Phoenix Point: Year One Edition

Phoenix Point: Year One Edition

Been following this game since announcement, could only buy it recently

Not as polished or filled with content as reboot XCOM titles and has a lot of balance issues, but i like it, i hope devs will keep on supporting the game.

The biggest difference from other x-com-like games is that you can aim at different body parts similar to fallout’s VATS system, effectively letting you disable individual bodyparts of enemy units or strike the least protected spots to maximize damage as guns fire projectiles and not just mimick that feel, making cover work as actual cover and not just decrease a chance to hit and damage received

Real player with 344.1 hrs in game

Read More: Best Grand Strategy Tactical Games.

Phoenix Point is an evolution of the turn-based tactics genre. The free-aim system allows the player the control to make meaningful decisions in placement and in utilizing the soldiers rather than praying to RNG-esus to give us a good roll. Snipers don’t miss shots right in-front of their faces, there are no ‘99% but whoops it missed!’ moments. For this alone it’s a worthwhile and substantial upgrade to classic tactics games.

The over-world is on par with X-Com 2 with the player moving from point to point looking for cities and supplies in addition to trading opportunities. The great bulk of the player’s time in the over-world should be spent either moving to a mission or moving between havens to trade resources. One of the major missed elements of Phoenix Point, and what I see giving players an endless amount of consternation is in finding enough resources to make it through the game. I’ve also noticed the achievement for ‘Trading 10,000 Resources’ is also under 10%.

Real player with 177.2 hrs in game

Phoenix Point: Year One Edition on Steam



There are two reasons you should buy this game. Either:

1. You’re a hard-core RTK fan, capable of self-immersion and self-imposed limitations to add challenge.

2. You’re keen on the role-playing aspects of the game and are comfortable not necessarily playing it like a grand strategy game.

Anyhow, onto the finer details.

No incarnation of RTK has ever been perfect, dating all the way back to my first experience with RTK1 on the NES, and this one is no exception. This one, however, seems to ignore a lot of the lessons learned from previous failures while introducing a whole host of others that make no goddamn sense.

Real player with 1009.8 hrs in game

When I first got the game quite a while ago, the bugs such as the crashing and whatnot that everyone has talked about already were definitely present. For example, the Zhao Yun Side Story tutorial mode for Hero Mode more or less crashed everytime I tried to get past some of the objectives. However, now I have no problems with the game in terms of bugs. In my view, the technical issues that plagued the game at launch are pretty much gone. However, from the reviews on here, it seems that some players are still experiencing those same bugs.

Real player with 798.0 hrs in game


Sorcerer King: Rivals

Sorcerer King: Rivals

After finishing game on insane difficulty I finally feel ready to write a review. In short, I think Sorcerer King Rivals is an amazing game. One of the best games I have ever played in fact. Having said that, I doubt it will appeal to people looking for a deep strategy game. Because this game is not that deep and not particularly hard, except, maybe for a highest difficulty. Also, I think it is important to mention, that I barely played FE:LH and did not like it at all so if you are looking for a similar experience, you may not like SC:Rivals. SC:Rivals is more like Eador: Masters of a broken world. So, as always, keep your expectations in check) Now, let’s talk about what is good, not so good, and pretty bad in this game

Real player with 87.0 hrs in game

Read More: Best Grand Strategy Sandbox Games.

A great game. It’s fairly small in scope for a 4x, but I think this has allowed the developers to focus on producing a polished product. Sorcerer King: Rivals has lots of scripted story and events, which makes it different to other 4x games which rely soley on the quality of the AI players to pose a challenge. As Sorcerer King relies on heavily scripted events, don’t expect great AI. On the plus side, Sorceror King tells a great story with writing that is often hilarious.

You will see reviews complaining about lack of replayability, but I think if you want 300hours out of the game you need to look at the Civilization series or Galactic Civilizations 3. I’ve played Sorceror King for a total 65 hours. I will agree however, that the strategic map AI is extremely passive. It generally does not initiate combat and will wait for you to attack it. This means its not really much of a threat and this does effect replayability.

Real player with 65.1 hrs in game

Sorcerer King: Rivals on Steam



Tried it out with a friend of mine, it isn’t very well made but gets the job done.

UI could use improvement, sounds could be introduced properly.

It’s free, but it’s a mixed bag. Leaving as “Not Recommended” since there are better versions for free or paid on Steam and on the Web.

Real player with 14.3 hrs in game

_It’s Chess but with something a little Extra!

Haha! You see what I did there?_

Real player with 10.9 hrs in game

Chess'Extra on Steam

Crusader Kings II

Crusader Kings II

If you care about the amount of gameplay you get for your money at all, this game probably rates higher than any other game. (Last I read, the average player had over 500 hours on this game.)

Crusader Kings II is a strategic game where you spend most of your time looking at a big map of Europe cut into little counties, but it is drastically different from a game like Medieval II: Total War. Whereas in those games, every nation had rigid boundaries and an entire nation was a distinct, unified entity, Crusader Kings II focuses upon the feudal system of governance, and especially its hereditary system of succession.

Real player with 2025.1 hrs in game

Crusader Kings II is one of the most deep, fascinating and replayable strategy games I have ever played. In brief, you play as a family in the middle ages, anywhere between Mali and Mongolia, or from Bengal to Britain. You try to secure advantageous alliances and strategic marriages, and build up a small realm, either as a vassal of a greater power or striking out independently. There is no real win condition, though I love taking people who lost out historically, and helping push them to greatness.

Real player with 1862.2 hrs in game

Crusader Kings II on Steam

Power & Revolution 2020 Edition

Power & Revolution 2020 Edition

Its recycled from their previous editions so most 2019 features have bugs, The game itself is still bugged so clearly they never worked on that with this new release, the cheat codes for the game no longer work, something they didn’t fix, the same gamebreaking glitches from before are present here, only worse.

I can promise anyone reading this, This game is NOT worth anymore than £13-15, yet they charge basically £40 for the base game, more for the dlcs, Despite the fact you can clearly see they haven’t put the effort into this game.

Real player with 647.5 hrs in game

My recommendation for purchasing before I played heavily and time passed is directly below, which has led to the correct review of this developer and their products below the initial, good review.

(This review no longer applies, but is left up for others to see how great it is upon the first gameplay when purchasing)

[Power & Revolution is not for the faint of heart, or those who want a easy diplomatic game. I recommend it for the strategies and fun involved. If you are one who prefers peace over war, P&R will not be too difficult on the realistic settings as long as you do not select a country currently involved in wars (terrorist or nation v. nation). I personally enjoy creating contracts, upping the researches and viewing the Space Programs to see space, upping the quality of life, and increasing my military presence. Power & Revolution (2020 especially) can be challenging with the citizens happiness and keeping the countries out of debt. A great option is the ability play various countries at once, and the ability to create, join, and leave international organizations (NATO, UNO, WHO, ASEAN, etc…).]

Real player with 310.5 hrs in game

Power & Revolution 2020 Edition on Steam

Warhammer Underworlds: Online

Warhammer Underworlds: Online

Disclaimer: I got this game for free like the rest of you all this week. I am only writing this review because I see so many uniformed reviews. You’re welcome to dislike this game and find it boring, but leaving a negative review because it is exactly what it claims to be seems petty.


This is a pretty close clone of the Age of Sigmar tabletop game by the same name. Tabletop combat can be clunky, time consuming, and even boring if your army has been wiped out or you’re waiting on your opponent to make a tough decision. So just like the tabletop game, this game has similar quirks.

Real player with 31.6 hrs in game

I have mixed feelings about the current situation of the game. I am hoping that by the time this game goes past early access I will have only positive reviews!

I’ll start with the good stuff:

  1. This game is implementing the mechanics of the table top version of Underworlds - Shadespire perfectly and I have faith that the developers will do the same justice to Nightvault and Beastgrave.

  2. The game looks great for early access. the Visuals are great and the models look fantastic. I would like to see the background change from game to game and make it feel more like a changing city but it should not be a deal breaker in my opinion.

Real player with 31.5 hrs in game

Warhammer Underworlds: Online on Steam

Crusader Kings III

Crusader Kings III

This game is an amazing sandbox with plenty of depth, but it lacks difficulty. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve had such a good run with my first character that I don’t even want to play my second one. Unlike CK2 where you would spend so many hours to create an empire; CK3 feels like a speedrunning game some of the time, and doesn’t always live up to its predecessor. Most of the time I can create an empire with my first Ruler. I 100% find it harder to roleplay in this game compared to CK2. This can be decently fixed with the massive modding community for CK3. If you are looking for a more roleplay-sensitive experience I would recommend mods like Succession Expanded, Minor Titles, MND Balance, Medieval Arts, CoA Designer, Sinews of War, Additional start dates, and cultures, Ethnicities & Portraits Expanded, and Community Flavor Pack. Other than the difficulty. I love playing this game, I already have 545 hours in it.

Real player with 580.9 hrs in game

I have no idea where to start this review 🙂

Did I like it oh yes, yes i did. Will I continue to play it after 210 hrs , yes, yes I will. After 210 hrs I have finally managed to playtrough a campaign twice.

All right with that said this is the only game from Paradox i have really played. Even if i have played a little bit of european universalis 4.

I really like all the options this game gives. In which nations to play as. In how you want to play it. Do you want to try to conquer alot of stuff. Or do you simply want to build your nations. Do you want to get more land by wars or do you want to try to get it more peacefully.

Real player with 296.4 hrs in game

Crusader Kings III on Steam

Heroes Must Diee

Heroes Must Diee

You have been living a peaceful life in a small village but once every fortnight these so called “Heroes” come into the village and un-apologetically break in houses and take what does not belong to them. Tired of this rampant menace you have decided to stop it and regain the peaceful life you so yearn. Build traps in and around your house or maybe buy some land on the outskirts of town to keep bloodshed away. Craft weapons, potions, bombs to be launched at the enemy. Resource manage whatever you have and help your fellow villagers buy buying resources from them from the gold of the fallen “Heroes”.

  • Turn your humble abode into a full-on Dungeon that make the Heroes suck their thumb and wet their pants.

  • Craft an elaborate Dungeon, place traps and ruses for Heroes will different skill set and attributes. Some maybe be heavy and strong, some may be intelligent and fast.

  • Fight off bigger and smarter waves of Hero bands that come to take your loot.

  • Learn about the incoming Hero’s weaknesses as they are strong and may not be killed easily. Lure them into traps, some are claustrophobic, some are greedy, some have weak ankles.

  • Hire minions, monsters, and dragons as they have been tortured far too long and seek revenge.

  • Craft items, weapons, ammunitions, bombs to reload your traps and slay the Heroes.

  • Improve and upgrade traps, learn new technology because the enemy is learning too.

  • Heightened heroes will come, who have learnt from their previous experiences and may know how to fight off your traps, so beware.

  • Explore a vast map, filled with people who live their lives and talk. Two different villages and numerous traders coming in from different kingdoms.

  • Improve your skills over time. Melee, Archery, Magic, Dark Magic are few skills to use directly against the enemy but also learn to Mine, Chop wood, Fish and Forage.

  • Find a mount for yourself, with multiple mount options pick one. Take care of it and it grows and levels as you do.

  • Loot from the slain Heroes, Gold, Epic and Rare weapons and armour. Use it against them or give it to your minions or sell off for more Gold.

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Heroes Must Diee on Steam

Mafia Gangster City

Mafia Gangster City

the game does not respond I do not reply to the e-mail I have played tens of hours and they do not care at least if they sent me an e-mail for technical support I also sent photos from my e-mail everything still no response. Well thank you

Real player with 223.1 hrs in game

nice game i like it

Real player with 41.4 hrs in game

Mafia Gangster City on Steam