Tesla Force

Tesla Force

Note: Updated after first patch.

I have completed the higher difficulty (game+ cycle 2) on early access. So far so good. Pretty polished EA game. I like the shoot’em up game play. As I progress, there are enough varieties to keep me interested. Basically, there are different objectives for each map. Easy to pick up. But can be a challenge to complete depends on the progression on each encounter. So far, no two games are the same. And previous success doesn’t guarantee future success. I.e. you may find one game rather easy to complete (pro tip: stick with BFG gun) but you may struggle with the next one depending on the guns you use and the perks you have got (and the missions as well).

Real player with 21.9 hrs in game

Read More: Best Great Soundtrack Top-Down Games.

Nothing in life is to be feared, it is only to be understood. Now is the time to understand more, so that we may fear less.” - Marie Curie

Tesla Force is a gloriously over the top, roguelite twin stick shooter and a tale of Nikola Tesla inadvertently opening a portal at the Wardenclyffe Tower and awakening the cosmic horrors while trying to provide free energy, wireless transmissions and a life of leisure to everyone. In 1916.

Let me just continue with that bonkers story for a second. Before everything goes Cthulhu, a young Marie Curie pops out of a second portal in an almost Ghostbusters uniform and yells at Tesla he kind of goofed. Tesla stoically accepts that, picks up a shotgun and one of his inventions and proceeds mowing down cosmic monstrosities and closing down portals in a tutorial mission that ends with him flying off in a mech. Now if that doesn’t sound like electric currents of fun and escapism at its finest, I don’t know what does.

Real player with 17.9 hrs in game

Tesla Force on Steam

Sure Footing

Sure Footing

Saw this game at a local Gaming festival (Norwich) and on the basis of a few minutes playtime and the fact it was only £7.99 bought it. Love playing this game mainly coop with my daughter (8) as it’s fairly simple controls and it looks simple, but it does test us! We really like the online leader boards as it makes us want to keep going up the listings. When her friends come round they like playing as well. We have clocked up 14 hours so far, so at present we have had loads of fun for 50p an hour which isn’t bad.

Real player with 18.0 hrs in game

Read More: Best Great Soundtrack Casual Games.

Sure Footing is a nice variation on the infinite runner theme. It has lots of upgrades, characters and other stuff to unlock so you have something to do other than just extend your run. And with the procedurally generated levels you don’t get bored running the same bit over and over. As such, if you’re an achievement hunter there’s a lot of value here.

It’s not without its problems though. The menus are very annoying to naviage by keyboard and there’s no mouse support at all. I’m not usually one to mention frame rate in games, but there are massive hitches from time to time. They don’t make the game unplayable, but they do detract. Lastly, if you are one of the few people who discovers you can change the difficultly level through the options menu, you’ll find that at higher difficulties the level generation becomes not just more difficult, but ludicrously unfair/impossible (e.g. multiple red crates in a row; unforseable dead-ends, etc.)

Real player with 9.7 hrs in game

Sure Footing on Steam

City Z

City Z

I bougth this game just to test it but I´ve gave me a big surprise. Very funny and adictive game. I recomend it . One thing I would improve is when you don´t have amunition in Survival MOde, It could be some king of clues over the map.

Real player with 10.4 hrs in game

Read More: Best Great Soundtrack Top-Down Games.

Update: HTC VIVE users - try sitting down [on the floor] to play it helps with the camera. Game errors out when trying to run from VR mode - have to actually shut down SteamVR and run game in normal mode to be able to play.

The concept is fun but in VR (Vive or Rift - tried in both) it is a bit disorienting with the camera being stuck at what feels like a 30-40 degree angle facing the ground and camera follows player. This doesn’t feel very optimized for VR. Fix these two things (make camera preferences adjustable and saveable?) and this may end up on my favorites because of the scale and survival/missions concept. Otherwise, can’t play further.

Real player with 2.0 hrs in game

City Z on Steam

Fast Food Fighters

Fast Food Fighters

Fast Food Fighters is a bullethell roguelite arcade shooter with a lot of potential. The characters are amazingly fun and cute to the point you can’t believe those little guys are the “heroes” that have to fight the resistance against evil fast-food chains.

The gameplay is quite easy to get used to, your classic aim and shoot with mouse and move with W,A,S,D. you can do a “barrel-roll” with the right click and there you have all you need to kite and shoot your way to the BOSSES.

BOSSES, this is where the game SHINES… The bosses are AMAZING, they’re fun to look at, theyre fun to play against, theyre tricky and challenging and you really want to kill those bastards when you see them, the boss design are non existant cliches that finally have real form in this game.

Real player with 2.6 hrs in game

Fast Food Fighters on Steam



What a beautiful game.

Simple, elegant, and subtle, but for folks who enjoy figuring things out alone, and who don’t need a resolution to feel rewarded. The satisfaction that comes with figuring out each step is worth the time puzzling over them, even if the answer are almost as mystifying as the instructions.

I’m not usually a fan of rouguelike games, but that style perfectly fits the feeling of this little gem. And the soundtrack that builds with your various interactions is a lovely enhancement to the general otherworldly feel.

Real player with 37.1 hrs in game

There’s just something about this game that makes me really want to play it every day. Grabbing a beer, shading the room and playing illumine on a big, soft couch is my current favorite way of relaxing. On the surface, seeing the game for the first time, you may be forgiven for thinking that this game is boring. If so, it may not be for you. If, on the other hand, you feel even the slightest hint of curiosity or interest: Buy it. It’s about discovery, curiosity, leaning, experience, courage, patience and much more. And the way the themes and the visual and auditory design bring this across in this game is beyond magnificent. Truely a beautiful game.

Real player with 12.1 hrs in game

illumine on Steam



Even if the game has just been released , I was lucky enough to have played it at dream hack. And when I did, i was already addicted. The game has simple mechanics, but always keeps it intresting. Each level is different from the other in some way, which keeps you on your toes. As the game progresses, it get harder, but it just gets more fun. You start to adapt to different stages. Each stage mastered is a new weapon to the arsernal, allowing you to shoot down each part of the level with pure satisfaction. And every new high score is like a pat on the back. When you hear the sound that you beat your record, you don’t just stop and say “I’m finished”. Each time I heard the sound, I said “I’m not done yet”. I would deffinetly recommend this game, and I promise you, You won’t get bored.

Real player with 6.5 hrs in game

SOMOS is a minimalist masterpiece. You’re tasked with moving a circle in the middle of the screen back and forth by clicking on the side it’s on, though the real challenge kicks in when enemies spawn from both sides, causing you to rapidly, yet strategically deal with them while your circle frantically weaves in and out of danger. There’s several levels that’ll spice up your circle-protecting endeavors with scenarios such as Superhot-esque movement (time moves only when you move), daunting bosses spewing out barrages of enemies, only seeing the half of the screen your circle’s on, etc. Some of the challenges are difficult, but it’s the fun kind of difficult, like something you’d feel in Super Hexagon, and the satisfaction of completing a level there feels just as great in SOMOS too. Come to think of it, I feel satisfaction just from gazing at the game’s snazzy color palettes and listening to its hypnotic background synths while miscellaneous sounds from (killing) enemies are played over it. This all reminds me of the Bit Generations/Art Style games (GBA, Nintnedo DSi, Wiiware) and with the easy to pick up, hard to master vibes I get while playing it, I’d say anyone that’s a fan of those games or likes arcade-style stuff would feel right at home with SOMOS.

Real player with 5.2 hrs in game

SOMOS on Steam



The absolute worst Walter Machado game by far

Game’s on a tight timer, meaning if you underperform even in the first level, the whole run is doomed

There’s no exit button, so if you realize the run is doomed, killing yourself is the only way to restart

Things don’t even reliably kill you and I still haven’t figured out exactly what the logic is, so restarting is a pain

Things don’t reliably kill you, so you can actually ruin a good run by doing things you might have survived before

The levels are completely random, including the presence of a bonus that essentially cuts the time a level takes in half

Real player with 5.0 hrs in game

I fucking hated it.

Not because of the hard-to-handle drifting mechanics, which would otherwise be fun to get better at. It’s everything surrounding the core gameplay that makes the experience miserable.

For one, dying to the tentacles felt extremely random - you can never quite tell what interaction might kill you. Sometimes I could be crashing through three tentacles back and forth and still be okay; others, I would die from a single touch in passing with a random, usually non-lethal part of a single tentacle, thus ending promising runs.

Real player with 5.0 hrs in game




I just met a very dedicated and pretty cool game developer, psionik, and took a ride with him and 2 other Descent Rangers through his game Geocore, which is available on steam. The game is in alpha and about to go beta so for the small $10 fee I got it. After a quick but in-depth set-up I hopped into the Fury, complete with an arsenal of weapons that could rip a tank a new one and we toured the map. This overcharged pyro-style wonder has got the feel down. I mean it could fly like D1 with the right tri-chording feel, it has the after burners, weapons and feel of D2 & D3 too. To say the least, I was impressed. The other rangers were also impressed and I just wanted to give him a thumbs up and a recommendation and provide a video link of the match we just had. http://www.twitch.tv/tsunami_k/v/33285714 If you have questions you can find him in the mumble chatroom mumble.descentrangers.com on port 31393.

Real player with 7.3 hrs in game

I really want to advocate for this title, but unfortunately, it seems that the developer has moved on to other endeavors (no updates since 2018.)

As of right now, it generates random levels in single-player which you just sort of… go through until you die? I haven’t found an end to one yet, and likely won’t.

The weapons you’re given seem fine, but the aiming feels sluggish even after increasing the mouse sensitivity.

If you’re looking for a 6DOF game to play, there are better offerings on Steam:

Real player with 6.2 hrs in game

Geocore on Steam



A great game that feels very rewarding without being a huge time sync. You can hop on for an hour or so and have a alot fun and actually make progress. The trick system play similar to the Skate series, where you use stick position and bumper combos to pull off a variety of tricks. As far as progression its rogue-like, you can only crash so many times in a run before you go back to start, although you will get cosmetic items based on points at the end of the run. There are multiple levels that you unlock, plenty of bike-parks to cut your teeth on and have fun with. Plus a very solid soundtrack to accompany you throughout the game. Worth the full price in my opinion!

Real player with 111.9 hrs in game

If you enjoyed roguelike or extreme sports games, you will like this game. The game is just straight up fun. This is not a racing game, it’s a freeride downhill biking game. You can choose whether you played it safe or take the risk to do the crazy stunts you want to do. The developer is also constantly updating this game with new stuff like cosmetics or new bike parks or even a whole new challenges. This is really the best biking games to have ever existed.

Real player with 70.5 hrs in game

Descenders on Steam



Being very similar to TTV2, my review seeks to identify the differences in TTV3, and decide if they’re compelling enough.

| TTV2 | TTV3 |

| Slow, methodical movement | Fast, quick movement |

| Moderate number of maps | More maps, but still moderate |

| Varied start points on maps | A stationary start point on maps |

Real player with 2.1 hrs in game

TTV3 is MUCH more challenging than its predecessors (this is a good thing, I definitely still have hair). Aside from there being more things going on, everything is faster; including you. This will lead to many frustrating deaths stemming from holding a direction key too long and running face-first into an obstacle, or stopping just shy of the exit because your afraid of the former. That being said, if the first two gave you anxiety, this one will bring it so bad your blood will start hurting.

3/3 100%’d, though I can’t claim to want a fourth. It takes a toll.

Real player with 1.5 hrs in game

TTV3 on Steam