Devil May Cry 5

Devil May Cry 5

This game is short, but it’s a gem for sure

between the stylish gameplay that puts all other spectacle fighters to shame, and the variety of really fun characters that are all really fun and compliment a different playstyle, and the… subpar but still really good multiplayer aspect of the some sections of the game (there’s a mod that let’s you use the co-op on all missions btw, see Nexusmods)

Once you finally get good at the game and unlock all of the moves, you can pull off some REALLY stylish combos, even I’ve managed a few

Real player with 542.8 hrs in game

Read More: Best Great Soundtrack Singleplayer Games.

I literally hate this game so much I swear to god level 10 on HaH is not even possible I have spent over 20 Hours trying to do it and if you even make one mistake you lose I hate it so much I hate this game

Real player with 120.5 hrs in game

Devil May Cry 5 on Steam

DmC: Devil May Cry

DmC: Devil May Cry

DmC had a lot of unwarranted hate poised against it before it even before release. ‘Fans’ decried the new design, while thrashing the developers for describing the old look in blunt but apt ways. The verdict was in before anyone could get their hands on it, and even when people did, they would only look to reinforce their own idea of what the game is. Scenes meant to be tongue-in-cheek throwbacks and foreshadowing were perceived as slights against the vocal few, while actual flaws went overlooked.

Real player with 45.4 hrs in game

Read More: Best Great Soundtrack Singleplayer Games.

I’ve been stuck in the bloody palace for 6 days now, i’m addicted. (help)

Real player with 24.3 hrs in game

DmC: Devil May Cry on Steam

DOOM Eternal

DOOM Eternal

Although it plays and is mechanically less like classic DOOM than DOOM 2016, the feeling of speed and power you get from mastering the combat makes it FEEL like you’re playing classic DOOM. In classic DOOM, you’re whizzing around arenas, dodging, weaving, circle strafing and prioritising targets. This game recreates that feeling well. After Eternal, 2016 feels rather sluggish and Eternal has also made me very critical of 2016. Which is why I prefer Eternal to 2016 any day.

For example in Eternal, You are actively encouraged to stay in the fight and never run away at all times, in order to get health, ammo, armor, you need to take from your enemies. You need to be in there otherwise you die. Whereas in 2016, when you have no ammo or armor, you need to run away from everything to a tiny corner of the map, defenceless, pick up a huge stockpile and run back in which really kills the flow of combat. In classic DOOM this worked because it wasn’t an arena shooter, you were faster moving and so doing this didn’t really slow you down or take you out of the fight - you could get back in there as quickly as you left. But in 2016, doing this is slow because your movement speed in comparison to classic DOOM is extremely slow - but you have to do that because grounded pickups are your main resource. This is dangerous, especially on Nightmare difficulty where running away can just get you killed easily. In Eternal, the way you get resources is different as armor and ammo come from attacking the enemies themselves instead of having to break up the fight and run away. Not only that, but you can dash and grapple yourself to fly around the arena which emulates the speed of the original much better than 2016.

Real player with 290.2 hrs in game

Read More: Best Great Soundtrack Fast-Paced Games.

In an age when most game devs have become lazy, id Software is back to show us DOOM remains a behemoth which has stood the test of time amongst the biggest games of this medium.

The game may look hard or even annoying for new players but don’t be discouraged to play it. Each challenge is designed very carefully to teach players something. Each battle is crafted with a look of thinking and every one of them have a unique point.

DOOM Eternal forces you to play well. Between the games which have a high skill ceiling like DMC or fighting games, DOOM Eternal is designed celeverly to push new players into the “fun zone” and actually DOOM Etartal is much easier than many games to begin the process of getting good. After a while of playing this game, although you know there is room for improvement but definitely you feel like a pro player and this feel is amazing.

Real player with 199.9 hrs in game

DOOM Eternal on Steam



🚀 Overview

| 👍 Merits | 👎 Flaws |


✔️ Lucy, CEO of Hell

✔️ Loremaster, The Science Demon

✔️ Beelzebub, The Great Fly

✔️ Justice, The Awesome Demon

✔️ Judgement, The High Prosecutor

✔️ Modeus, The Lustful Demon

✔️ Cerberus, The Triple Demon

✔️ Pandemonica, The Tired Demon

✔️ Malina, The Sour Demon

✔️ Azazel, The Curious Angel

✔️ Zdrada, The B!tch Demon


Real player with 12.1 hrs in game














Real player with 8.0 hrs in game

Helltaker on Steam

BDSM: Big Drunk Satanic Massacre

BDSM: Big Drunk Satanic Massacre

This is an enjoyable shooter chock full of rudeness, lewdness and dudeness. Definitely not for all audiences.

We play as Lou, the son of Satan and join him on his quest to reclaim Hell from the hordes of humans who have come for all the debauched pleasures on offer. Mostly these pleasures are fast food and sex. In order to save Hell from the invaders, Lou takes an arsenal of weaponry and blasts everything that moves into little tiny human or demon chunks.

The most obvious talking point of the game is it’s 18 rated content. There is a bevy of booze, drugs, rock n' roll and sexual references that definitely aren’t for all ages. A downloadable content patch removes censorship, but if you are easily offended, the game is not designed for you anyway and really having censorship is a moot point. Playing as the son of Satan, we shouldn’t be expecting a saintly protagonist. You will be shooting loads, in more ways than one.

Real player with 13.1 hrs in game

For many players, the genre “twin-stick shooter” is a synonym for difficult games that mix fast-paced, long-range attacks, close-range mobs, and giant bosses with tons of health. BDSM is definitely a twin-stick shooter, but I wouldn’t say that this game is difficult. That’s because there are plenty of ways to abuse the combat system, in addition to a special ability called rage; (filled by defeating foes), that gives invulnerability and a lethal laser that overkills ANY enemy! It fits the game’s lore, but it’s unfair to the mechanics of the genre. You’ll never need to worry about ammunition, either: Almost everything in the environment is destructible. And since there’s a default weapon with infinite ammo, you’re covered even if you run out.

Real player with 10.3 hrs in game

BDSM: Big Drunk Satanic Massacre on Steam

DOOM Eternal: The Ancient Gods - Part Two

DOOM Eternal: The Ancient Gods - Part Two

Let me start off by saying that I’m a person with over 1500 hours on DOOM Eternal, I absolutely fell in love with its story, gameplay and everything else, it’s still my favorite game for sure, but I still have grievances about the campaign and story that I want to share to the community and ID, I think that you can trust me when I say that The Ancient Gods - Part Two is an immense disappointment to say the absolute least. Just in general the game feels absolutely neutered, I was really excited to play this DLC, after the Base campaign and TAG1 I had faith that ID could pull off a satisfying conclusion to this game, but I was sadly wrong, I’m gonna boil this down into 3 main points, Enemies, Difficulty, and Story, The story section has major spoilers in it, so be warned.

Let me start off this review by being 100% honest. This DLC is easier than the base game, even on the highest difficulty. That said, this DLC further exacerbates issues that people had with DLC 1.

Let me emphatically dispose of this point first as there’s a lot to cover;

  • Cursed Prowlers.

As if having enemies being limited to being defeated by only ONE weapon type wasn’t bad enough with the Spirits from DLC1, this DLC introduces what I will highlight as one of the worst designed… things, ever put into a video game, let alone a skill based first person shooter (And I’ve played Redneck rampage’s sewer level). Lets start with WHY this enemy, under ideal conditions isn’t fun; there’s NO way for the player to know WHAT this enemy is going to do to you, let alone how to handle what happens when it does. This will have a very VERY high chance of getting the player killed. Lets go in depth, The cursed prowler’s attacks (melee & ranged) inflict a unique status unto the player; You cannot dash and you take damage over time. This limits your mobility by a sizable portion, but you still can use the meat hook on other enemies to get around. Note, I said OTHER enemies, because the cursed prowler is IMMUNE to being targeted by the meathook, AND the Microwave beam while you’re cursed, so you can’t even stun it from a reasonable distance. That may not be a problem some people would say, but here’s the pièce de résistance; the cursed prowler can only be killed by a blood punch when he curses you, which runs on a system of 2 charges, and can only be recharged by performing 2 glory kills to obtain one charge. So you may be caught with your pants down, suddenly unable to properly move, and by the time you’ve processed what’s happening, the cursed prowler is going to be on the other side of the arena laughing at you as you get your shit pushed in. What further exacerbates this issue is that some times, blood punches will be triggered on various things (corpses, carcass shields, other enemies) in your path TO the cursed a-hole, you may die due to no fault of your own.

DOOM Eternal: The Ancient Gods - Part Two on Steam



DOOM (2016) is a first person shooter developed by Bethesda and ID Software, meant to pay homage to the original series of Doom games from the 90s, which it does so incredibly well.


The gameplay in this game is incredibly fluid, all the guns have impact too them. That with the amazing enemy variety and fantastic soundtract by Mick Gordon all together make the gameplay feel extremely fun! The atmosphere of both the UAC and Hell are spectacular.

The game introduces a new mechanic called “Glory Kills” basically demons that are staggered can be killed in spectacular fashion, that as well as the challenges, collectibles and secrets through out the levels will have you searching all over for the hidden levels from the original DOOM, this and the large amount of levels combined leads up to atleast 11-14 hours of gameplay. The levels in DOOM are great in the fact that most of them aren’t linear, unlike most FPS games.

Real player with 99.4 hrs in game

I’m Too Young To Die

Early concept arts from 2012 showed areas such as a museum, a library and the streets; all indicated this would be the remake of Hell On Earth. It all made sense considering Doom 3 was the remake of the very first episode. Then there was silence till 2015 when - during the summertime - Bethesda showcased the gameplay of the 4th episode. It was great: gory, fast-paced, had great graphics as well as numerous executions.

Hurt Me Plenty

Story-wise we are back where Doom 3 began. On Mars all hell breaks loose after an experiment conducted by UAC employees goes horribly wrong. But did it really go wrong or the aim was to unleash these foul beasts on mankind? It is our job to put a stop to all this and find all the answers. Interestingly, there is no “zero” level now which showed the base in its peaceful state back in Doom 3. We are thrown right in the middle of it; in fact, our protagonist wakes up from a long sleep only to find himself in shackles. He breaks free, kills a couple of zombies, picks up a pistol then his dark green marine armour soon after and proceeds to the nearest exit.

Real player with 70.0 hrs in game

DOOM on Steam

Starlight of Aeons

Starlight of Aeons


Main program is flagged as a malware by Windows Defender so you have to get around that to install this.

No full screen support

No text speed option

No framerate lock

4 hr kinetic novel with full Chinese VA (none on 3rd story, “1/30000 Days to Love” though). There are 3 stories, but the first 2 just make one story together. Good writing/narrative, characters, and art. Great soundtrack. Philosophical.

Real player with 7.4 hrs in game

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Real player with 5.2 hrs in game

Starlight of Aeons on Steam

Ultimate Doom

Ultimate Doom

Doom the game, that like the main character, is just too angry to die, living on in a constant stream of re-releases, wrapping those age old wads in newer shinier packaging now with controller support and customization.

The original Doom team started before Id even existed working on making Super Mario Bros 3 work on a PC. The controls were impressive for the game, so mirroring them with the graphics onto a PC was quite the feat. Footage was uploaded by John Romero to celebrate Commander Keens 25th anniversary. From the description Romero says, Nintendo was impressed with the team developing the working clone for PC. Nintendo as history notes didnt want any of their proprietary games running on non Nintendo hardware. So the bad news is no Super Mario for PC and the better news is that we got Commander Keen out of it which then led to the creation of Id the creators of…. DOOM (insert dramatic explosion)

Real player with 54.6 hrs in game

A classic fps with endless ways of playing it

Real player with 38.2 hrs in game

Ultimate Doom on Steam

Devil May Cry HD Collection

Devil May Cry HD Collection

“I should have been the one to fill your dark soul with LIIIIIIGHT!!!!”

Amazing trilogy, older Action/Hack and Slash games can sometimes feel very clunky and slow in comparison to more recent games however these games hold their own and were definitely revolutionary to the genre for their time.

DMC was very enjoyable, a very solid introduction into the games. The puzzles and boss fights can be quite challenging even if you are playing on standard difficulty or even if this is your first DMC experience (like myself). Exploring the castle was very interesting as every area felt new and different without reprinting the same textures for different areas of the map which is what you tend to see in a lot of the older PS2 Games.

Real player with 94.1 hrs in game

2 amazing games with fun story and gameplay… except for dmc3’s mission 18…. and dmc2

Real player with 56.5 hrs in game

Devil May Cry HD Collection on Steam