Trailer Trashers

Trailer Trashers

This is awesome party game!

Been having great fun with my brother but we have been getting super competitive, I have even resulted to practicing against bots when hes not around!

Definitely recommend!

Real player with 5.0 hrs in game

Read More: Best Gore Twin Stick Shooter Games.

What a great party game! I love it!

This game is great for some quick matches against your friends on the couch. That is definitively how I prefer it. However, in corona times you can still get your game on with the steam remote play =) Have fun blowing up your friends and family ;)

Real player with 3.6 hrs in game

Trailer Trashers on Steam



This game is pretty great for couch coop action. Theres not many games like this which make it so great so I would reccomend this game. Devs add more guns and characters or let us cutomize weapons or our own character. You have pretty decent maps. Littke bit of bugs I encountered but nothing major. Devs don’t give up obn this game its so fun. Also add more bots and Multiplayer. You still got along time to go. Thanks

Real player with 2.9 hrs in game

Read More: Best Gore 4 Player Local Games.

I’ve had this game for over a year now and the devs haven’t updated it once. There’s a bug where sometimes you’ll spawn inside a building where you can’t move and nobody can kill you. You’re then forced to exit the game and start everything over. This game would be great if they would discount it and work on this one bug.

Real player with 1.6 hrs in game


Exploding Babies

Exploding Babies

we had fun exploding babies!

Real player with 0.2 hrs in game

Read More: Best Gore Dark Humor Games.

Exploding Babies on Steam

Slice, Dice & Rice

Slice, Dice & Rice

Disclaimer: This game has no online support so keep that in mind when you look at its mixed review rating

Slice, Dice & Rice is 1on1 2D Fighting in it’s purest form.

On the surface, the one hit kill mechanic may seem arbitrary and make some characters feel unbalanced compared to others, but if you take the time to learn

a) the different functions of your 3 attack options (vertical, horizontal and heavy)

b) the parry button and your movement abilities

and most importantly

c) how these first two options flow, link and cancel into each other

Real player with 10.2 hrs in game

I am a man of my word, it would appear the issues below have been ammended. I can recommend this game!

This is my first negative review on Steam. Hopefully not permanent as the basis of this game is great but is only let down by button response. And seeing it’s a game based on dodging, timing and parrying it doesn’t leave much hope.

It’s a fighting game similar to mortal kombat but you only have one hit to kill. Against friends it’s great as you can have a laugh at others misfortune but against the CPU you really notice the input issue. A mistimed dodge, parry or jump can be lethal so for it not to happen when you ask is a deal breaker.

Real player with 8.1 hrs in game

Slice, Dice & Rice on Steam



Love this game! It is very reminiscent of Tower Fall and its follow up Towerfall Ascencion. Well, at least in its core gameplay. It mixes things up by giving you several game modes. My favorite mode is the one in which you must kill and escape from a portal before everyone else, which is this games primary mode. I wish there were more characters, but the ones that are available are pretty innovative and each have their use case. I love getting together with my friends and playing this on my tv, I have more than enough controllers to go around so everyone gets to play. Matches get pretty intense and the visual style and over the top gore and action really make you have a good time. I hope there is some sort of DLC planned or something because I would love to see more game modes and more characters.

Real player with 16.6 hrs in game

I played many local multiplayer games in steam (roof rage 8 players, gang beasts 8 players, serious sam bogus detour, shinobi bad buddies, broforce, duck game, etc…), and this game is definitely at the top!!! It would be more awesome if it supported more than 4 players locally (perhaps 6 players?)

Real player with 4.5 hrs in game

CHOP on Steam

Nidhogg 2

Nidhogg 2

When I first fought my way to the Nidhogg, I was in utter amazement. Two people fencing with each other in a realm of nothing but possibility with crisp, definitive animation and the most simplistic looking characters one could ever have built, one yellow, one orange. The only thing the game was missing was an effective and useful matchmaking system with proper netcode. Yeah, playing online with your friends was damn near impossible, but, for local play, Nidhogg is king.

Nidhogg was simple, if you start on the left, move all the way to the right through multiple screens while fending off attacks from the man on the right, or, if you’re on the right, move all the way to the left through multiple screens while fending off attacks from the man on the left. It’s tug of war with swords, and you have to score a kill to advance through screens. SUPER basic, but very fun.

Real player with 181.7 hrs in game


Just had to get that out there because many people seem to be confused by this.

I LOVE the original Nidhogg, it was and still is a great game, but content-wise, it was lacking. But the gameplay more than made up for it.

Originally, I saw the “awful” graphics for Nidhogg 2 and I told my self that I would never buy it because he completely ruined the appeal for the first game. But it grew on me. Now I have come to love them because it compliments the hilarity of the game.

Real player with 20.0 hrs in game

Nidhogg 2 on Steam

Blades of Gory

Blades of Gory

I love this game! The polish and little details really give it a charm that makes you want to replay it over and over. The mechanics of the game itself are similar to fighting genre games that reward footsies/neutral play. You should also understand that this game is DIFFICULT. The bosses take different strategies to defeat and you have to think about how you’re going to approach it or you WILL die.

This is also a great game if you’re into speedrunning! It has a good run time for a speedrun and lots of interesting visuals for the viewer. Getting the mechanics of the fights down feels very rewarding in the context of a speedrun. There are some speedruns on youtube that you can check out if you’re interested.

Real player with 17.9 hrs in game

Pretty fun little brawler. Best part of course is the pixel art, with detailed sprites and nice animations. Final boss is such a BS, but the journey to him is quick and fun. It’s not that hard, really, just don’t overthink it.

Real player with 5.6 hrs in game

Blades of Gory on Steam

EleMetals: Death Metal Death Match!

EleMetals: Death Metal Death Match!

This game is a lot of fun! super simple controls that work really well, i also like the fact you can remote play so only one person news a copy of the game

I love the art style and music soundtrack super metal \m/

Also you do need to have a controller but i would not want to play this game with keyboard and mouse.

Real player with 1.1 hrs in game

A Elemetals Death Metal Deathmatch lets play was featured on my youtube channel

and now onto the review

TL;DR Review


EleMetals: Death Metal Death Match! is a violent, bloody and loud game of underworld creatures throwing shards at each other until the last one is standing.

//Graphics, Sound & Artstyle//

In the past 10 years we’ve seen games have that old school look, I feel like we’re all burnt out on that concept but boy was I wrong. EleMetals: Death Metal Death Match! adding tons of gore and metal music by Fat Bard to the game is refreshing and panic enducing, but that only made the gameplay elements that much more fun.

Real player with 0.9 hrs in game

EleMetals: Death Metal Death Match! on Steam

Lethal Lawns: Competitive Mowing Bloodsport

Lethal Lawns: Competitive Mowing Bloodsport

Thoroughly enjoyed the chaotic shenanigans with saw blade jousting, exploding landmowers and grass covered with blood of every color!

A.I. opponents are smart; controls are tight but fluid with environmental hazards like jerk drivers, skyscrappers and swimming pools to keep you on your toes. Matches are short but highly engaging.

No game ever plays out the same way twice. There is additional replay value from the numerous customizable game modes such as “King of the lawn”.

Real player with 9.0 hrs in game

This isn’t normally the type of game I play.

That said, with good controls, smart opponents, giant bladed lawnmowers and explosive inky chaos…

What’s not to like?

Real player with 5.1 hrs in game

Lethal Lawns: Competitive Mowing Bloodsport on Steam

Mortal Kombat X

Mortal Kombat X

good story line and everything like mortal kombat x more then 11 cuz reptil is in this one lol so yeah just buy it 4head

Real player with 221.3 hrs in game

I love hearing Scorpion make angry noises and yelling at the opponent every time I’m doing a combo.

Real player with 143.3 hrs in game

Mortal Kombat X on Steam