

Mankind tried to colonize other worlds when natural resources of Earth had run out. In order to discover new planets and to make them habitable A.I. robots were sent deep into the outer space. However something caused a global system malfunction and the terraforming process was interrupted. These smart machines went out of control and started to build their own tech world threatening the newly born biosphere…

All but one. The last of these robots found itself in a hostile environment of the gloomy and unfriendly planet XS-1271 far away from Earth. The surface of this planet was severe disfigured as a result of a failed terraforming process. Why did the mission of colonizing a new world fail? What went wrong and what could be done to stave an inevitable collapse off? This intelligent machine is up to survive and expose the truth behind this madness and the death of ecosystems.

Hundreds of unique enemies spawned by a technology disaster are eager do attack lone robot as it wanders the paths of a huge and constantly changing planet full of dangerous traps and engaging puzzles. The only way to survive is never to stop improving skills and battle tactics as well as to upgrade weapons and abilities of the protagonist. Change and progress are the keys to the truth!

Dark atmosphere of an alien world

You’re completely and utterly alone. It’s only you, technological landscapes and crazy robots!

Truly hardcore and exciting shoot ’em up action

This adventure is a challenge even for an experienced players!

Dozens of various foes and bosses

Planet is swarmed by all kinds of robots: from the primitive droids to the powerful multi-level structures.

Annihilate them all!

Vast arsenal of weapons and other ways to customize your character

Get you armor and weaponry stronger and become a true killing machine as you progress through the game!

Rich selection of tactics and approaches

Burn ‘em, shoot ‘em, hack ‘em or saw ‘em up?

It’s all up to you!

Powered with Eye Tracking

Choose a weapon, aim and shoot at a glance – no one can hide from you now!

Read More: Best Great Soundtrack Singleplayer Games.

Structure on Steam

STAR WARS™ Empire at War - Gold Pack

STAR WARS™ Empire at War - Gold Pack

Empire at War

Forces of Corruption

Empire at War is a Real Time Strategy game on a galactic scale.

How you can play:

🔸 1 x Empire Campaign

🔹 1 x Rebel Campaign

🔸 1 x Zann Consortium Campaign [Forces of Corruption]

🔹 Galactic Conquest (sandbox on some or all of the ~70 systems)

🔸 Skirmish missions set on unique Ground or Space maps (many options)

What kind of RTS ?:

As there are many variants of RTS games, this is a brief overview:

🔸 Space looks 3D, (some units can pass over others) but expect 2D,

Real player with 924.1 hrs in game

Read More: Best Great Soundtrack Singleplayer Games.

In my opinion, I would recommend that you should buy this game if your considering to buy it. The game is pretty fun, considering that its graphics and everything are like pretty old but I like it. Also, If your considering to buy it and not sure, well make sure that you want to spend $20 and also to make sure that you like Star Wars or you just wanna play this because it looks fun (Which it is). Some things I suggest though when you buy the game.

Suggestions -

  • EAW (Empire At War)

Once bought the game “STAR WARS™ Empire at War - Gold Pack”, you will see either EAW (Empire At War) or FOC (Forces Of Corruption). Since you have bought the game just now, your experience might not be the best. Consider that you load into Empire At War, have some practice or do the campaign if you want, it was pretty good in my opinion. Skirmish Battles or Galactic Conquest in #Single-Player is pretty much your options to practice in EAW (Empire At War)

Real player with 544.4 hrs in game

STAR WARS™ Empire at War - Gold Pack on Steam

Mini Golf Arena

Mini Golf Arena

This review is made after going through a few courses to get the feel of the game.



Amount of maps at release.

Workshop is available if you know how to make a course using their unity engine.

Courses have a nice vareity of realistic to fantastical.

The customization is pretty decent, but seems rushed.

It have some decent textures on some courses.

You can continue a course from your last hole if you crash or close game!

Quickmatch is handy if you don’t want to solo or scroll through servers.( if people make servers)

Real player with 34.4 hrs in game

Read More: Best Great Soundtrack Casual Games.

I received this game as a gift during one of my old livestreams, and I have to say I was not disappointed in this one. While at the current time of writing this the game does need some polishing (as every Early Access Game does), the overall general mechanics of the game function quite well.


  • Beautiful scenery

  • Engaging soundtrack with spine-chilling tunes (especially the horror levels!)

  • Many different customizational tools for both cosmetic and challenge purposes

  • Level Editing

  • Stable servers and connections

Real player with 10.9 hrs in game

Mini Golf Arena on Steam



It doesn’t get any better than this.

Each map is unique in its setting and objective concept (the cyberpunk theme of the game is greatly enhanced by excellent skybox’s and background noise that draws you into the level). They require good team co-ordination in order to win. Especially since aspects of the objectives take place in 2 parallel worlds that affect each other in real time [Meatspace - physical world: similar to most fps with a cyperpunk theme (weapons like laser rifle, tesla rifle, ion cannon), 3 class types (v.balanced) and deus ex like implants, inc increased speed, thermal vision, medic, stealth(invisi). Cyberspace - think system shock 1 or tripping on acid: req decking implant; deckers speed thru cyberspace hacking objectives, adding security and fighting off enemy deckers in low grav/high speed combat using in essence quake railgun, lightening gun and rocket launcher.]

Real player with 1765.2 hrs in game

What started out as an old half life 2 mod is now an independent game with a dedicated community and recently updated to 1.5.2! Dystopia gives some quake-style play with objectives and and alternate cyber space realm where players fight in quasi gravity for control over nodes. Cyberspace nodes can be secondary objectives to open up new paths around choke points or seal off defender’s quick access to the objective. They can also switch turrets to shoot the other team! Other times an objective requires getting a player with a deck implant in the middle of enemy territory and hacking an objective.

Real player with 811.5 hrs in game

Dystopia on Steam

GTTOD: Get To The Orange Door

GTTOD: Get To The Orange Door

This review is based on the beta version of the June 2021 build.

Note: Custom Maps and Mods are still not supported in this version.

Imagine you’re a Spartan - one that can wall-surf like a Titan’s pilot and dash like the Doomguy. One that can slow time like they’re in F.E.A.R. and bring it to a halt like they’re friggin' Dio.

This is the Doorguy - this is you.

GTTOD’s Second Excessively Late Update, for those that gave the game a spin before, is in some regards a long overdue rebalance and overhaul.

Real player with 66.7 hrs in game

This is a relatively unpopular opinion: I like the Excessively Late Update. I do not think it’s perfect, and I think Andrew knows this too.

I played v0.3.0 (the last version) and v0.4.0 (this update), but I did not play previous versions (v0.2.0 and earlier).


If you’re like me and picked up Titanfall 2 as soon as it went on sale on Steam, then a) welcome to the club, and b) you’ll like the movement in this game. While not as polished as Titanfall 2, it’s still incredibly crisp and does movement a lot better than most other games. As of v0.4.0, wallrunning is non-magnetized and purely momentum based, but the rework appears to show an option to choose how much magnetization you get when wallrunning.

Real player with 28.8 hrs in game

GTTOD: Get To The Orange Door on Steam

Cities: Skylines

Cities: Skylines

Great game with loads of content and mods to keep the game fun. New DLC’s are a big reason why I’m still playing this game after so many years. I wouldn’t recommend buying them for the full price though, they are quite expensive. Just wait for a sale where most of them are 50% off.

Real player with 707.6 hrs in game

If you’re into building stuff from scratch, loved Sim City, and cannot help yourself trying to do something better and more beautiful, buy the game. There’s nothing better. Be prepared to give a healthy chunk of your life, you budding City Planner!

Intuitive design, layered sophistication in game play, and plenty of mods and tools keeps you engaged for hundreds of hours.

I’m a relative amateur with a mere 339 hours of playtime. Just saying.


Real player with 421.2 hrs in game

Cities: Skylines on Steam

Black Mesa

Black Mesa

After spending 30-some hours with Black Mesa I have to say I’m honestly impressed with the work Crowbar Collective did. Together with Mafia this is a shining example of how remasters should be made.

I am also honestly impressed how well Half Life has aged. Most games I played (and loved) in the 90ies would probably disappoint me today, even if they were given new graphics, so much has changed since then, but this old timer keeps me on the edge of my seat again, as if it was 1998 again, and please note that single playthrough takes more than 30h - it’s not an RPG game, it’s a single player shooter! They don’t make them that way any more….

Real player with 43.5 hrs in game

I’ve been playing the original Half Life on and off since 1998 and it’s fair to say it’s one of my favourite games of all time. I remember manically talking about it to pretty much anyone who would listen when it came out. To me HL2 never felt as good as the original but Black Mesa does a fantastic job of bridging that gap and it actually helps me appreciate HL2 a little more.

I’ve just finished Black Mesa and the highest praise I can give it is that it does the original game justice and does an amazing job on building on top of what Valve achieved. It has some phenomenal set pieces and the levels are well designed, giving subtle clues as to what you are supposed to be doing without holding your hand. I think I only got stuck once during the game.

Real player with 32.7 hrs in game

Black Mesa on Steam

Song Beater: Quite My Tempo!

Song Beater: Quite My Tempo!

Bought this game to get some fun alternative to BoxVR. And that’s exactly what I got. This is not “serious workout”, unless you try it only in impossible mode (or try some songs from Beat Saber), but that’s why it’s better. You can just let go, listen to the music, box your way and before you know it, you end up with sweaty T-shirt, but loving it. Many people compare this to Beat Saber, but I guess I see it more comparable to some boxing games, I tried other weapons once or twice, but in the end the boxing gloves were the right thing for me. About the songs: definitely more than I’m used to. Combine that with the fact that each song contain 5 different difficulty levels and you have several hours of playtime without repeating same song with same difficulty. It’s true that custom song support is not that great - many songs for Beat Saber simply have too many boxes for boxing game - but you occasionally can find a usable song. Or, do it like me and check “no fail”. But the best thing I see on this is the multiplayer possibility - actually seeing someone else playing it on your left / right, waving etc, that’s something I did not see in VR fitness games before, and definitely loving it.

Real player with 210.4 hrs in game

This has been a full family go to game for many hours already .. Love the constant feature updates and the fact that it has not crashed since day one.

Punching dancing orbs at first did not seem like it would be a great thing. Once I got into it, and of course putting in a few ‘custom mod songs’ obtained from internet sources made the game all the better.

Best workout I’ve had in YEARS and I keep going back .

I cannot wait till it is finished.

One of the best titles in my entire VR library.

Real player with 90.8 hrs in game

Song Beater: Quite My Tempo! on Steam

Car Mechanic Simulator 2015

Car Mechanic Simulator 2015

This game is a wonderful mix of an intro to car components and a D&D dystopia.

Instead of making different parts show that they are worn and broken using a variety of techniques, the game uses only one. RUST.

So imagine we are handed a relatively new car that has some suspension problems. We pop the car on a lift, take a look at the undercarriage, and we find pristine parts, right next to others that look like they’ve been randomly touched by a rust monster. This makes the game into quite the amusing “find the rust” quest.

Real player with 123.1 hrs in game

I learned some part names that I had no idea about before, and got braver on my car DIY skills. And I was also reminded that real life is of course much more complicated than a simulator like this.

Overall, I’m enjoying this simulator, and I only wished that it was more complicated in many aspects. A few points that can be worked on (although I’m just a beginner DIYer, and know much less than creators of this fine game) - hoping that this list will guide people on what to expect and perhaps help prioritizing upcoming changes:

Real player with 85.0 hrs in game

Car Mechanic Simulator 2015 on Steam

Company of Heroes

Company of Heroes



This game is the game which made me “Addicted” I never forget the day that a friend of mine brought this from Canada for me in 2006 and I installed it and while it was installing and downloading patches I was busy reading the amazingly designed manual to learn everything. I started playing for fun and after 2 years I decided to play like a real professional and it was the first game which made me to join tournaments. I honestly never ever forget my greatest RTS memories with this game, I dare to say it gave me more fun than Red Alert 2 did although RA2 was a better and more balanced game.

Real player with 1244.4 hrs in game

Have been playing this game since 2006, it’s a Real Time Strategy game developed by Relic Entertainment and published by the now bankrupt THQ, based on the Essence Engine 1.0 which itself is a brand new engine inspired by the Impossible Creatures one which Dawn of War also used, albeit a modified version.

At the time of mostly stuff like Age of Empires, StarCraft and Warcraft were the dominant strategy games, CoH broke that mold by doing away with economic gathering and management by simply replacing it with a sector capturing system which generated resources for the player instead of stuff like wood, stock, gold and so forth you have Manpower which pays for your units, Ammunition which pays for your upgrades and abilities and finally Fuel, which pays for your buildings, some emplacements and your vehicles. Dynamic cover, something which only craters in Dawn of War provided and also destructible terrain, for the first time ever in a physics based RTS game were you allowed to create, destroy and use cover, your units could build sandbags, tank traps and emplacements, Tank and Artillery shells as well as stuff like satchel charges made shell craters on the ground giving your infantry light cover which helped them in the late game, I’ve often times had matches where the map looked like a side of the moon even.

Real player with 1059.7 hrs in game

Company of Heroes on Steam