

So… I was very excited when I found this game. Not only because it’s exactly the kind of game I was looking for, but also because the price was so reasonable.

I just finished my first play-through and I did really enjoy it although I do have some comments & concerns about gameplay.

I saw before purchasing that a lot of people insisted this game needed some kind of tutorial & that has been fixed, I found the tutorial to be super helpful. I do agree with another commenter though that a guided-victory tutorial (rather than a show & tell tutorial) would be much more beneficial.

Real player with 24.6 hrs in game

Read More: Best God Game Mythology Games.

I highly recommend it!

Anthropomachy is a great strategy game, and you have to conquer the world as a Greek God!

Each God has its own powers, and you can choose your own path when purchasing them: good, neutral or evil?

It’s not so easy to be a conqueror, but I thought this is the funniest part of this game, because you have to find out what you have to do to be a better God to your followers.

The experience in-game is not boring, even when you’re doing the same actions constantly, because the developers added some features such as sudden messages appearing with choices that can help you or not (making people lose faith in you or believe you are their savior), and some news that appears in red that can help you in some situations.

Real player with 10.4 hrs in game

Anthropomachy on Steam

Creo God Simulator

Creo God Simulator

This is just a first impression.

Overall it’s a great direction.(so please finish this,DEV.) hopefully not the direction just building some sort of economy simulator. The few god power(willpower) is cool yet (early access) hopefully more to come.

(situation 1) In a simulator like simcity it needs to have a lot of tweaking to balance this out,

(situation 2) If there are like (AI) gods I think it’s close on how it needs to go. Getting alot of

bonuses quick, fulfilling wishes/prayers. Use faster speed for a more quick

Real player with 25.4 hrs in game

Read More: Best God Game City Builder Games.

UPDATE JULY 2021: Yay! He finally fixed the bug! I can actually play! Oh…. new bug….. : Fires start on the map. You can put them out with rain, except when you can’t. Watched my altar burn for 5 mins as I used all my faith dousing it in rain, only to have it ignore that and keep burning.

This game wants to function, but it just can’t.


Same exact issue, making the game unplayable after the first 30 mins.


Pros: Many features added


Real player with 21.1 hrs in game

Creo God Simulator on Steam

Crest - an indirect god sim

Crest - an indirect god sim

Its… Okay… Thats kinda the problem.

You start off with a single location with followers and the ability to use 2 commands. That tends to be “gather food” and “make babies”. Make babies is important as you get screwed over very easily early on. Note that even in easy mode, this game is hard at times and if you can’t gather metal, you might as well start again, it leads to a dead end. Once your first town is 4/4 big at least, you need to push migration, finding a new town. The trouble is the command will result in followers following between the two towns. Once the new town is at 4/4 and the old town is at 4/4, with each having babies available, you then got to push to create another town. And you have little choice… At 2 towns it can go wrong.

Real player with 23.3 hrs in game

Read More: Best God Game Casual Games.

It’s not very good nor is it very well thought out. The core principle is intriguing but it’s incredibly frustrating when you tell your starving people - who are supposed to follow your every command at high enough faith - to gather food and they simply ignore you only to starve to death. I’ll go over a few reasons why you shouldn’t buy this game (even on sale):

  1. The AI is quite simply terrible more often than not. Sometimes I’ll issue the same commandment multiple times before my people do what I want them to do (because the commandment either ran out or the original commandment has now become something else due to interpretations). (And yes my cities had high faith.)

Real player with 16.8 hrs in game

Crest - an indirect god sim on Steam



This will be both, a Review for new people and a compliment to the game.

I played Reus for 270+ hours, and have so far unlocked almost all the achievements to the exception of two. An let me tell ya, this is a marvelous game, really. Rarely, if ever have I played such an intricate, interconnected, interdependent game where every choice and every placement has such profound and amazing influence over everything else, specially your “victory”.

First, the warnings -

  • You should not buy/play this game, if you don’t like “god games” (then really, why are you even here reading this?)

Real player with 277.0 hrs in game

I love this game. But–full disclosure–the strategy genre is almost exclusively where I spend my gaming hours. The remaining time is usually allocated to sandbox games, and Reus sort of falls into both these categories.

While definitely not an open world game by any stretch of the imagination [the world is literally a closed ring], Reus follows the sandbox/god game pattern of affecting the world in a way similar to an artist painting a portrait. Using the proper tools (the Giants and their abilities), you masterfully paint your world on the blank canvas that is the earth. Unlike the artist, however, your creations are living beings!

Real player with 169.0 hrs in game

Reus on Steam



This game combines the beauty of meditative relaxation with a playable video game experience.

You’ll start off as a Deity within the void, an area which exists outside of space and time. From within this void you’ll have access to a range of different worlds where you can embody a unique creature in each.

In each world you’ll be able to explore the environment accompanied by a plethora of meditative music. Once traveling to the final warp gate in each world you’ll be sent back to the void and allowed to enter a new world as another creature, until of course you reach the final level.

Deity on Steam

Doodle God

Doodle God

I became interested in Doodle God because of my job. I figured any game that could keep a special needs child entertained and quiet (and not poking his neighboring van mates) during an hour long ride home AFTER being cooped up in school all day had to be worth looking into. The game is certainly mind absorbing, with all the combinations of “elements” that can be combined in the main game alone (249 total). Now add to that all the other “mini” games that can be played. Hours of entertainment, or at least mind absorbing nullness.

Real player with 19.6 hrs in game

Every now and then a mobile developer tries to take their successful, beloved mobile game and bring it to a more traditional gaming platform. These efforts always result in dumpster fires of failure. It isn’t that mobile games are necessarily worse than their more traditional counterparts, just that different audiences expect differetn things from their gaming experience. People that want to waste a couple of minutes on the ride to work aren’t going to want the same exact thing when they actually sit down and play something in their own free time, and Doodle God is just the latest example of that.

Real player with 19.5 hrs in game

Doodle God on Steam



it’s 2 years later and essentially nothing has changed… key personel in the company that were working on the game left because their contracts were not renewed, and insider whispers are that nobody is working on it anymore… the company denies that, yet nothing has been added or changed. Instead, they started making yet another microtransaction laden game for IOS, which, not only tries to push you to spend real money, but also has an obnoxious character that gets in your way frequently to try to get you to watch advertisements. 22cans… you are dead to me!

Real player with 482.4 hrs in game

GODUS Beta 2.1 Review Update August 2014

8 months after my first Review of this game, I have given Godus another 20 hours of game play in the latest 2.1 Patch.

The worst parts of the old Godus Alpha have been fully realised, Godus 2.1 is now an iOS game and the freemium model mechanics are fully in place.

After 20 hours in the 2.1 build I can say that there is no game here, just a count down mechanic, followed by a countdown mechanic, everything else you do in Godus leads you to a bigger countdown.

Real player with 144.3 hrs in game

Godus on Steam

Reprisal Universe

Reprisal Universe

Dare I say it… This game is BETTER than Populous.

It does drop you in it at points, but not like a roguelike, where yo are supposed to figure stuff out, more like it has a basic campaign that teaches you the mechanics of the game, then the next time you log in, with no warning, you are faced with the “universe” screen.

When you start in the universe, you have a new ability set, ‘Rage’ that you only discover a bit later on, it’s based on aggro against you, and is different to Mana. I think that Amulets (items found in the world) may unlock it’s abilities.

Real player with 25.9 hrs in game

This is a pretty faithful reproduction of the old school game Populous, with the addition of worlds that brings in a touch of Populous: The Beginning. For new players, this is a God game. You can manipulate the land to allow your autonomous citizens to build bigger houses, generating more mana and allowing bigger God powers, such as fire, lightning and marshes. The general idea is to collect totems containing new powers and to wipe out your opponent! There are plenty of islands to keep you occupied and you are even able to partially amend the way later levels start once you complete them (this affects the islands for everyone as the changes are saved online)

Real player with 12.3 hrs in game

Reprisal Universe on Steam



This game is so cute and charming, yet cute may be far from the truth when you actually delve in for those achievements! I really like this game. Each map is randomly generated, but restricted to one large island, or a few smaller, random-sized islands to keep gameplay generally orvanized. The fact that nearly every factor is affected by chance in one way or another makes this game feel absolutely organic, just as the creation of…well…everything should be! As one progresses in making their world of humans more intelligent (or keeping them dumb for fun), the current gameplay will get notably harder and more fast paced. This goes triple for those seeking to complete the game itself—getting humanity to surpass your own control!

Real player with 87.9 hrs in game

This is a great small game. Simple enough to not be overwhelmed, complex enough to keep you coming back to see more little details. Also, it’s super satisfying to start a new game and see your humankind go from pulling berrier from a bush as only means of getting food, to building big cities with cars riding everywhere. The card aspect gives extra challenge, you never know what cards you will get next, so you need to make decisions on the go on how to approach next steps of evolution. If that’s not for you, you have endless mode, where you can do whatever you want whenever you want - as long as you have enough faith (works like mana to use cards). There are multiple ways to guide your humans, and they might turn out different if you do things in different order. Game also doesn’t keep your hand at any time, but in this case, that’s good. The content is limited, so you need to experiment and do some trials and errors to understand how to guide the humanity to shape them the way you want. This will take time, but is very satisfying.

Real player with 27.6 hrs in game

Simmiland on Steam

Tidal Tribe

Tidal Tribe

The game has 3 modes: Story mode, Challenge mode and Free mode.

I played only the Free sandbox mode which is what I find more interesting.

The game mechanics consists in big water waves which come from the ocean and swipe the land.

The player can shape the terrain and create small lakes to encourage the growth of plants.

I wish more games would do such water simulations in 3D environments.

Each plant has some specific needs regarding water, light, vicinity to other species, altitude…

Peoples traits:

Real player with 51.5 hrs in game

This game is amazing. Quite worth the money.

Firstly, the game itself is quite therapeutic. One can make lagoons, mountains, paths, and help out the little triangle people with their economy and needs; it is oddly satisfying to see how their civilization passes from living in shanties to full-blown mansions. There are also quests in the main levels that require you to find keys and complete a treasure map, while photographing several things through the levels.

Not only is the simulation relaxing and the overall atmosphere calming, but also the story mode has many funny, pog, and bruh moments. For example: There is a password origami duck, and if you insult it, it will cleverly insult right back. There is also a casino that penalizes you for savescumming, restricting access to the casino itself if you cheat. Some side missions are a cakewalk while others have a Cuphead/Dark souls level of difficulty. Finally, the amount of minigames is unreal, and can be a good source of XP, as well as an alternative to the general simulation levels.

Real player with 45.4 hrs in game

Tidal Tribe on Steam