Timore 6

Timore 6

ORIGINAL REVIEW (4/16/2019):

Chapter 1 was very good, but Chapter 2 kind of took Timore into the direction that a lot of people dislike: a horror game that is also being one of the most difficult games I have ever played. Don’t get me wrong. I love this game and I recommend it to everybody. But the part in Chapter 2 where you have to go through all the red doors is kind of ridiculous. You have way too little health, it is impossible to regenerate health, and the monsters have specific hit boxes for you to kill them, making them have an exceeding advantage over you. I have been dying and dying and dying, making no progress, and eventually I gave up. I hope that you see this and tweak some of the combat and health in the game, and maybe I will retry Chapter 2. But everything else is awesome. The jumpscares, the atmosphere, and great story that makes the Timore series evolve and exceed people’s expectations. Undoubtfully one of my favorite horror games out there.

Real player with 10.3 hrs in game

My play through: https://youtu.be/NakMwZASpwE

This game most certainly shows great improvments and care from the devloper. He is insanely kind and listens to the feedback given to better what he loves doing (making games). The game play is a unique experience because it will have chapters added over time that will allow a large amount of intense game play value. I am super proud of Timore 6 and I cant wait to see where the other parts will lead the story. Worth the play for sure (:!

Real player with 4.5 hrs in game

Timore 6 on Steam



If you’re new to this title, know that HellSign was supposed to the genuine, one-of-a-kind ghost detective/shooter game. But it was recently spoiled and abandoned by its creators, so… maybe you don’t want to taste it now.

The devs gave up their project. It is not labeled ‘Early Access’ now, but it is not the game we were promised. Not even a half of it. The story isn’t going anywhere after the ‘first act’, there are no more promises of different towns, different locations, and something else to fill the blanks.

Real player with 50.3 hrs in game

Read More: Best Gore Difficult Games.

This downvote is for the devs, not for the game.

Let me explain.

The game itself is very intresting, and (mostly) well-made. I had fun playing it. Searching for clues, hunting cryptids, preparing for the big ghost battles - awesome. There are a lot of cool elements like sudden shadow plane shift, extremely intricated cryptonomicon with awesome illustrations, poltergeist phenomenons like sudden flying chairs, ringing clocks, TVs, glitching equipment etc. The game even has very cool-drawn comics (max payne style) as a story turning points, though they are very few, just 3 if i remember right.

Real player with 31.9 hrs in game

HellSign on Steam

Painkiller: Recurring Evil

Painkiller: Recurring Evil

This is not a bad expansion by any means! (I’m looking at you Resurrection). Therefore, why I would put a negative review? In this case I want to review this game saying it’s not a bad game but even thinking that I simply can’t fully recommend it!! This game is correct. It does what it’s need.

Gameplay wise it’s good action. The new soundtrack it’s metal and really awesome!! I think it’s the better soundtracks of the expansions and that’s saying a lot. I think even if it is more “metal agro” it’s really amazing. There are only five maps and excluding map 5 the others are forgettable. It takes the horde formula of Redemption and continues it. This gives really good maps when we talk about gameplay. Level 1 is okay for first level. Levels 2-4 are the real deal. Pure chaotic gameplay and a really good challange! The game is a correct farewell to this whole series but at this point of the series I think it really doesn’t innovate on anything. As a result, I can’t recommend it! I would recommend this only for hardcore fans at this point as the last game of the saga possible.

Real player with 8.9 hrs in game

It is better than Redemption and especially Ressurrection, but considering those are two of the most piss poor attempts at making a videogame I’ve ever played that’s like saying that Desert Gunner is better than Air Control. It’s functional, yes, but that doesn’t really make it good.

It’s got the same “kill a million dudes, another six feet of the level opens, then kill a million more dudes” that the last two had, but the main difference here is that that “zillion” is down from the “trillion” that Redemption had. Redemption was unplayable because you simply did not have the space, health, or ammo to kill all the enemies in each level. This one you actually do, and i was able to play through in insomnia difficulty without ragequitting like in Redemption, where going through without cheating was virtually impossible due to bad game design.

Real player with 8.7 hrs in game

Painkiller: Recurring Evil on Steam

Ghost of Tomorrow: Chapter 1

Ghost of Tomorrow: Chapter 1

☼ Graphics ☼

☐ Ugh

☐ Meh

☑ Good

☐ Beautiful

  • Standard realistic assets used. Everything was proportionate and worked well with each other.

♬ Music / Ambience ♬

☐ None

☐ Random sounds

☑ Alright

☑ Spoooks

☐ Good

☐ Beautiful

  • The spooky sound effects leading up to triggers were a nice touch and did not feel over-used. The ambience worked well, but some parts did not have a seamless loop.

☠ Difficulty ☠

☑ Easy

☐ Average

☐ Easy to learn / Hard to master

☐ Hard

☐ Smh

  • Brain power can be set to CRUISE for this game.

Real player with 2.6 hrs in game

i will keep the review to the honest possible.

do i recommend this game? Yes, however the game didnt meet my exceptions for " Game "

its feel like interactive story, not much for the player to do outside of walking and trigger event.

there is also sentence on the trailer " or will you take control of your own destiny " implied that the story going to have decision choosing but there is not any of these features, like i said its just walking to trigger events happening in the game ( unless i missed something ).

Real player with 2.0 hrs in game

Ghost of Tomorrow: Chapter 1 on Steam

Will: The Beginning

Will: The Beginning

played for 11 minutes, accidentally made my character disappear then my antivirus blocked it and i cant play anymore.

10/10 didn’t finish

Real player with 3.6 hrs in game

It’s a fun game!

At first sight, it might seem like the game does not have a lot to offer, but after getting into it I was impressed with the details in the game.


+The story is written well. You can find some jokes too 😂

+You get different endings relative to your choices in the game.

+We can see the decision tree at the end of the game.

+You can feel the creepy atmosphere while playing. (Rain in the night, silence and demonic figures)

+Fell in love with the funny “Quiz” feature at the end of the game. (I wanted to face it with my bare hands! 😂)

Real player with 3.4 hrs in game

Will: The Beginning on Steam

Peekaboo Collection - 3 Tales of Horror

Peekaboo Collection - 3 Tales of Horror

Update: Now rhat I have olayed all three tales, I can definitely say its worth the money. Every story is different as far as mechanics and, obviously, story line. They do not relate to one another.

Some are also longer than others, but all very fun to play.

I would suggest playing Balavour first, followed by Theater Unrest and then Solumcess. That is just based off of horror scale, Solumcess being the best out of the three… at least in my opinion.

Anyways, loved it. You’ll probably enjoy it if your looking for some shorter games to play.

Real player with 3.0 hrs in game

Played the first two stories and to be honest it’s a bit cheesy …

That does not mean it is bad, and maybe the last story is the best one(who knows).

But as far as I have played, well it’s standard horror fare with the occasional jumpscare and running, fighting sequence. The story tries it’s best tho(no complaints there).

For this price , give it a shot for 3 rather short games.

Real player with 2.5 hrs in game

Peekaboo Collection - 3 Tales of Horror on Steam

Seven Wonders of St. Clementine

Seven Wonders of St. Clementine

I waited a while for this game. it looked super interesting and spooky but around 4 hours in and the game is overly slow not to mention the MANY spelling and grammar errors sprinkled around the somewhat cringe worthy dialog. The art and gore was amazing though along with the concept of the story it’s self though in a whole? this Visual novel has potential but was executed poorly.

Real player with 11.1 hrs in game

The quick time events are honestly terrible, unlike VN’s such as The Letter where the QTE’s are simple tasks while a scene unfolds. This is just button mashing half the time to a static image, and other half the time they are puzzles which you’d think would be enjoyable. Except they are just memory tests, nothing interesting.

Then there are the list of typo’s and errors.

Heck i’d fix it for them they are so obvious.

Real player with 9.8 hrs in game

Seven Wonders of St. Clementine on Steam

Winter’s Empty Mask - Visual novel

Winter’s Empty Mask - Visual novel

My first review after a fair break…

I quite enjoyed this VN. It’s a bit dark - but the store page already gave that away.

The plot and setting aren’t spectacular but still quite well done - importantly, they are internally consistent; although the English translation is a tad wonky, it’s certainly enough to get the point across. I believe that the reasonable weeb would be satisfied with the level of cultural authenticity. The story explores a number of concepts such as inner demons, conflict between love and familial duty, and most certainly moral relativity.

Real player with 24.1 hrs in game

I’ve finished this game in ~20 hours. I had a great time in Winter’s Empty Mask. Now I’ll why you should play this one if you like Visual Novels.

Main features:

— Unusual story about ~16 years old girl, who is professional killer with mystical skills. [Its not a spoiler. You will find it out for 30 minutes from start of game]

— Interesting storytelling from two points of view. Game, roughly speaking, divide on two phases: night and day. At night you playing as killer and fight with bosses. At day you looking on results of these fights as usual student, who actually studies in 1 school with serial killer.

Real player with 22.9 hrs in game

Winter's Empty Mask - Visual novel on Steam

The Horror Of Salazar House

The Horror Of Salazar House

რეტრო სტილის თამაშები ყოველთვის მომწონდა, ან თუნდაც პირდაპირ რეტრო. ბავშვობის ნოსტაკგიაა თუ კონკრეტული მიზიდულობა, ვერ გეტყვით. მიუხედავად იმისა, რომ ეს თამაში უხარისხო შეიძლება მოგეჩვენოთ თავიდან, დამიჯერეთ უკმაყოფილო არ დარჩებით.

თამაში არის “თავგადასავლის” ჟანრის, და ნახევრად-სვლებზე, რადგან ზოგიერთი მოვლენა მთავარი გმირის მოძრაობისაგან დამოუკიდებლად ხდება. ზოგიერთ მომენტში, გაუგებარია ზუსტი მექანიკა, მაგრამ თამაშს, ეს ბევრს ვერაფერს აკლებს.

ვიზუალს რაც შეეხება, არქაული სტილისაა, თუმცა თანამედროვე დამუშავება აშკარად ეტყობა. არაფერია გაუგებარი ფორმის, და ყველა ნივთი ადვილი საპოვნელია.

Real player with 4.6 hrs in game

I always have been a firm believer of the idea that horror games reach their full potential as point and click games or visual novels; after all some of my favorite horror games are “Corpse Party” and “Misao”. The reason for this is that visual novels and point & click games have the freedom to add an enormous amount of depth to the story to compensate for their simplistic gameplay. 

And so this game that I have mentioned in the title was on on my wishlist for quite some time, for two reasons. Firstly I have never played a retro styled horror game such as " I Have No Mouth and I Must Scream" , and it has been on the backburner for too long and secondly Puppet Combo recommended it on twitter.

Real player with 4.3 hrs in game

The Horror Of Salazar House on Steam

More dark

More dark

A fine 2d puzzle platformer. More Dark offers surprisingly much for such a small package. We have 2x30 levels of pushing boxes puzzles, three abilities, two (arcanoid-style) mini games, two (bowser/hammer tortoise) mini-bosses, nice pixel art, and your typical chiptunes (actually, not too bad and gloomy, but not my really thing, I am picky when it comes to music. Though the sound effects are annoying, I’ve had to turn them off.

Unfortunately, the controls are rather weak, esp. if you use the keyboard, not game breaking but you easily die because your jump was not precise, you hit the bomb instead of the slime button, or simply tap on R by accident and reset the current level.

Real player with 5.8 hrs in game

More Dark is by no means a perfect game. You play as what appears to be a an imp (whose sprite reminds me of Ned Flanders) that has to solve platforming puzzles to kill prisoners in Hell for some reason while the devil is on vacation.

Allow me to go over the cons: It’s very short. The dialogue is terribly translated. Said dialogue spoken by Evilina, the demon lady featured in all the art is spoken by a man without any sort of attempt at making it sound like a woman. Said demon lady is the only truly decent-looking pixel art in the game. Most of the difficulty of puzzles is thanks to red herrings. Much of the usable items rely on trial and error because you’re only given some of the details about how they work. The unlockable hats rely on finding a key in random levels by hugging the walls to find their exact location rather than being an optional, more-difficult level solution. The presence of a respawn button can make you accidentally kill yourself and add to your kill count. Said button is pointless because you can just exit the level and go back in if you get stuck, and that doesn’t count toward death total. Finally, sometimes there’s an odd hitbox inconsistency because at one point, I landed right on a normal enemies head and died.

Real player with 4.1 hrs in game

More dark on Steam