Survival Draw

Survival Draw

I think this game might be a good one, its not great at the moment but can be fun. I palyed it till day 113. I tried to kill me with cards at the beginning of day 100 and that was somehow hard. So i found it not that hard, im sure i could play the game with no end ( meaning that its not a challange). the hard mode becomes very easy with the possibility to creat a custome deck.

There are a lot of tweaks needed (Like the layout, the card giving system (the cards bonfire and more cards are basicly usless after day 20), there should be levelup options and funny interactions for discarding speciale cards. Also more random diasters/blessings, maybe a funny story or a sidestory in form of a sketch after some days. More cards (diffrent one) and it needs to be alot harder as you go on.

Real player with 1.1 hrs in game

Read More: Best Grand Strategy 2D Games.

Survival Draw is a card game where you have to keep your stats up - you have health, hunger, water, sleep, and sanity, as well as whether you’re sick and/or injured. cards can either raise or lower your stats (or raise one while lowering another). a cool game in concept, but it quickly gets boring; rarely is there any strategy as to which cards to play and which to discard, and I found I could easily raise all stats back up to max within a few turns.

Real player with 0.9 hrs in game

Survival Draw on Steam

Harbor Tycoon

Harbor Tycoon

#### Have your own sea transport company

Transport cargo across the sea, buying and managing your ships and your team.

  • Coordinate cargo transportation and earn money

  • Choose the best ships and complements at the dealership and make your harbor in the best way for you and your company.

  • Hire and control your employees and have the best people at your side to help the company grow.

  • Manage your properties and expand your business.

  • Control your finances and invest your surplus money in the bank, or in difficult times try to get a loan from the bank manager.

  • Sign transport contracts and transport things massively, earning a lot of money

Be a transportation entrepreneur, with control over everything in your business. Work, earn, invest and expand!

Success in sight, are you ready?

Deal closed!

Read More: Best Grand Strategy 2D Games.

Harbor Tycoon on Steam

Penguin Panic

Penguin Panic

A colourful, whacky and fun game. Move the Penguins into groups of 2 or more. The buttons provided will help you. Earn bonus points for completing a level.

Be careful of the ice roof dropping. If it hits a Penguin for a prolonged period…. well, game over!!

Simple controls, instructions and game options available.

Be quick….. but don’t PANIC !!! and as like any game… the further you progress, the harder it becomes…. will you start to PANIC ??!!

Read More: Best Grand Strategy 2D Platformer Games.

Penguin Panic on Steam



Overall is a good game, it has a little bit of strategy to it but, at the same time it isn’t that complex to understand because, units have no actual stats of damage or defence, when you, for example, trowh an anti-armor battalion againts tanks, it might as well do the same amount of damage to infantry, because the game doesn’t seem to have a soft damage - hard damage mechanic, it doesn’t have planes or ships, which leaves the game in a situacion in which no unit can support another unit as all of them always act on their own, and at the same time the only thing that would make an infantry battalion different to a motorized infantry is that the motorized has more movement points, in an actual combat as there are no stadistics you most probably won’t see a difference, the only real thing is the organization levels, for example, if you trow an infantry batalion againts an infantry regiment, the regiment will quite obviusly win, and the only way to actually know that an unit will be better in combat is if you either stack it with other units, or if it is a higher organization than it’s enemy. Apart from that, the actual content of the game is limited as there are few pre-made scenarios for us to play, and normally that should be it for me to give it a negative review to it, but, the editor of the game is something that i can only describe as fantastic, is simple, small, doesn’t take a lot of time configurations or anything that most Mil-sim editors do, it’s like the dream for every scenario maker in an strategy game, and because of it’s simplicity you can recreate every historical battle which you can think of in some 10 minutes or less, or just create something basic and have some fun, this would be a great alternative for all of those overcomplicated strategy games out there. If i had to say what this game needs: Planes, almost all significant battles on WW2 had planes of them, and if i wanted to recreate how the us and britain had a lot of CAS and air superiority when they invaded France i can only replace that with giving them a fuckton of units as there are no planes. A little bit of historical acurasy would be good too, i mean, for example, i don’t want to have just mechanized units, i want to have the soviet guards rifles or the german panzergranediers, and i don’t want just any medium tank, i want a panzer 3 a panzer 4 a panzer 6, and i could keep on going with the historical acuracy problems but if i had to say the solution, is simple, let the player rename its units, so that everyone can be happy with that, and also, add the medium tank 1941 medium tank 1943 and medium tank 1945 so that there can be some actual historical fidelity, And some new special units could be interesting too, marines, paratroopers, mountanieers, and all of those special units which participated on WW2, because if the dev(s) were to give us the tools to do it, i’m confident that we could spend a lot of time in the editor just doing all of those battles and recreating things that in other WW2 engines would be if not impossible, they’d still consume more time and take more trial and error experiences to complete, and talking about tools, this game needs a workshop more than anything, giving the simplicity of the engine and the editor, and also the fact that i’m not the only one asking for a workshop to publish scenarios, and considering the lack of original vanilla content we really deserve to have a workshop, or at least a place like a forum to publish our scenarios and share user-made content. Apart from that the last thing it really needs is of course a damage system, like hard and soft damage, the logistic system that basicly ressuplys your units after every turn is really great to be honest, but it’s pretty obvius that if an unit is encircled it shouldn’t keep on recieving suplies and eventually should start to loose it’s guns, infantry squad and strenght, in general, if all of the stuff i mentioned is added to the game, i think it’d become the cheapest, most accesible and fun modern strategy game in the market right now.

Real player with 11.3 hrs in game

I really like this game. You can create a scenario from scratch and start to play it in less than 10 minutes. If you enjoy experimenting and designing your own scenarios without spending hours on it, this game is very effective. It remains at an abstract level. Like in real situation, no information is provided about how things are calculated ( logistics, terrain effects, reinforcement, combats etc) but they seem to have an actual effects on unit’s strength. Being able to customize the AI would add to the replay value.

Real player with 6.3 hrs in game

Schwerpunkt on Steam

Airplane Tycoon

Airplane Tycoon


Real player with 15.7 hrs in game

If you are into a basic strategy game then I would recommend it. Look at the screen shots for the game, what you see is what you get. For the price point which at the time of this review under 5 dollars it has adequate game play. Not a game that would have a lot of replay ability. There is more they could of done with this game however I still enjoyed it.

Real player with 6.5 hrs in game

Airplane Tycoon on Steam



Immerse yourself in an epic air battle with hundreds of enemies.

In 2070 AD, the galaxy was invaded by alien civilization, and humans must fight desperately!

Main goal-destroy as many enemy planes as possible.

Game features:

Third-person driving experience

Fast-paced air combat

Soaring the galaxy, bombing enemies, shooting enemy fighters, and looking forward to your journey to the ace pilot!


Merge Chess

Merge Chess

Merge Chess is a brand new approach to Chess! Blending the strategy of the ancient game of Chess with simple puzzle game mechanics.

Use the mouse, keyboard of game pad to shift the board pieces in any direction. Same pieces of opposite colours that touch will be merged.

Keep merging to take more and more pieces, progressing from Pawn to King. A new piece will spawn every time you move without merging. Be careful not to fill up the board with pieces! The aim of the game is to be left with only one King in the shortest possible number of moves.

Merge Chess on Steam

Train Tycoon

Train Tycoon

I really like the idea of this game but the UI is almost unbearable.

Real player with 0.3 hrs in game

Train Tycoon is a simple browser/flash tier railroad tycoon game. Run a train business, manage your budget, expand your empire.

It’s a great idea for a game (and has been tremendously successful in actual, properly built games). Unfortunately, in the case of Train Tycoon, the art assets and interface are extremely clunky and simplistic… I’ve seen better interfaces written in HTML. And there are better games you can play for free on the web.

The quality here is just far too low for this to be recommendable to anyone. If you’re looking for this kind of game, try Train Fever or the older Railroad Tycoon games.

Real player with 0.1 hrs in game

Train Tycoon on Steam



Lucky me gets to write the first review of Catch’em, which is a 2D retro pixel fishing simulator/clicker game. Gameplay consists of clicking on the screen a lot to make it seem like you’re fishing, so basically what you would expect from a crapware mobile screen tapper game, but for some reason, inflicted on PC gamers instead, via the wonderful DailyIndieGame shovelware bundles.

I don’t know if this is an asset flip or a template flip, I never saw this one before, but it’s garbage anyway. 2D retro pixel “art” used instead of proper graphics, locked resolution, low resolution (jaggies everywhere), terrible attempt at “gameplay”.

Real player with 0.2 hrs in game

Catch'em on Steam

Medium: The Psychic Party Game

Medium: The Psychic Party Game

Game crashes constantly. Now neither my friend nor I can even log into our games or get anything started.

Real player with 1.0 hrs in game

Medium: The Psychic Party Game on Steam