Mulligans Golf Game

Mulligans Golf Game

Mulligans Golf Game is a Local Multiplayer (split screen), wacky, arcade golfing game. Gameplay is a combination of open world freedom and old school console split screen arcade style play surrounding a simplified yet challenging golfing experience. It is not a Sim but is designed to provide the scenarios and emotions that come when playing real golf. Players choose from the available pool of legendary characters and pre-built maps, playing solo, attempting to set new personal bests, going for course records (local and global leaderboards), or grabbing some friends and challenging each other to see who is the best!

What is there to do?

Play local matches competing against yourself. Personal Records (per character) and Local Leaderboards (per map) are maintained. Global Steam leaderboards are also implemented so you can compete against others for the top spot!

Local Multiplayer has up to 4 players with Steam’s Remote Play enabled. So if you don’t have someone local to play against, invite a friend over the airwaves! Play matches against each other and make in game wagers on who is going to do better (long drives, closes to the pin, and best score). Also, checkout the driving range for a few different game modes and see who can get the better score. Or just run around throwing golf balls at one another.

Taking a Swing

As a player, you are given all the tools you need, but must make the decision on what kind of shot (normal, punch, flop, chip), how to shape it (fade, straight, draw), and how hard to hit it. The game will not tell you any more than recommending a club to use. So lineup and take a few practice swings to determine your plan of attack. Practice swings will update the estimated shot trajectory, allowing you to determine if your current approach is going to work. Then it is up to you to replicate your practice swing once addressing the ball. And if you mess it up, hopefully you have one of your Mulligans available to redo it.

Current features include:

  • Preset Legendary Characters

  • Pre-built maps

  • Stroke and Skin match play

  • Wagers

  • Driving Range and Practice Greens for improvement (map specific)

  • Local Leaderboards, Character PBs (per course), Global Steam Leaderboards.

  • In game Achievements

Read More: Best Golf Arcade Games.

Mulligans Golf Game on Steam

Speedy Golf

Speedy Golf

Speedy Golf is simply a blast! I generally don’t like golf games but this one is different. It’s fast paced, fun, and a bit silly.

I’ve had so many fun nights jumping into this with friends.

It’s one of those games where it’s easy to learn but difficult to become an expert. I’ve really enjoyed learning strategies to improve my online leaderboards.

I’m also a big fan of coop games. Speedy Golf has a Leap Frog mode that adds a really engaging coop mechanic to golfing.

10/10 hands down great game.

Real player with 71.7 hrs in game

Read More: Best Golf Racing Games.

Get a group of friends together, and try out Leap Frog mode. It’s a form of scotch doubles, or alternating shots every turn. It’s absolutely hilarious when you fill a room with 8 players split into 4 teams of 2.

This game will entertain both golf and racing fans alike! The golf feels great, and the online setup puts most online racing games to shame. Online leaderboards means you can compare your skill to players all around the world - load up their ghost and race directly against them to improve your time!

Real player with 42.4 hrs in game

Speedy Golf on Steam

100ft Robot Golf

100ft Robot Golf

This felt more like an anime with interactive bits than a game. At several points matches are ended early with the match finishing in the cutscene. How you do in the matches has no bearing on the story, either, and you’re constantly forced to change character. Each character has a different special ability, but in several cases I couldn’t work out what they did, and it was never explained. I’m sure the anime part is enjoyable if you’re familiar with anime, but I’m not- I just wanted to play golf with 100 foot robots.

Real player with 5.5 hrs in game

Read More: Best Golf Comedy Games.

Wanted to write something longer, but haven’t played too much and wanted to keep it the review digestable.

I recommend this game with the stipulation that you buy it for $15 or less and enjoy the McElroy’s or cheesy humor meant to mimic the style of 80s/90s anime involving mech pilots, as well have having some friends to play with.

The gameplay is standard enough (it’s golf), only now you’re in mechs and can destroy buildings and try to hinder each other from making shots. Controls are mapped well and feel varying between mechs but are a bit cryptic, since they aren’t really explained anywhere so it’s more trial and error when you first pilot a new one. Special weapons feel nice as well, though, again, they aren’t explained too well. Physics might be a bit too floaty, though we do golf on the Moon and under the sea, so I suppose those are the reasons for it.

Real player with 4.2 hrs in game

100ft Robot Golf on Steam

Whacky Golf

Whacky Golf

Welcome to Whacky Golf, the most chaotic mini golf game in the world!

Don’t just whack the ball, whack your friends! Wreck their shots, steal their ball, and throw it right in their face! Do whatever it takes to get the lowest score for the course.

Play with up to 4 friends locally or go online for huge whacky chaos!

The course is yours, just watch your back…


  • 4 player splitscreen mayhem

  • Online play with up to 16 players (coming soon)

  • The most dangerous mini golf you’ll ever play

  • 9 hole courses for faster games

  • Full controller support

  • Different courses every time you play

  • Game modifiers to play the way you like

  • Customise your character

  • Drop in or out at any time

  • Steam achievements

Whacky Golf on Steam