Demon Killer VR

Demon Killer VR

It felt great to slice and dice the demons.

It’s so realistic that your stress will disappear.

I couldn’t find the other sword.

Real player with 1.0 hrs in game

Read More: Best Gore Swordplay Games.

It was fun to be a samurai!

Real player with 0.2 hrs in game

Demon Killer VR on Steam

Hippocampus: Dark Fantasy Adventure

Hippocampus: Dark Fantasy Adventure

Unplayable mess. I can live with plain ugly graphics but not when it’s the best part of the game nevertheless.

It’s not souls-like at all (it was the reason why I bought it) because there are no souls/experience, no leveling, no char stats, no inventory, no stamina, no death run … no nothing.

There are parcur elements which you will repeat tens of times each because of how poorly they are designed. It’s necessary to hit very small objects during jumps, double jumps and/or free fall, hit them under very specific angle and at the same time rotate camera in three dimensions (while the screen is shaking and/or tilting). And you have to hit several objects in a row (sometimes around the corner) or repeat the whole sequence from beginning. And no, it’s not getting any better using mouse+keyboard instead of gamepad.

Real player with 11.7 hrs in game

Read More: Best Gore Hack and Slash Games.


Lord Moebius has a lot of virtues; he is fit as a fiddle, possesses a large number of lands in his kingdom and abroad, and his chests are full of gold coins. But Lord Moebius hasn’t found love, and every single lady in his kingdom is glowing with beauty in the hope of stealing his heart and becoming his wife. Someone did just that when he was on a trip abroad! Her name was Lorelei and they shared a deep love; so deep that people within Lord Moebius’ palace felt greatly threatened and started investigating Lorelei. Soon afterwards, she disappeared without a trace! Desperate to see her again, Lord Moebius used a powerful hallucinogen to project his memory into reality in order to see her. But memory is not reality and plenty of things can be disrupted. You are about to find out in Hippocampus!

*– [Real player with 5.8 hrs in game](*


![WarForwards]( "")

## WarForwards

I had tons of fun with this game

The game is very short, there's a small campaing and a survival mode, which i played several times and only managed to accumulate 43 hours

The game is basically top-down shooter with a storyline told in visual novels style, *There is no NSFW, btw*

A game that does no harm from having it, definitely recommend it ;)

*– [Real player with 43.5 hrs in game](*




Read More: Best Gore Top-Down Shooter Games.

--- WarForwards is another of those top-down shooters found on Steam, don't let the game looks deceive you, this is not one of those low tier crap games you see all over the store - this one is a hidden gem. It's no Hotline Miami but, the game is fairly challenging. Let's over the details. The gme has a plot or a story mode so to speak, but it's not like the most serious or touching stuff, but it has it's moments. What you are here for is pick up guns, shoot targets and not get killed, after all. Only that technically you are not really…killing. If you play a bit of the Story Mode, you will get the idea fast. The game also features a Survival mode, which I have not tried out yet, shamefully myself. I have only completed the game up to normal, and twice as New Game+ is a thing! That's right, you get to use EVERY gun you unlock and used in the story, but you get to fight extra enemies in the game, which makes things spiced up a bit. It also features 3 endings, but for that, you have to figure it out - the game has two phases of gameplay, you get a hint of Visual Novel to play out as cutscenes, and then the gameplay. You get to test weapons even in the shooting range, which is awesome. Oh, and there is boss battles, and on that topic...let's go on about the gunplay. *– [Real player with 23.7 hrs in game](* --- ![[NINJA GAIDEN: Master Collection] NINJA GAIDEN Σ2]( "") ## [NINJA GAIDEN: Master Collection] NINJA GAIDEN Σ2 As a Ninja Gaiden junkie, I personally do not think the collection is worth it, the artbook was even disappointing. While my hours on steam don't reflect how much time I've put into the series, I have played the original 04 Ninja Gaiden, Black, Sigma 1, 08 Ninja Gaiden 2, Sigma 2, 2012 Ninja Gaiden 3 and Razor's Edge, completing the games multiple times on all difficulties and most of mission mode for each game, besides Ninja Gaiden 2\. I have more hours on 1 and 2 than I can remember and I can say that this collection, while it is here to gauge the interest of the fanbase for future projects, I wouldn't be surprised if it fails due to how lazy these ports are. *– [Real player with 102.1 hrs in game](* I've beat all the Ninja Gaiden games on the hardest difficulty and this game is a joke… and not only because of the reduced enemies and less gore. Here is a list on a few things that they did change in Sigma 2 in compare to the Original Ninja Gaiden 2 • Game got censored (99% of spilled blood was changed into purple mist) • Completely censored Cutscenes • Reduced enemy count • Increased enemy damage • Increased enemy health • Increased enemy delimb resistance • Reduced enemy aggression • Reduced enemy IS throwing *– [Real player with 89.6 hrs in game](* --- ![Silly Polly Beast]( "") ## Silly Polly Beast ![]( Freedom is not asked, it is taken. ![]( This story is about a girl who, by the will of fate, faced the beast, and to become free she was forced to study its nature. ![]( A story-driven shooter with aggressive gunfights and terrifying monsters awaits you. ![]( How far can you go in the fight for your freedom? ![]( --- ![YAIBA: NINJA GAIDEN Z]( "") ## YAIBA: NINJA GAIDEN Z ### The only Ninja Gaiden experience currently available on PC! I say enjoy it! Note: Only recommended if you have a controller! Pros: - Amazing graphics and animation as one expects for a Ninja Gaiden game. - Cool combat and funny/interesting enemies - Funny anti hero character Cons: - The game is too short for a Ninja Gaiden game - Enemies are funny but can get old, and no Ninja type enemies. All are zombies! - Can be frustrating (but then what Ninja Gaiden game isn't?) So in my view Ninja Gaiden 1 as a game is the Deus Ex equivalent of action games *– [Real player with 23.6 hrs in game](* I want to clear something up before I move on here. This game is NOT a traditional Ninja Gaiden game, if you couldn't already tell. I feel as though some people were looking for a Ninja Gaiden 4, a true sequel to Gaiden 2 (because 3 was definitely a different, less satisfying beast). So Yaiba. This game is the extreme opposite of a true Ninja Gaiden game in many ways. However, it is also like those games in many ways as well. Let me explain. I've played Ninja Gaiden 1-3, beginning from the original xbox. I was never great at them, constantly getting punished just like every other regular joe, but I beat all three. I've read from others that this isn't a true Ninja Gaiden, that it's easier, that it's more or less terrible. Sure, if you were amazing at the first two, maybe this one wasn't that next level of challenge you were looking for. *– [Real player with 22.0 hrs in game](* --- ![[NINJA GAIDEN: Master Collection] NINJA GAIDEN Σ]( "") ## [NINJA GAIDEN: Master Collection] NINJA GAIDEN Σ ### At last! I spent years and years of my life wondering “will Ninja Gaiden ever come to PC?” You see, my last game console was the SNES. My parents couldn’t afford a console. And I wouldn’t dare to ask for one. Given that, I beat Ninja Gaiden on someone else’s original Xbox, back in 2004-05\. And I love this game. I’ve always loved. So, it finally coming to PC was a long-awaited bliss. After 145 hours of gameplay and a platinum, I think I’m in a position where I can throw my two cents in, specially after having platinumed it. In this text, there will be not only opinions on downsides and upsides, but also an opinion about the “fans” and the developers that I wanna scream from the top of my lungs. *– [Real player with 203.1 hrs in game](* **PLEASE READ TLDR AT BOTTOM;REVIEW STANCE CHANGED** I played the original "Ninja Gaiden Black", then played the Sigma versions on PS3, then played Ninja Gaiden Black on Xbox One via Backwards compatibility. THEN I played it on an emulator to try to relive some type of nostalgic memories and realized that the game held up really well especially since it was running on something that wasn't even supported by the developers. I then waited for years for news to break on whether or not this game would get released on PC since I was finally able to afford to build one and play games in the best quality possible. I always told myself that "Yeah I love Ninja Gaiden so much, I've bought the games like 3 different times, but if it were to ever come out on Steam, I'd buy it for 60 dollars all over again." As crazy and devoted as it sounds, I just enjoyed the game for so long that it just made sense to have it in my steam collection. We're now on the day that it finally came out, what's essentially considered a "rapture" day for me since I never truly thought it would actually happen, only to be disappointed. *– [Real player with 99.5 hrs in game](* --- ![DmC: Devil May Cry]( "") ## DmC: Devil May Cry DmC had a lot of unwarranted hate poised against it before it even before release. ‘Fans’ decried the new design, while thrashing the developers for describing the old look in blunt but apt ways. The verdict was in before anyone could get their hands on it, and even when people did, they would only look to reinforce their own idea of what the game is. Scenes meant to be tongue-in-cheek throwbacks and foreshadowing were perceived as slights against the vocal few, while actual flaws went overlooked. *– [Real player with 45.4 hrs in game](* I've been stuck in the bloody palace for 6 days now, i'm addicted. (help) *– [Real player with 24.3 hrs in game](* --- ![Killer is Dead - Nightmare Edition]( "") ## Killer is Dead - Nightmare Edition _Don’t mind the almost 150 hours I have logged in this game. I’m just a dumb completionist who usually wants to finish most things in the game, specially achievements._ ### That being said, I’m fairly confident that I’ve played this game enough to say for certain that I wouldn’t recommend it, with the exception of it being on a good sale. This game is simply not worth full price. Before Killer is Dead I didn’t know much about Suda51’s work. I read about killer7 but never played it. I do own it on Steam though. It seems to be much better than KiD, just from what I saw on the store page. But anyway, KiD apparently has much of Suda’s pure style. And it is a lot of style indeed, but this game doesn’t care to go much beyond excessive style. *– [Real player with 145.0 hrs in game](* ### 'In this job you will come face to face with the darkness.[…] I've been enchanted by her beauty!' **Damon** ___________________________________________________________________________________ 'We are executioners. Professional killers hired by the state and high ranked clients to do jobs that no one else should ever know about. Monsters, maniacs and creepy mutants – everything is real in this world and we try to keep it a secret. The ‚Dark Matter‘ curses everything it comes in contact with, transforming it piece by piece into the abominations called 'Wires'. Do you know where this ‚Dark Matter‘ comes from? From the moon! The dark side of the moon to be more precise. It is ruled by a mysterious man and this person gathers the darkness to take over earth. Sounds like solving this problem is the perfect job for you Mondo, isn‘t it?‘ *– [Real player with 35.2 hrs in game](* --- ![BloodRayne 2: Terminal Cut]( "") ## BloodRayne 2: Terminal Cut So Bloodrayne 2 has the distinction of being one of my most beloved, yet absolutely hated games, out of all the games I have ever played before. Never has a single game left me completely divided on how I felt after playing it. Even as I was playing this Terminal Cut, in full, for the first time, I kept thinking "I can't review this." So the good first. BR2 in a nutshell, is a modified BR1, but with everything cranked up to 11\. So many new features and ideas are brought to this very creative sequel. Feeding fatalities, gymnastic platforming, environmental death traps, new characters, tons of voice work, tons of powers, tons of costumes, tons of BLOOD. It's wild just how much of an upgrade BR2 is compared to its original. *– [Real player with 16.9 hrs in game](* **If the first BloodRayne is like an easier Max Payne that's not well-made but still delivers fun and some cheap thrills, then BloodRayne 2 is like a Devil May Cry that does not understand what makes Devil May Cry great. Also BloodRayne 2 itself is not fun, and it doesn't even deliver cheap thrills.** –- The first BloodRayne was not a well-made game. Animations were janky, damage feedback was poor, environments were boring, and the final boss was frankly terrible and became downright impossible to defeat if you took too long. However, if you could forgive those faults, what you would find in this game was the experience of becoming a frantic, unstoppable, killing machine. You could be like Max Payne on steroids. It's no exaggeration that you could essentially dance around your enemies whilst attacking, whether you're firing your guns or attacking with Rayne's sick arm blades. **You became a frenzied speed demon of death**. Also, to add more to the Max Payne comparisons, you have a Dilated Mode which is essentially infinite Bullet Time, so yeah. *– [Real player with 13.7 hrs in game](* ---