Warhammer Age of Sigmar: Champions

Warhammer Age of Sigmar: Champions

Genre - Warhammer Fantasy CCG

I have played quiet a few card games in my advanced years both digitally and in the real world. I am also a huge fan of the Warhammer universe, but more so the old world. I mean what the heck is an Orruk or a Grot?

I bought some packs of the physical game first and played a bit on my android phone. I found it quite difficult to work out the game mechanics and the user interface was a bit busy for a small screen. So I only played a few quick games.

Once I saw it was on Steam I thought I’d give it another go, especially as it allows you to link your android account and has sought after achievements you either love or hate.

Real player with 90.5 hrs in game

Read More: Best Gore Trading Card Game Games.

If you like Magic the gathering, there are a bunch of Magic TCGs on here, go play any one of them.

If you’re looking for something new and different… Go play Hex. Hex has really interesting PvE options, and a lot of different features that kept me interested for quite a while.

If you’re looking for something new that isn’t magic, and Hex isn’t doing it for you either, I’d recommend one of the Yu-gi-oh games, or hearthstone, or god, anything other than this.

It’s interesting at first, utilizing a mechanic involving the cards having values at each corner and being rotated each turn. If you enjoy card games, you will most likely enjoy this as much as any other.

Real player with 74.8 hrs in game

Warhammer Age of Sigmar: Champions on Steam

Blood Bowl 2

Blood Bowl 2

I see a lot of negative reviews from people who have played the original blood bowl games which I can’t comment on due to BB2 being my first experience of the game, all I can say is that I love it, if I’ve got free time it’s my first, second and third choice, and if I’m not playing I’m watching a stream :)


1. Incredibly deep gameplay/strategy, after 600 hours I still feel like a noob, every team can be developed differently according to how you like to play, and more than half the teams haven’t been released yet so still plenty of variety to come.

Real player with 2055.4 hrs in game

Read More: Best Gore Multiplayer Games.

Yes I do recommend this game. Yes I probably should take a rage management treatment due to the random nature of the game… STILL, like Poker… this dice game REALLY reward skill, but sometimes the game “deals” you a crappy hand… and then close to anybody can beat you.

Some really love Blood bowl and give it 10/10… some don’t… It’s abit sad that many of the reviews here are made of unexperienced gamers. And if you find the game too expensive - just buy it on sale!?

Unpatient or timid gamers should not play this game. You will experience that the PvP is very hard for new coaches. The skill level of the more experienced coaches are really high and they will punish every mistake. You move 11 players on the pitch in a conversion of a table top game. Turn based, 16 turns each. All the time you need to make risk calculations and use your logic and tactical skills. Read the player/race guides out there, it will help you alot developing your skills! The game should be of course played vs real human opponents… not the AI.

Real player with 1776.7 hrs in game

Blood Bowl 2 on Steam

Warhammer: End Times - Vermintide

Warhammer: End Times - Vermintide

I earned myself a Vermintide steam key after winning a review contest for a local gaming community with my written work on the classic grand strategy of Rome: Total War. I played Vermintide for the first time in the winter break of 2017, thinking that it will offer a few hours of good fun with friends over the holidays.

This game changed my life. To say that the developers at Fatshark have poured their souls into this title would be an understatement. For me it rightfully has a place in the hall of timeless gems such as Quake, Thief: The Dark Project or SOMA. It has not only provided me with great value for my time and a sense of accomplishment as I learned its various facets and overcome all of its challenges, but at a human level it has allowed me to connect with people who have become some of my best friends. For this alone I could offer nothing but praise to this game.

Real player with 1727.7 hrs in game

Read More: Best Gore Online Co-Op Games.


Left 4 Warhammer.

A hectic fast paced hack and slash action game intended to be played co-op with friends. You play one of five characters each with slightly different play styles and each with a variety of possible weapon choices unique to them. You play through missions with simple objectives and recurring crescendo events against a horde of rat men, finding supplies on the way. You get a random piece of loot after each mission. Weapons can be upgraded/broken down/crafted with the Shrine and Anvil in the inn lobby.

Real player with 883.3 hrs in game

Warhammer: End Times - Vermintide on Steam

Warhammer 40,000: Dawn of War III

Warhammer 40,000: Dawn of War III

The best I can say for this game is simple: It looks like Warhammer 40k. I like that, so it’s a good point. But is it a “Dawn of War” game? No, it’s not. It’s just another RTS. It departs from the legacy of Dawn of War and returns to the way twitch-gaming. Is there something to like about it? Sure, there is… but there’s NOTHING to like about it in way of what I would expect from the Dawn of War series.

DoW1 was more combat-focused than Starcraft, which was why I loved it… but I greatly favored DoW2, because it emphasized tactical play, which I prefer. My review centers around this idea.

Real player with 142.0 hrs in game

If you expect a Dawn of War game, if you expect a Relic style RTS with complex tactical gameplay and features you won’t find in other strategy games, the style relic became famous for, look elsewhere, this game is none of that.

And that’s where the problem lies. If this game was a new IP, I’d probably give it a positive review and call it an interesting experiment for the RTS market.

But it’s not a new IP is it? it’s Dawn of War. And as far as Dawn of War is concerned, this game is related to that series in terms of superficial visuals only.

Real player with 100.0 hrs in game

Warhammer 40,000: Dawn of War III on Steam

Warhammer 40,000: Regicide

Warhammer 40,000: Regicide

‘The King is Dead. Long Live the King’

‘Warhammer: Regicide’ is a gloriously bloody reimagining of one of the world’s oldest turn-based strategy games - Chess - set against the violent backdrop of the Warhammer:40K universe. Gorgeous visuals, tactically diverse gameplay and unapologetic violence elevate a classic board game to quite something else entirely.

Campaign: Act 1 - consisting of 10 playable missions - is currently active in Early Access. Act’s 2 and 3 are to follow shortly. (This section will continue to be updated)

Real player with 162.9 hrs in game

I bought Warhammer 40,000: Regicide last Summer when I was on a Games Workshop kick. It was my intention to go for a complete collection of all the Games Workshop licensed games, and Regicide had the added benefit of me having seen some coverage on it from TotalBiscuit. It looked more of an oddity than anything else, but I managed to see it through to the end.

The game is essentially Chess set in the 40K universe, using the Space Marines and Orks as chess pieces to simulate the battles. How Regicide differs from Chess is that once you have moved, you can use abilities of your pieces on an Initiative Points system to attack your opponent. This works on a percentile mechanic, and usually amounts to shooting them, or attacking them in close combat if you’re in an adjacent square. It takes longer to eliminate a piece using this method, but if you focus enough attacks in one place, you can take out entire armies without having to capture anything; the usual method for Chess. This is augmented by additional abilities from the various pieces: Devastators (Bishops) have the ability to focus their attacks to do more damage at the expense of being able to move, Assault Marines (Knights) have increased attack power after they move and can also throw Krak (anti-armour) grenades, and so on. This creates an additional strategic layer to the game and sets it apart from either Chess or 40K in a way that, for the most part, works reasonably well.

Real player with 68.0 hrs in game

Warhammer 40,000: Regicide on Steam

Necromunda: Hired Gun

Necromunda: Hired Gun

Best way to describe this game: Doom in 40k. Brilliant game, the athmosphare is pure 40k, the amount of deatail given to this part of the Univers is asonishing. You can tell that the developpers were pashionate and new what they were doing with the Environment. Controls and Gameplay are also verry intuitif and streamlined.

On the negative Side, the Story is pretty bad. But i didn’t buy it for it anyways. Also, there is not as mutch to do as I would wish. The main story can probably be completed in a few hours, and the other stuff are just missions that offer no real reward, besides practice and XP. Personaly, I would also have preffered if you could have more guns on you. especially special weapons. Those are realy well made, but I cant use them, because I would have to swap another favorit of mine out.

Real player with 32.7 hrs in game

Yes, this is not Doom Eternal.

No, it is actually much better.

Let’s not waste the Imperium’s time - Here are three reasons:

You have a dog ✔ and you can pet ✔ and feed ✔ it.

There three reasons already, but in Terra’s name, have some more:

40k Themed Warhammer game ✔ with an Avitus' approved Heavy Bolter ✔

Fun and fast parkouring with wall-running ✔, double jumping ✔ and a grappling hook

but no fall damage ❤

So what are you waiting for?

Kill The Mutant!

Burn The Heretic!

Purge The Xenos!

Real player with 17.6 hrs in game

Necromunda: Hired Gun on Steam

Warhammer: Vermintide 2

Warhammer: Vermintide 2

I’ve stumbled upon this game back when it was in the beta times from 2018 while watching a twitch streamer try it out and at that time I would never even have guessed that it had this much to offer and how much it means to me now.

From a game that was originally meant to be played for approx. 80-100 hours, this game has more creativity, beauty, lore, depth, personality, care and charm than any other live service games I’ve seen over the past years. It is so much more than meets the eye at first glance, this honestly is a piece of art hidden in plain sight, and all it needs.. is your attention towards it. The time you can spend with it is already insane and while you are getting used to it’s flow of mechanics such as mastering a high skill ceiling combat, movesets, movement, item management, becoming a team player, taking in the enviroment and what’s around you is going to test your patience. But that’s a good thing. Learning is afterall more.. effective and rewarding that way. Times when you turn philosophical and ask “why is this the way it is?" , “what’s the reason behind this?" , “what is happening exactly?" becomes more frequent. That of course, is if you are curious enough. Once you start going down the rabbit hole of exploring and unraveling the many secrets, depth and insane detailing of the game you start to realise that this is a psychological mental trip with details so tiny, that some may never even be mentioned.

Real player with 1495.7 hrs in game

Great coop-focused game that’s set in the Warhammer Fantasy universe.

But even for people who’re complete strangers to this world it’s a satisfying game to play.

If you’re in for some tense firstperson hack & slash action, while at the same time you develop your character(s) and make them entirely fitting your playstyle(s), then this game is definitely for you.

Thanks to the addition of the Chaos Wastes mode, which packs another 40 Gigs (?) of action in an entirely different gamemode, it’s pretty much two games in one.

Real player with 713.6 hrs in game

Warhammer: Vermintide 2 on Steam

Warhammer 40,000: Dawn of War II

Warhammer 40,000: Dawn of War II

Currently on sale: Don’t hesitate to buy, it’s worth it.

This game is excellent, looks good even a decade later, and plays very well. The story is good and keeps you interested and invested, the voice acting is very well done, the graphics are great, and sound effects + ambience + music all give it a wonderful mood. Good replay value. I’ve played through it several times since I got it when it was new.

In story mode, you control personalized special units that all stay with you through the entire game. You gain new abilities and find new armor, perks, special items and weapons as you go along, and the options for unit and squad customization are great and varied. You’ll be spending an enjoyable amount of time between missions distributing gear and choosing what skills to level up on your units (and will probably find great appreciation for Cyrus' squad over time).

Real player with 653.6 hrs in game

Seeing what’s happening with DoW 3 (I’d call it ‘necromancy’) I decided to write a few words about something, that often appeared in the discussions, and that’s the difference between DoW 1 and DoW 2, which - as some people say - ruins the game.

I’ve played DoW 1 a lot (non-steam versions) back when they came out, and I think they are amazing games, especially Soulstorm (all the races!), and I was quite used to their mechanics.

When I played DoW 2 for the first time, I was quite… suprised. Game mechanics took a bit of an overhaul, so I had to get used to it, but when I did it gave me a lot of fun.

Real player with 110.8 hrs in game

Warhammer 40,000: Dawn of War II on Steam

Warhammer 40,000: Space Marine - Anniversary Edition

Warhammer 40,000: Space Marine - Anniversary Edition

Brilliant game, one of my favourites of all time.

First let’s start with…

The single player campaign.

You play as a Captain of the Space Marines, who are some of the mightiest heroes of the Imperium of Man. And you can tell, not just from how powerful you are in combat, but from the way the world reacts to you - you are high status, and your presence brings hope. My favourite moment was when a wounded Imperial Guard guy slumped against the wall whispers “I got to see a Space Marine before the end” in almost religious awe, followed by a prayer to the Emperor to aid you. Really makes you want to go out and kick Ork ass for the little guys.

Real player with 4060.8 hrs in game

I really enjoy this game. It’s pretty much mindless fun most of the time. The game’s divided in 3 different game modes, or so I feel, let’s try to quickly analize each mode, shall we?

First, we got the single player campaign. The game stars Captain Titus, probably the only likable Ultramarine out there, in a short-ish action packed, VERY linear third person shooter campaign. The way it often goes is, move from point A to point B, reach a big arena where enemies try to bumrush you, kill everyone in there in the name of the Emperor, and move to the next arena, killing a few stray enemies on the way. You can carry 4 weapons at a time, not counting melee weapons, a pistol, a heavy weapon, a normal weapon, and a bolter. The weapons featured in the game are pretty much what you’d expect from the Spess Mahreens. You got a bolter, bolt pistol and a storm bolter, a heavy bolter, plasma cannon, gun and pistol, lascannon, VENGEANCE LAUNCHER (which is basically a stickybomb launcher), a melta (Which is pretty much a shotgun in this game. Why? I dunno), a stalker bolter, a chainsword, hammer, and power axe. Sadly, there are no lightning claws or power fists. In this game, there is no such thing as health regen or medkits, the enemies ARE the medkits. When you stun an enemy, either by bitchslapping them or hurting them enough, they are open for a brutal, awesome execution, which in turn, heals you. Did anybody say blood for the blood god?

Real player with 414.3 hrs in game

Warhammer 40,000: Space Marine - Anniversary Edition on Steam

Warhammer 40,000: Dawn of War II: Retribution

Warhammer 40,000: Dawn of War II: Retribution


Dawn of War II Retribution is the second expansion and third edition of the Relic Entertainment RTS Dawn of War II (2009), following its predecessor Chaos Rising (2010). It takes the setting of the 41st millenium and lets the player experience it from a tactical combat perspective, controlling resources to build a better, more refined army than your opponent in order to claim victory.

The game consists of three main elements as well as side features. These are as follows:

Real player with 1883.8 hrs in game

Honestly, this review is based almost entirely on the Last Stand, which is a multiplayer mode within the game.

The single player campaign was fun and allows you to play through with multiple races, but for me lacks the near infinite replay value of the previous DoW titles. The multiplayer I’ve never played, except Last Stand, so I cannot comment on that.

So… almost 700hrs on Steam, plus many more on GFWL before DoW2-Last Stand came to Steam… Is the Last Stand that good? By the Throne, yes!

Real player with 870.8 hrs in game

Warhammer 40,000: Dawn of War II: Retribution on Steam