Ultimate Arena

Ultimate Arena

This game is more fun than it has any right to be.

The best words to describe Ultimate Arena as would be “Simplistic Battle Royale Simulator”. This is actually very-reminiscent of those Hunger Games simulators online, but I feel that this game has more variety, is more customizable and actually has the slightest visuals, even if it’s just a top-down view of a small map with simplistic stick figures running around. Essentially, you can set up battle royals between as many people as you like, set up a few additional rules if you want and drop everyone in, waiting to see who the victor will be while occasionally having a bit of input as to where to place mines or where to drop care packages.

Real player with 175.8 hrs in game

Read More: Best God Game Funny Games.

Ok, this is a simulator. It’s pretty funny at times. You have a lot of freedom to add stuff, from characters to ways to fight and die. There’s plenty stuff at the workshop to add to the game. Now, this is not much a “game”. Yup, it is a simulator. Other than adding some mines and bring some events upon the field, you’re just watching the fight developing.

So, the fun is to have a lot of fighters, have a bunch of funny lines and events and watch your favorite people or the ones you dislike to fight till the end. Even when simple, can be entertaining for a while.

Real player with 122.2 hrs in game

Ultimate Arena on Steam

Putin VS Zombies

Putin VS Zombies

It is one of the best games I ever played. Some time is needed to get to know the controls but after that was figured out the game was super fun. As long as you don’t play around you can’t lose because all your abilities are overpowered and super fast ready. After you completed the game all levels reset and get harder. I’ve completed this game around times, it’s just super addicting. The Songs are awesome but a bit loud on my point.

Pros.: Funny Gameplay

Every Stage has its unique design

Real player with 0.7 hrs in game

Read More: Best God Game Casual Games.

An accurate representation of the current geopolitcal situation. I learned a lot. (Corey I absolutely despise you for buying me this)

Real player with 0.7 hrs in game

Putin VS Zombies on Steam

Gachi Finder 3000

Gachi Finder 3000

The game’s real enjoyable, great graphics and good gameplay. Game itself has a decent skill curve which players can master with enough hours put in. Definitely would recommend the game to all FPS fans out there as well as newcomers.

Real player with 2038.2 hrs in game

Read More: Best God Game Casual Games.

An absolute delight.

A must buy.

One of the best game I’ve ever played.

You need to own it.

You need to own it.

You need to own it.






Real player with 3.1 hrs in game

Gachi Finder 3000 on Steam

Bird by Example

Bird by Example

What is Bird by Example?

Bird by Example is — and I say this with great passion — an RPG sandbox where all the occupying NPCs are grotesque birds who mimic your behavior with deep learning algorithms. Nothing is scripted! Everything is emergent! Be the bird you want to see in the world!

Steam has asked me to be more explicit with the game’s features:

  • world

  • objects

  • jump

  • crawl

  • punch

  • squawk

  • bite

  • physics objects

  • other*

  • stories??**

It’s an artificial intelligence sandbox acted out by birds with concerning musculature! Help them see, help them love, help them eat a big fat bug! Right now at this very second, the metaphysical bounds of this game hold a throng of hungry birds who wish nothing more than to be like you! Like Mama!

_*: Imprint psuedo-neurologically upon independent bird agents, using recurrent neural networks, gradient descent, and a custom-built system of semiotic metadata evocation (to afford transferrable behavior between distinct objects and agents which share characteristics along an n-dimensional space).

**: Isn’t life a story? Aren’t we all little stories, flying on this crazy rock?_

You said this was a game? Who’s Mama? I’m Mama? Who are you again?

Please pay attention. These birds are equipped with artificial neural networks that optimize themselves against your own actions! Using trendy deep learning algorithms found in a black box at the bottom of the sea, and something called ‘gradient descent’, they will try to become mathematically perfect distillations of you! It’s very computationally expensive and very math!

But what do you actually do?

Explore, follow self-imposed rules, and cultivate your flock! Tutor a bird to act just like you! By simply doing things, they will learn from you by witnessing your play! Bite an orange and you may start to see other birds doing similarly! Squawk at a another bird and watch your flock erupt into squawkage!

Oh! That’s interesting. So they have brains!?

Woah, strong word! Let’s avoid that word!

Have you ever played a game, and thought: “This is fun, but I live in such fear that I cannot enjoy it…”

Yes, I do live a life of fear! And thank you for blowing off my silly and ethically challenging question!

Yes, you do live in fear! You’re like any brain-wielding creature! But in Bird by Example there will be nothing to be afraid of! In bird world there is nothing to be afraid of! Nothing to be afraid of! Turn that brain off!

Okay. And the game is fun? It’s a game?

You must teach the rest of the birds basic life skills! If not, they will all starve to death!

Wait, you coded these birds to feel hungry but didn’t teach them how to eat?

That feature was out of scope! Please!!! Hungry!!!

Hold on… What’s a bird?

A bird is a fictional creature which came to me in a dream on a particularly cold night in February. I woke up in a sweat the next morning and quickly tried to recreate the apparition from memory. The results? Remarkable.

Earliest known footage of a “Bird” from that morning.

They were perfect. All they needed was a name.

The word ‘Bird’ is a mix of the word ‘word’ and the letter ‘b’ This is because I needed a word — or “wird” — to describe the birds. Sadly, a word using ‘a’ was already taken. It’s like gamertags!

I experimented for many weeks with flight, but no matter how much I stretched out their arms they would not.

Whatever. Doesn’t matter.

Bird by Example on Steam

The Mims Beginning

The Mims Beginning

The Mims Beginning Review

The Mims Beginning is a breath of fresh air in an increasingly stagnate gaming pool. At first glance, the game may look light and simple but very quickly you begin to see that this is a deep, well-designed strategy/god-mode game. The graphics are very detailed, the artwork is beautiful, the mechanics are flawless. If you think that because its a god-mode strategy game that it will be boring, then guess again. There is plenty of action/activities to keep you busy without having to micro-manage your units and economy. Research will increase the options and powers available during gameplay while continuing to upgrade and expand your alien colony. For any strategy gaming fan, I strongly recommend picking this game up. Most games are only moderately worth their sale prices, especially indie games. But this game is well worth the full price.

Real player with 196.1 hrs in game

The Mims Beginning

DISCLAIMER: I received this product for no cost for the purpose of reviewing. However, this does not affect my views and opinions of the game.

The Mims Beginning reminds me a lot of the game “Spore”, mostly because of the art-style, but also because they’re both game about managing a tribe of alien lifeforms to complete certain goals. I won’t reveal too much about the story but basically you are a god of some-sort going from island to island, creating living conditions, protection and technology for the lost Mims. You, as the god, have various powers and abilities to aid the Mims as well. Like most real time strategy god games, The Mims Beginning has other elements implemented into game like structure/city building, unit and resource management, as well as upgrading buildings and units. There are two game modes, the campaign and survival.

Real player with 15.6 hrs in game

The Mims Beginning on Steam

Rock Simulator

Rock Simulator

I finished the Dark Souls Series late last year and quit World of Warcraft after about 11 years of playing shortly after. Since then I have sort of been drifting between games for a bit, never really settling on anything.

One Night whilst speaking with some mates on Discord, I found this game in the Memes category and figured “why not?” so I bought it and played it. Something about the game got my inner autist raging. The game and it’s puzzles consumed me, I spent every hour that I was not working or sleeping figuring out puzzles.

Real player with 1311.0 hrs in game


Föhr, German Island

Searching the Steam Shop for a new Gaming Experience.


Learned THE START and also learned PATIENCE IS KEY.

Fort he first Time i BECOME THE ROCK and got later at night DREAM OF THE ROCK.



Föhr, German Island



Bielefeld, Germany

After so many Hours i FEEL THE ROCK and i HUG THE ROCK.


Wiesbaden, Germany

It was hard but i began to UNDERSTAND THE ROCK.

Real player with 218.2 hrs in game

Rock Simulator on Steam

Doodle God

Doodle God

I became interested in Doodle God because of my job. I figured any game that could keep a special needs child entertained and quiet (and not poking his neighboring van mates) during an hour long ride home AFTER being cooped up in school all day had to be worth looking into. The game is certainly mind absorbing, with all the combinations of “elements” that can be combined in the main game alone (249 total). Now add to that all the other “mini” games that can be played. Hours of entertainment, or at least mind absorbing nullness.

Real player with 19.6 hrs in game

Every now and then a mobile developer tries to take their successful, beloved mobile game and bring it to a more traditional gaming platform. These efforts always result in dumpster fires of failure. It isn’t that mobile games are necessarily worse than their more traditional counterparts, just that different audiences expect differetn things from their gaming experience. People that want to waste a couple of minutes on the ride to work aren’t going to want the same exact thing when they actually sit down and play something in their own free time, and Doodle God is just the latest example of that.

Real player with 19.5 hrs in game

Doodle God on Steam

Stream Madness

Stream Madness

An addicting clicker game that will put you in the shoes of a novice streamer! Condemn everything, gain subscribers !

In this game you have to start your streaming career from scratch, you will not have subscribers to buy ads or equipment, you will have to earn everything with your perseverance and hard work!

Distinctive features:

Work your way from a novice streamer with zero subscribers to a worldwide recognized star

Quit your boring job and make your living by streaming alone

Stream Madness on Steam

FootLOL: Epic Soccer League

FootLOL: Epic Soccer League

FootLOL: Epic Fail League developed by Lion’s Shade & released on 17 Sep 2013 on the PC platform. On Metacritic (http://www.metacritic.com/game/pc/footlol-epic-fail-league) , it has:

  • An average user score of 5.2, from 3 critics only -at the time of this writing.

What would you expect from a game that combines soccer with cows, mines, spartans, cannons, UFOS and air plane bombers & other unspeakable objects of destruction(s)? If you answered a logical, reasonable, responsible gaming experience – Shows you the red card out blows whistle You are dismissed from the field!

Real player with 30.2 hrs in game

Overall rating is 6/10.

This is a somewhat fun, addictive and non-traditional soccer (or football, if you will) game. Instead of controlling any of the characters themselves, you instead get access to a wide range of powerups that you can use to influence the outcome of the game. Initially, you begin with just mines that you can place to blow up the enemy players (or even your own, if you’re so inclined) but as you progress in the game, you get access to other powerups (some of which include cows that run people over, rockets, UFOs that pick players up, rabid fans that help your team kick the ball, etc).

Real player with 9.9 hrs in game

FootLOL: Epic Soccer League on Steam

Bean Battles

Bean Battles

My In depth review and analysis of Bean Battles.

How would i describe Bean Battles?

I would describe Bean Battles simply as a master piece, this game is far far ahead of its time and i foresee the game becoming more popular than fortnite.

What is Bean Battles?

Bean Battles is a game that follows the trends of the battle royale genre, an unoriginal idea executed in a way that is so unique, it beats out any up and coming battle royale game (such as Minecraft Hunger Games) It puts up to 16 people in a battle royale scenario but is far different from any current battle royale. In a typical battle royale game the aim of the game is to survive and be the last one standing, this often leads players to play incredibly passive and finish games with few kills. Bean Battles changes this by introducing a scoring system, each player is rewarded for their winning and becoming the last player standing but also rewards for kills, two kills is better than one round win, this makes the player play smart, but also agressively to beat thier opponents.

Real player with 62.9 hrs in game

Once in a lifetime you’ll come across a game that truly captures the history and cultural distinctions of the modern world the way a person can subjectively perceive it through our guided field of perspective. I have to admit, I had my doubts when I first learned of the game. After all, Bean Battles? Will this game even be good? How ignorant was I to even have these thoughts. Little did I know I was about to indulge in what may have been the best 1 hour and 21 minutes of my life. The game started out strong. The maps enticed the audience with a captivating enigma. I was so taken aback from the next-generation animation that I almost didn’t even realize the underlying symbolism in the ongoing games. It wasn’t until my twenty sixth game where I finally got my bearings together and was able to focus on the gripping and labyrinthine stratagem. The underlying analogy for 19th century distopianism and the evangelical deviation of typical orthodoxy was enlightening to say the least. Just when I thought the game could not get any better, the increasing conflict before the climax began. I could not believe the complexity of game as the bean protagonist. My bean struggled with the everyday endeavors for a quintessential bean such as the consistent up- hill altercation of the fight against misogyny and the fiscal synergy of opposing interplanetary dynamisms. There I was, gripping to my chair as the conflict of the game began. I was so enticed by the game that I felt as if I was both practically and relatively apart of the game. This is a special kind of high that not even the strongest of drugs can give you. Was I part of the game? Am I inside the game right now? This game will leave you questioning existential nihilism and the objective skepticism of our perceived valuation of anthropological existence. At this point in the game, I was fully intoxicated by the avant-garde animated art style. That’s when the game finally aggrandized and I was completely stupefied. You could have lived a thousand years of isolation trying to predict the plot twist and you would never even scratch the surface of what actually transpires in the game. I was so bewildered that I actually had to stop playing the game so that my existential crisis didn’t dive too deep inside of myself. Even restarting the game was surreal. It’s almost as if life restarted with the game. I felt as though I had actually become a cinematic tangent quantum. The effects are still wearing off and I haven’t been able to play the game in several days.

Real player with 48.4 hrs in game

Bean Battles on Steam