FAR: Lone Sails

FAR: Lone Sails

this is beautiful…. Im gonna buy the next game

Real player with 5.5 hrs in game

Read More: Best Great Soundtrack Atmospheric Games.

A wonderful but short adventure. The art style and atmosphere is beautiful.

Real player with 4.8 hrs in game

FAR: Lone Sails on Steam

LISA: The Painful

LISA: The Painful

LISA is polarizing by design, and simply playing through it’s introduction alone is enough to give you an understanding of why so many people never finish or play it at all. The plot is a pitch black, grim, and hopeless affair filled with only occasional forays into lighthearted and humorous territory. But the catch here is that these moments are designed to make the inevitable fall back down into the blackest pits of human cruelty imaginable even more devastating and impactful. You see, while LISA is a deconstruction of many common JRPG tropes, it’s main deconstruction is that of a trope found in many forms of media, not just video games. That trope is the notion of protagonist centered morality. What this trope means is that in a story, when the protagonist causes innumerable amounts of death and destruction in their quest, they’ll still be a hero and still be loved and praised by the populace, because although they’ve caused all this, their goal is noble so they’re relieved of consequences or responsibility for their actions.

Real player with 91.1 hrs in game

Read More: Best Great Soundtrack Dark Humor Games.

“Oh hello there! My name is Nern. I’m considered the greatest historian of our time… I’ve gathered a wealth of knowledge about Olathe and what happened here. Many tales… Would you like to hear? Hmm… I wish you were more enthusiastic… Oh well, I’ll tell you anyway. Let’s see…. Oh right! It all started with what I like to call, THE FLASH. I was sitting with my wife, god rest her soul, sipping on sweet lemon tea. I believe it was homemade by my sweet wife, God rest her soul. Or wait… Maybe she bought it from the store in a bottle. You know, like a plastic bottle? Well hold on now, that would be ridiculous to buy a bottle of sweet lemon tea, then transfer the contents into a glass. Why not just drink it from the bottle? I guess maybe so she could put ice in the glass? But then again, making tea homemade would be just as time consuming, if not more! That sneaky bitch… Anyway, I’ll save that story for later! So, I’m sitting on my porch drinking sweet lemon tea. From a glass of course, ho ho! When suddenly… A great strangeness fills my body… Something was wrong… I’ve lived many years, and I’ve never felt something like this before. Do you know what it was? Yup! It was my rocking chair! That wooden son of a gun stopped rocking! So I looked down and realized a little rock had gotten caught beneath my chair! A rock under my rocking chair! What a day! I decided it was time for bed, I had had a little bit too much excitement for one day! Hoho! I slid into my jammies, brushed my teeth, and said my prayers. As I was climbing into bed I noticed my wife, God rest her soul, brushing her hair in the bathroom. As I peered across the hall my body swelled up with emotion…

Real player with 69.6 hrs in game

LISA: The Painful on Steam



Um dos meus jogos favoritos!

Death Stranding é um jogo realmente especial, não há nada parecido com ele. Obviamente não é perfeito, mas as qualidades são tão grandes, que quase fazem esquecer os problemas.

O gameplay não vai agradar todo mundo, especialmente quem só gosta de jogos de alta ação, mas eu amei. Achei muito divertido e satisfatório ficar andando pelo mundo com um monte de tralha nas costas, enquanto tentava superar os obstáculos do terreno.

Se engana quem pensa que esse jogo é só andar. Há uma grande abundância de sistemas e mecânicas que deixam a experiência mais interessante. Você tem que gerenciar bem sua carga, manter o balanço do personagem, saber quais equipamentos levar, quais rotas tomar, se deve levar um veículo,, e o que fazer diante de certas adversidades.

Real player with 228.2 hrs in game

Read More: Best Great Soundtrack Walking Simulator Games.

I just can’t do a simple summary of the good and bad things in this game, so it’s going to be a messy, lengthy account of my impressions.

I had never played a Kojima game before, nor did I follow Death Stranding release, and I didn’t know what to really expect. All I had, from just enough previews to not spoil myself, was the impression of a contemplative game with quite an intriguing sci-fi background to it, which was enough for me.

Honestly, I was confused for the first hour and a half, not knowing what the point of the game was, struggling to grasp its concepts and the “why” of everything, wasn’t sure if I would ask for a refund, but my curiosity kept me going. A good book usually involves the reader constantly wondering “and then what happened?”. In retrospect, that’s a feeling I quickly got, and I was hooked to the story (and the gameplay) until the end.

Real player with 202.7 hrs in game


planetarian ~the reverie of a little planet~

planetarian ~the reverie of a little planet~

Planetarian The Reverie of a Little Planet

Hmmm, so coming into this VN I didn’t know what to expect, I had heard quiet a lot about it but I was hearing a lot of mixed impressions, however I was pleasantly surprised to find what a great story it had, it was a very interesting read; and suffice to say I have reread this VN many times.

The Story is based long after a great war that left the world in darkness, most if not all life gone, acid rains ever covering the planet in an erosive downpour.

Real player with 24.0 hrs in game

So, this is another key’s sadness visual novel, I have played Clannad and watched Clannad, Air, Kanon, and many key’s animes. This time key brings us a sadness but thoughtful story with a robot girl whose name is Hoshino Yomemi, which means the beautiful dream of the stars. I have read the whole Planetarian novels after played this game, so that I know the whole world of this novel series.Yomemi is a lovely girl, I DON’T think she is a ROBOT, but a HUMAN with all the beauties and she stands for the brightness of humanity. She is innocent and just like a child. Human destoried everything but she still believed that everything will become fine one day. I think the precious memories of Yomemi are the most moved part of this novel and I cried for nearly 2 hours after I watched that part. After played this game, I thought a long time, why human beings began to kill each other? Maybe they lost their emotions like love and mercy. After all, all these loves and mercies are given to Yomemi and she became the hope of human maybe. Though her body dead in the end, but her spirit was taken by us. By the way, the next novel called Man of Stars(maybe, I read this story in Chinese), in that story, our main character became a old man and show other people the beauty of stars, just like what Yomemi was done to him, and finally in a small village in South America, he dead with another robot which the same type of Yomemi, in that time, the South America was covered with ice and people could hardly survive. In that village, our main character teached 3 children many things of stars, knowledges, and some past stories. It’s a sad end. Human couldn’t avoid disappearing from this planet, but our spirit, our love, the dream of heaven, the heaven that won’t be seperated, the hope, won’t disappear.Actually, I think this game worth this price, in my opinion, it’s even more worth than 60$, it makes us to thought what’s the true love, what’s the humanity, and I think it’s even more thoughtful than some text book.

Real player with 21.8 hrs in game

planetarian ~the reverie of a little planet~ on Steam

Atomic Butcher: Homo Metabolicus

Atomic Butcher: Homo Metabolicus

Disgusting. I absolutely love it so far.

For reals though, I’d definitely recommend this game if not just for how vile and gross it is. Puking, peeing, and crapping on enemies is incredibly fun! Definitely not a platformer for children!

Real player with 19.4 hrs in game

Fantastic jump and pee game. Well balanced gameplay with the opportunity for awesome superruns. If you manage the double jump and slide move right you can super fast travel the level architecture. Scorefreaks will freak out too (combomoves possible), The soundtrack is also brilliant (metal and some 80ies italian horroflicklike musicstyle (john carpenter score).

The graphics remind me of some 90ies amiga games.

Gory like doom and disgusting like boogerman.

I have battlefield 1 and titanfall 2 on my hdd but i prefer to play another short round of atomic butcher. ;)

Real player with 12.0 hrs in game

Atomic Butcher: Homo Metabolicus on Steam

Disney•Pixar WALL-E

Disney•Pixar WALL-E

Wall-e is not any kind of game, it’s a game that truly makes you question how you didn’t find this game sooner, it gives a completely new meaning to video games, with the amazing graphics, amazing story and amazing smooth gameplay. There really isn’t a better game than Wall-e. Wall-e answers the questions like: What is the meaning of life?, What happens after death?, Is life real?, Why does dad hit me? Etc. It really is something special… You really wouldn’t think that it’s that much of a special game at first glance but when you play it you realize more and more how fantastic the game actually is… The only con is that people might make fun of you because it’s a “kids game”, but they aren’t real friends anyways, right? So I would 100% recommend this game to anyone who seeks for the most amazing and fascinating game on this platform. It truly is something special and I think that everyone should experience this amazing experience that Wall-e will give you.

Real player with 32.2 hrs in game

I got this game on sale for like 5 bucks, and it’s AWESOME. I had the console version of this, as well as the PC demo when I was younger, so I decided, “why not”? I was not disappointed. The controls were kind of weird to get used to at first, but I got the hang of it. It’s charming and cute, but action-packed at the same time. I definitely recommend picking this one up if it’s on sale, or even if it’s not. If you’re a completionist and would want to beat this 100%, I genuinely wish you the best of luck. Seriously.

Real player with 27.2 hrs in game

Disney•Pixar WALL-E on Steam



Strawberry Cheesecake French Toast


4 Slices Bread

4 Eggs

1 Tablespoon Vanilla

1 Cup Milk

1 Tablespoon Cinnamon

4 oz. Warm Cream Cheese

2 Tablespoons Vanilla Extract

2 Tablespoons Lemon Juice

¾ Cup Heavy Cream

1 ½ Cups Strawberry, Diced, Divided

⅓ Cup Sugar

Confectioners Sugar

Maple Syrup


1.Whisk eggs, cinnamon, vanilla and milk together in medium-large bowl to create egg wash.

2. In medium bowl mix cream cheese, vanilla, sugar, lemon juice and heavy cream (optional).

Real player with 127.0 hrs in game

Find Your Own Meaning of Life

A Noble Sacrifice

Beautiful, nothing tops this game, absolutely nothing tops this game. There is something I must do, and will do for someone out there—a total stranger—searching for meaning in a meaningless existence, fighting for a future he/she wants. But before that, I still have a duty to finish—to write and utter words of esteem and love towards this marvel of a game. However, I must, without a doubt, do it.

Real player with 108.5 hrs in game

NieR:Automata™ on Steam

NieR Replicant™ ver.1.22474487139…

NieR Replicant™ ver.1.22474487139…

Strawberry Cheesecake French Toast


4 Slices Bread

4 Eggs

1 Tablespoon Vanilla

1 Cup Milk

1 Tablespoon Cinnamon

4 oz. Warm Cream Cheese

2 Tablespoons Vanilla Extract

2 Tablespoons Lemon Juice

¾ Cup Heavy Cream

1 ½ Cups Strawberry, Diced, Divided

⅓ Cup Sugar

Confectioners Sugar

Maple Syrup


1.Whisk eggs, cinnamon, vanilla and milk together in medium-large bowl to create egg wash.

2. In medium bowl mix cream cheese, vanilla, sugar, lemon juice and heavy cream (optional).

Real player with 143.8 hrs in game

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Real player with 76.3 hrs in game

NieR Replicant™ ver.1.22474487139... on Steam

Post Apocalyptic Mayhem

Post Apocalyptic Mayhem

I should have written a review for this game ages ago. I am completely in awe of this game and I am so addicted to it. I love how the races always seem different even though I may use the same car with their own unique weapons. Every race is so unpredictable and you never know what’s going to happen. This is a good distraction game for me and it makes me feel incredibly happy playing it. I can kill my opponents without the risk of getting arrested! Lol. Great music tracks to each race in the apocalyptic challenge mode as well as various cars with extremely powerful weapons. Some cars are better than others but I like to play with them all to make it even and challenge myself even more. You can play on easy which is not as easy as you would imagine but a good place to start if you are playing it for the first time. I like playing on hard. I love the challenges of the hard mode. What can I say. Good graphics, music, gameplay and interest. I would definitely recommend this game to anyone who is interested in buying it. If you like fun and a challenge or 2, then this game is for you. You need to be on the ball and kill your opponents in order to get the most kills if that’s what you like. There is no escape! I would say that it’s sometimes difficult to play in multiplayer if you can’t get any players to join but it’s a good excuse to get your friends to buy it too! Thanks to the developers of PAM, you rock!!

Real player with 1661.9 hrs in game

Post Apocalyptic Mayhem has to be the most underrated racing games on Steam. My family and I play this game every week, I liked it so much we have a copy on both accounts. I realized I hadn’t wrote a review for this awesome game and now I will solve this overdue problem. The handling of the cars is easy enough that when my son was three years old he played this and it quickly became his favorite. There are twelve cars to choose from, seven tracks but the Winter Wasteland is just the first track Wasteland with snow. There is single player and multiplayer. In Multiplayer there is ranked and unranked options. In Unranked racing by time or kills is selectable. There are three difficulty levels. The multiplayer is pretty empty but that just means you arrange games with friends and the steam group for this game. Each car has three weapons and has a nitro boost. A front weapon, a side weapon, and a rear weapon. Use the appropriate weapon to attack cars that are near you. To win kills are more important than placing at the end of the race. When driving around the tracks your car can collect barrels of the appropriate color for each weapon by driving through them to collect them then you choose them when cars are near you. For viewing the rear window pressing down lets one peak out the back window to see how close the other cars are. Sadly there is no local co-op but that is okay as there is multiplayer. My son doesn’t like to play multiplayer too often with me as he is five and likes to win, but it is still fun in my opinion. Buy the game you will not be disappointed! If you are hesitant by it on sale and enjoy a wonderful awesome game!

Real player with 216.2 hrs in game

Post Apocalyptic Mayhem on Steam



Disclaimer: I have played this game for more than 100 hours during the closed beta. I’m unaffiliated with the developers and did not receive anything for free.

RAD is a roguelite heavily influenced by The Binding of Isaac and to a smaller degree by other similar games. It contains many elements that are the same as in BoI: More and more things will unlock as you play. Shops are upgradable (persistently). Pairs of procedurally generated levels for each biome which contain their own set of enemies, with alternative possibilities for boss fights. Mutations (which provide attack options and other effects), when paired, can have synergies, just like Isaac’s tear upgrades. There are keys (floppy disks) which open doors and chests. There are different types of hitpoints. Multiple ending cutscenes. There is even a timed daily challenge mode reminiscent of Dead Cells.

Real player with 35.5 hrs in game

In short - Worth a look.

In long? …

It’s kind of strange to see some of the anti-80s backlash against this in the face of so much nostalgia for that time, but everything wears out its welcome, and everyone’s tolerance and memory will be unique. Not everyone loved the 80s, I guess, and personal tastes are a wholly legitimate entitlement.

That said, if you haven’t OD’ed on 80s, this little rogue-like will be a fun distraction. While post apocalyptic settings, and even specifically alternate Cold War history settings are nothing new, the big kid on the block with that is of course Fallout, with a completely different aesthetic. This changes out 50s corn for 80s cheese, and that changes everything, other than the whole, post-post apocalypse bit.

Real player with 31.0 hrs in game

RAD on Steam