Dread Hunger

Dread Hunger



Great unique art style

Polished mechanics despite being in early access

Immersive level design

Kind and caring community (great for making new friends)

Developers listen to the community

Every match is different from the last


Limited tools to deal with trolls and grifers creating scenarios where people will rejoin after being kicked (occasional griefer/troll)

Deception tools are very easy to counter when with an experienced crew making it a choir to play as a thrall encouraging a PvP style of play

Real player with 686.6 hrs in game

Read More: Best Gore Early Access Games.

I do wish there was a yes and no option to recommend. If you have 7 other friends with you then yeah I would recommend this to you. If not then enter at you’re own risk of some pretty toxic people. Meta gaming. ect. Not all the time but a good majority. You may say well just kick them but they can keep joining back. there is no ban option and the few good group of people out here had to make a list of griefers and toxic people to avoid and kick because the devs have not given us the tools to do so in lobby and all. I say once you get kick it should be you can not join back that lobby. There is not much good communication between the community and the devs since they mainly care about the few streamers who play there game. Which I see from a company money making point of view can be good. Keep the streamers happy and into the game to keep streaming there game and possibly get more buyers. But it sucks for the rest of us who have to put up with all the glitches still in the game and getting bad responses from the devs. They balance the game around potential griefers instead of outright dealing with the griefers/ giving hosts the tools to deal with them. Wile focusing on other thing’s instead of this big issue the game is currently having. Anyone will hate having thrall and to have some Meta gaming people ruin that by giving info from the game through discord instead of through the game like it should be. I’m danm well sure I have had this happen with Streamers and I have had other say they had this issue as well and problems with some streamers on here doing these kind of thing. Having very little ways to combat this ourselfs as players even if we have video proof nothing get’s done about it and that’s why I can’t support this game till this issue is resolved which I really hate. I really enjoyed playing this game and still do when it’s friends.

Real player with 378.8 hrs in game

Dread Hunger on Steam

In Silence

In Silence

Just a terrible game.

Playing as the monster is one of the most boring things I’ve ever done. You wander around waiting for something to pop up on your radar but nothing ever does, and you end up just chasing crows the whole game or randomly stumbling upon a survivor who also has no idea what’s going on, and I don’t mean “has no idea what’s going on” because my group and I don’t know how to play the game, we do, but it’s because the whole premise of “being silent” is flawed. If I don’t want to be found, all I have to do is crouch everywhere I go. This is incredibly slow and boring but I do it because it’s the optimal way to play. If I stand up and walk then the monster knows where I am on their radar and I get found. Now you COULD change the settings so that walking doesn’t make any sounds, but when you do that you give the monster even less things to do. So, if you play as the monster, prepare to walk around doing nothing until someone slips up by stepping on a squeaky toy or someone gets impatient and decides to run. If you play as survivor, your gameplay will be crouching around in the grass making it from one house to another, hoping that it hasn’t been cleared by your team already. Most of the time you’ll check houses that you yourself has already checked, because while the monster has extremely poor vision, they can easily spot out flashlights, so using one is a death sentence. Basically if you get tired of crouching around for 10 minutes and have only found 1 tire and decide to turn on your flashlight to find where the escape vehicle is because the darkness makes you lose all sense of direction… you lose. Any settings you choose to try to make it more fun for the monster ends up making it infinitely more unfair for the survivors. There is no counterplay when the monster finds you.

Real player with 12.5 hrs in game

Read More: Best Gore Multiplayer Games.

New update made me stay stuck in an eternal loading screen when I boot it up. So yes the new update is very good if you’re wondering.

Real player with 10.9 hrs in game

In Silence on Steam



As much fun as I’ve had with the game, I would not recommend it to anyone. This is toxicity at its finest. People grouped up in a discord call tend to just randomly kill you without you even being the infected. I’m guessing it’s because they feel powerful and I qoute ‘at least I have friends’. From a competitive side the matchmaker is really horrible. You get thrown into games with people who are teamed up, and I’m not talking teamed up as in infected teamed up. Literally you can play solo against a team of 5 people who are in a discord call, and your fate is in their hands they can do whatever they want to you. If I play solo , other people should play solo too. I’m saying this because it would avoid stat padding, and it defeats the reason of having stats, because people who ‘have friends’ are gonna have the best stats in this game. I don’t feel like it’s up to me as the end-user to have to record and send/e-mail evidence of toxicity to anyone. I want to have fun while playing a game, I don’t want to take the hassle of being an administrator and catching toxic players who stat pad with their friends through discord calls. Until you people(the developers) fix this issue, it’s not going to be a fun/competitive game, at least not for people who ‘don’t have friends’ and want to play this game solo. Believe me I have nothing against playing with friends, but make is so that it’s teams of people versus teams of other people, don’t make me suffer as a solo player because other people decided to play with their friends and communicate to each other who’s the infected and who’s the innocent through discord.

Real player with 212.5 hrs in game

Read More: Best Gore Multiplayer Games.


I had since been unbanned from when I wrote this review and was incredibly excited for the Halloween update, however I am still going to have to downvote this game once again as the newest update is horrid. Here are my thoughts regarding the update:

Upon reading these patch notes, I will be quitting Deceit for good.

Making ranked pay2play (you must own 3 of 4 terrors to queue up, meaning you have to buy the Werewolf or Vampire to even play ranked) is the most unbelievably stupid thing I have ever read as it is the only real way to experience this game, normals are filled with brand new players and people who don’t talk on microphone which defeats the purpose of the game. I say this as someone who owns the Vampire DLC, however I refuse to support a model that prohibits any and all players from being included in the REAL game.

Real player with 193.4 hrs in game

Deceit on Steam