Bad Rats Show

Bad Rats Show

I got this game while I was in still living with my roommate, Joey. He was a bit of a spazz, due to his autism but, my cousin was like that and I could deal. We lived together for about 2 years, and nothing really went wrong. He did fine, socially, and so did I. On like the last day I was gonna be living there, in a drunken haze with a few of my friends that we decided to do a really shitty prank of sorts on him. Basically, my friend Rashawn had a rat infestation go on and he decided to save the rat corpses to just throw them on someone and we decided it would be funny to do it then on Joey. Joey was out doing some project or just chilling with friends, idk. He’d usually just chill with the people in art school. We just hid in the house, he got home a bit earlier than usual so we had to improvise and just hide in a closet or two and wait for him to get to his room and spring our trap. After waitin a bit, we came out of the closet to see him playing some game on the computer, it was perfect. We crept forward and just dumped the rats on him, then proceded to jump around screaming “WAKA FLOCKA, WAKA FLOCKA, WAKA FLOCKA, WAKA FLOCKA, WAKA FLOCKA FLAME BRIIIIIIIIIIIIICCKKKKSQQQQQQQUAAAAAAAAADDDDDD.”

Real player with 26.0 hrs in game

Read More: Best Gore Great Soundtrack Games.

I’m sure if you’ve looking at this particular store page you have already know that Bad Rats Show is in fact a very bad game. You’ve looked at all the people who have played it for 20 minutes and had a nice chuckle at all the funny anecdotes on how broken and ugly this game is.

This review however will be in fact an actual review of this game judging it’s merits and faults.

For those unaware of the history of this franchise Bad Rats is a notorious game on Steam that became the joke of many users. Often during Steam Sales or even at full price people will buy this game in bulk and send to all there friends as a “gift”. Of course anyone who would actually play Bad Rats will almost immediately realize the extremely low quality, terrible performance and awful graphics. Now because of the huge amounts of sales this game have gain due to this little inside joke the developers of Bad Rats decided to bless us with it’s sequel: Bad Rats Show.

Real player with 16.7 hrs in game

Bad Rats Show on Steam

Grave Days

Grave Days

Grave Days is a Survival Roguelite game, set in the Zombie Apocalypse. It thrusts you into chaotic situations where you need to make quick decisions on your feet! The important question during each encounter is fight or flight? The answer to which depends on your play-style, and the exact situation you found yourself in!

Grave Days brings together the Roguelite and Zombie Survival genres to set itself apart from the typical Zombie Survival game. It’s fast-paced and action-packed. It takes inspiration from games such as Streets of Rogue, Death Road to Canada and Project Zomboid.

In the current alpha of Grave Days, you play as the not-so-super hero of a Zombie Apocalypse comic book, affectionately nicknamed Grave Dave. You will set out on a series of expeditions of ever-increasing difficulty in procedurally generated worlds. You will explore, scavenge, sneak, fight and escape from sticky situations, as you work your way through each town to finish your objectives. You will earn XP and level up to become stronger, craft new weapons, items and medicine, cook food and carefully plan out what to take with you on your next expedition!

As you attempt to make it through all expeditions, you will unlock new classes - such as Athletes, Soldiers and Doctors - which will allow you to experiment with new playstyles to find what suits you best!

We invite you to join our community, and share your ideas and feedback with us! We look forward to hearing from you!

Read More: Best Gore Early Access Games.

Grave Days on Steam

Howard Phillips Lovecar

Howard Phillips Lovecar

Howard Phillips Lovecar is one of those games where you can feel yourself getting better at it every time you play it, and there’s a lot of nuance in its controls and the way the different mechanics interact with one another. It reminds me of playing flash shmups on the internet when I was younger. The controls should appeal to fans of shmups looking for something new. You can only fire your shotgun out of the left side of the car and the tommygun from the right. Combined with the way driving works, you have lots of options for dealing with threats. You can circle around targets, do figure 8s in front of them, or just sit still in a blind spot and hold down the fire button. The different eldritch horrors are all instantly recognizable, and all of them have slightly different arrangements of tentacles and spikes, so there are subtleties to approaching one covered in tentacles as opposed to one with spikes that spawns homing drones. The atmosphere, (cultist yells, washed out color palette) especially when you’ve taken some damage and the darkness closes in, add atmosphere to a suprisingly tactical shooty arcade game.

Real player with 7.2 hrs in game

Read More: Best Gore Arcade Games.

You are driving through the wastelands in your pickup truck and you are trying to stop those nasty cultists are trying to summon old gods. Gods with tentacles.

At first glance game reminds me of the good old GTA, but with a lot more arcade feel. Each play is very short and intensive. Also developer promises to update the game with new features during the early access so big thumbs up from me!

Real player with 4.8 hrs in game

Howard Phillips Lovecar on Steam

Moriarty: Endgame VR

Moriarty: Endgame VR

This is rad. Moriarty Endgame is a bold step towards the future of the graphic novel/comic book. I had to play through twice since the first play I was so focused on the creative shader use and the blending of 2D comic sprites in a 3D immersive plane that the story went right over my head. The creators throw us right into the world of Moriarty with very little hand holding – which is nice. The writing and art style are consistent with a high fidelity voice over and sound effects leading the pace. I was briefly removed for one moment in a scene where we learn how Moriarty gained his super power. It felt forced and unnecessary in comparison to the subtilty in which other major plot points were revealed. That being said, the dark matter super power story will make a great episode on its own. It also moved a little fast for my taste. One thing that is wholy unique to comics as apposed to digital media is the ability to ‘travel at your own pace.’ To handle this the developers implemented a simple forward and reverse feature that allows you to easily restart a scene or skip to the next (I would guess each scene is the equivelent to 1-5 panels in a normal book). Still, I think there could be a more creative way to let the reader move at their own pace. These are nit picking observations, and at the end of the day Moriarty provides a concise and cohesive product, which is twice as impressive when you consider they are paving the way. I am excited to see what the team puts out as they become more comfortable exploring this new take on the media.

Real player with 0.8 hrs in game

So I got this on the Halloween sale for .99 cents and the experience lasted 10 minutes. I can definitely recommend this experience. The only problem is that it does feel short, that’s because the experience is very engaging and things are heating up. It’s like a teaser. Just when things are getting really good, the experience ends.

I would definitely love to see where this story goes. Basically, this is a VR comic book where you have a screen shot of the action for the comic. But all the while you’re in the background of the place where the action is taking place (which is in black and white). This contrasts really well with the stark colors inside the “pages.” There are few animation even within the pages of the comic book.

Real player with 0.3 hrs in game

Moriarty: Endgame VR on Steam



Edit: Added some gameplay.

As a big fan of 6DOF games i had to give this game a try.

So i played the free demo 20 minutes then instantly bought the game !

Really good gameplay, tight controls and great sense of speed.

The level design is quite good too with nice music and great atmosphere within the levels.

BLAST-AXIS also deliver many satisfying weapons to use and also give you the choice to play in first person or third person (worth mentioning as it’s not always the case in many other games).

Real player with 11.6 hrs in game

In this game you play as a cute little maintenance robot fighting blobby blue aliens who have invaded phobos for some irrelevant reason. It isn’t the most polished 6DOF (descent-like) shooter, but it probably is the most unique and original, and it might just be the most fun. The game’s main strengths are solid level design and a diverse and fun arsenal.

There are six weapons in the game but thanks to ammo types and alt-fire modes these unfold into… a lot of weapons, I can’t do the math. For example, the “tube” mortar launcher has three ammo types: flame rounds, grenades, and flak shells. Drilling down further, the flak shells can either be fired in “burst” mode, acting like a shrapnel shotgun, or in “fuze” mode, which fires a single projectile that explodes with AOE damage when it hits a wall or enemy. There’s a tool for every job, and each weapon is a good mix of quirky and powerful which gives them a real sense of personality. They’re your friends and you come to love them as you spend time hanging out. The cluster missiles in particular are an absolute joy.

Real player with 9.4 hrs in game


Blood And Zombies

Blood And Zombies

This game combines the base building of Rust and the game play style of Killing floor. At this point in the game (A 0.25 at the time of this writing) it’s just great. I’ve been looking for a game like this for a long time. BUT, I have a couple - to - few suggestions for the developer(s): First is obvious: this game would benefit exponentially from multiplayer (almost goes without saying, really). Second, well, once you get your base going it seems as if the zombies care more about vandalizing/breaking what you’ve built up than killing you, and most of the damage you’ll receive in the game is done indirectly (poison gas/electric zombies dying and leaving damage clouds). And three, the only major bug I’ve found while playing (in 4 hours mind you) is sometimes the camera gets a bit wonky. For example: I could hit the 2 key to switch to my secondary and the camera will flip, buying a new weapon will shove the gun into an awkward/unintended position (clipping through the camera), and facing the floor after looking at the menu (sometimes these issues can be fixed by switching weapons or reloading or buying a gun in the same slot, then returning to the first gun, but it didn’t for the crossbow). For an indie game so early in development, I’d rate it a 9.95/10.

Real player with 18.9 hrs in game

bugs start to show up and when brought up devs act like they could care less…give your money to “7 Days To Die” video game here on steam….atleast they listen and care….this was one of the worst games ive bought lately……horrible game.

had a fellow friend who also played had the follwing to say but couldnt leave a review but i can-

“Game is bug infested to the max. Mechanics don’t work and my keyboard stopped working multiple times after passing the first wave of zombies.”

my sons copy wouldnt even load up its map….needless to say he refunded at my recommendation when he approached me on what to do.

Real player with 6.5 hrs in game

Blood And Zombies on Steam

Secret House | 秘密房间 | 秘密の部屋

Secret House | 秘密房间 | 秘密の部屋

Brilliant wee game, my gameplay review is here -

Real player with 1.0 hrs in game

Dude…the price is so worth it! You will be pleasantly surprised when you play this game on how brilliant it is…I am really impressed. Not the longest game, but it can be depending on how long it may take for you in particular to beat. Such cool content in the game, awesome little jump scares when you see how odd and bizarre the creatures are! Really cool, good job!

Real player with 0.3 hrs in game

Secret House | 秘密房间 | 秘密の部屋 on Steam

First Day: Home Defender

First Day: Home Defender


3/5 Stars - Because I bought this game under a dollar I gave it an extra star. It is not a bad game to have in your collection, but there is just a few things that hinder this game from being a great game. If you can live with them then check this game out.


Single Player, Tower Defense, Gore, Violent, Action, Shooter


Release Date: Feb. 2020 - Tower defense game. Build and protect your home for as many days as you can. Upgrade defenses, weapons, and hire workers, and mercenaries.

Real player with 41.7 hrs in game

Pretty good game for what it is, could be a $5.00 game. After the 36 day hump, if you survive, it gets easier from there. Just save up for the flamethrower and all will be well.

Real player with 7.7 hrs in game

First Day: Home Defender on Steam

Endless Knight

Endless Knight

I bought this game with my money

I played it all night long

I like the knights I like the swords

I like the nice bard’s song

You choose your knight and their colour

It does not matter which

You fight a bunch of other knights

You scratch you knightly itch

I recommend this awesome game

To live the knighlty life

I played it single player and

I played it with my wife

Real player with 6.1 hrs in game

Endless Knight is a unique little fighting game with a great sense of humour. If you fancy a real challenge then this game is for you. The combat is tight and focused on accurate blocking and countering. One hit can kill or leave you missing a limb - but importantly, still in the fight. Don’t expect to get away with button bashing, you need to time your strikes and pick them wisely. Endless Knight is a must buy for fighting game fans that want to try something a little different.

Real player with 5.1 hrs in game

Endless Knight on Steam

A Sceptic’s Guide to Magic

A Sceptic’s Guide to Magic

Thumbs up! I liked the story about a skeptical scientist learning to cast spells in order to solve a murder. A lot of people won’t bother with this game since it was made with RPG Maker, but I thought the gameplay was okay. You don’t have to worry about grinding up through different levels, because there is no combat. Most of the challenge is in finding ingredients for the spells. Some ingredients weren’t easy to find, but if you get stuck, there’s a walkthrough available.

The achievements are pretty straightforward. You either get them for casting spells or for getting to an ending. There are a few different endings so you have to replay the final encounter a few times to see them all. In a nice touch, the game encourages you to save right before that point, so you don’t have to replay the whole game again just to see the different endings.

Real player with 12.6 hrs in game

Author’s note: Every single ending was witnessed at the time the review was written for the sake of providing an informed opinion. (Every single achievement was also earned during that time as well.)


If the reader noticed this game was made by Pilgrim Adventures (the same amazing developer who brought us the Space Pilgrim Saga) then chances are the reader will be able to infer that A Sceptic’s Guide to Magic is a casual adventure game made with RPGMaker, has lots of interesting characters with detailed backstories, constant flip-flopping between adventures of a primary and secondary main character, and plenty of humor. These conclusions are not far off the mark, save for the humor being less frequent in A Sceptic’s Guide to Magic and the mood dramatically darker compared to Space Pilgrim Academy: Reunion. Set in 1993 in Birmingham, West Midlands (and not Birmingham, Alabama!) forensics investigator Lester Chapman is called to investigate a murder in an abandoned house involving a young man with evidence about that suggests witchcraft was somehow involved in the murder. After apparently hallucinating, Lester is taken off of the case and comes into contact with a young witch named “Fi” who is also interested in the murder, and the two team up with Lester reluctantly becoming a practitioner of magic, and ultimately gaining the ability to investigate the murder with methods that prove otherwise impossible without Fi’s assistance.

Real player with 11.6 hrs in game

A Sceptic's Guide to Magic on Steam