

Adapt is a survival evolution game designed to simulate the constantly changing environments life must navigate to thrive. To succeed, your species will need to find food using a multitude of dietary strategies, seek out habitable environments, and react to changing seasons, and global climate. Your competitors will evolve alongside you, vying for food and territory to ensure their own survival.

- Live Features -

  • Species’ customization through modification of genetics and physical traits to determine your evolutionary strategy.

  • Numerous adaptations allow for diverse play-styles and physical characteristics.

  • Plant life exhibits seasonal behaviors and growth, producing seeds and fruit, losing leaves, and acting as home for edible insects.

  • Complex species AI behaviors including hunting for food, seeking mates, tracking, and hiding from predators.

  • Attempt to survive virtually anywhere, from the tops of mountains, to the bottom of the seas.

  • Species specialization through special abilities such as varied dietary and locomotive strategies, shells, poison, and climbing.

  • Hunt or be hunted: Predators will stalk, chase, and track potential prey for an ambush, and even cooperate for an easy meal.

  • Visual, audio, and scent queues, to keep tabs on potential friends, threats, and food.

  • Dynamic day/night, and seasonal cycles create a living, and constantly changing world.

  • Multiple reproductive strategies provide diverse species relationships and unique experiences.

Read More: Best God Game Open World Games.

Adapt on Steam



A fun planet simulation game where you have to balance everything in order for the population to strive.

The game has a bit of a learning curve, so besides checking the wiki I’d recommend checking out TheFridgeNetwork (the creator of the game) on Twitch for informational VoDs/streams of the game.

Real player with 17.7 hrs in game

Read More: Best God Game Time Management Games.

This is NOT SimEarth at all. This is a simplistic (once you understand the mechanics) point and click. Extremely disappointing. Do not buy. The SimEarth mention in the description is deliberately misleading.

Real player with 3.9 hrs in game

Soter on Steam

Lost Angel

Lost Angel

the plot is a bit far-fetched and the acting isn’t perfect (especially when they fall down), but overall an entertaining game with many branches and choices that change the course of events

Real player with 3.8 hrs in game

Read More: Best God Game Adventure Games.

I love FMV games, I almost bought and played every full-motion video game on steam. To my disappointment, Lost Angel didn’t meet my expectation, especially with the topic of the game itself. When you read the game information about the main character, a youtube influencer getting involved in a dangerous conspiracy, you’d think it will be an exciting story, but once they mentioned the Covid-19 virus, it all went down and started to become a cheap story- not that it wasn’t from the beginning due to the mediocre acting.

Real player with 3.7 hrs in game

Lost Angel on Steam

The Unbreakable Chain

The Unbreakable Chain

could have more content, I enjoyed the music

save yourself some trouble and keep left to avoid saturn and jupiter

Real player with 5.7 hrs in game

Game Of The Year

LSG and Wainstop have done it yet again. To say the unbreakable chain is a masterpiece, would be an understatement.

I argue there is a second meaning to this game that takes a bold take on the human psyche, showing what it means to be human. It does all of this with a beautiful medley of music by Yasushi Kaminishi, ghxyk2, and Bankbank, and animation produced by LSG.


In the first level, you are a worm. Aimlessly worming around with no direction, much like humans do. You wander until you find a whole, a gateway. This represents childbirth, The worm immediately killed, just like how a child is ejected into a cruel world in which he can die at any moment.

Real player with 1.5 hrs in game

The Unbreakable Chain on Steam

Crest - an indirect god sim

Crest - an indirect god sim

Its… Okay… Thats kinda the problem.

You start off with a single location with followers and the ability to use 2 commands. That tends to be “gather food” and “make babies”. Make babies is important as you get screwed over very easily early on. Note that even in easy mode, this game is hard at times and if you can’t gather metal, you might as well start again, it leads to a dead end. Once your first town is 4/4 big at least, you need to push migration, finding a new town. The trouble is the command will result in followers following between the two towns. Once the new town is at 4/4 and the old town is at 4/4, with each having babies available, you then got to push to create another town. And you have little choice… At 2 towns it can go wrong.

Real player with 23.3 hrs in game

It’s not very good nor is it very well thought out. The core principle is intriguing but it’s incredibly frustrating when you tell your starving people - who are supposed to follow your every command at high enough faith - to gather food and they simply ignore you only to starve to death. I’ll go over a few reasons why you shouldn’t buy this game (even on sale):

  1. The AI is quite simply terrible more often than not. Sometimes I’ll issue the same commandment multiple times before my people do what I want them to do (because the commandment either ran out or the original commandment has now become something else due to interpretations). (And yes my cities had high faith.)

Real player with 16.8 hrs in game

Crest - an indirect god sim on Steam

The Universim

The Universim

March 2019 Update

Population explosion has a limit now, which in a recent game (currently year 610) it seems to top out around 250-270. The spread of the nugget stone huts seems to work in small grid pattern, 8 or so huts in a small rectangular area. What determines where they start plopping huts i do not know. Its much more efficient in some respects, although you will get a housing block started far out of the city core at times. Eventually with Tudor Architecture the nuggets will upgrade the stone huts to larger multi family homes. This is great when it comes to saving space, its just being an automatic process, you cant turn off the control. Which means houses in areas you want to abandon upgrading, while next to the beautiful Town Hall is 4 stone age huts. This means duplicate services for those out of reach areas, this doesnt hurt early game too much, but you feel the crunch later. Especially when it comes to refined resources.

Real player with 647.6 hrs in game

1. Early Access - A Preface

With any Early Access game, you need to make allowances. There’s going to be bugs and many features lacking and not everything will happen on time - after all EA is often something that small studios do to keep the lights on while they are developing the game.

That doesn’t mean you have to put up with everything. Early access makes it all the more important, that you have proper process management, a capable team lead, a plan and a time frame, that probably shouldn’t be longer than two or three years from EA start to release. During that time what’s there of the game should be playable without constantly running into gamebreaking bugs, because if people stop enjoying the game, they are not going to stay, not to mention that it’s very bad for the word of mouth factor.

Real player with 82.4 hrs in game

The Universim on Steam

The Ancient Lands

The Ancient Lands

I was peeking around steam for a new survival game and stumbled upon this beauty. I’m a huge fan of indie and 8 bit games and this really does it for me.

It’s a wave based survival game. So build your walls and your army and survive for as long as you can!

It’s quirky and new and was released on steam 6 days ago! I’m really looking forward to what this game has to offer!

Real player with 3.7 hrs in game

The Ancient Lands on Steam

The Immortal Mayor

The Immortal Mayor

This is a really cute and beautiful game with a fun concept. I was interested mainly because it kind of made me think of Black & White which is a game I miss so much. But also, the unique setting of ancient China with a mix of Eastern mythology. This is not a style I see often in these kinds of games, and I find it refreshing!

In its current state I believe the game is enjoyable and still playable, but it is far from perfect and needs a lot of work. For instance, the balancing and management of resources seems a bit off and I still don’t have a consistent grasp on how to get it perfect. Any wrong move it seems your town will crumble in minutes. The current guide is wordy and doesn’t really cover it all. It took trial and error to figure out how to find a balance and how buildings worked with attributes from decorations.

Real player with 51.9 hrs in game

Super super nice game. Chinese city building theme (OMFG) is just simply my sweetest dream.

Really interesting and creative way to upgrade buildings, which I have never experienced before.

You can simply move a mountain away to get more space (since you are GOD in this world :D) and add more resources for your people to exploit

OMG I just love it…

However, there are still a few things I need to mention:

  • The most annoyed thing is when you want to find a building that you have built (let say Tea room), you have no tool to find it but only your bare eyes. It really takes tons of time especially when the building is upgraded (its appearance will change).

Real player with 47.6 hrs in game

The Immortal Mayor on Steam

Niche - a genetics survival game

Niche - a genetics survival game

I’ve been searching for a game with breeding mechanics, and this game scratched that itch I’ve had for so long now. I love how it’s not just a “Red parent and blue parent have purple child” simple type of breeding game, tho those are fun to play too. It actually uses real life genetics. So there are some genes that are dominant/recessive, co-dominance, incomplete dominance… and you run into real problems if you inbreed too much.

There are so many genes! You can make your nichelings be primarily herbevores or carnavores. You can make them fly or swim. They can survive hot climates, cold climates, and even poisonous swamp environments. Or you can make them anything inbetween! And these are just the genes to help you survive the environment! There are tons more genes that are purely cosmetic

Real player with 372.6 hrs in game

Niche – a genetics survival game, is of course an early access game. It revolves around these creatures, which aren’t anything specific. Many people describe them as cats and bunnies combined, with plenty more. You start off with Adam and Eve, and must breed them, occasionally using the Mutation Menu in hopes of getting specific or better genetics for your creatures. As you go on you must strategically pick each creature you mate together in order to get the most optimal genetics. There are many islands to go to and fro. During your adventure you’ll come across many challenges, of course. This includes carnivores, who come to of course eat your creatures (or, really, just to kill them), or going into harder islands you’ll encounter birds, who will eat your babies if they’re not within a hexagon (or square, step, spot) of the baby. There’s also Dodomingos who will take every chance they get to steal a nest, and if you attack it, it’ll attract more Dodomingos, and perhaps even carnivores. Perhaps you’ll encounter a Rogue Male (previously Horny Male) who will breed with your females if you’re not watching. There’s also leeches who will attach to unsuspecting creatures, even if they’re on the shore. There are also a few biome specific creatures, such as the different (Hearing, Seeing, and Smelling) Apes, who you’re suppose to run from rather than fight. Or the Mountain Biome creatures, such as Walrus Deer (Who I believe is prey) Arctic Ramfox, who is also like the carnivore, and will steal meat you haven’t picked up, or the infamous Balance Bear. The Balance Bear is the Apes of the Mountain biome. You’re suppose to run from it, rather than fight it, and it only appears during snow.

Real player with 141.5 hrs in game

Niche - a genetics survival game on Steam

Rise to Ruins

Rise to Ruins

Well I’ve just about hit 450 hours, and so far I have to say I’m enjoying this. Overall its a decent little balance of Tower Defense, City Builder, and Survival Sim. Don’t be fooled by the basic bitpixel appearance, This is a relatively intuitive game with a lot of sprites, particle effects , and pathfinding(literally). The Dev has been pretty active on the forums and in discussion and seems genuinely invested in the success of his game, and in this day and age that alone speaks volumes.


Real player with 448.5 hrs in game

Rise to Ruins first experience:

Day 1: Wow there’s a lot of stuff I can build!

Day 2: There’s a lot of stuff I need to build!

Day 3: There’s a lot of stuff I wish I had built!

… Day 1 (Again): Okay.. There’s a lot of stuff I need to build!

This review is split into 2 segments, the pros and cons here at the top, followed by a summation. This is an EARLY ACCESS review, please consider that going forward. especially in regard to content depth/width.

Pros -

*** Good aesthetic-**

Real player with 391.1 hrs in game

Rise to Ruins on Steam