


Deca is an interesting new survival-horror game, that seems to be greatly inspired by games the likes of Outlast and Silent Hill. Deca’s story revolves around a poor soul who got trapped in an old haunted mental asylum.

While trying to escape, you are confronted by all sorts of horror and challenges. In the heat of all this, you will also have to puzzle together the mystery of this haunted mental asylum and its inhabitants.

*– [Real player with 14.3 hrs in game](*




Read More: Best Gore Early Access Games.

--- This one really surprised me! It's a solid horror game with a lot going for it. Imagine Outlast on a limited budget and you might know what you're in for. You'll be avoiding a selection of dangerous enemies whilst navigating various environments, solving puzzles and collecting items. Some of the enemies and sections are genuinely frightening, even for an experienced horror fan. It'll last you around 5 hours as well, so great value for the money. *– [Real player with 13.8 hrs in game](* --- ![Zombie Solitaire]( "") ## Zombie Solitaire Everyone knows what Solitaire is. We all know it can be played for free at any time. Reason most of us buy solitaire games is because we expect a bit more than the regular game that we're used to. Zombie Solitaire seems to try and give us that but falls very short. Unlike original Solitaire, you can move in any direction and your colour suit doesn't matter, which ends up making the game pretty easy. In between different escape stages, you solve a point and click 'puzzle' (if it can even be called that) which never takes more than a few seconds. You'll start getting bored on the first chapter and because the game doesn't offer any challenge, regardless of your progression, that's how you'll feel the rest of the game. *– [Real player with 14.7 hrs in game](* ---

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--- zombie solitaire is not a terrible game. you get your standard solitaire gameplay with a zombie theme and good enough artwork, there are even point & click sections, albeit very basic ones, before entering each area, and there are 103 levels to play through, so you should be entertained for a few hours. or you would be if it weren't for a few issues. *– [Real player with 9.4 hrs in game](* --- ![TAXIDERMY]( "") ## TAXIDERMY The experience was both fun and messed up, but rough around a few edges. Also, there are some hidden things in the game, even though I didn't manage to find them. *– [Real player with 2.2 hrs in game](* ---

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--- Recommended ONLY for fans of 80's Slashers and the indie horror genre. Well, I finished it. You're an idiot who ordered a bear rug for six thousand dollars and you didn't get it in a timely manner, so you drive out with your ! trigger-happy wife to the business you ordered it from and proceed to break and enter to get that bear rug. Takes maybe forty-five minutes to an hour and twenty if you go in blind, I think. Learning enemy patterns, figuring out what buttons open what and where to go next. *– [Real player with 1.9 hrs in game](* ---