Jets’n’Guns Gold

Jets’n’Guns Gold

EDIT: I previously thought this game uses Steam Cloud for saves. I was mistaken, it does not.

If you liked games like Raptor, Stargunner, and UN Squadron (a.k.a. Area 88) then you’re in for something special.

Jets’n’Guns Gold is a side-scrolling shooter, where you play as a mercenary fighter pilot. You make money by destroying targets, and occasionally picking up bonus items you can sell later. Shops sell new weapons and ships, which can be upgraded for extra money. New items unlock as your total score rises, and a few hidden weapons and ships can also be found, if you know where to look in certain levels. New ships have better stats, and more slots to mount more weapons.

Real player with 561.8 hrs in game

Read More: Best Great Soundtrack Bullet Hell Games.

Jets’n’Guns has quite a legacy.

Originally released in 2004 (a couple of months after the release of the STEAM distribution platform), the game was in a lower resolution and lacking some of the fine tuning it now has. The game was brought to Steam Greenlight in 2012 and eventually approved and emerged on the store two years later as “Jets’n’Guns Gold”.

Gold brought new levels, comic book styled images to progress the story, and some additional songs in the soundtrack as well as reworked level order to accommodate the upgrade in the story-telling.

Real player with 63.8 hrs in game

Jets'n'Guns Gold on Steam



One or two players. Use a mouse or trackpad, keyboard (including Touch Bar), or 1-2 game controllers.

Mac or mobile only, and updated for macOS “Big Sur” with x86_64 and arm64 support.

Celtreos” is like the space shooters of decades past: tiny ship, big weapons, waves of foes, power-ups and obstacles.

Music, Sound and Voice

  • Over 25 different songs (nearly 45 minutes of music!)

  • You can even play your own music and auto-next-song for key game events


  • 12 stages: a city, space station, ocean and more

  • Horizontal scrolling but more than one “screen” of vertical space

  • Start from any stage you want!

  • Each stage ends with a challenging boss

  • Wall layouts and spawn patterns are partially randomized

Weapon Arrays, Special Moves, Power-Ups and More

  • Choose from a huge arsenal of weapons and special abilities

  • 7 different ships to choose from

  • Customize ship properties, such as gun mount locations and top speed

  • In-game power-ups with weapons, defenses and temporary powers (like Rapid Fire)

  • Power-down orbs with temporary inconveniences (like Weapon Freeze)

Additional Configuration Options

  • Set number of lives, and number of times that special abilities can be used

  • Play in a window or in Full Screen, and specify how much of the display to use in Full Screen

  • Set graphics quality to one of three levels

Read More: Best Great Soundtrack Bullet Hell Games.

Celtreos on Steam



“If there are two cubes left in the world, one of them will want to kill another”.

That’s a good description, well..

This game has only one single achievement, which will unlock on startup - nothing else.

Its tags are indie and massive multiplayer.

Quite interesting.

The main menu actually, without some chance to regulate graphics and everything else, puts you towards a choice between a normal mode and a PVP one.

The normal mode, still, will let you choose between 0, 1 or 2 players - choosing 0 players of course will lead you towards the good old SNES auto-modes in fighting games.

Real player with 18.0 hrs in game

Read More: Best Great Soundtrack 2D Fighter Games.

Youre a cube that shoots another cube. The controls are wasd + j to shoot…there is absolutely no reason this’d be worth $2. I wouldnt pay a quarter for this…

Real player with 0.6 hrs in game

S.P.I.K.E: ARENA on Steam



Érdekes, új mechanikákat vonultat fel ez a magyar platformer játék, olyanokat amiket eddig még más hasonlóban nem láttam. A RPG és a souls elemeket is megfelelően ötvözték, meg van benne a kihívás és a szórakozás is… Általában. Vannak szakaszai a játéknak, inkább az első fejezetnek amikor rendkívül idegesítővé tud válni, legfőképpen azért mert nem igyekszik gördülékennyé tenni a progresst. Izgalmasan kezd, majd idővel elfajul, és szépen visszajön egy remek és egyedi játékélménnyel.

A story átlagosan kidolgozott, könnyen követhető, de nem is igényel többet. A látvány helyenként szép, itt-ott sivárabb, de a második fejezet ebben a tekintetben is sokkal jobb lett már. A hangok okésak, de a zenék hát kicsit laposak.

Real player with 40.4 hrs in game

Well worth the money, my expectations weren’t very high considering it’s cheap indie game. But it exceeded my expectations and then some.

Game features mysterious world/atmosphere, bits of humour here and there, addictive gameplay. It’s hard to stop playing this game without completing the challenge at hand, and then comes the next one…. A lot of the platforming sequences are also puzzles, they might look crazy at first, but you just need to figure out the right way to do it. Also keep your eyes open for occasional hidden treasure.

Real player with 34.1 hrs in game

WarriOrb on Steam

DARIUSBURST Chronicle Saviours

DARIUSBURST Chronicle Saviours

I’m just going to start off by saying I have nothing but praise for this game. With that said I know most STEAM users are going to look at the price point for this and think, “They’ve GOT to be out of their minds!” No they aren’t This game is packed with so much content that I don’t think there’s a single game of its kind that can topple. I’ll even say that you couldn’t even combine 3 or 4 games together to get the amount of content that this game has to offer fans of the genre.

Aesthetically this game brings a simple and clean presentation to the table. The UI for ship combat is clean and simple to understand without too much info bombarding the player while they are struggling to keep their ship from a fiery demise. The 3D models are low in the polygon department, yet beautifully designed. Everything from simple cannon fodder enemies to the enormous bosses look great.

Real player with 179.8 hrs in game

Shmups have always been a part of my gaming career. I was never good at them like all the experts going for high scores and 1CC runs, but I always tried to prove my worth regardless. I also always looked at shmups as a ‘David vs. Goliath’ scenario; a small, one man fighter versus entire fleets and empires. And what better game to start my shmup career on Steam than Dariusburst Chronicle Saviors? Part of Taito’s Darius series and home console / PC version of Dariusburst, there’s a lot of content to go around in this game. After clocking close to 72 hours of play, is the game worth the price tag and separate DLC? Let’s find out.

Real player with 113.6 hrs in game

DARIUSBURST Chronicle Saviours on Steam



If you like neon, flashy graphx, platforming games and EDM, then this game is absolutely something for you …

You play as a thread in a computer (that’s the story, don’t ask), and play a meatboy-esque game where time is of importance but you have way more abilities; you can also attack enemies… and during the game you’ll be able to upgrade your character…

I got this game in a bundle and as an ’80s kid, this game almost made me drop my jaw the first time i saw it… i did drool though :)

Real player with 28.0 hrs in game

Really good game, I enjoyed it a lot so far. There’s nice cut scenes and a story in between finishing every world and the game looks very nice too. Not to mention how cool the gameplay is. It gets increasingly harder but yet not too challenging. Also after playing through the game once, you can play through it again to get all the bytes and unlock all the upgrades. And after that you can replay the levels individually again to get your name on the speedrun leaderboards. However, there were a few bytes that I’m pretty sure were impossible to pick up (altough i might just be missing something). Also, the final level wasn’t challenging enough in my opinion. Good game in general and I would say it’s worth the price.

Real player with 19.4 hrs in game

Exception on Steam



A slightly broken run and gun game set in the steampunk world, but does it have potential? Yes it does, the game itself is a lot of fun, but infuriating when it doesn’t work like it’s meant to be, sometimes your character just spasms out, and seems to be immortal at others.

The world you’re in is amazing drawn, with high attention to detail and graphics, I love the steampunk theme, it gives it a lovely vibe, the controls freeze at times but mostly they’re smooth and responsive.

I’d advise you to wait on this game a bit till it gets fixed, otherwise this could be a wonderful game.

Real player with 3.5 hrs in game

Wells feels like maybe someone’s first or second commercial game. It aims to run at 60 FPS but drops frames pretty regularly (maybe 58 FPS if you average it out, it can be adjusted to) the voice acting was clearly all done by one person just to have it in the game, and the last cutscene mentions an artifact that we never see before then. All told though? The weapons all have different uses for both combat and progression (and it’s not just pistol/shotgun/rifle either, there are some surprises in there,) the art direction is really nice from start to finish, and some of the boss fights are really quite memorable.

Real player with 2.3 hrs in game

Wells on Steam

Jets’n’Guns 2

Jets’n’Guns 2

The sequel to a beloved classic shmup, Jets’n’Guns (JnG 1). First of all, if you haven’t played that, you absolutely should.

Let’s get the good out of the way first:

  • graphics are gorgeous. Explosions are fantastic and the visual effects are also really good, especially the flamethrower flames

  • GEMs (Gun Enhancement Modules) and Antimatter Devices add a new layer of strategy to how you approach a mission, allowing for sometimes radically different approaches even with the same weapons.

  • more variety in different missiles and bombs

Real player with 37.7 hrs in game

For newcomers, 8/10

For long-time fans, 6/10

I’m a long-time Jets ‘N Guns fan ever since the Reflexive Arcade days. The original has the lofty position of being one of the few games I truly love; it will always be in the “top games of my lifetime” list.

Short campaign aside, JNG2 is excellent, yet a bit of a mixed bag at times.

I waited to PLAY this game until it was officially out of Early Access; I didn’t even install it until it was out of early access, so I come to this game fresh.

Make no mistake, JNG2 is S-H-O-R-T. I suppose they want you to start out on an easy difficulty and then keep beating the same handful of levels over and over again to try and get all the hidden stuff and the highest score? I get the distinct feeling that “Early Access” turned into a “Steady Stream of Revenue” for those handling the cash, and when that stream turned into a trickle, they released the game. What a shame. Not even 1/3 of the 43 (!) levels and variety found in JNG1. If they matched the number of levels and variety of JNG1, this would be a near-perfect sequel.

Real player with 32.4 hrs in game

Jets'n'Guns 2 on Steam



Awesome tough-as-nails retro style platformer! This game offers fun 2D run and gun gameplay and the novel color based shooting mechanic gives it an unique touch. Pixelbot’s presentation is superb and has a memorable and unique gritty vibe to it. Clearly a lot of love and attention to detail went into the excellently crafted pixelart.

The game in general has a lot on offer: Every level introduces interesting new stuff like new abilities for pixelbot, new enemy types or new obstacles, which makes the game feel fresh and interesting throughout. The levels encourage multiple playthroughs with lots of collectibles and occassionaly branching pathes to explore. On top of that there is also an even harder version of each level to unlock.

Real player with 12.7 hrs in game

The Game is a lot of fun and addictive.

Whoever likes to play Run’n’Gun Games shouldn’t miss this one. The Levels are created in a way that is very challenging.. in a good way!

Because you do not pass them by chance or without effort, the game guarantees long-term fun. I made it to the second boss and played12 hours already. Many more are definitely to come.

I like the different-colored obstacles best, which you have to shoot with the matching color by pressing the right button. This is a great idea and it is implemented awesome, too.

Real player with 12.6 hrs in game

pixelBOT EXTREME! on Steam



You play a young boy with a large head who breaks out of some sort of research facility to explore a world which has gone to pieces. Shown mostly in black and white with odd splashes of colour, you venture across the city to an underground bunker where you discover your true destiny. Along the way you’ll encounter and be chased by horrifying enemies, solve the occasional jumping puzzle, and best of all, occasionally wear a mind-control helmet which lets you take control of other beings and make them do your whim in order to progress further. The environment flows naturally from one location to the next, with the joins being very smooth and gradual. The physics engine is top notch, and you never feel like you missed a jump because the game wasn’t reading your controls correctly. The camera is very dynamic, and your character moves in and out of the scenery following the curves of the land in a pleasant way, giving the world more depth rather than just “run right”. Everything is explained through “show don’t tell” and the lack of voice acting makes the game that much more atmospheric.

Real player with 5.3 hrs in game

I just cannot recommend this game, it’s terrible; sometimes you’ll spend a minute walking on direction, sometimes you’ll spend five minutes getting past a certain bit then have to go all the way back when you die, you may decide to have a break and when you reload the game find you have to do the previous ten-fifteen minutes to get back to where you are because the chapter system is broken, this game is not enjoyable and for the price not even worth it, play black the fall, inside and limbo if you enjoy these types of games.

Real player with 4.9 hrs in game

ASTRAL on Steam