Chivalry: Medieval Warfare

Chivalry: Medieval Warfare

Chivalry…where do I start?

When I first heard about the game in late 2012, I knew I’d be hooked. Unfortunately, my computer couldn’t run it at the time. Flash forward to when I had a new computer come May/June of 2013, and I was having the time of my life! Foolhardy, yet visceral combat, amazing voiceovers, and the most in-depth melee combat I had ever seen at the time…it was remarkable. The combat was very in-depth, yet nobody was quite above anyone else at the time. Timing and footing was everything. My goal as a player at the time was to reach level twenty, and unlock all veteran helmets for each of the four classes. (Keep in mind that there was zero customization at this point in time, apart from switching from default to veteran helmets, which didn’t work half of the time)

Real player with 1222.1 hrs in game

Read More: Best Gore Multiplayer Games.

After all these years, reaching level 54, I cannot recommend the game. I have 500+ hours on this, and all I can think of is remembering the good times. I hate this game so much because I used to love it to the point it became my most played game for almost one year. I’m gonna tell you why you should avoid this game that has become deteriorated over time (and has become less valuable than it was at release):

The good times, that was when this game didn’t have regular crashes (it had none in fact). Now it crashes EVERY FIRST TIME you join the game, you Alt+F4 and then you have to again load the game. THEN it’s very likely the server you wanted to join is full. You have to wait. Then it’s possible that it crashes at the character screen etc… It’s also possible to simply crash mid-game. I once had over 16 crashes while waiting for the server list to load. This never happened at the start.

Real player with 843.2 hrs in game

Chivalry: Medieval Warfare on Steam

Knights of the Temple: Infernal Crusade

Knights of the Temple: Infernal Crusade

Maybe it’s not a masterpiece, but I like its atmosphere of great fight against evil.


  • Various environments, enemies and weapons (European soldiers, Saracens, assassins, demons, swords, scimitars, axes, maces…).

  • Unique atmosphere created by cutscenes.

  • Satisfying fighting system.

  • Highly customisable. It’s built using Starbreeze Studios’s Ogier engine, for which many tools are released and available for free.


  • It seems unfinished, especially after seeing credits and unused cutscenes and models. Also cutscenes that were used seems like a part of much big story, which can be developed fully in more sophisticated, RPG game and was chopped into pieces for this game.

Real player with 28.6 hrs in game

Read More: Best Gore Hack and Slash Games.

Knights of the Temple: Infernal Crusade is worth its price. I just finished the game for the first time ever. The camera is fixed in various spots depending on your position and the area you’re in, but you can still look around to a certain degree. The game switches to first person perspective when using a bow which I found to be a great mechanic. No crosshair, but the trajectory is rather easy to predict. Combat feels amazing - a basic set of easy combos, three melee weapon types + bow and really cool divine powers on top of that. The hitboxes are fairly precise (most of the time). The game is best played with a controller, but the keyboard is still viable and the mouse makes aiming with the bow much easier. There are several types of enemies that the game often floods you with, but they are still diverse enough to not get boring and fighting them was really fun. On the contrary, some areas just felt too empty. The puzzles are present in the game, but you can count them with the fingers of one hand and they are not at all difficult. At least they don’t stagnate your progress though. There are also many weapons and a few divine power upgrades to find. Again, not too hard of a task if you like exploring every possible corner. As for visuals - after all these years the game still remains quite pleasing to the eye. Sure, many constantly reused models and textures, but the game’s super old so for me it had its charm. The story is actually quite decent but I may be a little biased there since it’s (obviously) rooted in Christianity.

Real player with 10.9 hrs in game

Knights of the Temple: Infernal Crusade on Steam



Literally the most annoying game I have ever played… I enjoy the experience of medieval combat, which is why I played this game for so long… but given any other alternative, like I now have option to play Chivalry 2, I truly wish I never played a single hour of this nonsense. Trolls, petulant brats throwing entire matches and sabotaging their team just to flirt around… who needs parenting when you have video games like Mordhau? The most insanely immature community imaginable given the serious nature of the theme of the game… the negative reviews are right, take my word for it… this game is simply a bad meme and provides no chance of immersion given the repetitive nature of the objectives, and considering that the outcome of each match is determined largely by how many trolls or griefers are on 1 team, and how many cowardly pathetic high level players are intentionally stacking the other… the most mindless waste of time I have ever experienced… even if I was stoned and drunk, this game would still frustrating and annoying.. cowards abound, repetitive weapon exploits, and team stacking every match… What else is there to say? Don’t play it, get Chivalry 2..

Real player with 935.8 hrs in game

Read More: Best Gore Multiplayer Games.

Ever since patch 20 this games combat hasnt felt the same. Theres so many redparries that you cant go a single fight without wondering “wtf am i palying”. The most recent dumb addition, spawn beacons, just goes to prove that the devs are trying to turn this game into battlefield, which they just cant due to the much smaller dev team. Its just sad that they would ruin such a great game, the core mechanics are so good, but they are ruined by unreadable swing manipulation, nonfunctional combat mechanics and so on. At this point you cannot play this game if youre not already very experienced at it. Its very unforgiving towards new players. Unless they revert the last 3 patches, fix the combat system and start actually working on updates actively you should consider buying it. But at its current state it just isnt worth it.

Real player with 800.3 hrs in game

MORDHAU on Steam



Disclaimer: I recommend you to buy this game, but as of launch month, do your research before you commit. It may or may not be up to your standards.


  • Classic RTS formula. We seriously need more of this out there.

  • Key hero unit, and creeping/leveling mechanics add to the usual “by the numbers + rock papper scissors” game.

  • Very good basic mechanics. The UI and controls do everything they need to, and everything in the game is crisp and responsive.

  • Cool setting, and awesome unit designs derived from the setting.

Real player with 75.5 hrs in game

I wanted to like this game. I REALLY wanted to like this game. I played in some of the earlier Alpha tests and I saw it had some great potential once they fix some of the rough edges. The only rough edge they seemed to have fixed is that now there is a matchmaking system. The rest of it still feels like an alpha build and they’re charging $30 for it.


  • Decent graphics

  • Unique ideas


  • Average 6:00 queue time and it’s still new.

  • THERE IS NO CHAT. None. Anywhere. Pass the long queue times by chatting with other players? Not in this game, buddy. Want to ask how your opponent does their build? Too bad, maybe you can find them in Discord. Want to “GG” and not rage-quit? RAGE QUIT ONLY IN THIS GAME.

Real player with 21.0 hrs in game


Veil of Crows

Veil of Crows

So when I bought this game I believed this to be a cross between total war and mount and blade. The reality is its closer to a cross between stronghold and mount and blade. That said I’d still definitely reccomend the game. Even in its current state its worth buying and is great fun with decent replayability. It also has a very good death system. For starters death is an actual fear unlike mount and blade and if someone ticks you off you can put them to the sword. When you die you can start in the world your last character died in. Meaning even though your previous person may have died their faction can still have an impact on the world and you can monopolize on it. For instance I had a bandit run through where I occupied a key mine cutting off a factions only source of metal preventing them from fielding units. I died and had to come in as someone else however taking that mine caused the faction to ultimately collapse in external wars, allowing my new character to seize several villages before they did. Resources are important without metal and leather troops don’t happen, without wood or stone buildings don’t happen, and without food villagers will starve and turn to banditry. The AI, like you, needs all of these and without them they will collapse (although it takes a while).

Real player with 52.9 hrs in game

So I’ve put some time into this game, not as much as I would like to, mostly due to real life things. With that being said, the game is not in the best of shape. It has it’s bugs, some more irrating than others. While there is no argueing that, I do have to point out in the short period the game has been released, there have been many updates that significantly increase the playability of this game and the overall enjoyment. I’ve seen some of the other reviews and don’t feel it does this game justice. Is the game rough at the edges? Yes. Are they being polished? Absolutely and the response of the developer is quite amazing. In the couple of months the game has been out, the content has significantly increased, and the quality of the game has increased as well. This is not the most coherient of reviews, but I do feel like this is a good game and is going in a great direction. I would and do recommend this to my friends, and do to you as well.

Real player with 46.0 hrs in game

Veil of Crows on Steam



WarFallen is probably one of the most fun games i’ve played in a long time !

The developers are really listening to their community, they consider any good suggestions.

They have put their heart and souls into this project and you can feel it the second you start playing.

The graphics are great, the gameplay is really good, the maps are well designed…

The melee based combat is well done, no spamming or 360° helicopter attacks, ranged combat feels good too.

It’s a lot of fun, every rounds you will discover something new, there’s depth into the gameplay and same about the maps.

Real player with 21.0 hrs in game

i put 2k into this on console and I have to say the PC version is, to my amazement, even a more enjoyable experience. I’m a Blacksmith main and that tactical advantage of being able to transport ballistas for cover fire for my team, or defensively for holding objectives, contributes to a nice variety-support based playstyle.

I’ve dabbled in the competitive scene and I have to say the community here is overall amazing. My team isn’t amazing but we hold on our on the East Coast public servers. The guys I play with are like, the best. I’ve even met one IRL and he was a really good guy! The other teams we ocassionally scrim against are always tough competition, as this game has a high but fun to reach skill ceiling.

Real player with 1.9 hrs in game

WarFallen on Steam

Iron Blade: Medieval RPG

Iron Blade: Medieval RPG

I love this game! And I can explain why, and what might be putting some people off. Essentially, this is John Wick with a sword! The combat here is as brutal as brutal gets. The graphics are incredible, this game looks beautiful - especially for the type/genre of this game, it’s stunning. As surprising in detail and smoothness of action as the Asphalt series. Just somehow bringing more to the experience than the little demands of the game should account for.

Okay, so, what it is: an upgrades driven, energy restricted, choice of autoplay or player play, PvE and PvP multiplayer mediaeval solo fighter type game. That’s it, the premise is very simple. If it wasn’t for the gorgeousness of the presentation, this game might set well on mobile or as a browser game.

Real player with 166.3 hrs in game

im kinda on the fence with this one but tipped to thumbs up.

its gameloft so expect issues.

gives alot less free stuff than their dungeon hunter 5, which is very similar and micro transactions are somewhat over-priced for what is effectively money for nothing (you can purchase time that comes in many forms but is still just time as everything can be gotten free with just that, time). £55 for a starter pack that gives nothing notable? considering what else i can get with the same cash on steam, like FULL TOP NOTCH GAMES inc all dlc, i would have to seriously dribble all common sense out of my ears and drop my IQ to ‘born an idiot’ to even consider.

Real player with 49.9 hrs in game

Iron Blade: Medieval RPG on Steam

Legendary Tales

Legendary Tales

A+ Game!!! Legendary tales, as it stands right now 11/28/21, is a fantastic game that is among the best VR games ive played so far, and I consider myself a veteran. It is essentially Diablo, which seems intentional down to the music in the town. Devs nailed it. The combat is tight, and fair, where if you pay attention you can parry attacks consistently, but if you get sloppy you quickly get punished. The magic, which is apparently being radically improved in the near future, is already SUPER fun. My wife and I play this game together endlessly, where she if often damaging/stunning/freezing hordes of enemies as I plunge in to fight dual wielding swords. I am absolutely STOKED for the future of this game, as they have cleartly laid out a massive plan for additional monsters, magic spells, levels, bosses, synergy magic system, items, skill and stat systems, and so much more.

Real player with 59.2 hrs in game

Too expensive for it’s current state. Essentially 20 levels of the same 3 enemies and on the exact same style of dungeon map that take too long to kill and cannot be engaged in an enjoyable manner. The physics and mechanics of combat are just bad for now, with developers dedicated to asian style MMORPG elements (The bad ones) - involving relentless grind-based progression, in VR where you physically will struggle to sustain the requirements.

The best point in the games history was at release when there were abilities and weapons that could be abused to shift the balance in the players favor - making progression enjoyable. Since then the devs have relentlessly worked towards making the game more difficult and removing any exploits while ignoring the community’s actual requests. They have only focused on redundant balance fixes and the broken magic system since release - barely managing to address some serious bugs.

Real player with 51.3 hrs in game

Legendary Tales on Steam

Tales Of Glory

Tales Of Glory

2021 EDIT:

So seeing as I’ve put a good 56 hours into this game now, figured i’d “update” my review.

Long story short:

I really can’t describe how impressed I am with the Dev, and both the incredible pace & progress he’s managed to single handedly accomplish (between two games no-less).

I swear within a month he’s been able to rework physics entirely (with incredible responsiveness to community feedback, beta updates almost DAILY), add MOD SUPPORT (yus), reworked entire weapon colliders and physics, added procedural dungeons, in-game MAGIC system (with voice recog)… the list is endless.

Real player with 56.9 hrs in game

The developer (yes one guy) did a great job at bringing this sandbox to VR, fulfilling our fantasies of medieval mayhem. While it’s still a little rough around the edges, there’s much potential to be had.


1. Combat is fun, great variety of weapons for you to chop, stab, maim, crush, pulverize, shoot, impale, FORCE PUSH (!?! theres a lightsaber in the game for lols), thor hammer smash, punch to death with.

2. When you land a stab or chop at an enemy, it feels satisfying as the enemy attempts to dodge/parry/block so you feel like your’e fighting something that fights back….a little.

Real player with 23.4 hrs in game

Tales Of Glory on Steam

VALHALL: Harbinger - Pre-Beta Testing

VALHALL: Harbinger - Pre-Beta Testing

My brother seems to like the game hes played quite a bit, I personally didn’t see much to it in the current state. I don’t really like how the bots fly around when getting hit, I thought it would be more realistic. I’ve backed this game up since around the start so I’ll give a good review to support it further, because I saw your announcement from today clearing up some things. I see you guys are still working to improve it and I don’t think more negative feedback will help. The graphics are impressive and the sound is good as well as the music, everything else could be polished some more. For me its not about the money, you’ll keep that regardless of if you plan to finish the game or not. It’s about the principle that you guys will do what you said you will do and deliver on your end. I want to see the game you guys told me about on discord when I first heard about it. Time will show if you guys hold true to your words, or if you guys will split never to be heard from again. Regardless, either do what you promised or bite your tongue next time you think of asking people to support you.

Real player with 137.7 hrs in game

visuals, music,combat feels great even in this pre beta state. For now game is lacking content becouse its PRE-BETA and that was made clear by the devs. Just be patient and you will see all the pieces of puzzle will get together with lots of content.

For now there are some implemetations that i love about this game:

1)music fits perfect

2)semi/mythologic atmosphere feels great

3)combat is chivalry\mordhau like but more fast paced, that is great( i hate that in mordhau even a dagger feels like concrete baseball bat, heavy and slow)

Real player with 20.4 hrs in game

VALHALL: Harbinger - Pre-Beta Testing on Steam