Age of Viking Conquest

Age of Viking Conquest

Very good game. Positive features include simple mechanics, aggressive and intelligent ai, graphics and gameplay that have a real feel of the period. It’s also excellent value, with lots of replayability - 3 very different scenarios, 3 playable factions in each, provincial set-ups that can be randomised, multiple unpredictable events. That combination of positives is rare. I’ve tried scores of games but I can only think of one other that achieves the balance - for about 7 times the price! There was an initial problem about freezes in more complex scenarios, but the dveloper has now overcome that with the current version. I’m still learning tricks and tactics to make me more successful, but the fierce ai means that I haven’t yet got to vinland, done a Canute on the British Isles or achieved the Rus feat of raiding into the Black Sea and the Caspian - all possible on this map.

Real player with 35.1 hrs in game

Read More: Best Grand Strategy Alternate History Games.

A very good game. It can be quite a challenge, especially when you dont know and cant see the enemies armies.

Got some good concepts in their, I like the spying / discovery aspect and feel that it makes you think about every move.

Only downside that I can see is the achievements dont seem to work. After I discovered Greenland and Vinland (then conquered) I didnt get the achievement for it, nor when I conquered the Atlantic. But hey, its just achievements and doesnt take away from the fun,

Well worth the £4.99

Real player with 13.4 hrs in game

Age of Viking Conquest on Steam



I really enjoy the historical setting of this game, however Britannia is no where near as well crafted or as engaging as most of the other titles in the Total War collection. It is slow-paced and the battles are a cakewalk, even on Legendary difficulty. Look to Shogun II or Rome for a challenge. Marginal recommendation.

Real player with 394.1 hrs in game

Read More: Best Grand Strategy Multiplayer Games.

A nice little total war game. I appreciate that the game is quicker to play than standard total wars while keeping the main game play. You can play a campaign through in an evening when you know what you are doing (as oppose to a week with some other games in this series). I like to play this as a pallet cleanser between Total Warhammer campaigns. Their are a few annoying quirks with the game (like building guardposts makes your govenors disloyal) and some of the mechanics are not well explained, especialy around estates. But the key charm of this game is planning ahead and building effective armies from small pools of warriors, then leveraging those units to best effect using formations and combined arms tactics.

Real player with 71.5 hrs in game

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