Rising Constellation

Rising Constellation

Rising Constellation is an awesome game which is mixing strategy and role play at a perfect level.

It offers many distinct gameplay based on factions and its agents mechanics - however, remind it’s strongly depends on team play!

Indead, this game is part of those who are perfectly designed to work in cooperation with your mates, but definitely not alone.

Use Siderians and rule your teamates, just because you’ll get the economy power - or perhaps you’ll prefer bite everyone using large fleets lead by Navarques.

Real player with 933.3 hrs in game

Read More: Best Grand Strategy Multiplayer Games.

Rising Constellation is 4x RST game still in developpment.

Created from a small team of Swiss developper, I was a player of thier first MMO RTS 4x game: Asylamba.

I see RC (Rising Constellation) like an MMO RTS 4x game based on Agents (Navarques – Ereased – Sidérians).

I really enjoy the game for is background story (lore can be added by players participation) , B&W graphic style and is MMO possibility !

There is now 1 mod to play : fast flash 2H gamemode , this is quite small with 1 or to 2 games per week with a small cummunity.

Real player with 837.1 hrs in game

Rising Constellation on Steam



This is a brilliant example of the kind of wonderfully niche games that steam makes possible. The mechanics are simple and (mostly) intuitive. The AI is surprisingly clever and will catch you off guard if your not careful, and the lore and aesthetics are excellent, Well worth the price.

Only two points of criticism:

First, some of the terms and concepts aren’t properly explained, Raiding (which I think just means when rebels attack though I’m not sure) is one, coalition building is another. I cant figure out how to chose who is in my coalition and it makes the endgame a bit frustrating.

Real player with 17.9 hrs in game

Read More: Best Grand Strategy Online Co-Op Games.

An absolutely kickass game with a lot of potential. Not only is the gameplay great, but the story and all of the intel reports are top class. Since this was made by a TNO dev, it has a distinct TNO-type vibe to it that I absolutely love.

Real player with 15.4 hrs in game

Tyrannis on Steam

AI War: Fleet Command

AI War: Fleet Command

This game is amazeballs and you should buy it now.

Oh, and if you want to play Ai War multiplayer with me just send me a friend request. :)

Alright so if that wasnt enough for you and my hours of playtime arent very convincing lemme tell you about AI War. This game has been called by many people a tower defense of sorts. I would mostly agree but you cant just put it as a tower defense when thats not what it aims to be. This is a real time strategy with some light 4X here and there, well mostly the Expand and Exterminate parts. This game does not feature a diplomacy system because it is always the ai against you beacuse of the plot of the game. Its written in the description of the game on the store page check it out and you will know why the ai is always your enemy.

Real player with 820.0 hrs in game

Read More: Best Grand Strategy Tactical Games.

This game is not fair. From the first second of any game, until (in most games) the last stages of the game, the AI possesses sufficient firepower to obliterate your insignificant rebellion without really stretching. In this repect, most games of AI War are a wonderful breath of fearful concern. Always looking over your shoulder. Always trying to avoid annoying the AI too much. Always treading softly, while carrying the biggest gun (indeed every gun) you can find.

Let’s be clear; if you’re looking for a game that holds your hand through a linear, scripted campaign, this is not the game for you.

Real player with 517.7 hrs in game

AI War: Fleet Command on Steam

Europa Universalis III Complete

Europa Universalis III Complete

Whee. Europa 3, like its predecessors and its cousins Hearts of Iron and Victoria (Crusader Kings as well, but that isn’t as hard to learn), is an extremely complex game that is notoriously difficult to learn, not helped by crappy tutorials. I had an edge having been playing this series since its first installment, but it still took some time to get used to everything. So right from the start expect a significant time investment on learning how to play the game, and learning to do well at it. War, Diplomacy, Trade, Exploration, and more. It’s all here.

Real player with 535.5 hrs in game

As far as I’m concerned, this is the best game ever - especially in this version with the first two additions to the game.

To a certain extent, it is comparable to the Total War games, if they only included the map mode, which would here be simplified to armies only being able to move from province to province and not within a province. However, you have a more complicated diplomacy and domestic policy to deal with.

Another thing that makes it different, and, for my taste, better than the Total War games, is the greater realism and historical accuracy - in this game you can’t just conquer everything, and it remains challenging for the more than four centuries that its timespan covers.

Real player with 492.4 hrs in game

Europa Universalis III Complete on Steam

Supreme Commander: Forged Alliance

Supreme Commander: Forged Alliance

This game…

Well, I can honestly say that it is not only one of the best games I’ve ever played, but I would also dare to state that -in my opinion- this is THE best RTS of all time (possibly excluding Total Annihilation, I’ve never played that.)

Attention: If you just want to see my rating of this game, skip right down ahead to the bottom of the review.

Okay, so assuming you didn’t just skip all this, here comes a more in-depth explanation.

This is an RTS, real-time strategy, but you’ve probably already figured that out. Firstly, I will go over the base story, which is told during the opening cutscene. (You’re totally free to skip the story part too, if you want to. Just scroll right down a bit, I will mark it off with a few —-)

Real player with 401.5 hrs in game

Just a heads up, this is my first review so I apologize in advance for any suckyness. Also I have played much more off of steam. Also this goes for both games.

The best game “ever” is a very hotly disputed subject. Most people say it’s WOW, or Halo, or CS go, or COD, or Shadow of the Collosus, or some other game with a big fandom. All things considered, I say this one, because I truly believe it has (almost) every aspect of the ideal, at least strategy, game.

Great Interface

Real player with 266.0 hrs in game

Supreme Commander: Forged Alliance on Steam




I can’t believe how petty some people are. It’s a good thing that these people are only a minority and don’t represent Total War community as a whole - seeing some people raging and trying to review bomb a game over something like this is just downright sad: not even allowing comments on their spam reviews and hiding behind private accounts. “Forcing us to buy the game again! Stupid naming the game again! Prince increased!” First for the people going on about “price thieves!”, Total War Saga: Fall of the Samurai includes the DLC that originally had to be purchased separately - the price takes this into account and isn’t more expensive than previously purchasing them separately with the game. It would help if you would actually bother checking what you are going on about instead of just riding along as some sad meme: no one is forcing you to buy the game again. If you already own Fall of the Samurai you will still own it - the rebranding does not affect you. Fall of the Samurai was always a standalone game - it did not require Shogun 2 to be played, and being a standalone game set in a more constrained time period (like Thrones of Britannia) as opposed to a more open-ended experience like the mainstay Total War titles, rebranding it under the Total War Saga is actually fitting. That some people are raging like this without even knowing what they are on about is simply ridiculous. Fortunately Steam now has a system in place to disregard raging kids like this with their attempts at review bombing.

Shogun 2: Fall of the Samurai is one of the best Total War games. The game has most of the positives of the base Shogun 2 game, The game looks great, performs well and has late game difficulty. Unfortunately, the game’s multiplayer can be extremely unbalanced at times. However, the game’s innovation and experimentation make up for any flaws or roughness it may have from being a stand-alone game made between major releases.

Fall of the Samurai does not look as amazing as Shogun 2, but it still looks great. The modern units look dignified but still rough in a realistic way. The old school samurai look traditional and plain, but their simplicity is oddly intimidating. The campaign map is a 19th century styled geographic map that places less emphasis on beautiful mountains and more on the great plains and seas that can be traversed by rail and steamship.

A Total War Saga: FALL OF THE SAMURAI on Steam

Supreme Commander 2

Supreme Commander 2

As a stand-alone game it is amazing. But compared to the previous to Supreme Commander games this is a major step down. Remember how there were huge tech trees? such as the tier one factory can upgrade to the teir two which unlocked more units, well thats all gone. Instead now you build a research station which slowly gains research points which you use to upgrade your units not unlock new ones. Remember how you could choose a commander to start the game with? well now it is story based so you have to play the commanders in order (UEF, AEON the Cybran). Explosions are amazingly downgraded aswell. Remember the satisfaction of destroying a commander and watching a huge nuclear blast spread and destroy their base? Well now the commander explodes in a small blast and and all the oppents units die at once. Also all of the experimental units are extremely nerfed remember the AEON saucer? now it is smaller and much weaker, send 7 intercepters at it and it’s gone. The Cybran spider bot has been turned into a crappy little beetle bot which are so easy to defeat they’re in the first mission. All shields are the same size now (small, unless your counting huge UEF shield in the DLC) and instead of them all blocking shots the Aeon and Cybran shields let 15% of shots through! and now all shields look the same aswell. But the most annoying thing, the most annoying thing of them all is that everything you build counts as a unit. No more unlimited turrent defences, no unlimited shield protection and no more complex base defences. If you’re reading this review before buying the previous games then buy this game first or dont buy it at all

Real player with 25.9 hrs in game

–-{Graphics/Art Style}—

☐ It’s the Matrix

☐ Beautiful

☑ Meh

☐ Paint.exe

☐ It looks like that one Rambo game everyone forgot about


☑ Fantastic

☐ Good

☐ Meh

☐ Having just the base controls doesn’t count as gameplay

☐ Staring at walls is better


☐ Audiophile’s wet dream

☑ Good

☐ Meh

☐ Early 1990’s TV static sounds better

☐ Crickets


☐ Mick Gordon’s music or equivalent

☐ Good

☑ Meh

☐ It’s not winning any awards

☐ Nickelback level of quality

—{PC Requirements}—

Real player with 23.4 hrs in game

Supreme Commander 2 on Steam

Medieval Kingdom Wars

Medieval Kingdom Wars

I like the game. In fact, I like it a lot. There are very few things I could personally complain about, in terms of gameplay mechanics, or graphics. If I wanted something different, I’d simply play something else, instead of asking for this game to be changed to the point it’s no longer the same game.

The reason for the negative review, would be that I’ve almost completely lost faith in the the developers, as well as any hope of improvement on what is currently something non-playable for me. And the reason I’ve lost faith in them, would be due to their approach on how they handle things.

Real player with 142.0 hrs in game

Medieval Kingdom Wars is a Grand Strategy/RTS game that reminds me of a mix of a very simplified Paradox campaign map, with Total War elements, and then very Age of Empires style real time battles in a battle map. This game has a really cool concept, I’ve always wanted a game like this, and after reading the description apparently the 3 man Dev team always has as well, and they’ve made a pretty neat little game. What it lacks in complexity and depth it makes up for in pure fun, and it is fairly addictive as well. It’s not as immersive as a total war game or a paradox game, you won’t really feel Super in the 14th century, as many of the units are still fairly generic, but the devs are CONSTANTLY updating this game, and it’s always getting better with every update. Okay, lets do a quick rundown of it’s features and then some pros and cons:

Real player with 54.3 hrs in game

Medieval Kingdom Wars on Steam

Spirit Island

Spirit Island

(My biases up front, I am a backer on Indigogo, a beta tester, and a fanboy of the developer. I’ve also played a little bit on physical)

The game is an excellent recreation of the physical game. The creator of the physical game was involved in the development of this port and it follows the rules very well.

It should be noted that this game is very dense. There is a ton to keep track of and many rules to keep in mind. The physical game has this problem too. Experienced players will not have too many problems but people new to the game will have to spend some time figuring it out. As of now, the full rule set is available but a full tutorial is slated for the full release. And yes, the rule book is something one would do well to read carefully.

Real player with 220.7 hrs in game

Understand first and foremost, this game is complex, and will melt your brain. A traditional play of this game is done with 2-4 players working together, talking back and forth to help people push back the invaders and win the game.

This doesn’t have online multiplayer [aside from remote hotseat via Steam’s remote play]. So you’re probably going to be playing 2-4 characters yourself.

Suddenly, your options are immensely increased. Playing just 2 characters is much more difficult than just 1 – and 4 player games will melt your brain with the amount of decisions that you’ll be asked to make individually. It’s not an uncommon move to have one character play a card to allow your second character to have enhanced range to move something into range of your third character being able to defeat it along with two other enemies they were going to destroy already.

Real player with 153.4 hrs in game

Spirit Island on Steam

Total War: ATTILA

Total War: ATTILA

Attila is, in my opinion, the best Total War.

A lot of people complain about optimization issues, I’m not saying they’re lying, but I don’t have these issues so it’s not impossible to run the game properly.

What Attila does GREAT is giving you very different campaign experiences: you can pick from massive empires under pressure, small tribes with one settlement, small hordes that have to flee from the Huns and try to conquer some land and settle down, or as a massive horde that will grow, loot and pillage.

Real player with 798.0 hrs in game


Please note that this review, as with all reviews, is heavily influenced by personal opinion. I am in no way attacking you should you love the game, I just want to let others know the good AND the bad of this game before they purchase it. And if they like some of the things that I have listed in the bad? Then it’s all good, at least they are informed.

tl;dr - Great launch, graphically pleasing, better AI response from units. Badly designed Horde mode, Limited choice of factions that all boil down to three types that generally look the same, jacked diplomacy system, all the illegitimate children of the world come from one of your general’s loins, campaign AI are all led by the Joker. They just want to watch the world burn.

Real player with 717.4 hrs in game

Total War: ATTILA on Steam