Ultimate Arena

Ultimate Arena

This game is more fun than it has any right to be.

The best words to describe Ultimate Arena as would be “Simplistic Battle Royale Simulator”. This is actually very-reminiscent of those Hunger Games simulators online, but I feel that this game has more variety, is more customizable and actually has the slightest visuals, even if it’s just a top-down view of a small map with simplistic stick figures running around. Essentially, you can set up battle royals between as many people as you like, set up a few additional rules if you want and drop everyone in, waiting to see who the victor will be while occasionally having a bit of input as to where to place mines or where to drop care packages.

Real player with 175.8 hrs in game

Read More: Best God Game Memes Games.

Ok, this is a simulator. It’s pretty funny at times. You have a lot of freedom to add stuff, from characters to ways to fight and die. There’s plenty stuff at the workshop to add to the game. Now, this is not much a “game”. Yup, it is a simulator. Other than adding some mines and bring some events upon the field, you’re just watching the fight developing.

So, the fun is to have a lot of fighters, have a bunch of funny lines and events and watch your favorite people or the ones you dislike to fight till the end. Even when simple, can be entertaining for a while.

Real player with 122.2 hrs in game

Ultimate Arena on Steam

SPORE™ Creepy & Cute Parts Pack

SPORE™ Creepy & Cute Parts Pack

As one of my old favorites, this game still delivers. It really is a shame that it got so much flak from the religious communities for being associated with evolution, because it is just simply a joy to play.

Note the thumbs down is for the Creepy&Cute pack. The base game is a thumbs up, however, $20 for a handful of extra parts half of which you will never see or even use is just insane. This is a $5 content pack and no one should spend any more than that on it.

As for the base game, I would still recommend it, however,

Real player with 102.0 hrs in game

Read More: Best God Game Singleplayer Games.

SPORE™ Creepy & Cute Parts Pack… for all of your creative needs

SPORE™ Creepy & Cute Parts Pack adds new parts, colors, and animations to the Creature Creator feature of SPORE™. This is quite an expensive expansion with a twenty dollar price tag, on top of you being required to pay the twenty for SPORE™, even though this is not a DLC, but a standalone game.

This game has a total of 84 new creature parts which is 24 parts more than advertised, 48 new colors, 24 new animations, and 2 new testing area backgrounds.

Real player with 74.8 hrs in game

SPORE™ Creepy & Cute Parts Pack on Steam



nice game, even if I dont play it for a year or two whenever I come back I always get the same feel as if I were playing it as a 9yr old on my moms work laptop. The replayability of this will make you keep replaying it well into… well I don’t know how old but I know I’ll probably play this game when I’m middleaged with kids and even further on when my kids are middleaged with kids. This game is such a gem and I fucking hate EA for ruining maxis this game was perfect and it could’ve been even better if it weren’t for the GREEDY CORPORATE SCUM OF EA GIVING MAXIS IMPOSSIBLE DEADLINES! THEY HAD TO CUT OUT 2 ENTIRE STAGES OF THE GAME FUCK YOU EA CORPO-SCUM! anyway best game i’ve ever played 10/10 more creative than minecraft.

Real player with 75.9 hrs in game

Read More: Best God Game Open World Games.

step 1 : make blob | step 2: make blob have legs | step 3: make blob a Panzer | step 4: make blob make a Panzer | step 5: make blob over inflate the economy of the literal galaxy with copious amounts of marijuana (green spice)

Real player with 63.7 hrs in game

SPORE™ on Steam

Bird by Example

Bird by Example

What is Bird by Example?

Bird by Example is — and I say this with great passion — an RPG sandbox where all the occupying NPCs are grotesque birds who mimic your behavior with deep learning algorithms. Nothing is scripted! Everything is emergent! Be the bird you want to see in the world!

Steam has asked me to be more explicit with the game’s features:

  • world

  • objects

  • jump

  • crawl

  • punch

  • squawk

  • bite

  • physics objects

  • other*

  • stories??**

It’s an artificial intelligence sandbox acted out by birds with concerning musculature! Help them see, help them love, help them eat a big fat bug! Right now at this very second, the metaphysical bounds of this game hold a throng of hungry birds who wish nothing more than to be like you! Like Mama!

_*: Imprint psuedo-neurologically upon independent bird agents, using recurrent neural networks, gradient descent, and a custom-built system of semiotic metadata evocation (to afford transferrable behavior between distinct objects and agents which share characteristics along an n-dimensional space).

**: Isn’t life a story? Aren’t we all little stories, flying on this crazy rock?_

You said this was a game? Who’s Mama? I’m Mama? Who are you again?

Please pay attention. These birds are equipped with artificial neural networks that optimize themselves against your own actions! Using trendy deep learning algorithms found in a black box at the bottom of the sea, and something called ‘gradient descent’, they will try to become mathematically perfect distillations of you! It’s very computationally expensive and very math!

But what do you actually do?

Explore, follow self-imposed rules, and cultivate your flock! Tutor a bird to act just like you! By simply doing things, they will learn from you by witnessing your play! Bite an orange and you may start to see other birds doing similarly! Squawk at a another bird and watch your flock erupt into squawkage!

Oh! That’s interesting. So they have brains!?

Woah, strong word! Let’s avoid that word!

Have you ever played a game, and thought: “This is fun, but I live in such fear that I cannot enjoy it…”

Yes, I do live a life of fear! And thank you for blowing off my silly and ethically challenging question!

Yes, you do live in fear! You’re like any brain-wielding creature! But in Bird by Example there will be nothing to be afraid of! In bird world there is nothing to be afraid of! Nothing to be afraid of! Turn that brain off!

Okay. And the game is fun? It’s a game?

You must teach the rest of the birds basic life skills! If not, they will all starve to death!

Wait, you coded these birds to feel hungry but didn’t teach them how to eat?

That feature was out of scope! Please!!! Hungry!!!

Hold on… What’s a bird?

A bird is a fictional creature which came to me in a dream on a particularly cold night in February. I woke up in a sweat the next morning and quickly tried to recreate the apparition from memory. The results? Remarkable.

Earliest known footage of a “Bird” from that morning.

They were perfect. All they needed was a name.

The word ‘Bird’ is a mix of the word ‘word’ and the letter ‘b’ This is because I needed a word — or “wird” — to describe the birds. Sadly, a word using ‘a’ was already taken. It’s like gamertags!

I experimented for many weeks with flight, but no matter how much I stretched out their arms they would not.

Whatever. Doesn’t matter.

Bird by Example on Steam

Crazy Soccer: Football Stars

Crazy Soccer: Football Stars

Crazy Soccer is a game fot those who got tired of ‘serious’ football. Do you want to overcome you opponents by number? Sure, just send aliens to abduct their players.

Game is too boring? What about cows that move chaotically and have no idea that they playing football.

Plus, you’ll be surprised to find a lot of humour in all the ingame texts.

My decision: 10 out of 10 crazy cows.

Would definitely recommend this game.

Real player with 8.2 hrs in game

Great little game. Funny graphics and verry well made. Multiplayer mode isn’t working like it should anymore. You can find opponents and play against them, but the tournamentsetup is kinda broken.

But if you like a different approach to a mainly singleplayer soccer game with weird weapons en destructions, this is your game. For a little multiplayer fun with friends and stranger you can keep hanging around. But after zeven hours of fun, the real fun was over for me.

Real player with 7.8 hrs in game

Crazy Soccer: Football Stars on Steam

Doodle God

Doodle God

I became interested in Doodle God because of my job. I figured any game that could keep a special needs child entertained and quiet (and not poking his neighboring van mates) during an hour long ride home AFTER being cooped up in school all day had to be worth looking into. The game is certainly mind absorbing, with all the combinations of “elements” that can be combined in the main game alone (249 total). Now add to that all the other “mini” games that can be played. Hours of entertainment, or at least mind absorbing nullness.

Real player with 19.6 hrs in game

Every now and then a mobile developer tries to take their successful, beloved mobile game and bring it to a more traditional gaming platform. These efforts always result in dumpster fires of failure. It isn’t that mobile games are necessarily worse than their more traditional counterparts, just that different audiences expect differetn things from their gaming experience. People that want to waste a couple of minutes on the ride to work aren’t going to want the same exact thing when they actually sit down and play something in their own free time, and Doodle God is just the latest example of that.

Real player with 19.5 hrs in game

Doodle God on Steam

Godly Corp

Godly Corp

What a great hidden gem!

A game where you play as a tentacle monster working in an office already promisses originality.

I was reluctant at first, not beeing an avid indie games player, but after playing it for a bit, it really grew on me.

The controls take a while to master, which is a good thing: the feeling of achievement after beating harder levels on hard difficulty is truly great!

The game isn’t very long, about 2 - 4 hours on average to play through all levels. It isn’t a bad thing though, because you can always keep trying to beat the previous high score or other players' scores on theglobal leaderboard.

Real player with 11.9 hrs in game

Check out my Steam Curator page, “Minorthreatt Gaming Reviews.” I have the most organized and extensive genre lists on Steam! Be sure to “FOLLOW” for more of my recommendations: http://store.steampowered.com/curator/31339849-Minorthreatt-Gaming-Reviews/?appid=257170

The Short of it: Not exactly my cup of tea in the long run, but I get why it’s popular. It can be funny, frustrating, and challenging. I think the humour is its best quality. It truly tests your multi-tasking limits.

Reminds me of: If you liked any of those surgeon simulator type games, you’ll probably like Godly Corp.

Real player with 11.1 hrs in game

Godly Corp on Steam



Adapt is a survival evolution game designed to simulate the constantly changing environments life must navigate to thrive. To succeed, your species will need to find food using a multitude of dietary strategies, seek out habitable environments, and react to changing seasons, and global climate. Your competitors will evolve alongside you, vying for food and territory to ensure their own survival.

- Live Features -

  • Species’ customization through modification of genetics and physical traits to determine your evolutionary strategy.

  • Numerous adaptations allow for diverse play-styles and physical characteristics.

  • Plant life exhibits seasonal behaviors and growth, producing seeds and fruit, losing leaves, and acting as home for edible insects.

  • Complex species AI behaviors including hunting for food, seeking mates, tracking, and hiding from predators.

  • Attempt to survive virtually anywhere, from the tops of mountains, to the bottom of the seas.

  • Species specialization through special abilities such as varied dietary and locomotive strategies, shells, poison, and climbing.

  • Hunt or be hunted: Predators will stalk, chase, and track potential prey for an ambush, and even cooperate for an easy meal.

  • Visual, audio, and scent queues, to keep tabs on potential friends, threats, and food.

  • Dynamic day/night, and seasonal cycles create a living, and constantly changing world.

  • Multiple reproductive strategies provide diverse species relationships and unique experiences.

Adapt on Steam

The Mims Beginning

The Mims Beginning

The Mims Beginning Review

The Mims Beginning is a breath of fresh air in an increasingly stagnate gaming pool. At first glance, the game may look light and simple but very quickly you begin to see that this is a deep, well-designed strategy/god-mode game. The graphics are very detailed, the artwork is beautiful, the mechanics are flawless. If you think that because its a god-mode strategy game that it will be boring, then guess again. There is plenty of action/activities to keep you busy without having to micro-manage your units and economy. Research will increase the options and powers available during gameplay while continuing to upgrade and expand your alien colony. For any strategy gaming fan, I strongly recommend picking this game up. Most games are only moderately worth their sale prices, especially indie games. But this game is well worth the full price.

Real player with 196.1 hrs in game

The Mims Beginning

DISCLAIMER: I received this product for no cost for the purpose of reviewing. However, this does not affect my views and opinions of the game.

The Mims Beginning reminds me a lot of the game “Spore”, mostly because of the art-style, but also because they’re both game about managing a tribe of alien lifeforms to complete certain goals. I won’t reveal too much about the story but basically you are a god of some-sort going from island to island, creating living conditions, protection and technology for the lost Mims. You, as the god, have various powers and abilities to aid the Mims as well. Like most real time strategy god games, The Mims Beginning has other elements implemented into game like structure/city building, unit and resource management, as well as upgrading buildings and units. There are two game modes, the campaign and survival.

Real player with 15.6 hrs in game

The Mims Beginning on Steam



This is game Cool

Real player with 2.3 hrs in game

Very simple and easy. I have mixed feelings but my score is 7/10 or so

That said, I didn’t overestimate my expectations of Mr. Domusmundi.

By the way, question. Is the king naked?!

Real player with 1.6 hrs in game

Mr.DomusMundi on Steam