I Am a Rock

I Am a Rock

Experience flying in the endless space of the universe and flying over the major planets. Perhaps you will have different ideas about life.

Game features:

1. Play as an asteroid.

2. Experience flying in the universe.

3. Meet the major planets of the solar system.

4. Face to face with true greatness.

5. You can customize the flight path.

Read More: Best God Game Casual Games.

I Am a Rock on Steam



It’s a cute little game, but the inventory management is a real pain. The planets and their surroundings get quickly cluttered and that takes a lot of the fun out of the game. Would be nice if we could delete stuff more easily than dragging it all the way to the sun. The game doesn’t feel ready or polished, it seems to have a bunch of bugs here and there as well. Also I was hoping it would be a bit more realistic/educational but it’s really more on the same level as Little Alchemy ie. Stick + Bug = Stick bug. It took me two days to make sand, because I thought the logical route would be rocks but no, obviously I needed to make bunnies first.

Real player with 13.2 hrs in game

Read More: Best God Game Sandbox Games.

Cute little game, but ran into game breaking errors.

If you try to charge batteries under a thunderstorm, it crashes your game with a FATAL ERROR message. Poop doesn’t dissolve in water, despite what it says in the journal. And there’s no keyboard option to quickly pick up a ton of items instead of clicking over and over again, which will strain your wrist. You can also lock yourself out of progression if you run out of materials or have trouble cooling down planets.

I really enjoy the game, but it definitely needs some fixes and fine-tuning.

Real player with 12.5 hrs in game

Heliopedia on Steam



Welcome to your Universe!

Gênese allows you to enter a meditative and relaxing experience of sculpting your own Universe, exploring physics in space and your creativity. Here you can create star systems and fully detailed planets, from a tiny molecule to an huge orb floating in the great void. You will be the powerful entity ruling this Universe, bending and manipulating the forces of nature and creating life. Rising from cosmic dust, this very life will go forward on its own crusade, evolving into intelligent life and conquering the arena you built, as you watch and care (or destroy) its progress, in a high detailed environment.


Gênese is also a story generator where every action, every event, every birth and death is recorded in the fabric of space and time. Planets formed from asteroids and cosmic dust, stars dying in colossal supernovae - or becoming black holes, the rise of galactic civilizations from its rudimentary ancestors and, fatefully, to their extermination caused by themselves, by others or… by you.


Every object wandering in the system will obey the laws of gravitation, effectively being attracted to one another at some point where they collide, merge, become satellites, explode, desintegrate: Watch powerful planetary collisions and the chaotic environment of the early stages of a stellar system that will create unique celestial bodies orbiting that system. Bring order and stabilize it to allow the appearing of life or consume every planet and molecule.


Every particle can be combined, to form new molecules with new properties - adding unique features to its host planet. Elements and molecules will melt, solidify or evaporate given the right temperature and circunstances. You can engineer a lush paradisiac world or a toxic burning-hot planet. Creating the perfect environment for life to thrive or the most inhospitable place depends on that right combination.


Once you create life and it becomes intelligent, a new level of complexity and fun is added to the game: they will evolve, create, explore, colonize and get to know those places you already know - and created. These beings you raised will become “co-creators” of some level, changing the landscape for good or evil purposes, advancing independently through the Eons, bringing on their own culture and technology. Watch over them or destroy them - if you decide there’s a reason for that.

Read More: Best God Game Physics Games.

Gênese on Steam



Stardeus is a sci-fi colony management simulator with aspects of automation, base building and space exploration.

Visit https://stardeusgame.com for more information about the features and current state of development.

Stardeus on Steam

The Sandbox Evolution - Craft a 2D Pixel Universe!

The Sandbox Evolution - Craft a 2D Pixel Universe!

The Platforming was fun and the levels I played were short. I normally am not a huge fan of platformer games but the short levels and easier difficulty were more my play style. With that said they do have harder levels, and you can use your credits to automatically beat them if you end up on the struggle bus for long. Beating Levels and completing quest in game give you more credits to use. You can also build levels to share with others, the tools are easy to use and after a few minutes you quickly figure things out. You unlock everything using credits, once unlocked you can use them in your level design. Early on I still had a ton of credits and no problems getting the items / monsters / materials I wanted to use, but I can see where the free to play isn’t so free once you get into it. With that said I have no problem forking over some cash for a game I’m enjoying and spending lots of time with. So check it out on steam, it’s free to play and you should be able to many hours of play out of it before you hit that first $ roadblock. #tsbevolution

Real player with 11.7 hrs in game

The artwork, character controls, interface and general stability (on PC) are obviously much better than The Sandbox, but it doesn’t quite capture the magic of the past game.

In particular the temperature system isn’t as well balanced. It’s easier to get a runaway temperature reaction (eg dropping one ice in a body of water and forming a glacier). You could do that in the previous game, but the ice was much more likely to melt if you only dropped one, and it was easier to erase all the ice and get your water back. In this game temperature tends to stick around and you typically have to erase a lot of the surrounding solid blocks in order to get

Real player with 8.4 hrs in game

The Sandbox Evolution - Craft a 2D Pixel Universe! on Steam

Solar 2

Solar 2

The screenshots really do not do this game justice. The formula isn’t new in itself (if you’ve played the first evolution level of Spore, Osmos or Flash-game ‘flOw’, it’s basically that idea (bigger consumes smaller), modelled on orbital rotation and gravity.

You start life as a small bit of rock - a tiny asteroid. You must smash into other rocks in order to grow. Grow enough and you will become a barren, rocky planet. Gather more rocks into your orbit and absorb them for your planet to grow. When it’s large enough, your planet can sustain life (which has benefits and shortcomings - I won’t say what as it’s a bit of a spoiler). Once your planet is HUGE, it can become a minor star and draw other planets into its orbit. Be the biggest solar system. Become a binary star system. Become a black hole! Survive as other systems try to attack your marvellous achievement and turn you back into an empty, tiny planet! Best of all, you keep that planet or system. When you reload, you carry on where you left off.

Real player with 47.9 hrs in game

This is the type of game you play when there’s nothing better in life to do. Don’t get me wrong, it’s really fun, innovative and very addictive, but with so much out there, I can easily see this little Indie title being forgotten. In some ways it has been. There is no Wiki page, the Steam community hub is small as are most forums for the game I’ve seen. It was part of the Humble Bundle V and as such was thrown in with other Indie titles further relinquishing it to obscurity.

Make no mistake though what is here is a very solid game. The gravity physics are well done. Stars, planets and the like are colorful and the music is trancelike and hypnotic. This game is a fine way to practice patience because you will find yourself growing asteroids, planets and star systems for hours and find little tedium in the process.

Real player with 46.4 hrs in game

Solar 2 on Steam