I’m from area 51

I’m from area 51

You know, better not allow to penetrate your base. It may be painful:D

51 Alien Sam Fisher outta “we don’t have any base here”

Real player with 0.6 hrs in game

Read More: Best Gore Stealth Games.

Stealthy sneaking around a house as an alien, collecting enough bits to repair your ship, avoiding rednecks who’ll want to cornhole them an alien. Your freeze ray doesn’t stop time for long.


Real player with 0.4 hrs in game

I'm from area 51 on Steam

Serious Sam 3: BFE

Serious Sam 3: BFE

I think this game is very good. I know that he has returned to an old coat as Serious Sam First Encounter and Second Encounter. Serious Sam 2 game was a noob game I am glad that Serious Sam 3 is again similar to the first part. But let’s say straight errors, bugs, problems.

Errors,Bugs and Problems

1. Death Canyon on the map after spawn will you run to scrapjack use mutilator for him he pulls you and if it just so you will spawn spider flies a few feet into the air and you lose a lot of hp or you will die

Real player with 4011.8 hrs in game

Read More: Best Gore Co-op Games.

“Over? Oh it’s not over until I teabag every last one of you alien mother f***ers” - Sam ‘Serious’ Stone, Serious Sam 3


The Serious Sam series has always been an antidote to the shooters which may or may not have a player character who kills off people who are different to them because they look different, sound different and speak different languages, in where you have a whole lot of aliens trying to trample and shoot you from all sides, just like the 4:17pm on December 24th. There weren’t any key card quests, no escort missions, and no real story which was involing in any way. The gameplay may turn off hardcore Serious Sam fans for the first few levels. Few enemies will attack you systematically while you kill them off in a straight line. After you reach the Shpynx however, it starts to hit the fans and the aliens who outnumber the amount of Steam gamers with light wallets will charge and generally blow you to pieces. Just like the good old days.

Real player with 99.4 hrs in game

Serious Sam 3: BFE on Steam

Viscera Cleanup Detail: Santa’s Rampage

Viscera Cleanup Detail: Santa’s Rampage

“What is Santa´s Rampage?

“Well, let me tell you children… It is a game about cleaning….. Sounds boring? Nooo… this is a game about cleaning up blood, viscera, bodyparts and other nasty stuff…. Did i get ure attention?!

GOOD, now listen!”

The Story

Santas had enough after year after year handing out presents to little ungrateful children (Yeah im talking about YOU!), and blows a serious gasket and goes on a rampage and kills everybody in santas workshop, and vanishes without a trace.

Real player with 22.8 hrs in game

Read More: Best Gore Co-op Games.

First of all, this is not a long game. It is, however, entertaining for the content it does have. If you’ve ever heard the Weird Al song “The Night Santa Went Crazy,” this videogame explores the aftermath.

Based on the Viscera Cleanup Detail series of games, instead of being set in a typical video game world (“Space Janitors!"), this one takes place in Santa’s Workshop, where you play the one elf who appears to have stayed home the night before. The rest your fellow toymakers can be found strewn about the workshop in various pieces. Santa’s Rampage has left no survivors, (no, not even the reindeer), and it’s up to you to clean up the mess.

Real player with 20.0 hrs in game

Viscera Cleanup Detail: Santa's Rampage on Steam

‘Member the Alamo? VR EDITION

‘Member the Alamo? VR EDITION

This game is smack yo mamma good. I haven’t laughed this hard at a video game since, well ever. The action portion of the game is also really intense with more enemies in VR than any other VR game I’ve played. If you want to play a game that reminds you of the simpler times when games only cared about being fun, this is the game for you.

Real player with 0.6 hrs in game

Ok… So after a nonsense introduction that makes no sense whatsoever, I have a guy squatting and asking me to gt on his back, except, there is no way to do that. And no tutorial offering help. Tried every button on every controller. Nothing.


Real player with 0.2 hrs in game

'Member the Alamo? VR EDITION on Steam



Even among a lot of releases in Steam, pure text adventures are very rare. The game is more like a treasure hunt than survival horror. It’s not difficult to find one or two ways to survive. However if trying to see remaining endings (12 in all) and death situations, you need to get into undescribed riddles, which are a sort of situation puzzles that can be finished by just 5 actions at least. Short, but funny. While the game lacks typing history and save function (well, maybe unnecessary), I love the unique minimal art, the new style killer cleansuit-guy, the atmosphere of slovenly lonesome man’s life, and so much cynical humor. Yes, in old days game storytellers were self-deprecatingly like this for some reason.

Real player with 10.4 hrs in game

Dude, look, I’m busy today. Can we reschedule the day you come and try to kill me? Maybe when I have a bunch of finals?

I’m sure that all of us at least has thought about what we would do if someone broke into our home. If someone dared to try and murder you one day in the one place you thought was safe. Concocting plans and placing helpful objects hidden around the house so no matter where you are, they won’t take you by surprise. Though will you ever be ready? Thinking of the situation beforehand is way different than actually being in it. Such as practicing for a presentation will not definitely cause you to not be nervous the day of, actually being in the situation of a killer after you will most likely not be a calm experience.

Real player with 3.0 hrs in game

Cleansuit on Steam

Corpse Party: Sweet Sachiko’s Hysteric Birthday Bash

Corpse Party: Sweet Sachiko’s Hysteric Birthday Bash

First of all, let’s get the something out of the way: I’m a HUGE fan of corpse party series and have been since 2013 when I played the first one. So much so that I got Blood drive in Japanese when it was first released. Thus, my view on the game will undoubtedly be a bit biased. Nonetheless, I will do this review as objectively as I can.

My own perspective: So, Corpse party 2U (as it used to be known as for a long time)… A lot of corpse party fans have been waiting patiently for this title to be released in English. It’s an oddity of the series: It does away with the horror and gruesome wrong ends of the previous (and following) titles, and instead focuses on the characters and the ups the humour that used to be scarcely but effectively scattered, to 11. Not necessarily something you’d expect out of a series as violent as this one, but to the game’s credit, it somehow works… And oh boy does it work well. The game is a blast to play through for the first time and genuinely made me laugh a lot. If you liked the characters of corpse party and wished to see them interact with each other more, then this is the game for you. If you also liked the visual novel style of book of shadows, you’ll feel right at home.

Real player with 22.9 hrs in game

Not gonna lie, Sweet Sachiko’s Hysteric Birthday Bash was a lovely surprise. I thought it would never come to us westerners, let alone Steam. Sometimes, the market changes. And something positive comes out of it. This is definitely one of those moments. Birthday Bash is a really funny experience. Take 90% of all horror elements from Corpse Party and throw it out the window in favour of fanservice, stupid one liners, total self awareness, and sexy gags. This is probably the funniest and simpler spin-off of the bunch released roughly around the same time for all 5pb\Mages’ productions such as SteinsGate and ChaosHead. It bloates all characters’ worse traits out of proportion, puts them all in the same room and asks them to participate in Sachiko’s less-than-sweet activities in her very own party for a day. While it is definitely for fans, it can also be enjoyed on its own merits just to get those sweet anime tropes going for a spin on a rainy day with nothing better to do. Would I recommend it? Hell yes I would. It’s reasonably short, has a fair amount of endings, jokes never overstay their welcome and every character has its little spot when it’s more appropriate. Lovely little package.

Real player with 20.7 hrs in game

Corpse Party: Sweet Sachiko's Hysteric Birthday Bash on Steam

Shadow Warrior

Shadow Warrior

Story of a demonic incestuous affair that is uncovered by her older brothers and you can kinda guess the rest.

🔸Shadow Warrior’s story is well-written for a AA game. You are in control of Lo Wang, an assassin who is hired by a powerful Japanese magnate to buy an ancient katana -Nobitsura Kage- from a collector for 2 million dollars. However as you may expect, things don’t go as planned and Wang tries to take the katana by force, then he finds out Mr. Mizayaki -The collector- is in contact with a demon named Hoji.

Real player with 50.2 hrs in game

For some reason I decided to go for all achievements in this game, so I had to complete it both on insane and heroic difficulties. Was it worth it? No. Was it fun? No. Was it entertaining? Sort of. But let’s take one thing at a time.

Shadow Warrior 2013 is a remake of a semi-popular old school shooter of the same title. Though I cannot really call this game a remake, because remake usually means a piece that is largely refined to fit modern standards and audience but keeps its original nature. I cannot say that this game doesn’t have anything in common with the original but it also stepped quite far from it. First things first, the gameplay was changed to fit modern shooter standards: most of creative things like using enemy’s head as a major weapon, nuclear rockets, demon heart that creates a copy of you, etc were discarded. They were changed with mainstream pistol, uzi, shotgun, crossbow, and demon heart now just acts as instant-kill bomb, enemy head became an optional thing, which is mostly useless. The shooting itself is very odd: you do not really feel any impact, there is a regular lack of ammo and some weapons are too OP over the others. However, the developers tried to expand the gameplay by adding magic and sword fights. I cannot say that these are bad but they are also far from perfect. Sword acts more like a bat that you have to punch enemies with rather than a blade that slices through them, on earlier levels you tend to run out of ammo and have to poke foes for ages with it, sword techniques are interesting but there is too few of them for the whole game. As for the magic spells, it adds some variety to the gameplay but, just like with sword skills, there are too few of them. Only 2 combat spells, which basically do the same thing – stun enemies – healing, and protection, which you will unlikely use at all if you play casually. The game is also very overloaded with upgrades. Instead of a tree or gradually opening skills you are instantly given 9 different progression screens for the character + 1 for each acquired weapon. Should I say that nobody’s gonna spend 20 min of just reading each and every description? Because of this, I personally missed a useful skill of resurrection just because I skipped reading another bunch of text. If those screens were introduced in the first 3-4 levels instead of the very first one it wouldn’t hurt the gameplay at all but made the introduction to the upgrades much smoother.

Real player with 44.4 hrs in game

Shadow Warrior on Steam

Bulletstorm: Full Clip Edition

Bulletstorm: Full Clip Edition

Really great game. Good story, great humour, amazing graphics in some places, great gun play & I loved the voice acting. The score combos are fun & makes getting kills interesting, especially for environmental kills and the survival co-op was pretty fun as well. Having the Duke Nukem DLC made things pretty interesting as well as it makes all the main story voice lines for Grayson, Duke Nukem. It was funny as hell. Highly recommend checking this game out.

Real player with 61.5 hrs in game

Bulletstorm: Full Clip Edition

I like when games bought just because they were cheap turn out to be hidden gems. I also like first person shooters with unique mechanics (Bioshock, Rage, The Darkness 2, Borderlanands, KF2, Call of Juarez Gunslinger to name a few).

I got Bulletstorm for like a couple bucks on 90% sale but oh boy game gave me back amount of fun worth its full price!


  • Game is like Devil May Cry but with guns. What it means is that the game isn’t about just killing enemies but doing so with style . The core gameplay is all about doing Skillshots - various stylish kills using provided guns and/or environment (environment in this game is full of death traps for killing enemies). For example, you can ignite enemies using alt-fire of one of the guns and then finish them off with other gun untill they die from burning or you make stun a miniboss and kill him by swinging his head off and so on… Doing skillshots is a certain way to oneshot an enemy because even the weakiest enemies are bulletsponge if you try to blindfire them + skillshots award you with style points which are ingame currency for buying ammo and upgrades for your tools of madness.

Real player with 46.8 hrs in game

Bulletstorm: Full Clip Edition on Steam

Serious Sam 4

Serious Sam 4


I didn’t want to leave a review like this, but I love Serious Sam too much to not be honest. This is the first Sam game that deserves a thumbs down. I feel like I need to highlight exactly why this game isn’t just a bad Serious Sam game, but a bad game by itself. My criticism may be harsh, but is meant to be constructive, as I still love this series and want this game to improve.


The arsenal is good, with all guns from SS3 returning, as well as new ones. But while this game has the same problem with balance like other Sam games (some of Sam’s arsenal becomes useless as the game progresses), the balance is also broken in a number of ways, including SS4’s new dual-wielding and headshotting.

Real player with 96.6 hrs in game

“This review will turn to positive if Croteam fixes what is listed below”

As much as I love the other Serious Sam games this one just makes me sad. Croteam gave us 3 years of hype to end up with a disappointment of a game, this game had some great features but also came out with bad game mechanics. Lets summarize them in a list below:


1- Bad voice acting. Seriously Rodriguez from serious sam 3 was only on screen for like 1:30 of time and he had better voice quality than the entirety of serious sam 4. (this also includes Kenny, Hellfire, Quinn, and the rest of the characters.) the only guy that was actually interesting to listen to is Jones… but he literally dies like the next chapter of you meeting him in the previous one.

Real player with 61.7 hrs in game

Serious Sam 4 on Steam



Great concept! But terrible execution! I just cannot be bothered anymore trying to win the game in one play through, as the save game corrupts after a few loads and then forces you to start a new game.

I can’t complain too much, as the game was practically free, but still its not worth your time either and that to me is more valuable than money these days. With that in mind, I cannot give this one the thumbs up.

Real player with 2.6 hrs in game

A Far Cry From Far Cry: Fight The Performance!

Who Will Like It : Those appreciate open world games like Far Cry, have random senses of humor, and those who enjoy Russian-themed settings.

Who Won’t Like It : Those who desire stable performance, can’t decipher broken English subtitles, or are easily offended.

V.L.A.D.i.K is an absolute mess, but one that I definitely enjoyed during my play session. It is riddled with bugs, glitches, and broken gameplay mechanics that make it almost unplayable. The experience is equivalent of a circus held together by duct tape.

Real player with 2.4 hrs in game

V.L.A.D.i.K on Steam