Crawler by Daniel da Silva

Sonucido: The Mage - A Dungeon Crawler by Daniel da Silva

Find your way through the depths of Sonucido in this turn-based Dungeon Crawler RPG, where every decision has an impact!

Sonucido: The Mage is inspired by recent Dungeon Crawlers but instead of a party you control one character.

Your goal is clear: Find the mage!

  • Turn-Based Combat: Easy to learn but hard to master. No battle-dancing!

  • Slay Enemies: Defeat a variety of enemies with different weaknesses and strengths.

  • Replayability: Discover multiple endings and different paths through the depths of Sonucido.

  • Exploration: Look around and find potions, optional side-quests, secrets and more.

  • Bold Game Design: No inventory management, no novel-length text walls, no 30 minute tutorial.

Sonucido: The Mage - A Dungeon Crawler by Daniel da Silva on Steam

Clash II

Clash II

Clash II story, similar to its predecessor, will be set on the mystic land called Karkhan. For years, there has been conflict between invaders bearing the signs of one God, self-called Purians, and a population that has lived for generations there, practicing magic and worshiping many Gods.

The growing conflict will take us back to the center of the war between the two factions. The story will take place almost fifty years after the events of Clash, when the Purians won the war. They will spread even further their faith and laws.

The initial assumption of the Clash II story are the times unfavorably called Pagan Reaction - when our ancestors rebelled against the new faith imposed on them by force and sword. During the game, we will be able to lead natives, disagreeing with the dogmas of the new faith and rebel against a foreign culture of invaders who want to extend their influence to the entire continent.

In the campaign of the Purians, we will lead the fate of the hero sent with a penitentiary mission, aimed at taking over the kingdom from the hands of Willhelm, who by his behavior lost the favor of the Holy Servant.

Heathens will be lead by heroine, burdened by her Gods to unite agitating tribes and help them stand as one to protect the forgotten customs and their own freedom.

In both cases, the basic units will be the forces that we know from chronicles and history, strengthened, of course, by beasts from mythology and legends.

How we lead our own kingdom – through battles, covenants, diplomacy, technological and spiritual development – will have a big impact on the shape of the game. During the campaign, we will traverse almost the entire continent, where we will be able to fight wild beasts, find treasures and ancient places of worship. In addition, we will encounter marauders and deserters and perform many additional tasks that are waiting hidden for unneutered seekers.

Clash II on Steam

Everblood Arena

Everblood Arena

Everblood Arena is a turn-based roguelite tactics arena battler with a heavy focus on procedural generated items and character builds. Get your team of fantasy warriors and take part in 5v5 tactical turn based battles. Rise your way up the ranks and claim the greatest prize, the Everblood Cup!

item randomization

Item randomization is a huge part of Everblood’s design philosophy. A huge array of spells & modifiers exist and items through a myriad of algorithms will mix and match these so that each piece of gear comes with it’s own skill tree & modifiers. Make tactical choices between leveling up your character’s Strength, or leveling up his Fiery Sword of the Helmsplitter to unlock it’s epic quality rank 3 spell.

This doesn’t just stop at items though! Character’s will also be randomly generated, with a small variety of races, each containing their own smaller skill tree’s with lots of attribute randomization.

Our hope is that this focus on randomization and creating a rogue-lite atmosphere will add lots of replay-ability and create dynamically changing character builds.

a Roguelite?

We intend to add roguelite elements to Everblood, with characters sustaining meaningful injuries (and potential death!) from getting knocked out in combat, we expect players to have to recruit new hero’s as theirs die, slowly adapting their tactics and equipment to fit the strength’s of their randomly generated character team. Our hope is that each run of Everblood will be a multi-hour affair, with difficulty changing drastically based on your starting roster & the generated teams you come up against

Everblood Arena on Steam

Last Blossom: Roleplaying tabletop based scene

Last Blossom: Roleplaying tabletop based scene



WHAT TO EXPECT: Proof of concept or partial tutorial of RPG rule-set. Single scripted encounter given digital form. Made using Unreal Engine 4. Uses 8-bit audio. Simple turn-based ranged, melee and magic combat. Pre-determined characters and NPCs. Low replayability. Limited teaching instrument. Stylized low-poly graphics. Mired writing/translation. Singleplayer only.



Real player with 3.5 hrs in game

I Loved It. It’s one encounter, 3v4, but it was so much fun. Really helped fill that D&D itch I’ve been having. If you like table top and want a combat situation then get this and play it!

Real player with 2.0 hrs in game

Last Blossom: Roleplaying tabletop based scene on Steam

Legends of Amberland: The Forgotten Crown

Legends of Amberland: The Forgotten Crown

Of all the dungeon crawler games that followed the template set by Wizardry (grid-based, first-person perspective), Might and Magic is probably the second most important one in terms of renown, forging its own path from the very first game by basically using the ideas from Wizardry but offering something different and unique.

Where Wizardry was a dungeon crawler, Might and Magic games were basically world crawlers that emphasized exploring a large overworld at the expense of in-depth and intricate dungeons. Might and Magic does have them, but they are often simple structures with few vertical levels and really there to throws lots of monsters at you, not get you lost in them.

Real player with 36.7 hrs in game

This game is that little nugget of gold you find in the lees. First thing I thought when I fired it up was Might & Magic 3,4, and 5-arguably my favorites. Imagine if MM had a really easy interface and user friendly controls. The menu swapping is nice and fast, simple clicks to rearrange and sort. The game play isn’t tedious.

-The good-

You can tell the art (despite the lack of animation) is quite nice and does a good job to capture that old fantasy wonderment. It’s pixeled but the graphics are just it’s painting on the car. It’s pretty colorful and you can easily tell what things are. Pretty good variety of character portraits for both male and female.

Real player with 17.9 hrs in game

Legends of Amberland: The Forgotten Crown on Steam

Red Ronin

Red Ronin

Imagine Hotline Miami or maybe Katana Zero being a turn based tactical puzzler. That is what Red Ronin actually does. And it does it very well.

The main concept of the game is very interesting. Similarly to the above mentioned titles in Red Ronin every level is you fighting a couple of enemies, you must kill them all to proceed and both you and them die in one hit. However both you and your enemies move in a turn based way and you must outmaneuver them and kill them one by one avoiding putting yourself in a vulnerable position. That is not all, your character does not actually moves - instead she dashes with no distance limitations, only stopping by hitting an obstacle. This can be advantageous as you can strike your foes and instantly be so far away that they won’t be able to reach you but at the same time abusing it too much may end up with you having no place do dash but right into your own death.

Real player with 25.1 hrs in game

Full review (including score):

Summarized review below!

Turn-based tactical dash n’ slash with a Hotline Miami aesthetic, that’s what you can expect from Red Ronin. It’s a neat little indie game developed over the last two years by one dude out of Brazil.

Note: Trimmed review to fit character limit, check video for full version!


Red Ronin may look like a mashup of genres, but at its core, it’s actually a puzzle game. You’re tasked with clearing each room of enemies and reaching the exit without getting hit. Moving in one direction moves you all the way until you hit a wall and you’ll have to take advantage of this in order to dispatch of each enemy. Seems simple, but this is by no means an easy game. In fact, it’s one of the hardest puzzles games I’ve played in quite some time.

Real player with 8.6 hrs in game

Red Ronin on Steam

Sink Again

Sink Again

If you want light-weight pirate-y fare with a primitive economic model coupled with a bunch of turn-based mini dungeon crawls and disconnected scenarios that have you starting from scratch after each mission, then this game is for you!

If you’re not looking for all that, you might still get your money’s worth out of the game. I’ve only completed a few of the scenarios and yet there is enough meat here that I’ve got over 20 hours in, and the rewards for each scenario are interesting enough that I want to see what the next batch will add to my arsenal.

Real player with 52.6 hrs in game

Nice little game. Not very complicated as turn-based / strategy game, and it tends toward grinding, but it manages to keep me busy and interested. Also, the silly slapstick jokes make me smile. If you ever wanted to play as a gorilla bashing pirates with an anchor…

The game comes with a good number of “scenarios”. Start a scenario, you get a (very) small ship and 2000 gp, and a selection of 3 to 5 pirates to hire in the nearby tavern. First hire is free, and is usually the one you pick as the captain of your crew - at start, anyway, you can change your captain later.

Real player with 39.0 hrs in game

Sink Again on Steam