100ft Robot Golf

100ft Robot Golf

This felt more like an anime with interactive bits than a game. At several points matches are ended early with the match finishing in the cutscene. How you do in the matches has no bearing on the story, either, and you’re constantly forced to change character. Each character has a different special ability, but in several cases I couldn’t work out what they did, and it was never explained. I’m sure the anime part is enjoyable if you’re familiar with anime, but I’m not- I just wanted to play golf with 100 foot robots.

Real player with 5.5 hrs in game

Read More: Best Golf Local Multiplayer Games.

Wanted to write something longer, but haven’t played too much and wanted to keep it the review digestable.

I recommend this game with the stipulation that you buy it for $15 or less and enjoy the McElroy’s or cheesy humor meant to mimic the style of 80s/90s anime involving mech pilots, as well have having some friends to play with.

The gameplay is standard enough (it’s golf), only now you’re in mechs and can destroy buildings and try to hinder each other from making shots. Controls are mapped well and feel varying between mechs but are a bit cryptic, since they aren’t really explained anywhere so it’s more trial and error when you first pilot a new one. Special weapons feel nice as well, though, again, they aren’t explained too well. Physics might be a bit too floaty, though we do golf on the Moon and under the sea, so I suppose those are the reasons for it.

Real player with 4.2 hrs in game

100ft Robot Golf on Steam

Santa Soccer

Santa Soccer

Definitely one of the best games I’ve ever played. Could easily imagine myself playing thousands of hours on a week night

Real player with 0.7 hrs in game

Read More: Best Golf 3D Games.

Santa Soccer on Steam

Cheap Golf

Cheap Golf

Recommended with a few exceptions.

It’s a mini-golf puzzle reflex arcade bullet-hell(?) game. Dragging the mouse for power and aiming is pretty standard. Difficulty varies wildly so expect some levels to frustrate.

Where it’s let down is with the controls, you’re supposed to click and drag then let go to shoot, except often randomly the mouse ‘sticks’ and then requires an extra click to shoot, I’ve no idea why and it’s the biggest cause of all my failures on each level. Also the drag bar is difficult to judge the power/aim and will have you rocketing across the level in the wrong direction where only a nudge was necessary.

Real player with 5.2 hrs in game

Read More: Best Golf Retro Games.

The writing for this is really funny, interesting, and well-done: a science-fiction comedy about AI, physics, computing, determinism, cryptocurrency, psychology, space, that has you questioning the meaning of life. There are even “ads” that the AI makes you click on that link to an external website with bizarre advertisements for products that help flesh out the story and who this AI “Susan” is - a character on par with GLaDOS.

The gameplay and difficulty is extremely well-tuned. There are some hard levels but they should only take 5-7 minutes of trying to beat, and when you do it’s very satisfying. The difficulty doesn’t constantly increase as there are plenty of relaxing levels throughout and some series of levels that just beat themselves for the visual effects. After beating a challenging level, sit back and enjoy a few easy ones and the story. This game is all about the experience.

Real player with 3.4 hrs in game

Cheap Golf on Steam

Puzzling Peaks EXE

Puzzling Peaks EXE

AppSir has developed a series that has many games under its belt. They have continually proved again and again that there is far more to their games than it seems, by connecting each and every one of them.

The rest of the games on steam have been platformers, this one changes things up by being more of a puzzle game that sort of resembles golf. This change doesn’t some out of nowhere however, the story explains just how and why the change was made. While I do prefer the gameplay of the dere.exe games, this one makes up for the simple gameplay just with the story it tells. As usual this game is incredibly story and lore rich for the series and I love it.

Real player with 2.4 hrs in game

well other finish .. I think

Real player with 2.4 hrs in game

Puzzling Peaks EXE on Steam



Bipgolf is a multiplayer minigolf game with a twist. Two teams must fight to get the best score using only themselves as weapons! Play with up to 10 “friends” for ultimate chaos.

The game has 5 challenging courses of 9 holes each. It supports Steam friend invites and invite links for games up to 10 players. The game has a custom physics system designed for accurate ball on ball collisions.

Key Features

  • 5 challenging courses of 9 holes each.

  • 10 player games.

  • Bespoke networked physics.

  • Friends + invite links for fast lobbies

Bipgolf on Steam