Marble World

Marble World

Are you reading this to see if you should get this game?

Then congratulations! You probably should.

This game isn’t for everybody, because not everyone would care about a Marble physics simulator, but if you’re reading this - You probably enjoy marble runs enough to consider this a fun toy, in which case - this game definitely is! At least… If you’re willing to learn the controls for it, which are REALLY not intuitive at first but you get used to them once you learn them (also, the game’s still in early access and improving the controls is on the dev’s to do list)

Real player with 155.4 hrs in game

Read More: Best God Game Sandbox Games.

Love the game! I’d give 4.5/5. The reason I don’t give a full 5 stars, is because its only for windows. I understand that things are weird, but maybe making it available to mac would really be cool and add more of the community to the game.

EDIT: I don’t update my rating, still 4.5/5. I know this is still early access, but it would be pretty nice if something like “Gates” were added, letting you stop all your marbles at specific areas. Another thing that would be cool would be a sort of “trash block”, where once a marble touches it, its automatically deleted. Again, this game is still early access, so it doesn’t matter for how long it takes, as long as it can be done.

Real player with 28.2 hrs in game

Marble World on Steam



I have more hours than my playtime states, as I usually launch this directly when steam is turned off when I go to bed.

I am a long time fan of ecosims and evolution games. This game is very pure to those genres. It has little to no

“gamification” and exists merely for simulation sake. If you are looking for a “game” here outside of watching

fish being really bad at surviving, you will be sorely disappointed. However, if you are already familiar with other games

of this genre, like the Creatures series, this game will absolutely capture you.

Real player with 50.4 hrs in game

Read More: Best God Game Early Access Games.

The Disco Slug team seems dedicated to breathing new life into the oldschool Maxis sim genre. First they released Empires of the Undergrowth, the spiritual successor to SimAnt, and with Ecosystem, they seem to be testing the waters (ha!) for a run at SimLife.

First thing’s first: This is an Early Access game. At this stage, it’s not terribly “gamey” at all; the only challenge currently coded into the game is raising your “life points” through the successful propagation of species and strengthening of the ecosystem. There are 8-10 tiers of Life Points through which you can progress. Each tier reached allows you to unlock three new plants, shells, or simple lifeforms (think plankton) to diversify the base of your food chain.

Real player with 48.9 hrs in game

Ecosystem on Steam



Welcome to your Universe!

Gênese allows you to enter a meditative and relaxing experience of sculpting your own Universe, exploring physics in space and your creativity. Here you can create star systems and fully detailed planets, from a tiny molecule to an huge orb floating in the great void. You will be the powerful entity ruling this Universe, bending and manipulating the forces of nature and creating life. Rising from cosmic dust, this very life will go forward on its own crusade, evolving into intelligent life and conquering the arena you built, as you watch and care (or destroy) its progress, in a high detailed environment.


Gênese is also a story generator where every action, every event, every birth and death is recorded in the fabric of space and time. Planets formed from asteroids and cosmic dust, stars dying in colossal supernovae - or becoming black holes, the rise of galactic civilizations from its rudimentary ancestors and, fatefully, to their extermination caused by themselves, by others or… by you.


Every object wandering in the system will obey the laws of gravitation, effectively being attracted to one another at some point where they collide, merge, become satellites, explode, desintegrate: Watch powerful planetary collisions and the chaotic environment of the early stages of a stellar system that will create unique celestial bodies orbiting that system. Bring order and stabilize it to allow the appearing of life or consume every planet and molecule.


Every particle can be combined, to form new molecules with new properties - adding unique features to its host planet. Elements and molecules will melt, solidify or evaporate given the right temperature and circunstances. You can engineer a lush paradisiac world or a toxic burning-hot planet. Creating the perfect environment for life to thrive or the most inhospitable place depends on that right combination.


Once you create life and it becomes intelligent, a new level of complexity and fun is added to the game: they will evolve, create, explore, colonize and get to know those places you already know - and created. These beings you raised will become “co-creators” of some level, changing the landscape for good or evil purposes, advancing independently through the Eons, bringing on their own culture and technology. Watch over them or destroy them - if you decide there’s a reason for that.

Read More: Best God Game Space Sim Games.

Gênese on Steam

Art of Destruction

Art of Destruction

A physics sandbox simulation game for you to mess with. Build world you can imagine and destroy anything you create.

You can throw asteroid into the building, crush it, set it on fire, or smash it with bomb explosions.

Tornado, sand storm, black hole, tsunami, zombie apocalypse, nuclear explosion, and many many more!

Explore open levels with randomly generated elements or you can build your world.

Play, destroy, and have fun!

Art of Destruction on Steam



Block play with simple and intuitive operation

Assemble various blocks to create your own work!

Castle and house

Furniture and tools

Cars and planes

Please try variously depending on your ideas.

Sometimes it’s possible to use physical calculations to destroy your work and enjoy it…

If you stop physics, your work will be restored and you can enjoy the collapse with peace of mind.

There is no combat, no exploration, no collecting items, no epic storyline, no vast setting or deep background.


Water Physics Simulation

Water Physics Simulation

Actually a pretty good game compared to other simulation games like this. You have so much more creativity from making a rocket powered by sand, making tank treads, making trucks, blowing stuff up. To me I think its worth the buy

Real player with 90.4 hrs in game

very gud

Real player with 11.2 hrs in game

Water Physics Simulation on Steam



I would say this is the best vr game on steam, but I would be undercutting it this is the best game ever period. ALAH gave me everything that I ever wanted in my life and this game shows everything! I love the game.

Real player with 0.6 hrs in game

Allah crashed the program.

May allah fix the graphics, as they are shit

be with you all.. inshallah

Real player with 0.4 hrs in game


From Dust

From Dust


To everyone that keeps saying that Uplay crashes and that you can’t play this is what you need to do:

  1. Uninstall the game and Uplay (AKA Ubisoft Launcher)

  2. Install Uplay from Ubisoft’s site.

  3. Login with your account (on Uplay) and make sure you’re online.

3.1) There is an option to activate game, choose it.

3.2) Copy the game’s activation code to it (the one Steam provides you)

3.3) It will ask you if you want to activate From Dust to that account, choose yes.

  1. In Uplay, choose “Go Offline”, and that’s it (but don’t close Uplay).

Real player with 29.6 hrs in game

I don’t play a lot of “God games” but for me From Dust was fresh and different. Tasked with guiding a primitive tribe on a quest for answers about their past you are given control of the environment, picking up dirt, water, and lava, to clear paths or build them, while fighting off nature itself.

Visually From Dust is appealing with beautiful tropical islands to arid deserts and lava crusted mountains. The way your powers mold the environment also looks very good. The campaign is just about the right length with a lot of extra content in challenges or open worlds if you’re craving more in the end.

Real player with 15.3 hrs in game

From Dust on Steam

Universe Sandbox

Universe Sandbox

the physics are really good.. NO..more like PERFECT. The physics is based on Newtonian Physics, although this game isn’t using Einstein’s General Relativity, this physics is really accurate. If you lower the timelapse, the physics is more accurate. But if you add the speed of the timelapse, the physics is less accurate. Nonetheless, this game is not only stunning, awsome and satisfying ( Except if its lagging lol) But also Educational and Usefull. Perfect. [Note to player: if you have something wrong, just go to settings , there are so many tools.]

Real player with 98.7 hrs in game

I wish universe sandbox would add a feature where you can change the type of clouds a gas giant has along with more materials

Real player with 75.2 hrs in game

Universe Sandbox on Steam

Terra Firma

Terra Firma

Well here we go. First some background I love such water/ geography simulations: Just had +100h in From Dust, Sim City 4 (Editor: Erosion) and in the editor of Cities Skylines. Just watching the water flow around :)

And I’m working as an engineering draftsmen in building construction, civil engineering and hydraulic engineering. We are just a too small company for something like Flow-3D Hydro, etc. but this software here, as a free thing is just enough to play endless hours around.

I would love to see the following things:

Real player with 51.5 hrs in game

First: a caveat. It’s not got a lot of content- yet. However, the roadmap looks pretty satisfying. The developer is responsive, and the game is quite detailed already. Like many simulation games, it is a simulation. In addition, unlike most simulation games, it works on a mediocre computer like my own. I’ve seen games half the size I could never consider playing, but I can play this. It has a few bugs, but nothing game breaking. it’s pretty fun to watch and try to direct rivers, lakes, mountains, and forests.

Real player with 7.1 hrs in game

Terra Firma on Steam