Rune Classic

Rune Classic

First thing I want to say is I have played this game A LOT before I got it on Steam so keep that in mind.

Now, there were a handful of games that me and my brothers played together a lot in my childhood, and every single one of these games brought many hilarious and awesome memories that I still remember.

Rune was one of these games.

My and my brothers played over LAN quite a bit, so I recommend playing this game with friends over private servers or LAN.

Its a blast to play this game with others, especially if you know the people your playing it with well. The fact that this game is so old makes it even more fun for me to play even now. It’s hilarious when you chop your enemy’s weapon arm off, because now thay have no arm, so all they can do is run! In a multiplayer match you can start to feel super awesome as you find things on the map with high damage and other items that increase your health, and so on and so forth.

Real player with 107.2 hrs in game

Read More: Best Gore Classic Games.

This review contains events of the very beginning of the game and names a few enemy types. Other than that it is spoiler-free.

Rune Classic is a re-release of the original hack&slash game called Rune. You play as the young Viking Ragnar who just gets into the status of a warrior as the story begins. Ragnar’s village is one of the villages that are built around special rune stones. Those stones were created by the god Odin to keep his son Loki in his prison and thus preventing the great cataclysm that would follow if Loki was to be released. The warriors of Ragnar’s village belong to an order called the Odinsblade. It is their duty to protect the rune stones from all harm. When Ragnar is just accepted into the Odinsblade the people of Ragnar’s village learn that an allied village guarding on of the rune stones is being attacked and immediately set out to intervene. On their way they run into the viking Conrack who was responsible for the attack. Conrack is in league with Loki and is hellbent on destroying every single rune stone to release him into the world. Due to the powers that were granted to Conrack by Loki the people of Ragnar’s village are no match for him and he sinks their ship. Ragnar gets rescued by Odin and makes it to an undersea cave. With nobody else having survived the battle it’s on Ragnar to keep Conrack from destroying the stones. But to do that he has to make his way back to the surface.

Real player with 35.1 hrs in game

Rune Classic on Steam

VALHALL: Harbinger - Pre-Beta Testing

VALHALL: Harbinger - Pre-Beta Testing

My brother seems to like the game hes played quite a bit, I personally didn’t see much to it in the current state. I don’t really like how the bots fly around when getting hit, I thought it would be more realistic. I’ve backed this game up since around the start so I’ll give a good review to support it further, because I saw your announcement from today clearing up some things. I see you guys are still working to improve it and I don’t think more negative feedback will help. The graphics are impressive and the sound is good as well as the music, everything else could be polished some more. For me its not about the money, you’ll keep that regardless of if you plan to finish the game or not. It’s about the principle that you guys will do what you said you will do and deliver on your end. I want to see the game you guys told me about on discord when I first heard about it. Time will show if you guys hold true to your words, or if you guys will split never to be heard from again. Regardless, either do what you promised or bite your tongue next time you think of asking people to support you.

Real player with 137.7 hrs in game

Read More: Best Gore Massively Multiplayer Games.

visuals, music,combat feels great even in this pre beta state. For now game is lacking content becouse its PRE-BETA and that was made clear by the devs. Just be patient and you will see all the pieces of puzzle will get together with lots of content.

For now there are some implemetations that i love about this game:

1)music fits perfect

2)semi/mythologic atmosphere feels great

3)combat is chivalry\mordhau like but more fast paced, that is great( i hate that in mordhau even a dagger feels like concrete baseball bat, heavy and slow)

Real player with 20.4 hrs in game

VALHALL: Harbinger - Pre-Beta Testing on Steam

Vikings - Wolves of Midgard

Vikings - Wolves of Midgard

I’ve been playing this game on and off for quite a while now so I thought why not write a review:


  • beautiful handcrafted maps with multiple points of interest

  • multiple environments from northern forests, to sandy beaches, lava castles and medieval villages

  • enemies often have different skins depending on their environment

  • great lighting and shaders

  • particle effects aren’t as over the top as in most other H&S games (I’m looking at you Diablo III)

  • The camera is a little too close to the character

Real player with 129.1 hrs in game

Read More: Best Gore Hack and Slash Games.




| “more Action than RPG”, which suffers from redundant, shallow and uncharacteristic gameplay that ultimately boils down to being an endurance test, full of weird difficulty spikes, and tedious pacing |

   [i](a 7‐point scale)[/i]

   [b]overall[/b]                        [b]achievements[/b]

⌛ time to finish:  20-25h    ⌛ time to 100%:  60h

🔥 difficulty:      5         🔥 difficulty:    4

🍫 fun-factor:      3         💨 missable:      yes

Real player with 63.4 hrs in game

Vikings - Wolves of Midgard on Steam

Viking: Battle for Asgard

Viking: Battle for Asgard

Looking at the quite bad ratings this game has received, one thing should be made clear: at its core, Viking: Battle for Asgard isn’t a bad game.

I do understand the reason behind the mostly negative reviews however, the game had a lot of unused potential and does seem like a rushed product. It’s a shame, because the graphics are nice, the islands (where the game takes place) are fairly big and the mythological Viking setting seems good enough.

So what’s wrong with the game then? First of all the environment (as beautiful as it is) feels empty: no wildlife, no random events. The landscape with high cliffs, ghost ships near the shore and small groves looks exciting, but it quickly degrades into emptiness as we progress. Still the game is worth to take a look and even a playthrough.

Real player with 54.2 hrs in game

Well. So many mixed feeling I have for this game.

Some time I cannot decide a thumb up or thumb down because the game was so plain with no particular good and bad attribute. But for this game it’s the complete opposite. There are way too much Pros and Cons to consider and made rating of this game super difficult.

Let’s talk about some of the good first.

There are some massive battles in this game that so many units will be involved like a tactical battle of Total War title. (no wonder it’s in the total war bundle). Insteady of controlling your army in squadron based combat you still only just control your main protagonist. Even the smallest enemy can put up quite a good fight against you if you are not careful so it’s not super-fast paced like Dynasty warrior or Fate Extra.

Real player with 48.3 hrs in game

Viking: Battle for Asgard on Steam

Ancestors Legacy

Ancestors Legacy


Ancestor’s Legacy is a hybrid game of RTS and Real-Time Tactics(RTT) Gameplay, though it likes to side a bit more with the RTT genre.While this game has base building, it isn’t in the typical sense. The player is given a main base camp that has a build menu. After clicking the button to build a structure, the structure is built by peasants at a location predetermined by the game. The base camp is also not the main place the player will get resources. A variety of villages of different sizes are scattered around each map with resource points attached to them. Each faction has different specialties. Units can be leveled up and be given armor to increase their power. The squad limit is set at 10. The game uses a Rock-Paper-Scissors style system to make some armies great at defeating others, but each factions version of the army has their own individual stats. The graphics are phenomenal, the sound design is great, and the campaign is excellent.

Real player with 35.8 hrs in game

These people nailed what a limited base building unit capped RTS should be. There are choke points, open fields, water that slows you as you move through it (including swamps), trap building, terrain elevations & weather effecting line of sight (and fire), special traits per unit per factions that still feels balanced.

It executes exceptionally well on limited base building RTS with unit creation and replenishment and rewards well thought out RTT gameplay as all units level and can be upgraded thus rewarding teamwork and unit specialization with the population cap, traps, and size of the map encouraging strategy whilst limiting unit production to the starting base and permitting unit replenishment at any captured (ally) village for a nominal fee.

Real player with 33.4 hrs in game

Ancestors Legacy on Steam

Volgarr the Viking

Volgarr the Viking

Volgarr the Viking by Crazy Viking Studios

Simply put, Volgarr is just old-school classic fun!


Volgarr is a classic (but brand-new) side-scrolling platforming/adventure game flirting with the Super Nintendo and Sega Genesis and the likes.

The game’s look and feel is spot-on, with Castlevania-esque jumping (no turning back midair) and Super Mario’s (I know it’s not the real influence but whatever) health by upgrades.

The single most important thing about Volgarr the Viking is DIFFICULTY, it’s hard…seriously!

Real player with 42.8 hrs in game

Genre: Retro 2D 16-bit Platformer

Sub-genre: Hardcore Platformer

Presentation: 10/10 - Each pixel is beautifully rendered and lovingly placed to burn a hole directly through your skull with enduring love.

Gameplay: 10/10 - With simplistic yet unforgiving controls, this game will have you high fiving your best friend one minute, and smashing your face into your desk for sweet release the next.

*Keyboard and mouse compatible, as well as Gamepad compatible.

Sound: 10/10- With a soundtrack that feels like it was ripped right out of the 90’s, it fits right in sync with the mind-numbing sound effects that will have your ears bleeding from extreme brutality.

Real player with 24.2 hrs in game

Volgarr the Viking on Steam



Awesome story catches your attention and very quickly you get to that point where you “must know what is next”.

Graphics and effects are really nice especially in combination with nice range of different attack moves.

Before you jump into game pay attention when playing tutorial, for some people lot of keyboard/game options may be too much.

I’m looking forward to see next episode of this game and how story will go on!

Thumbs up for this project 3

Real player with 3.0 hrs in game

Beside of interesting and challenging side scroller, this game is a pure showcase of enthusiasm, hard work and effort. Well done One Life Games!

Real player with 2.1 hrs in game

Berserker on Steam