Attack on Titan / A.O.T. Wings of Freedom

Attack on Titan / A.O.T. Wings of Freedom

This will be my first review ever so it may not be what you expect, but here we go.

Having played 160+ hours, beaten every single mission in S-Rank with Dire Subjugation, completed the Gallery (have made every equipment), and gotten all achievements, I believe my review will be accurate.

The game follows the same story as the anime/manga, including short cutscenes for the highlights of the show. Starting with Attack Mode (which is considered “normal” mode). Beating that unlocks True Attack Mode (or “hard mode” - also “TAM”). PLEASE NOTE THAT THERE ARE GAME DIFFICULTY SETTINGS ASIDE FROM THIS FOR EASY, NORMAL, AND HARD. On TAM, the titans have much more life on each body part and are much more aggressive, turning and grabbing much quicker. There is also Expedition Mode, in which you can play Survey Missions either online of offline. If playing online, you can have up to four people playing together.

Real player with 291.2 hrs in game

Read More: Best Gore Multiplayer Games.

Now, I am a massive weeb, so I am probably very biased when it comes to anime games. I am also a big fan of the Warriors series games, so when I found out there was going to be an Attack on Titan game made by the same company, I was thrilled. Now for my review.



Now, as much as I enjoy flying around slaying titans, the game does have it’s bugs, and I’ve had more than my fair share of accidental wall hugging. Combat is VERY fast-paced on any substantial difficulty level, possibly too much for other people. Half the time, I’m just mashing buttons and hoping a titan doesn’t grab me. (Although I do play on extra hard mode, so that’s probably why.)

Real player with 210.9 hrs in game

Attack on Titan / A.O.T. Wings of Freedom on Steam

Corpse Party: Blood Drive

Corpse Party: Blood Drive

Corpse Party: Blood Drive adds many new interesting gameplay elements to the Corpse Party formula by returning to have you walk around and explore Heavenly Host Elementary School in beautiful handcrafted 3D environments. It’s amazing to see how much was accomplished in that game with simple 3Dmodels, animations and environments. Too bad the story is so bad it makes you want to quit because of its stupidity.


You will avoid broken glass, breakable floors, ghosts and even disarming tripwire traps while searching for items that let you progress the story. Evil spirits can be avoided by hiding lockers.

Real player with 36.4 hrs in game

The third and final entry to Heavenly Host saga that happened since the first Corpse Party.

In a strong case as this one, Blood Drive takes over the predecessor’s first-person view and trades it in for the same bird’s eye view from each main character depicted in the world of Corpse Party and to go along with that, it’s the first game in this series to be in 3-D format, with additional graphic options that seemingly didn’t exist until it was released back in original launch during 2014.

The story follows after Book of Shadows visual novel, with alternate time loop [wrong] end that exists to serve different parts of the events that transpired, however it acts out in a very dark and different manner compared to first Corpse Party. Except the last chapter of Book of Shadows keeps a eye on the true end, and makes sure that it leads to the Blood Drive to where I’m typing on this review. There’s a lot going on with Blood Drive, actually since there was a driving force in Heavenly Host Elementary School that has become extremely dark as the true form of this school. It was that name Nirvana, and it exists to wipe out most of the humanity with desecration and death, madness, corpses everywhere once the alternate future presented itself. Thankfully, it was not too much to handle as Ayumi is to maintain her own protagonist role due to her family lineage that led to Sachiko, the original antagonist of Corpse Party but since converted to a supporting focus instead. Just a reminder, I’m not spoiling too much for those who haven’t tried finishing all the way to the Blood Drive.

Real player with 28.8 hrs in game

Corpse Party: Blood Drive on Steam



Despite TG being my favorite manga of all time, I can’t recommend this game to anyone. The gameplay is very mediocre, and online has been dead since release. If the game itself had enough content otherwise to offer I’d probably recommend it, but it’s lacking in every other area as well. Significant portions of the story are skipped entirely (more than even the anime skipped, which is saying something), the number of playable characters is very limited (with several characters being boss-only for no real reason, and most others not appearing at all), and the character creation is probably the worst in any game I’ve played. Most of the time spent on the game will be grinding campaign mode to unlock the meager handful of weapons, costumes and characters available, which you’ll be limited to using in that same campaign mode due to online being dead.

Real player with 56.6 hrs in game

Read More: Best Gore Multiplayer Games.

a Lot of people are turned off by the graphics but if you can put that aside, overall, This game is amazing. It’s not worth a full $60… I’d say about $40 considering how much content there is in it.

The game is extremely difficult, To get Kaneki’s final form (Centipede Kakuja) (It isn’t the ‘final’ but it’s the hardest to get in my opinion) you have to kill Centipede Kaneki in a Campaign match and it is so difficult that it’s fun.

Whenever you are about to die in this game it gets so scary…

Overall this game is extremely good and while $60 is a bit too much to ask for the game it isn’t a total loss either… This game has so much content, All I’ve been doing is playing it the last few days and it’s extremely entertaining…

Real player with 35.7 hrs in game


Corpse Party

Corpse Party

It has finally arrived… The long awaited Corpse Party for PC is now here on Steam!


Please keep in mind that this is not the PSP version.

Another note:

Also keep in mind that Corpse Party is not for the faint-hearted. If you’re not a big fan of horror games then I don’t suggest getting it.

I’ve been a fan of Corpse Party for a while, and seeing this on Steam only brings me more nostalgia ever since I’ve seen Corpse Party for the first time. Even though it’s not as spectacular as the PSP version in my opinion (which came out after this was made by the way), it still brings out quite the experience and will still give you shivers down your spine.

Real player with 46.8 hrs in game

Took Your Little Sister to the Toilet, So No Truth Ending? LMAO

Corpse party was initially made very famous by pewdiepie in the gaming world, but it primarily had a fan base for the anime and manga. I am pretty late in coming to the fandom or to the franchise in general this is probably why i am not too much hyped up about it but I still managed to play the chapters more than twice to fully explore it. At first from the first chapter I was super bored as hell, I thought it was cheap, nothing interesting and it felt like I played same scenario before. But the game proved me wrong with it’s plot twister storylines, amazing character backgrounds and development and numerous endings.

Real player with 27.5 hrs in game

Corpse Party on Steam

Sound of Drop - fall into poison -

Sound of Drop - fall into poison -

Sound of drop - fall into poison -

It is a remake of “Sound of Drop,” originally released on May 2014. Most of the graphics have been updated, and new scenarios have been added.

It is not a cutesy high school romance visual novel. It is a gripping, disturbing tale of horror which takes place within an aquarium for those who love the horror genre this will suit your taste perfectly.

The secrets of the Manten Aquarium will be revealed!

The story

The visual novel starts off with Himeno sharing a urban legend off Manten Aquriam with Mayumi as we are introduced to two best friends Mayu and Himeno. Himeno likes paranormal related things and suggests they head to the Manten Aquarium even though Mayu wants nothing to do with the Manten Aquarium but they decided to visit Manten Aquarium to investigate these urban legends. But then…

Real player with 31.6 hrs in game

Sound of Drowning - in boredom -

This was very disappointing. I won’t say that “I wanted to love it, I really did”, but I kind of expected to enjoy it as a small, simple horror story and get a few scares and chills down my spine, maybe even a couple of raised hairs. Not only did it fail to induce any kind of fear in me, it also bit more than it could chew and in the process choked on its own over-explained plot.

It’s a shame really as the potential is there. I see that my review will go quite against the popular consensus as Sound of Drop seems to have generally worked for people for whatever reason. I will try to explain what I think it did right and where it failed spectacularly.

Real player with 22.5 hrs in game

Sound of Drop - fall into poison - on Steam

Corpse Party: Sweet Sachiko’s Hysteric Birthday Bash

Corpse Party: Sweet Sachiko’s Hysteric Birthday Bash

First of all, let’s get the something out of the way: I’m a HUGE fan of corpse party series and have been since 2013 when I played the first one. So much so that I got Blood drive in Japanese when it was first released. Thus, my view on the game will undoubtedly be a bit biased. Nonetheless, I will do this review as objectively as I can.

My own perspective: So, Corpse party 2U (as it used to be known as for a long time)… A lot of corpse party fans have been waiting patiently for this title to be released in English. It’s an oddity of the series: It does away with the horror and gruesome wrong ends of the previous (and following) titles, and instead focuses on the characters and the ups the humour that used to be scarcely but effectively scattered, to 11. Not necessarily something you’d expect out of a series as violent as this one, but to the game’s credit, it somehow works… And oh boy does it work well. The game is a blast to play through for the first time and genuinely made me laugh a lot. If you liked the characters of corpse party and wished to see them interact with each other more, then this is the game for you. If you also liked the visual novel style of book of shadows, you’ll feel right at home.

Real player with 22.9 hrs in game

Not gonna lie, Sweet Sachiko’s Hysteric Birthday Bash was a lovely surprise. I thought it would never come to us westerners, let alone Steam. Sometimes, the market changes. And something positive comes out of it. This is definitely one of those moments. Birthday Bash is a really funny experience. Take 90% of all horror elements from Corpse Party and throw it out the window in favour of fanservice, stupid one liners, total self awareness, and sexy gags. This is probably the funniest and simpler spin-off of the bunch released roughly around the same time for all 5pb\Mages' productions such as SteinsGate and ChaosHead. It bloates all characters' worse traits out of proportion, puts them all in the same room and asks them to participate in Sachiko’s less-than-sweet activities in her very own party for a day. While it is definitely for fans, it can also be enjoyed on its own merits just to get those sweet anime tropes going for a spin on a rainy day with nothing better to do. Would I recommend it? Hell yes I would. It’s reasonably short, has a fair amount of endings, jokes never overstay their welcome and every character has its little spot when it’s more appropriate. Lovely little package.

Real player with 20.7 hrs in game

Corpse Party: Sweet Sachiko's Hysteric Birthday Bash on Steam

Corpse Party: Book of Shadows

Corpse Party: Book of Shadows

I’ve finally achieved 100% completion, so it’s time to give an honest no-spoiler review for Corpse Party: Book of Shadows.

This game was very different from its predecessor. Corpse Party: Book of Shadows plays like a visual novel with a point and click adventure style of game play. At first, it took some getting used to since the first game was an RPG Horror game, but thankfully it didn’t take too long. The more chapters I played and the more I explored within said chapters, the more I began to realize this game’s change in game play was likely done on purpose. After all, looking back on all of it, this style definitely better fit the narrative Makoto Kedouin (creator of Corpse Party) was trying to show this time around. Allow me to explain.

Real player with 53.9 hrs in game

Okay so, a little backstory.

I’ve played Corpse Party as a general series since the Back to School edition came out a few years ago on the 3DS.

Read: Not that long.

However, I adore this series. I used the PSP version of this game, Book of Shadows, to help me practice my Japanese when I was in college. I know– weird flex, but okay. It was something I could get into, so I focused more on what I was reading. Perhaps because of that, BoS happens to be one of my favorite games in this series. I love the extra care taken with each level, the Darkening mechanic, and the backstory that kind of fills in some gaps from the original while also creating a new timeline of events that eventually proceed into the plot of Blood Drive, which comes after this one.

Real player with 28.5 hrs in game

Corpse Party: Book of Shadows on Steam



A lewd insect-themed side scroller arcade - with some shooting range thrown in good measure. It kind of feels like games I’d play whilst waiting at the cinema, except the characters get nude…

Real player with 6.2 hrs in game

Nice game ignore the negative as it can go full screen (normal Alt +Enter ) It’s pixel art so expect that kind of graphics. I have mine running on a Arcade stick works perfectly fine. Gameplay is basic even with a Arcade stick but the game is fun. But I have tried the game with a Xbox 360 gamepad and it did not work at all. I have installed the Patch and it works perfect if you follow the instructions and someone said it did not work but I can promise it does. Overall it’s worth the price if you get it working with the patch and on a Arcade stick. It may work on a gamepad but I couldn’t get it to work on mine but others may work. Some are complaining you can’t save the game. Years ago in the arcades and early gaming you could not save a game and your achievement was to get as far as you could on your lives or better finish the game. Modern gamer’s have got used to it much to easy and complain. And it is annoying that it seems only a Arcade Stick will work with this game on my experience, as I have tried my Hotas Joystick and it does not work, and as I said the Xbox 360 didn’t either. So if you own a Arcade Stick you should be ok, I know lots don’t.

Real player with 5.5 hrs in game


Kemonomichi-White Moment-

Kemonomichi-White Moment-

Kemonomichi -White Moment- was a great surprise, a breath of fresh air around all the usual dating sims and erotic visual novels on Steam.

A mix between science fiction, genetically enhanced humans, sword fighting, revenge, religious symbolism and evil corporations. Seems a little bit cliché, but combined with interesting and well developed characters, violent and intense action sequences, MBF FILMs managed to create a really cool original story around these themes.

It may not seem that it’s a high-production, but it’s evident that they put a lot of effort and care in creating this game. In the opening act, the intense battle between the main protagonists really sums up that feeling.

Real player with 12.6 hrs in game

Various technical issues, game crashes all the time, the player can’t take a screenshot and it doesn’t go full screen, the developer should fix these issues before selling the product. Requested refund, avoid.

Real player with 0.7 hrs in game

Kemonomichi-White Moment- on Steam

Summer Nightmare

Summer Nightmare

It’s kind of a shame; I feel like this game has potential, but it just doesn’t get as far as it could have.

It may have been rushed or on a low budget, hinted by the lackluster translation and the mostly linear storyline. However, it also looks like this is their first game, and the foundation is there, so I’m looking forward to what they can come up with in the future.

The music in the game is actually quite good in my opinion, as it fits the atmosphere of the events they appear for well. The artwork is also good, although the character sprites are a little shiny for my personal tastes.

Real player with 3.0 hrs in game

This game is bad, let me explain….

How do you refund a free game?


Art - Don’t know how or why but i get this clean and sharp feeling when looking at the art in this game and while yes it to has it’s problems like when you got to investigate the cafeteria food i have no clue why but on the bottem left part of the fridge it’s blurry for no reason what so ever.

Sound - Can’t really fuck this one up in a VN

Con’s -

Everything else

Text errors - First off who ever made the english subtitles gave zero fucks what so ever. You know it’s bad when they fuck up one of the character’s name’s in the game constently to the point where you don’t know what her true name is supposed to be Jein or Jane who knows? Well i don’t and i doubt the translator did to when it’s constantly switching from Jein to Jane litteraly 3 dialog boxe’s apart. I know i’m making this seem like it’s the worst thing ever but in a VN text errors can take people out of it pretty fast especially when a constant one is a character’s name.

Real player with 2.6 hrs in game

Summer Nightmare on Steam