

What will you fight for?

Furi is a top-down, boss rush, indie bullet hell action game hybrid developed by an indie studio named The Game Bakers. The game is about our protagonist, referred to as “The Stranger” by the other characters, trying to escape the jail he’s in for the “bad things” he has done.

The Jailer is the key. Kill him and you’ll be free.

[Detailed Story Analysis] The protagonist after one of his routine torture sessions, is rescued by a man wearing a rabbit mask. He tells him in order to be free, he has to kill the jailer. After this, our protagonist fights the jailers in order to regain his freedom. After each fight, there are small walking sequences, these sequences are accompanied by our rabbit masked friend, The Voice. During these sequences, The Voice tells us about the story and what the upcoming jailer did to us or what we did to him. The walking sequences are great, it builds the tension, you get to see the beautiful landscapes and listen to glorious music also learn a bit about the story.

Real player with 176.2 hrs in game

Read More: Best Great Soundtrack Difficult Games.

What a game. Immediately upon finishing the first boss, I knew I was in for a treat. This game is an emotional rollercoaster, resulting from the player’s own struggles to improve, the design of each fight, and possible unexpected feelings from the plot. Pardon the excessive gushing, but I think it’s proportionate to the crazy ride this has been.

This is the kind of game where you’re going die repeatedly, saying “Aghh, I could have dodged that!” There are no levels, gear, stats, or customization in this game. This might be an instant turn off for some, but this also means that there is no need to grind and that any improvements in your performance can only be attributed to your own growth in skill. There is also no penalty for dying and having to restart a fight, other than a decrease in your performance score, which takes into account the duration of the fight, how many hits you took, and how many times you died. No grind, no resources, just get back in there and try not to suck this time!

Real player with 39.5 hrs in game

Furi on Steam

Spooky Spins Remastered - Steam Edition

Spooky Spins Remastered - Steam Edition

If you’re into slot machines, this would be good for you. I like the spooky theme. It seems like an actual port of a pokie, only you can’t lose all of your money pressing the spin button all day.


Real player with 0.2 hrs in game

Dull and boring.

A prime example of why you shouldn’t play slots in real life.

25 lines and yet most of the time I won nothing.

You have unlimited cash, took me 10 minutes to spend 20k+. No history of how much you got credited for or won.

Only way to get out of the game is ATL+F4.

Good thing I only paid 30 cents for it from another website Otherwise I’d be asking for a refund.

Time to uninstall and toss it into my junk games folder.

Real player with 0.2 hrs in game

Spooky Spins Remastered - Steam Edition on Steam

Tricky Cat

Tricky Cat

this was a fun little game certainly worth 59 cents so if you want to get this game get it during the special promotion. even the 99 cents full price for this game is still worth it. if anyone is looking for a small challenge that will take 1 to 2 hours this game is the right choice. doesn’t have to much replay value since once you memorize the tricks for most of the levels it will feel boring. but the music is great and it will make 1 to 2 hours go by really fast, for only 99 cents that makes it totally worth it.

Real player with 2.3 hrs in game

Read More: Best Great Soundtrack Casual Games.

Was hoping for something more challenging… but this is just too easy and short.

All 100 levels can be done in just one sit through.

Suitable for casual player. No sweat in the play and doesn’t require too much brain work.

The control can be a bit tricky though, because the cat has a habit of sliding off blocks, especially during teleportation. The most challenging part of this game is probably wrestling with that sliding problem.

Real player with 1.6 hrs in game

Tricky Cat on Steam



Lie on my back

Clouds are makin' way for me

I’m comin' home, sweet home

~Darren Korb, Setting Sail, Coming Home

In my reviews I often talk about just how many developers treat their games like products. Well, technically, those are the products, of course, but… you can’t create anything really beautiful just by doing your job. If you’ll do your job good enough, you may come up with a really good product, but that’ll be just that. A product. While we all know that video games can be… something more than that. Much more. When Miller brothers started creating their MYST? It wasn’t because they wanted to make a popular game. Heck, they weren’t even gamers. They just had that certain vision and they really wanted to turn it into reality. To share it with the others. To let the others dive into it and experience it together. And it’s not just words. You can clearly feel such things. From Westwood Studious' magical worlds of The Legend of Kyrandia and Lands of Lore to Cyberdreams’s I Have No Mouth, and I Must Scream, based on Harlan Ellison’s short story. That certain artistic touch? That special something that makes a game more than just a game? As long as you treasure it as much as I do, I want to introduce you to one of my most favorite independent developers. Please, welcome – Supergiant Games.

Real player with 41.3 hrs in game

Bastion 2012

When Bastion came out it was at the beginning of the Indie craze. People were first starting to realize that amazingly fun games could come from tiny studios with no budget. Well now in 2017 the term Indie game has all but lost its meaning both financially, and terms of team size. But at the time, a game with such deep combat, definitive flavor, and overall polish was a treat.

Bastion does a good job of grabbing you with the colorful paint-style world that appears beneath your feet as you move forward. Every action you do is narrated by a grandfatherly voice that explains the story and smaller moments. There was a time early in the game when I walked off the edge of the platforms and the narrator said “And that’s the end of the Kid’s story….I’m just kidding.” And I respawn and he says “The kid goes back for another round.” It was a charming break of the 3rd wall.

Real player with 33.3 hrs in game

Bastion on Steam



Play Everhood!! (and nominate the game for best soundtrack!)


How did this slip my radar?

How are none of my friends talking about this game?

Every year if I am lucky I come across a game so good I wish I could go back in time just to play it for the first time again - and that game always becomes by Game of The Year. That game for me this year is Everhood. And I knew that within 30 minutes of playing the game. I’m nominating the game for Best Soundtrack – cause the OST is amazing and I feel it has a better chance of winning a nomination in that category but it was hard not to vote it as GOTY just from my personal experience with the game.

Real player with 23.2 hrs in game

Everhood is probably one of my favorite games I’ve played this year!! I’m nominating it for best soundtrack because oh my god. There is not one song in this game’s OST that I actively dislike.

The character design and writing is SO good and I found myself liking almost every single one I’ve encountered.

This game can be so weird and funny but at the same time I’ve cried just thinking about the ending!!!

It’s just… REALLY good, I can’t think of much else to say. Putting things into words is really hard for me, but I hope this got my feelings across well.

Real player with 21.1 hrs in game

Everhood on Steam

Jet Set Radio

Jet Set Radio

Have you ever wanted to be a rollar-blading punk, rollin' around the city tagging walls, and stickin' it to the man?

No? Maaaan fuck you get out of here yes you have. This game is known far across the land for it’s kickin' soundtrack, beats so thick you could bounce a coin off ‘em. Also, it’s so old GBA could run it, so don’t sweat the specs. Only worry is the keyboard controls suck harder than your EX girlfriend, so grab an Xbox 360 controller and get going.

Now the objective of the game is simple, roll around the city, tag some walls, and keep away from the fuzz. However, this is all done to the sweet sonic sound that will be oozing out of the audio device of your choosing. It also helps that this game has graphically dated better than you could ever dream of. (Oh snap son.) You might get one Jet rank on your first playthrough. Might. If you wanna get Jet on every mission you must first study the anicent urban staking gurus.

Real player with 48.9 hrs in game

“Who are you! What’s your name? Super Brothers!”

Jet Set Radio is one of those games you most likely saw a demo of at a Target or Best Buy back in the early 2000s but never really got to play because you were too cool for a Dreamcast. Luckily, this PC port exists. This game is the perfect mix of skating and graffiti with a soundtrack to match and graphics that are considerably better than those of today’s games. The added danger of being tackled by street guards, being shot at by a crazed police captain, having missiles fired from helicopters, and run over by motorcycle riding police makes it more fun

Real player with 47.6 hrs in game

Jet Set Radio on Steam



Solid game. doesn’t really hand hold, learning the mechanics was simple though. music works, very emersive and sets a pace to make you want to get a better score each time. the bosses have a learning curve to them but not so much I felt annoyed. Its different, addictive and simple mechanics that will take plenty of time and fun to master, just a solid game. If you want to try something different from the typical VR formats I would suggest giving this a go.

Real player with 8.3 hrs in game

A great little arcade game where your move your cursor around a 360 degree dome collecting things that turn into mines if you don’t collect them fast enough and fighting mini bosses by moving your cursor in a particular way around them. It’s very simple but suprisingly fun. You have to balance fighting the miniboss against collecting the things. The only thing that I think could possibly need balanced is to collect bombs slower and maybe give the player an extra life after so many points. I’m not sure though. There are also a dozen shorter challenge modes which change up the rules up in fun ways, and since the VR community is so small I was able to place pretty high on a few of them. A very underrated unknown little VR arcadey game.

Real player with 2.0 hrs in game

Virush on Steam



One of a handful of titles which would benefit from a “Mediocre” addition to the rating system on here, Coast Guard really never could decide what it wanted to be. For the first two thirds of it, I’d have given this game a positive rating…but then you get to the last third and it all goes down the tubes.

! You follow the duties of coast guard Officer Finn Asdair who ends up rescuing and falling for refugee Fatima Morgane. Fatima is then recaptured by the scumbag trafficker who originally had her, raped, and murdered. Your boss is in on it and sinks the ship with you aboard to cover everything up, the game ends with you saving the seemingly sketchy but actually decent forensics specialist and credits roll. Pretty lame.

Real player with 20.5 hrs in game

I’m giving this game a 5/10 Some very cool ideas here, and some solid simulation building. The CONCEPT of the story is very cool.

All that said, I am kind of offended as to how little research the developers did into the actual Coast Guard. I was in the Coast Guard. Its nothing like this. This is more like the story of the most well funded, die hard auxilarists the world has ever known.

Also special mention has to be given to the script and voice acting. I think the developers voiced this themselves in their house and had to keep their voice down because the kids were asleep or something. It’s “Jill Sandwich” bad.

Real player with 9.4 hrs in game


Flat Trip

Flat Trip

Fun little game :) Would be nice to be able to change controls to wsad if I wanted, and use mouse in the menu.

Real player with 3.9 hrs in game

Very cute and creative visuals, mesmerizing music.

Quite short, and a few bugs, but overall a decent time if you’re looking for something different but simple.

Real player with 2.3 hrs in game

Flat Trip on Steam

Goofy Golf Remastered Steam Edition

Goofy Golf Remastered Steam Edition

Do you love pokie machines, but hate losing money? Do you want to experience the thrill of a jackpot without the risk of a repossession? Do you also love golf and golf-themed things? Goofy Golf!


Real player with 2.5 hrs in game

Goofy Golf Remastered Steam Edition is what looks like a Unity asset flip for a basic slot machine game, where the developers have lazily slapped on some golf themed images and a grass texture. The way the grass texture is so lazily slapped on really makes me wonder if they put more than 5 minutes effort into this. Take a look at the screenshots!

There’s a bunch of slot machine templates on the Unity store, they’re all pretty bad, and this makes it seem like the fruit doesn’t fall far from the tree. As gameplay goes, it’s a really mediocre experience. There’s far better slot machine emulators on Steam if it’s the kind of thing you really, really wanted to do instead of playing a real game like CS:GO or Stardew Valley or whatever.

Real player with 0.1 hrs in game

Goofy Golf Remastered Steam Edition on Steam