Zombie Killing Simulator

Zombie Killing Simulator


1. clunky game play and mechs.

2. Can’t run graphics on high without extreme heat. (GTX 1060)

3. Might be fun one day, but as stated before needs to focus on 1 or 2 types of play.

4. Multi player won’t be fun with these small maps.

5. Buttons and extras like health need simpler use for players and explain what some even do. I.E. Big health restores

both armour and health. I will revisit this game in the future, but for now not worth the money asked.

Also most of the people giving it a thumbs up played less than 2 hrs!

Real player with 8.5 hrs in game

Read More: Best Gore Early Access Games.

The game is fun and relaxing! For my part, I love this game and its concept, it perfectly scratches my itch! I got some problems with starting the mars map, but other than that, I recomend it (everyone might not find the current price fitting, but with the work this lone developer has put in, you have to agree). Btw, developer, how bout adding a game mode where you have this tight corridor or whatever and zombies come from one direction, so you mow them down or something. I would quite enjoy that :)

Real player with 8.1 hrs in game

Zombie Killing Simulator on Steam

Killing Floor - Toy Master

Killing Floor - Toy Master

Download the mod, then launch Killing Floor as normal, not the Toy Master mod. If you launch the mod itself, it won’t pick up your existing perk stats.

9/10 Mod

Real player with 120.7 hrs in game

Read More: Best Gore Multiplayer Games.

Not as great as the main series by far, but it’s free and having some rounds with friends can fill quite a few evenings.

Real player with 30.9 hrs in game

Killing Floor - Toy Master on Steam

Open Mod

Open Mod

Open Mod is a free-to-play, tactical first person shooter that, for the time being, revolves around the bank robbery game mode. Being a team of two, we focused our attention on the game mechanics and customizability, having as a main goal providing our players the opportunity to personalize their experience on as many levels as possible.

The gameplay consists of, as expected, a bank robbery, where one team must rob the bank and escape with the money through certain routes, while the military must eliminate them before they do so.

Read More: Best Gore Multiplayer Games.

Open Mod on Steam

Counter-Strike Nexon: Studio

Counter-Strike Nexon: Studio

Most stupid and shit game after GM and tons of bug ruin the game. Old time better. Post on forum about GM, Bugs, DDOS, toxic player, and we the one get banned on forum. Bugs? A freaking simple bug cant fix and banned player for reporting it. DDOS? Try post and forum and GM will lock your thread. If got no solution, then stop this game. Toxic player in every room you can find. Kept releasing stupid mode that nobody play and ignore ddos, toxic and bug. GM abusing power and using communism style for the game. GM freely using bugs in game while other player getting banned. I report about GM friends using macro and look, the not getting any banned. How stupid is this game is now. GM pls RESIGN. Yeah Im old player since cso sea. I pour thousand of dollar for this game and look what GM gave back. You people drove player away. Fking dead game now.. less 1000 player play everyday. I WISH THIS GAME CLOSE SOON and I dont mind my money burn away rather seeing GM and other DDOS player and Toxic player kept ruin the game. Complete iron claw from GM. What a joke. How can you guys still have face to be GM if cant handle the game? If other game you guys already burn to crisp because player kept complaint. If any of you want to play this game, JUST DONT, If you play the game long enough like me since the release, its not too late to leave this shitty game. Let the GM know we the player control the game.

Real player with 8091.1 hrs in game

80% recipe is actually 40%, use 20k millage, only unlocked 2 boxes.

if you kick blockers there’s a 0% chance they’ll get kicked, my ban list is full of blockers and I can’t add anymore because there’s a limit lol, wtf Nexon. fqcing trash, trying to find a fqcing decent room without noobs in it and when i finally fqcing found it, the shitty game won’t fqcing click I had to restart, the it kept not responding twice, holy shit fqck this game. notice how many fqc words I’ve said. update 3/22/17 I’ve been trying to ask, what is the use of a kick item, it never works ( unless the whole room is full of your friends ) this doesn’t work why? 1. afk in game and loading screen 2. people can’t understand English or what a kick means. I just met my first hacker and he never got kicked he was just infecting and killing people at high speed until 33 rounds so I left the room.

Real player with 2281.0 hrs in game

Counter-Strike Nexon: Studio on Steam

Zombie Panic! Source

Zombie Panic! Source

This mod is a gem. Hell i wasnt even a fan of the whole zombie genre when i tried this game out of curiosity five years ago but it quickly won me over thanks to its gameplay and atmosphere. Its immersive, challenging (teamwork is a MUST) and above all, fun.

An interesting aspect of the game is that you actually can play as a zombie after you died. No bot slaughterfest à la Left 4 Dead here. Its very enjoyable to fight a zombie horde composed of other players trying to overwhelm you so you can join their ranks. Zombos can also infect you which really adds to the tension since it creates a climate of suspicion among the survivors.

Real player with 2321.0 hrs in game

Zombie Panic: Source changed my life. While that sounds dramatic, ZPS is what got me into map/level design with the Hammer Editor. I loved creating levels so much, that I looked further and realized there were schools for game design. I am now in my second year of 3D Animation & Modeling. I still remember my very first time playing this - Sunday, October 8th, 2008. Only Eugene and Marcus were available. It was on ZPO_Deadblock. I remember a guy exploiting the padlock on the fenced gate.


Real player with 1860.0 hrs in game

Zombie Panic! Source on Steam

The Forgotten Ones

The Forgotten Ones

updated review:–———–

A survival horror game that needs a little bit more polish and a few bug fixes. A new update to the game improved on alot of the problems. There is still more work to do however.

What i liked:

-The game uses the cry of fear ammo mechanic (which means when you reload any bullets in that mag are gone) which punishes those who always reload after firing 5 rounds in a 30 round mag

-the weapons feel good as well as a nice variety

-Fun to shoot those evil things

-interesting bleed out mechanic

Real player with 23.0 hrs in game

The Forgotten Ones is a Half Life 2 horror mod available for free.

It’s also a pretty bad game. Despite the story’s premise being interesting it’s not developed in any meaningful way, the only reminders of a story even existing in the first place being missable notes barely saying anything scattered across the game.

The typical atmosphere a horror game worthy of that name should possess is completely absent. Even the cat scares are horribly executed and will leave you wondering what just happened. The only scary thing in the game are the monsters, not because of they way they look or sound or anything like that, but simply because even the weakest creatures are unstoppable juggernauts of doom for about 3/4 of the game. They hit like trains, slowing down the player and leaving their aim wobbling all over the place, while shrugging off the completely inadequate gunfire.

Real player with 6.0 hrs in game

The Forgotten Ones on Steam