Chaos Galaxy

Chaos Galaxy

Instantly the game reminded me the old SNES game, Raiden? But that game uses hex cells instead.

Simple in operation, a lot of units, honestly i loved it. Definitely gonna try all the factions.

Tho i wish the bullets during the animation can fly in unison or salvo manner rather than sequential fire, which took a lot of time. Just like the SNES game I’ve mentioned.

With box cells, the game operates just like the Super Robot War series.

There are two major unit category, mechs or warships. Or maybe Gundams or those Carriers, Space Cruisers whatever. Mechs usually could steer inside asteroid clusters and they gained evasion bonus for that. They hit 100% all the time but suffer with lower total HP pool. Also a team divided by 3 units, losing 1 of them losing 1 weapon to fight with. Tho if the enemy weapon could fire once, they benefited by no matter powerful it was, it will only took one unit with it. If it connects.

Real player with 235.7 hrs in game

Read More: Best Grand Strategy Turn-Based Tactics Games.

For full disclosure, I volunteered to review and correct the English text for this game. I’m listed in the credits for my assistance. I received a free copy of the game in advance of the release in order to have time to do this review. I also received some additional free keys. I also did a similar review for the previous game in the series, Chaos Sector. I purchased that game, but I did receive some free keys for the help I provided. Having contributed to the game’s content, I’m probably a bit emotionally invested into it.

Real player with 123.8 hrs in game

Chaos Galaxy on Steam

Chaos Sector 混沌宙域

Chaos Sector 混沌宙域

Good job. 难得有一个游戏让我能想起同时玩大航海时代和超级机器人大战的感觉。内政系统让我想起圣魔大战和lost technology。最有趣的是捕获系统,同时用海盗的导弹巡洋舰和北天的光束扁海盗不要太爽。同时也很期待Chaos Galaxy正式版的上市,希望开发者健健康康,开发顺利。

下面是几个针对新的Chaos Galaxy的建议:

1. 目前试玩版里,每个行星有五个slot可以建造要塞。不知道可不可以增加别的建筑,比如提升商业/工业/防御度上限的建筑?防御建筑当行星被占领时自动被拆除,其他建筑保留。

2. 是否有可能增加行星驻守舰队?满额的5个要塞在战力5000以上的舰队(旗舰+1-2巡洋舰+补给船+1机甲)面前仍然很脆弱,而能组建舰队的将领数貌似非常低(初始=3),所以领地稍大一点貌似就会被周边势力偷家。同1,是否可以通过建筑/科技增加仅仅驻守在行星本地的1艘巡洋舰+2机甲?


Real player with 41.8 hrs in game

Read More: Best Grand Strategy Turn-Based Tactics Games.

Very nice, litlle one-man indie turn based strategy with retro touch.

Simple, but efficient strategy layer plus series of small scale tactical combats (at most 20 units on board, usually ca 8 turns) makes for fast paced game and prevent drag. Choices are minimalistic, but well implemented.

I found game reasonably simple (with beginning a bit more challenging) and needed 21 hours to reach all endings.

For negatives, there is little replayability. Game is somewhat unbalanced (submarines" are underwhelming), AI is passable, and plays by the rules (which is nice feat for such a small game), tlhough very predictable in tactical phase. RNG sometimes can be a bit annoying (but never ruined the battle for me). For the price I can really racommend game.

Real player with 22.3 hrs in game

Chaos Sector 混沌宙域 on Steam

Red Button

Red Button

fun short

Real player with 0.6 hrs in game

Read More: Best Grand Strategy 2D Games.

usa are cracked

add more stuff

Real player with 0.3 hrs in game

Red Button on Steam

The Heroic Legend of Eagarlnia

The Heroic Legend of Eagarlnia

First off: I can’t believe that this game is priced under $19.99. It’s $12.99 — that’s simply unreal. 

As a player who has never really played any grand strategy games before, The Heroic Legend of Eagarlnia has been a very surprising and enjoyable experience considering it’s an early access game developed by a dedicated team of four. If you had been watching/following this game for some time, you’ll know that Eagarlnia has gone through some rocky periods throughout the years, as the development team had been very silent about the game’s progress and status despite hosting it on Steam’s platform around late 2019. There were some hints here and there that the game would be localized to English, but there wasn’t any concrete information to go on for several months. Fortunately, the team would resurface to announce that the localization for English was well under way, and that the demo and early access release would arrive soon. If it wasn’t for their decision to localize, I most likely would’ve never stumbled across this gem of a game simply because of the language barrier.

Real player with 636.5 hrs in game

If you’re a lover of oldschool strategy games of this kind then do not hesistate and acquire this title for yourself. The game features a truckload of detailed artwork (so many heroes…), beautiful music and enjoyable game mechanics. The weak part is definitely the translation but I think they are working on it. It’s functional but at times it can be difficult to understand the correct meaning of a skill (example: a skill says that it is good against fighters but there are no fighter units… the closest would be soldiers but it might also refer to warriors or spearmen).

Real player with 127.2 hrs in game

The Heroic Legend of Eagarlnia on Steam

Burger Joint

Burger Joint

FYI I know the game designer so getting that out of the way.

Is a really great single player game for passing time especially when you are a person who constantly wants to do better and better and beat their last score. That’s exactly what this game gives to you.

Real player with 15.3 hrs in game

I can’t get enough of this game. From beginning to end I’m challenged to make the right decisions for my business. I didn’t do well at first, but once I kept playing and improving I was able to get the right strategy down. I’m hooked and will definitely be coming back to play this game often! If you’re looking for a chill (but intense) game to pass the time, I highly recommend Burger Joint.

Real player with 12.5 hrs in game

Burger Joint on Steam

Death Drives A Bus

Death Drives A Bus

Very charming game! I knew from the get-go I’d like this game.

So death' side job as a bus driver comes in handy when his horse falls ill. So drive around, pick the dead up and drop them off to heaven or heck.

The puzzles become, in my opinion, quickly challenging, but not frustrating. It helps a lot with the simple interface and quick rest.

Also, the i.d.’s of the dead people, doesn’t do anything but it’s such a great detail to add in.

At the moment of writing (sept22,20),

the achievements on Linux (mint) do not work, but an in-game save keeps track of your progress.

Real player with 4.3 hrs in game

It is quite fitting that the road to hell heck is littered with traffic jams. Death Drives A Bus is a great little package. Most stages seem to have multiple possible solutions but that doesn’t stop them from being quite perplexing from time to time. If you’re a fan of puzzle games you really can’t go wrong with this title for the price it’s being offered at.

Real player with 2.1 hrs in game

Death Drives A Bus on Steam

Mafia Gangster City

Mafia Gangster City

the game does not respond I do not reply to the e-mail I have played tens of hours and they do not care at least if they sent me an e-mail for technical support I also sent photos from my e-mail everything still no response. Well thank you

Real player with 223.1 hrs in game

nice game i like it

Real player with 41.4 hrs in game

Mafia Gangster City on Steam

苏维埃模拟器 Soviet Simulator

苏维埃模拟器 Soviet Simulator

Game Contents

Note:Contents in screenshots are in the development, especially numerical values.

  • Make USSR Great Again!

  • Play as the high authority of USSR from Dec 30, 1922. Nobody knows USSR better than you! Control USSR’s Policies, economy, industry, military, diplomatics affairs. Can you plant the red flag on Reichstag?

  • It’s not a realtime game like Paradox games. It’s turn-based. You can deal with affairs at the end of every month.

  • Plan the industry schedule according to the requirement of people. Product consumer goods, infrastructure, T-34? It’s up to you.

  • Plan the import and export schedule. You can import foods to satisfy people’s need, or export military goods to other countries in war.

  • Scheme the Five-Years Plan. Every five years you can determine the way USSR’s industry structure goes forwards.

  • Strike Fascism! Knowing the real world history, can you prepare Operation Barbarossa well?

  • A war system dominated by ground force, supported by airforce, meanwhile navy withstands the trade routes.

  • Natural science, engineering and social science technology trees.

  • Can you avoid the mistakes USSR made in history, even though they may the best choices at that situation?

Game Features

  • Events in game are mostly real events in history. There may also be magic alternative history event. (Trotsky is coming back!)

  • Content based on fully textual research.

  • Include lots of capitalism jokes.

  • You can listen to Soviet military music and classic music with the radio on the desk.

苏维埃模拟器 Soviet Simulator on Steam

Carrier Command 2 VR

Carrier Command 2 VR

I have only played a brief little bit, but so far I have been able to control my units, drive the carrier, and do the first island mission without any problems in VR, but I am using Valve Index Controllers so I do not know how it will work on other types.

My only concern is that the carrier’s main camera looks a little funky as it is like a big circular 2D screen inside a glass sphere that you are standing in and for a few moments I didn’t know what I was looking at or why the screen was in my way. Once I started moving the camera and zooming in it all made sense and I was able to use it no problem. It does look weird though and makes you wonder where you are and what happened the first time you use it.

Real player with 30.9 hrs in game

Yes, now I can recommend this game since the latest update allows all functions to work with my Odyssey+, even though the devs don’t officially support WMR. (I’m hoping they will later, however.) I did have to use a community-made set of bindings, but everything works with the only exception being the air/sea radar, where I can’t seem to increase or decrease the scan range. Fortunately, the default value of 1250m still works just fine, so it’s not a game-breaking issue. I haven’t tried modifying the bindings, so it’s possible that I could still find out the fix for it. I spent about 2 hours capturing 3 islands and I had no trouble using all the same tactics that I would in pancake mode, although it took me the first 30 minutes just figuring out what all the controller buttons did. But once I did, I was bounding between screens and stations, giving orders to units, operating gimbal cameras, manipulating maps, and driving the carrier with ease. The only really hard part was doing it all standing up… I need to get a chair next time, as my feet were starting to hurt by the 3rd island captured.

Real player with 8.5 hrs in game

Carrier Command 2 VR on Steam



You are contaminated your only way to survive is to destroy the virus that is causing your evil. you are the cure destroy the viruses and survive before it is too late.

Be quick to think, as you progress in the game you use more and more logic in a fun puzzle.

CoronaViruses on Steam