Hero Generations: ReGen

Hero Generations: ReGen

It is a cute game and addictive time-waster. The graphics are charming and everyone can come up with a different strategy for dealing with the end game. Endless (and forced) replay value. There are a variety of ways to earn gold or fame, and to build up towns. It auto-saves after every turn and allows several different lands to explore. While buildings do wear down, they can be easily rebuilt or repaired, or given a building that auto-repairs them for a time, although there is an irritating cap on how much ‘health’ a building can have. There are even teleporters that can be built to get from one land to another quickly!

Real player with 56.4 hrs in game

Read More: Best Grand Strategy Exploration Games.

A cute little, simplistic 4X game. I really like the risk/reward system where each space you move consumes a year of your hero’s life. The older your hero is, the fewer trait cards can be inherited by the next generation; if you push your hero too far, he/she will die of old age, and it’s game over.

You can build up towns, receiving bonuses for building all of one type. Building types will also influence the kind of traits mates will have in a given town–and of course, you’re looking for the best traits to pass down. The idea being you will improve each generation, which culminates in an hero who will have the best chances of defeating the big baddie, who appears after 15 generations.

Real player with 20.2 hrs in game

Hero Generations: ReGen on Steam

Raiders! Forsaken Earth

Raiders! Forsaken Earth



WHAT TO EXPECT: Be the villain. Sandbox generated world. Mixes strategy with management. Turn-based, side-on combat with many tactical options. Post-apocalyptic setting. Lots of raider and some base customisation. Large array of inventory. Item crafting. Artillery, siege engine and landsail craft. Slaves and cannibal options. Seed generated world maps. Alot of micro-management. Optional endgame scenarios or endless mode. Singleplayer only. Currently supported by dev.

Real player with 63.2 hrs in game

Read More: Best Grand Strategy CRPG Games.

Can I recommend this game? Boy, that’s a doozey. If the game was $60, hell no. At its current price? Totally.

Basics of the game is, you start off with pretty much nothing. You got some raiders with you and they are bottom of the barrel. Its ok though because the way you level up is by fighting. There are, I believe, respawning caravans with really low level mobs that at first is a little bit of a challenge but after some levels and better armor, maybe weapons too, you can pretty much take on the whole wasteland. Your raiders quickly receive a message saying that Wasteland’s Rangers are coming in 120 days. I’m not kidding, they are pretty much the Wasteland game franchises Rangers. For some reason, after playing w2 and just devastating all the raiders, my head-canon really enjoyed being that ONE GROUP that won lol.

Real player with 24.8 hrs in game

Raiders! Forsaken Earth on Steam

Hegemony III: Clash of the Ancients

Hegemony III: Clash of the Ancients

Hegemony III: Clash of the Ancients (H3) received some mixed reviews when it released back in 2015, but since then it has got a handfull of updates, including a DLC “The Eagle King” which brought new game play options and an expanded Sicily-map in 2017. Now the game is looking forward to a second DLC “Isle of Giants” in 2021 focusing on the nuratic tribes of Sardinia and Corsica. Time to look at this game again!

With it’s setting in ancient Italy before the Rise of Rome, at first the map may seem small in comparison to other titles, but actually it is not, especially when considering that the DLC add the islands of Sicily, Sardinia and Corsica. In fact, the map offers a lot of game-play opportunities and different factions and if that was not enough, the modding community has added additional content.

Real player with 430.9 hrs in game

Read More: Best Grand Strategy Alternate History Games.

‘I thought this game was cool before it won an award!’

I’ll update this review as the game gets updated and the DLC are released.

Hegemony 3 is the crown of the Hegemony series where Phillip of Macedon/Wars of Ancient Greece is one of the gems encrusted. This is the game that gamers who are new to the series will probably jump in and try first and that is a good thing.

I was pleasantly surprised at how the game launched and has been progressing ever since. The moment to moment gameplay is engaging and quite fun especially in the 3.2 version. Combat is quite tactical and there are often times decisive strategies available.

Real player with 264.6 hrs in game

Hegemony III: Clash of the Ancients on Steam

My Little Village

My Little Village

My Little Village gives you the power to control your own village. You need to make the right decisions for your village otherwise it will be destroyed. You will decide the tasks of each little villager and you will see how they evolve. You will soon see if you will be forgotten or are you a spectacular leader of a balanced little village.


A good leader knows how to balance villagers tasks so everyone has food in their bellies and safe roof over their heads. You are in charge of your little village and every villager is important. You can get to know each villager individually. You can change the task of your villagers as needed. Sometimes you need more food in your village while sometimes you need more warriors. Remember that the constant change of tasks will make the villagers nervous and they will not be as happy as they were. A good leader gives the right tasks to every villager.


If every villager works in the field to get a lot of food for the village what are you going to do if the neighboring village is planning evils against you? Recruit some of your villagers as soldiers. By building a barrack in your little village you will be able to create battalions. Warriors and battalions will protect your village from attacks by barbarian villages and other threats. You can train your soldiers in time of peace and when the war breaks out you are invincible.


A good leader knows the weaknesses and strenghts of their little villagers. From the skill tree you can see witch task is best for every individual villager. Skills will increase by practicing certain tasks. The family of woodcutters are good at woodcutting and warriors child is good at fighting of course. Each of your villagers has their own family tree. There you can view the parents and grandparents of each villager. The skills of parents give an indication of where their child is good at. Regardless you get to decide the task of each and every villager yourself.

My Little Village on Steam

Victory At Sea Ironclad

Victory At Sea Ironclad


Real player with 38.1 hrs in game

this is early but will say that this is unstable at release. Has issues booting and locks up during loads. Pretty much same mechanics of war at sea pacific. I think there is still no weather effects in game…come on man!

Real player with 29.9 hrs in game

Victory At Sea Ironclad on Steam

Medieval Kingdom Wars

Medieval Kingdom Wars

I like the game. In fact, I like it a lot. There are very few things I could personally complain about, in terms of gameplay mechanics, or graphics. If I wanted something different, I’d simply play something else, instead of asking for this game to be changed to the point it’s no longer the same game.

The reason for the negative review, would be that I’ve almost completely lost faith in the the developers, as well as any hope of improvement on what is currently something non-playable for me. And the reason I’ve lost faith in them, would be due to their approach on how they handle things.

Real player with 142.0 hrs in game

Medieval Kingdom Wars is a Grand Strategy/RTS game that reminds me of a mix of a very simplified Paradox campaign map, with Total War elements, and then very Age of Empires style real time battles in a battle map. This game has a really cool concept, I’ve always wanted a game like this, and after reading the description apparently the 3 man Dev team always has as well, and they’ve made a pretty neat little game. What it lacks in complexity and depth it makes up for in pure fun, and it is fairly addictive as well. It’s not as immersive as a total war game or a paradox game, you won’t really feel Super in the 14th century, as many of the units are still fairly generic, but the devs are CONSTANTLY updating this game, and it’s always getting better with every update. Okay, lets do a quick rundown of it’s features and then some pros and cons:

Real player with 54.3 hrs in game

Medieval Kingdom Wars on Steam

Reign of Darkness

Reign of Darkness

Disclaimer: I have over 255+ hours into this game and truly enjoyed this passion project. I have been power leveled, done countless dungeon grinds, tanked, dps, healed in groups. This is a critical review from an experienced player who has taken a 5+ month break and come back with a fresh character. I have also supported the developer by purchasing in game items.

As of 10/16/2020 I could not recommend this game to any new player. Between the not so friendly leveling experience to low player base. This group centric game just misses out on the party experience. There are not many active players to support leveling from 1 to 100,to even consider leveling with others, via a dungeon. Plus there is not even enough quests/mobs in the world (Outside dungeons) to get you to 100, if you went solo.

Real player with 346.3 hrs in game

AS OF 12/14/2020

As Ive played this over the year I had grown blind to what this game offers and ignored red flags with the games developments over the span of my playtime. Currently the devs are working hard on the game to push out lots of content rather than balancing and bug fixing. As more Content is released the less polished the game looks from when I first started playing with fresh Awe-struck eyes.

The quests are dull, unoriginal, and lazy, with the dialogue for them being the most bland and uninteresting I’ve ever come across in an mmo. The newest quest additions become a game of “Where’s Waldo”, looking for a hidden object in the open world. These quests tell no story and seem to be there just to be there so they can advertise “Many quests” When in reality there are no more than 35ish lackluster/ boring quests in general. Lore and story are no where in sight and tells no actual story as of right now.

Real player with 256.0 hrs in game

Reign of Darkness on Steam

Victory At Sea Pacific

Victory At Sea Pacific

Dev activity

They’re quite active. They reply promptly to direct contact on the Discord and are equally ready to implement suggestions into the game. Most notably when it comes to expanding modding support. Some reviews claim the game is dead or the devs have run off so the patch history follows.

9-14-2018 Public release, 9-19-2018 Patch 1.0.4, 9-20-2018 Patch 1.0.5, 9-25-2018 Patch 1.0.6, 9-28-2018 Patch 1.0.7, 10-5-2018 Patch 1.1, 10-11-2018 Patch 1.1.1, 10-18-2018 Patch 1.1.2, 10-26-2018 Patch 1.1.3, 10-30-2018 Patch 1.1.4, 11-8-2018 Patch 1.1.5, 11-23-2018 Patch 1.2 (introduced modding), 11-26-2018 Patch 1.2.0p2, 11-27-2018 Patch 1.2.0p3, 12-17-2018 Patch 1.2.1, 12-20-2018 Patch 1.2.1p3, 12-21-2018 Patch 1.2.1p4, 1-9-2019 Patch 1.2.2, 1-11-2019 Patch 1.2.2p1, 1-23-2019 Patch 1.2.3, 3-4-2019 Patch 1.3.1 Royal Navy added, 4-2-2019 Patch 1.4 Custom battles, 6-19-2019 Patch 1.5 Minor factions, 10-30-2019 Patch 1.6, 11-4-2019 Patch 1.6.1, 11-13-2019 Patch 1.6.2, 2-6-2020 Patch 1.7, 2-7-2020 Patch 1.7.0p1, 2-26-2020 Patch 1.7.1

Real player with 181.7 hrs in game

As someone who really want’s to like this game, and I truly do want to like it, I’m sorry to say that I can’t really recommend this game in it’s current state. The gameplay is fine and can be fun, specifically when your right up in the action having the ship maneuver to avoid torpedoes and air attacks, and launching submarine attacks on convoys and task forces.

But while the core gameplay is really solid, the fact that it is so filled with bugs and glitches makes it really difficult to enjoy what’s there. Ships can just disappear from a taskforce, even though it is possible to find their models and still click and control them manually. I’ve had a case where I lost an entire taskforce of submarines to limbo because of a glitch despite the fact I was able to use said submarines to sink a flotilla’s worth of destroyers. I’ve had a similar case where I lost three battleships to limbo when I tried to control them manually.

Real player with 133.5 hrs in game

Victory At Sea Pacific on Steam

Imperator: Rome

Imperator: Rome

its good now, actually. i hope that someday they look back on this title and add some more content.

Real player with 610.3 hrs in game

I spend few hours in this game and I’m glad that I bought it (but on bargin for ~20€). There is a lot more microeconmic mechanic than other games, like EU4 or Stellaris have, so it is even harder to maintain big empires (witch is good thing becouse big empires don’t last forever). Of course Imperator has some issues, but even EU4 after 8 years still has and it’s not like this bugs makes this game unplayable. I hope Paradox will realase new updates or DLCs soon (maybe after They realase Victoria 3) becouse this game have a lot of potencial.

Real player with 449.0 hrs in game

Imperator: Rome on Steam



This is a niche game intended for a small group of people that enjoy the concept of turning DOS into a game, and manually handling every aspect of base building and logistics through text commands - in lieu of having situational action buttons that figure what you are trying to do when you aim at x thing.

I am not one of those people. I don’t know any of those people.

But I do hope the devs find their audience.

Real player with 0.2 hrs in game

Structura on Steam