Winter Worm, Summer Grass

Winter Worm, Summer Grass

‘‘Art is man’s nature; nature is God’s art’’ - Philip James Bailey

Arahitogami is a Japanese word meaning a deity as a human

Ameshiko’s Winter Worm, Summer Grass is an original Japanese otome Visual Novel that centres around the horrific curse known as the Great Mistletoe where the afflicted will have seasonal greenery (such as plants or weeds etc) merge with their body parts and painfully germinate until fully blossomed resulting in the person returning back to nature in their death. The only known way to ease the pains is to have the person visit the shrine’s sacred grove during a Festival.

Real player with 6.2 hrs in game

Read More: Best Gore Sexual Content Games.

The art is pretty nice in many parts. I think whoever illustrated this game is extremely talented. But the story itself was lacking in substance. I found myself wanting with all 3 endings. I completed the game more confused than anything and not satisfied. The writing was okay. The choices were inconsistent with the theme, and I’m not even sure I was able to grab at what the themes were supposed to be aside from horror and sort-of-historical-fiction. Is it entertaining? Yes, for a free game. But I definitely won’t be playing it again. Oh yeah, there’s a walk through in the game files if you’re privy to grab it. Otherwise the guides here on Steam are fine too. Cheers!

Real player with 5.4 hrs in game

Winter Worm, Summer Grass on Steam

AMPLITUDE: A Visual Novel

AMPLITUDE: A Visual Novel

This game is pretty twisted and to be honest my normal playstyle landed me the bad ending first time through and left me stunned and wondering why. After i read through some of the comments and the forum I figured out the “how” but had serious doubts about whether i wanted to go for a good ending after i figured out what was required of my choices to get one.

Without giving away anything, in order to progress to any of the good endings, you have to be more “evil” than good, as summed up by all your choices in the game up to that checkpoint, otherwise your snuffed out in favor of another, presumably more evil, choice and…. welcome to your bad end! Let me be clear, it works peferctly well in the games setting, in other words it makes sense in its own context, atleast until you choose to be evil enough to progress to the end of the game, where suddenly you get to be the good guy!

Real player with 36.6 hrs in game

Read More: Best Gore Anime Games.

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Amplitude is an interesting concept for a visual novel that with just a little more care in its construction, could have been a very rewarding gameplay experience. As it is, we have an offering that is caught a little in the middle of wanting to be both a VN and an RPG; the result of which is a chaotic ball of confusion that is difficult to get a grip on and will likely lead many players to never finish their first play through – a conclusion somewhat borne out by a glance at the Steam global achievements for the game. Of the 78.7% of purchasers to have started playing, the next highest achievement percentage plummets to a mere 48% at time of writing; this serving as a stark indicator of lack of player desire to stick with it.

Real player with 31.0 hrs in game

AMPLITUDE: A Visual Novel on Steam

Love Bites

Love Bites

Hello Steam user who is wondering if this little visual novel is worth their time. I’m going to tell you right now that the answer is a sad no which is actually quite frustrating because I really wanted to like this game. It has everything I like in stories like this. It has mystery and intrigue and romance and supernatural elements to enrich the world and yet how it’s executed is like something cobbled together like a blind drunk monkey on a typewriter. Seriously, the mechanics in this game are not great. We’re not talking 1931 Scheherazade bad but they are not good and they really bogged down what could’ve been a great cheesy Halloween visual novel.

Real player with 10.8 hrs in game

Read More: Best Gore Comedy Games.


+Charming love interests (Viktor especially was very cute)

+You can romance a mad scientist. I always wanted to romance a mad scientist. You can also romance a witch, a werelion and a vampire huntress, I mean come on, that’s pretty interesting.

+Some scenes were genuinely creepy. (it’s a horror game after all, so this is a good thing)

+You can choose the gender of your protagonist, I like games that give you that option.


-The side characters were used horribly. We get introduced to the protagonist’s friends in the beginning, only that they never appear again.

Real player with 9.0 hrs in game

Love Bites on Steam