Jet Set Radio

Jet Set Radio

Have you ever wanted to be a rollar-blading punk, rollin' around the city tagging walls, and stickin' it to the man?

No? Maaaan fuck you get out of here yes you have. This game is known far across the land for it’s kickin' soundtrack, beats so thick you could bounce a coin off ‘em. Also, it’s so old GBA could run it, so don’t sweat the specs. Only worry is the keyboard controls suck harder than your EX girlfriend, so grab an Xbox 360 controller and get going.

Now the objective of the game is simple, roll around the city, tag some walls, and keep away from the fuzz. However, this is all done to the sweet sonic sound that will be oozing out of the audio device of your choosing. It also helps that this game has graphically dated better than you could ever dream of. (Oh snap son.) You might get one Jet rank on your first playthrough. Might. If you wanna get Jet on every mission you must first study the anicent urban staking gurus.

Real player with 48.9 hrs in game

Read More: Best Great Soundtrack Singleplayer Games.

“Who are you! What’s your name? Super Brothers!”

Jet Set Radio is one of those games you most likely saw a demo of at a Target or Best Buy back in the early 2000s but never really got to play because you were too cool for a Dreamcast. Luckily, this PC port exists. This game is the perfect mix of skating and graffiti with a soundtrack to match and graphics that are considerably better than those of today’s games. The added danger of being tackled by street guards, being shot at by a crazed police captain, having missiles fired from helicopters, and run over by motorcycle riding police makes it more fun

Real player with 47.6 hrs in game

Jet Set Radio on Steam

Sonic Adventure DX

Sonic Adventure DX

What a game! As of this evening, I have unlocked every single Sonic Adventure Steam Achievement and had a blast along the way. Through my almost two years of playing SA1, it got me through the lesser parts of 2020, got me back into retro games, got me into collecting for the Dreamcast, became one of my favorite games and made me realize just how much I love the Sonic franchise and how awesome a franchise it is at that. Most importantly, its energy and willingness to try a lot of different things made me view games the way I did as a kid: they don’t always have to super artsy or mature, they can also be a sincere attempt to take you on a wild, fun-filled adventure.

Real player with 132.9 hrs in game

Read More: Best Great Soundtrack Singleplayer Games.

Literally the best Sonic game, hands down. Download some mods to make it look better, but the game slaps just like it always will.

Real player with 94.8 hrs in game

Sonic Adventure DX on Steam

Sonic Forces

Sonic Forces

This is a game that SEGA spent a lot of time hyping up, and does it live up to their hype? Not even close.

I’ll start with the positives: the game CAN be fun and it does have a few cool stages.

Now we get into the negatives.

Control: All the characters either feel really floaty or really stiff in terms of controls, and this is mostly evident in 2D sections. Often I found myself either overshooting a jump when I jumped from quite a distance away and several instances of bad braking which would send me down to a lower path or to my death. This happened a lot with Classic Sonic and the Avatar specifically, who had 2D sections more often than Modern Sonic did.

Real player with 42.0 hrs in game

Read More: Best Great Soundtrack Fast-Paced Games.

Where do I even begin?

In short: 5.5/10, just bland game.

Please read with an open mind :)

First, the Positives:

1. Music

Sure, Fist Bump (the main theme) can get a little repetitive, but the overall music was great, most of them compliments the level they were in, and the boss battle themes are spot on. Was kinda hoping Modern Sonic’s stages music would put more emphasis on the guitars & rock genre feel, or orchestra like in Unleashed. Most of them are EDM inspired (for me anyway), I don’t enjoy them as much as previous games’ music, still great though.

Real player with 27.4 hrs in game

Sonic Forces on Steam

A Hat in Time

A Hat in Time

Favorite game.

I just want to give kudos to Pascal Michael Stiefel for the music and the integration of music into the game.

Different parts of the forest for instance have different themes, and it changes as you move between them. You get a bouncier version if you drive the scooter, but most of all the linear levels have music that escalates as you make it further in the level, and he’s invented a new genre of music, music that makes speed running levels feel satisfying!

11 out of 10.

Also, kudos to the art design. Kudos to the level design.

Real player with 634.4 hrs in game

Such an incredible and cute game!

When I first started playing A Hat in Time, it kinda threw me back into the PS2 era of epic platformers and stuff - collecting things and reaching the areas as per usual. I really love all the areas and map designs, as well as all the cool characters.

The OST in this game is remarkable and it really just gives you more to the entire level design, y’know good vibes and stuff. Unless you’re like… Somewhere else, eerie place maybe? Everything about this game is so cool and good and it’s super fun to play it with friends. The DLCs are amazing, too!

Real player with 112.6 hrs in game

A Hat in Time on Steam

Spark the Electric Jester 2

Spark the Electric Jester 2

*Note that this review has been done from scratch to be much more acurate and in-depth since I changed my opinions slightly, some remained the same and some did change.

This is just my opinion and the opinions are subjective, so everyone’s experience is different.

This game is far from perfect and is definitely a devisive game just like some of it’s inspirations.

But still a pretty good game to me despite it’s flaws.

Spark 2 visually looks really colorful with that Sonic vibe going for it. It reminds me a lot of Sonic Heroes’s aethetics which looked even more imaginable than ever before.

Real player with 161.2 hrs in game

[Disclaimer: Patreon Supporter]

Spark the Electric Jester 2 (StEJ2) is a sequel to the first game but redesigned as a 3D Fast Paced Platformer in the style of Sonic Adventure 1/2. A pretty solid one at that although lacking a bit of polish overall.

This time you play as Fark as the central character, with his mechanics taken directly from his campaign in Spark 1, minus the wall clinging, Fark himself controls great in a 3D space using a controller and moves at a quick natural pace that allows for you to naturally react to what’s coming up ahead. He also has some new moves this time, a standard homing attack type move that’ll instantly drop weak enemies and by holding the Left Trigger he can charge up on the spot for a burst of speed dash using the Jester Dash (think spindash) as well as cancel all his vertical momentum to shoot downwards, both help with platforming and orientating yourself around the stages.

Real player with 20.9 hrs in game

Spark the Electric Jester 2 on Steam

Sonic Adventure 2

Sonic Adventure 2

We all know what you’re here for. Adventure Two is a good game, with an interesting story and good, if not a bit buggy controls. But the Chao Garden is the reason to keep coming back. 9.5/10. Needs more slots for chao.

Real player with 74.3 hrs in game

live and learn mfs

not perfect, lots of things got rough with time, but god isnt it just fun and satisfying. except the treasure hunting in later stages everything else is just plain fun, with sonic and shadow levels being so good making me replay them a lot. music slaps, not only does it fit the environment and level, it fits the current ongoing story events (be it green forest and white jungle as the best examples). the story and characters were crafted with such a care, thats absolutely absent in current sonic games.

Real player with 26.1 hrs in game

Sonic Adventure 2 on Steam

Sonic Generations Collection

Sonic Generations Collection

How do you define a good Sonic game?

The series was struggling with the right answer for this question. The Sonic Generations attempt was one of the last possible calls for SEGA to do things right and… they succeeded! This game single-handedly revived the franchise for me and gave me the kick to check out the old classics for the first time (I’m the Dreamcast Kid). This game is really this good!

Imagine that the famous band tries to set up “The Best of…” album. They take one song from each previous album. Some of those releases were horrible and you think: “Remaking this track is a bad idea! This was a dark age for this band!”. You are relieved when you notice that the “that one” dreaded song sounds so new and fresh! Even more… you notice that every song has one version for the original vocalist and second for the new one that came into band recently. This is Sonic Generations in nutshell. They took a level from every single game in the main series and remade them to fit for both: the old and cute Classic Sonic with 2D gameplay and the Modern Sonic with the boost mechanic. Fear Sonic ‘06 no more! Crisis City in this game better than ever! And you can cure your PTSD from the Silver boss fight here! Don’t like him? IT’S NO USE! He will suffer and you will be satisfied!

Real player with 117.3 hrs in game

This game is short and story is cheesy, but has a lot of replayability due to multiple routes each zone has to provide a unique experience for the player. This invites them to explore new routes and experiment on which route is the shortest and best to present a satisfying experience of “Going fast.”

You play as Classic Sonic, which represents Sonic’s origins as a 2D game, and play as Modern Sonic, which represents Sonic when he transitioned into a 3D game.

Classic Sonic incorporates all of Sonic’s moveset from Sonic 2 and Sonic 3 & Knuckles and plays like how he is back in the Genesis era, but with modern controls. Classic Sonic’s zones are played in 2D setting, but the environment has a 3D look.

Real player with 52.7 hrs in game

Sonic Generations Collection on Steam

Sonic Lost World

Sonic Lost World

Sonic Lost World is hard for me to review. Many people think negatively of this game, and I can see why. This game’s been out for 3 years now, but I’ll still try to hide spoilers when I can. Here’s a list of what I liked and disliked about Sonic’s most recent adventure in the main series:



  • The story is easy to understand for the most part. Most Sonic fans think this is a pro, especially since the abominations Shadow the Edgehog and Sonic ‘06. There were some parts I felt didn’t fit, but more about that later. It’s also surprisingly dark at times, like when

    ! Amy and Knuckles have the life sucked out of them and die. Or when Eggman threatens to rip out and eat the Six’s hearts and have them watch the genocide of their race.

Real player with 30.0 hrs in game

Sonic Lost Tutorials, a good game that is unfortunately very rough on first contact.

Sonic Lost World is one of those Sonic games that are extremely polarizing within the community, and from the outside I bet curious gamers will never be sure of what to make of it. I know, a divisive 3D Sonic game, “what else is new?”, but I feel this one in particular gets a bad rap.

The gameplay is the most divisive core of the game, and while I do enjoy it a bunch, it’s not without some flaws. The controls themselves feel… “adequate” but not completely ideal and perhaps overly complex with loads of buttons and combinations to remember, far from the streamlined Adventure or Genesis/Mega Drive days. The way they retooled the homing attack is extremely bizarre and a pacebreaker, and it trivialises bosses too (who are such pushovers some can be a 10 seconds long affair).

Real player with 24.0 hrs in game

Sonic Lost World on Steam

Voodoo Vince: Remastered

Voodoo Vince: Remastered

Voodoo Vince was one of those obscure Original Xbox games that didn’t get much attention.

While this game itches a satisfy nostalgia itch, there are more reasons this game deserves some praise.

Original xbox emulation isn’t easy, same goes for trying to port these type of games.

The pros and cons will be written with new-players in mind. For nostalgia players, this game is a must-buy. There is nothing I have to say convince you, it’s a proper remaster. But for those who have never even heard of Voodoo Vince before, this is what you want to hear

Real player with 26.1 hrs in game

Voodoo Vince: Remastered is a an amazing next-gen port (sans PS4, unfortunately) of the original X-Box Puzzle Platformer Voodoo Vince!

Ever since I got the original version of the game back in 2010, I found myself always coming back to play through the game at least once a year, and now I can do that in high definition on my PC without having to hook up the old X-Box.

The graphics have been updated phenomenally considering this was an X-Box launch title, as well as clean-cut sound files to make the game look and sound amazing.

Real player with 25.8 hrs in game

Voodoo Vince: Remastered on Steam

Crash Bandicoot™ N. Sane Trilogy

Crash Bandicoot™ N. Sane Trilogy

The PC version of Crash Bandicoot N.Sane Trilogy offers all the content and patches found in the other versions of the game. On top of this, you get the ability to play at unlocked framerates, 4k resolution, native support for all major controllers (Xbox One / 360 / Dualshock 4 / Steam Controller) along with a move set for keyboard and mouse.

If you’ve played the PS4 version, the multiplatform release brings a slew of fixes and one piece of additional content. A new level “Future Tense” which incorporates elements from an unfinished level found in the original Crash Bandicoot from 96’ – dubbed the “waterfall level”.

Real player with 66.3 hrs in game

I have completed the entire trilogy on PS1 several times since the original release in 1996, and I played through the N-Sane Trilogy twice, 100%, since it’s PS4 launch in 2017.

The PS4 version was enjoyable, despite the 30 FPS and weird collision detection on boxes (which surprisingly seems to have been fixed in the PC version, and rope running on the bridge levels is now easier to do consistantly again).

Since the game finally has come to PC, I decided to give it another shot, and I can say, without a doubt, that this is the definitive way to play it!

Real player with 55.8 hrs in game

Crash Bandicoot™ N. Sane Trilogy on Steam