Killing Floor 2

Killing Floor 2

I wake up every morning in a bed that’s too small, drive my daughter to a school that’s too expensive then I drive to a job which I get paid too little but when I get to play Killing Floor 2?

Well… I like Killing Floor 2.

Real player with 3287.8 hrs in game

Read More: Best Gore Multiplayer Games.

The gameplay is good except for a few bugs here and there. But I guess the bugs are nothing compared to the community 0_0. The toxicity is out of the world lololol (PvP games have comparitively less toxic players).

But nevertheless, it’s still a good game and it’s recommended you play it with your friends. It’s similar to l4d2. If you like l4d2, you’ll like KF2.

Real player with 795.6 hrs in game

Killing Floor 2 on Steam

Moonlight Mansion

Moonlight Mansion

me and my friend played this my frieand almost shithimself i was laghing at him the whole time so please make more bust game ever thank cheers so the develpor

Real player with 1.3 hrs in game

Read More: Best Gore Psychological Games.

for $0.50 yes worth the entertainment. THIS GAMES NEEDS MORE, i love this having to stay with your mom the whole time, staying in the light and the tiny puzzles :) idk if they made anything else like this game i would love to play more of this style it was very fun. you have to have 2 controllers tho to make the game work. YOU HAVE TO HAVE 2 PEOPLE TO PLAY

Real player with 0.8 hrs in game

Moonlight Mansion on Steam

Dead Motherland: Zombie Co-op

Dead Motherland: Zombie Co-op

Lots of fun, the game has great price and with friends is even better.

I noticed the devs keep fixing bugs and also imediately fixed the camera issue that people hated at launch. The atmosphere of the game is unsettling, the zombies and other monsters are pretty fast and deadly, I’ll keep playing and updating my review.

Jogasso divertido! Pessoal reclamou da câmera no começo mas os devs já arrumaram! Joguem com amigos que é bem legal, tem uma atmosfera bem perturbante e os zumbis e monstros são bem mortais. Vou continuar jogando e atualizando essa review.

Real player with 1.4 hrs in game

Read More: Best Gore Online Co-Op Games.

When I checked up on this game at the start of the month (sep. 2020) it was supposed to be a top-down shooter. When I checked again the day before the release all the screenshots and videos on the steam store got changed to 3rd person view. Okay, that’s fine i guess…

The graphics are bad, it looks like something from the 90’s. There are no actual options to set the graphics on a scale. The game is way more pixelated than the steam store page shows. Also it seems like a lot of the animations are missing?

Real player with 0.8 hrs in game

Dead Motherland: Zombie Co-op on Steam

Hold Out

Hold Out

not to bad of a game done by a 2 man dev team i fell in love with the shot gun drops the zombies in one shot just make sure they are close enough remember the shot gun is a point blank range type weapon once you get her just make sure to check her ammo count the default ammo count is 65 rounds to work with not made enough money yet to find out what the upgrades are like i hope they have plans to add a semi auto shot gun with 20 rounds in the mag they do have a

full auto smg and you can do brust fire with it

Real player with 7.3 hrs in game

EDITED (See Old Review Below the new one):


I haven’t played this in a long time and I came back to see if it has had any updates but there’s nothing on the store page, Steam forums, or Discord to indicate any progress. It’s been slightly over a year since anything was heard from the developers so they’re either quietly working on this or they’ve abandoned it. I’m thinking the latter at this point.

It’s a shame as this showed some great potential but with the devs not giving updates and messages from several people being ignored on Discord I can only assume that this is a dead game.

Real player with 6.5 hrs in game

Hold Out on Steam

Serious Sam 4

Serious Sam 4


I didn’t want to leave a review like this, but I love Serious Sam too much to not be honest. This is the first Sam game that deserves a thumbs down. I feel like I need to highlight exactly why this game isn’t just a bad Serious Sam game, but a bad game by itself. My criticism may be harsh, but is meant to be constructive, as I still love this series and want this game to improve.


The arsenal is good, with all guns from SS3 returning, as well as new ones. But while this game has the same problem with balance like other Sam games (some of Sam’s arsenal becomes useless as the game progresses), the balance is also broken in a number of ways, including SS4’s new dual-wielding and headshotting.

Real player with 96.6 hrs in game

“This review will turn to positive if Croteam fixes what is listed below”

As much as I love the other Serious Sam games this one just makes me sad. Croteam gave us 3 years of hype to end up with a disappointment of a game, this game had some great features but also came out with bad game mechanics. Lets summarize them in a list below:


1- Bad voice acting. Seriously Rodriguez from serious sam 3 was only on screen for like 1:30 of time and he had better voice quality than the entirety of serious sam 4. (this also includes Kenny, Hellfire, Quinn, and the rest of the characters.) the only guy that was actually interesting to listen to is Jones… but he literally dies like the next chapter of you meeting him in the previous one.

Real player with 61.7 hrs in game

Serious Sam 4 on Steam

Viscera Cleanup Detail

Viscera Cleanup Detail

Good time waster, has source engine level of bad physics. Good to play while watching a movie or eating.

Real player with 45.8 hrs in game

I like the boombox, turn it up full volume then chase it as it dances away from you from the bass.

Cleaning is aight, intestines are shite.

Real player with 41.0 hrs in game

Viscera Cleanup Detail on Steam

Viscera Cleanup Detail: Santa’s Rampage

Viscera Cleanup Detail: Santa’s Rampage

“What is Santa´s Rampage?

“Well, let me tell you children… It is a game about cleaning….. Sounds boring? Nooo… this is a game about cleaning up blood, viscera, bodyparts and other nasty stuff…. Did i get ure attention?!

GOOD, now listen!”

The Story

Santas had enough after year after year handing out presents to little ungrateful children (Yeah im talking about YOU!), and blows a serious gasket and goes on a rampage and kills everybody in santas workshop, and vanishes without a trace.

Real player with 22.8 hrs in game

First of all, this is not a long game. It is, however, entertaining for the content it does have. If you’ve ever heard the Weird Al song “The Night Santa Went Crazy,” this videogame explores the aftermath.

Based on the Viscera Cleanup Detail series of games, instead of being set in a typical video game world (“Space Janitors!"), this one takes place in Santa’s Workshop, where you play the one elf who appears to have stayed home the night before. The rest your fellow toymakers can be found strewn about the workshop in various pieces. Santa’s Rampage has left no survivors, (no, not even the reindeer), and it’s up to you to clean up the mess.

Real player with 20.0 hrs in game

Viscera Cleanup Detail: Santa's Rampage on Steam

Warhammer: Vermintide 2

Warhammer: Vermintide 2

I’ve stumbled upon this game back when it was in the beta times from 2018 while watching a twitch streamer try it out and at that time I would never even have guessed that it had this much to offer and how much it means to me now.

From a game that was originally meant to be played for approx. 80-100 hours, this game has more creativity, beauty, lore, depth, personality, care and charm than any other live service games I’ve seen over the past years. It is so much more than meets the eye at first glance, this honestly is a piece of art hidden in plain sight, and all it needs.. is your attention towards it. The time you can spend with it is already insane and while you are getting used to it’s flow of mechanics such as mastering a high skill ceiling combat, movesets, movement, item management, becoming a team player, taking in the enviroment and what’s around you is going to test your patience. But that’s a good thing. Learning is afterall more.. effective and rewarding that way. Times when you turn philosophical and ask “why is this the way it is?" , “what’s the reason behind this?" , “what is happening exactly?" becomes more frequent. That of course, is if you are curious enough. Once you start going down the rabbit hole of exploring and unraveling the many secrets, depth and insane detailing of the game you start to realise that this is a psychological mental trip with details so tiny, that some may never even be mentioned.

Real player with 1495.7 hrs in game

Great coop-focused game that’s set in the Warhammer Fantasy universe.

But even for people who’re complete strangers to this world it’s a satisfying game to play.

If you’re in for some tense firstperson hack & slash action, while at the same time you develop your character(s) and make them entirely fitting your playstyle(s), then this game is definitely for you.

Thanks to the addition of the Chaos Wastes mode, which packs another 40 Gigs (?) of action in an entirely different gamemode, it’s pretty much two games in one.

Real player with 713.6 hrs in game

Warhammer: Vermintide 2 on Steam



In its current state, it feels a bit unpolished, but its in early access so I give it a pass

it feels nice, it has new unique traps and death rooms, and now not only are they paying homage to the movie Cube, but they also pay homage to another movie, The Platform, with the tables of food that lower in on some rooms, and replace the bandages from the previous game

on top of healing being more scarce, there is also a temporary sheild mechanic you get when eating a lot of food, which I like

distroying the traps is a new mechanic that just doesn’t do it for me. you have to spend a shoe to get rid of one trap, and some rooms have more than one trap in them, and shoes just arent as plentiful (or I just dont see them) and it just dosn’t feel worth it, combine that with the weird hit box of the vial you need to hit and it just doesn’t do it for me. On the other hand, opening death room doors with shoes is a very forgiving thing that I feel works pretty well, even if it is a tad overpowered.

Real player with 3.3 hrs in game

This is more of a mixed review than a negative one. I’ve played both HD1 and HD2 with friends and it has easily been one of the best games to just relax and have a good time with, or a game to get a good laugh out of. I knew what I was getting into going into this game, but I was genuinely surprised with how many things they’ve changed/added and it isn’t all for the better. First off, while Half Dead 2’s character customization left much to be desired, I was still very happy with the fact that we actually had customizable characters, but they got rid of that in place of 4 different characters to choose from with their own outfits to unlock and stuff. Right now the game feels like a shadow of what it once was, even with new traps and mechanics that make it stand out. They removed the bandages mechanic in place of health regeneration, which I think was also a bad move. Overall, this game has a ways to go but I was actually surprised when I was thinking that HD2 was actually better than this. If the devs stick to their promise of developing the game further and not abandoning the game outright, then I’ll change my review.

Real player with 3.1 hrs in game

HALF DEAD 3 on Steam

Painkiller Hell & Damnation

Painkiller Hell & Damnation

FIRST: If you don’t have played original Painkiller Black Edition (main base game plus BooH expansion) go now and play it because that’s the real masterpiece!. If you plan on playing only one entry in this huge saga then only play Black and forget about Hell and Damnation. Later you can go for Overdose and maybe Redemption (don’t bother with Resurrection as it is abismal and Recurring Evil it’s really forgettable). If you are on that hardcore rollercoaster of Painkiller saga after playing all of previous recommendations then you can give this a try!

Real player with 49.5 hrs in game

For a start, this game is an absolute copy of the original Painkiller, and because of that, especially If you’re new to the franchise, I’d strongly recommend getting Painkiller - Black Edition instead of this. Reasoning? The original one (here it is on Steam ) has 24 levels + 10 amazing bonus expansion levels, compared to 14 of Hell and Damnation, which were taken from different parts of the original game. That’s much more content for a lesser price.

! Besides, the original Painkiller has the best credits theme ever, but that’s just for my taste. But, if you’re here for a bit better graphics and steam achievements, Hell and Damnation is probably your game of choice. OR IS IT?

Real player with 43.4 hrs in game

Painkiller Hell & Damnation on Steam