BattleRush: Ardennes Assault

BattleRush: Ardennes Assault

i love ordinary battlerush 2 because theres more players in servers and more fun overall. Devs! could you modify the game so players could command bots to sit on opel blitz (truck) so every player could take loads of bots to attack enemies and same would go for cars for example it would be awesome if i could drive to enemy village with 3 bots with me and also i know i could just walk with bots but thats boring. And even better would be if bots could sit on tank like you would see in old WW2 films. Also it would be cool if you add some craftable items like fixed MG position where MG sits on tripod and cant be removed. But overally i have played Br2 for over 80hours and i would say its a decent game!!

Real player with 9.7 hrs in game

This game is fun. I haven’t found in any bugs in the single player. The mutliplayer never seems to have anyone in it, so can’t evaluate, but I would like to get a group into the map, as it seems like it would provide some good battles, having wandered around in it basically alone. The devs might do well to add some bots to make up for number,s, but if 20 people got up a game, I think this would rate pretty well. The weapons are pretty good, visuals and sounds good.

Real player with 5.3 hrs in game

BattleRush: Ardennes Assault on Steam

BattleRush 2

BattleRush 2

I just played Battlerush 2 for a few hours and had a good time, considering it’s a very early version.

To start off with the elephant in the room, I must admit it felt strange to see “Battlerush 2” announced, after the first part got stuck in a beta state without any updates in the last months. Since a few friends and me already spend a few bucks for the DLCs to BR1, it looked like a fishy business strategy to release part two at this point.

The price of BR2 convinced me to buy it anyways. Many people disliked the simple graphics of the first part and never gave it a fair judgement, so a “fresh start” can be justified to a certain degree in the end.

Real player with 41.8 hrs in game

With a great idea we have a great game!

For me BattleRush 2 is fantastic, I always liked to have freedom in games and in this game I have a lot. In this game I have the freedom to attack, build, strengthen the base or create my own base, or work to have my own war tank.

The graphics are excellent and the constructions are totally destructible, you can put dynamite and blow up everything you see, and I really really like doing it :D

Some adjustments are required, but we are only at the beginning of the game and one of the most positive points is that the game has daily updates with bug fixes, textures, sounds and more and we can suggest these changes through the group at Discord and that is wonderful.

Real player with 23.6 hrs in game

BattleRush 2 on Steam

Civil Warfare: Another Bullet In The War

Civil Warfare: Another Bullet In The War

I’m sad to say that I couldn’t even play the game for what it is. I understand its a two man team for developing the game and thats what made me want to try it out. With the small amount of players and never have more then a few people on at the same time its hard to play a Pubg type game. So sadly I cant recommend this game at this time. I will keep checking to see if it ever takes off and review it when it does.

Real player with 2.7 hrs in game

Read More: Best Gore Early Access Games.

lot of players are going to trash talk. b ut i think that for the first day, understanding that there are only 2 people making this game, and in just 5 months, i think the game is very promising. so dont slam it too hard, it does need a lot of work, just as any alpha game, just give them time and im sure the rest will be worked out. this is the point where they need help guys wich means they need to be able to pay for that help, hence, is probly why they put it on steam to sell. so i personally think what they have done is great ! keep going devs !! great job !! only suggestion i have is the character does not move with the mouse right, thats my bug report. peace

Real player with 2.5 hrs in game

Civil Warfare: Another Bullet In The War on Steam



Gearwars is an Indie MMO survival featuring a post-apocalyptic dieselpunk theme created by an indie developer; The Smoking Monkey.

Gearwars features a wide variety of functions such as multiple chats. Stats, skills and attributes to hone your character and aid you in crafting, gathering, or combat. Melee and ranged combat is ready to go minus magic although certain esp, telekinetic, or other abilities will be added at a later date via mutations. Weather system, mount systems, pets, dynamic character effects are in play yet vehicles will be at a later date. Land deeds and homes for players to settle down and stow their trophies. An auction system and player vendors to buy and sell items in town or at home. And many, many more features are already in game.

Gearwars on Steam



Ignore the mixed reviews. It’s not a bad game when you play with your friends. Quite brutal tho. Funny when you see your buddy looking out the window when they can’t beat your card. Would be nice if that hit man looking dude would play his guitar while playing cards. He may be an evil dude but, he does know how to play that guitar.

Does have a bit of buggs, mainly for the person joining the game.

Real player with 2.4 hrs in game


You play as an unkwon character on an train. Your sitting at a table with a masked dealer standnig by your side ready to deal whatever damage of the cards you have chosen for you or your opponent. Theres one opponent across the table of you and you must play a deadly card game to earn your life. You and your oppenent have someone elses face stitched you yours and your mouths sown shut! The cards your dealt, deliver the amount of damage you or the other player will take from the dealer. Fight for your life in this card game of torture.

Real player with 1.9 hrs in game

LINCH on Steam

Lords Mobile

Lords Mobile

A f2p, p2w game, one that constantly promisses that if you just keep evolving, the experience will become super interesting at some point ahead… yup, its another mobile game.

In the game’s defense, it IS possible to play without putting money, but make no mistake: its absolutely impossible to be even remotely competitive if you dont spend money(LOADS of money, enough to buy the all the DLC packages of DoA5 many times over). It is possible to play, but for players who dont put high quadruple digits of dollars into the game, “play” will for a loooong time mean stay hidden behind your shield 24.7 and just keep hoping your real life dont prevent you from renewing the shield or else some chinese dude will reset your troops count in very short order, it’s just a chore and that part of the game will last a VERY long time for free players.

Real player with 525.2 hrs in game

This is a game where its a purely pay to play. (Its not free to play) Free to play players once after protection cannot even play PVE, this was my experience as mostly free to play player.

PVE Rating: 0/10

PVP Rating: 0/10

Pay to win rating: 10/10

Free to play rating: 0/10

Day 1: Joined a new world which was 2 days old. Free to play players where all using tier 1 troops with numbers in the hundreds of troops. Pay to win players already had tier 3 troops with numbers in the 100s of thousands.

Day 14: Reach tier 2, paid 2 usd worth of in game items to enable myself to travel through time to gain a few days of virtual time advancement so as to get tier 2 units.

Real player with 132.9 hrs in game

Lords Mobile on Steam

Requiem: Rise of the Reaver

Requiem: Rise of the Reaver

First off, I started playing this on launch during S1 before they dumbed all the quests down. Played it through Momento Mori and Bloodymare. I have far more hours logged on than what my Steam record suggests. The only thing I don’t like about the Steam launcher one is that I can’t log into my original account.

All in all it’s pretty good game… they made upgrading equipment far easier than it was back in the day. It almost required you having to buy stuff from their item mall to get any decently upgraded stuff, now you can easily max out the lower level stuff which you can use until you get through your 50’s. Early levels are much quicker to get through now and you can get to the fun stuff quicker because of it. At higher levels it slows down considerably, but that can be compensated by XP events(which are multiplicative XP from what I can tell and not additive). I enjoy the different “tiers” of enemies, which allows you to safely xp on low stuff or get a little risky and go for heavy stuff for more xp and loot. Soloing a lot of the content isn’t a huge challenge depending on your class… I run whole dungeons and solo boss enemies that are 5 levels higher than me and get to keep all the loot. Grouping is fun too, classes actually have designated tasks in the group, be it healing, tanking or doing damage.

Real player with 404.8 hrs in game

This is the game you play when you start to feel burnt out on another MMO. Drop a few hours on this and you’ll realize just how lucky you are to have other options. I’ll exclude the glaringly flawed cash shop in this review (I lied, I can’t not mention it), I’ve never used it despite the fact that this game IS the shop.

A little backstory, this was my first “real” MMO outside of the instance based Phantasy Star Universe and Runescape, thus I have a lot of fond memories centered around it. I played before it was on steam, but not as far back as the Bloodymare days. Back then the thing that drew me to it was the potential this game had to be something better, the item upgrade system was addicting despite being a little unpolished, the world was interesting to explore (especially in parness), and the questlines were “okay” (what few there are, which back then was more than today). It’s the perfect world to make you own backstory for, the game takes place after a cataclysmic event that caused mass destruction and the birth of monsters, that’s really all there is to it.

Real player with 92.4 hrs in game

Requiem: Rise of the Reaver on Steam



Rockshot is a cracking game that admittedly needs some work and balancing.

It’s seriously fast paced, and features a lot of complex interlocking gameplay systems that maybe aren’t quite balanced out right at the moment. There’s no decent tutorial either, so new players may just be wandering in, getting mown down by AA guns and writing it off. Give it some time, join a Clan / Team that chats and helps out new players and you’ll start to see where it shines - wholescale base destruction and a seriously gung ho level of pacing combine to make a pretty great game.

Real player with 209.8 hrs in game

Its a good game in a very early alpha. The core gameplay is there, and the only real problem i have is the laggy servers. Other than that its got good movement, pretty decent gun play, and the melee is great. In most shooters melee isnt really all that viable, but in rockshot its very viable and fun. The game has parkoring as one of its core mechanics and that plays into melee combat well, as well as the gunplay. I see people complaining about crashing but it doesnt happen nearly as often as they claim, and i dont have any problems running the game. No FPS drops or anything, just the rubberbanding that happens every once in a while. Overall i would recommend, even if it is early access

Real player with 113.9 hrs in game

RockShot on Steam

The Risen Dead VR

The Risen Dead VR

Experienced on the Oculus Rift

You can view my review & gameplay here:

My biggest regret is that I waited to play this game after buying it on the Steam Lunar New Year Sale 2020. Why is that? Well, because it’s too late to refund it now. This is a terrible game. While I only wasted a few bucks, I hate that any of my money went to these devs.

It’s a zombie wave shooter. It’s been abandoned in Early Access and it’s just horrible all the way around. Bad graphics? Checks. Bad sounds? Check. Very little content? Check. Low quality content? Check.

Real player with 0.7 hrs in game


Real player with 0.6 hrs in game

The Risen Dead VR on Steam



Ultra, Mega, Turbo, Etc all these words are from the urban dictionary.

The game idea was sort of an inside joke at the start. It was only an idea but now it has been realised. We have a MOBA, tower defence game.

But what? oh no! It’s the third person shooter as well?

In game no range limitations! You can aim and headshot your opponent from whichever location you choose.

What do we have there ingame?

We have Three starting characters, okay… let me introduce them a bit:

Ultramegon on Steam