WorldBox - God Simulator

WorldBox - God Simulator

Worldbox is the most advanced god game out there. Don’t let the pixel art fool you, there is complexity here. You have no limits on your power, create and destroy without cost. Create storms, rend the land with earthquakes. Assign the dry land a biome, be that a dense jungle, or arid savannah. You can even curse the earth, so that the souls of the slain are trapped, cursed to wander the land as a vengeful wraith.

These souls, the races in the game are one of the core features. Spawn a group of humans, orcs, dwarves or elves. They will spawn, knowing nothing at all about the land you have made. As the grow and expand, they develop culture and research technologies to help them survive. Will you help them grow into a High Renaissance trade civilization? Or will they be unable to unite, due to a lack of resources and marauding demons. Watch as thousands of years of history lay out before you. Greedy dwarf kings waging unjust wars, intrepid human explorers setting sail for the first time in 800 years, since the Collapse. What will they find? Untouched paradise, or the husked out ruins of a once great Elven Kingdom. 2 Immortal kings, plotting against each other for thousands of years. All scenarios I have witnessed in my own kingdoms.

Real player with 161.2 hrs in game

Read More: Best God Game Sandbox Games.

I absolutely gosh darn love this game.

I have played it for definitely over a hundred hours in the Humble Alpha version and I am so excited that its here on Steam. I can’t wait to follow this game to the ends of the box in Steam.

I do see a lot of people complaining about the price and how it is not worth it for how much content is in it right now but guess what guys? ITS AN EARLY ACCESS GAME!

Just a little advice: if you know that a game is not yet complete just DON’T BUY IT!

Anyways, what I find good about Worldbox is that it is just what it claims it is: World + Sandbox. ‘Course it isn’t as big as the actual world, but it still is pretty big. Complete with dozens of creatures to kill, i mean, spawn, and a whole array of powers to use to torture, i mean, help those creatures, Worldbox is a masterpiece.

Real player with 12.5 hrs in game

WorldBox - God Simulator on Steam



A fun game that is definitely in early access.

Edited: 7/30/2021. The game has been significantly changed since I posted my first review, and its’ unfortunately not all for the better.

The Good:

  • Villagers have been overhauled significantly, and their interactions with each other and the world are much more interesting. They earn money to buy resources, have more robust individual trades, craft items, and all sorts of other fun stuff.

  • The way monsters are used has been vastly improved. Rather than just spawning them next to a villager and letting them have at it, they are formed into parties, led by one of your demons, to accomplish a specific purpose. Marauder parties from the marauder building break stuff and attack villagers to sow chaos, snatching parties kidnap villagers or monsters for imprisonment, and defense parties protect your base full-time. It’s a bit monotonous to reform the parties repeatedly if you make heavy use of them, but this alone has made Ravager a lot more fun.

Real player with 36.0 hrs in game

Read More: Best God Game Politics Games.

UPDATE: hot damn, that’s one hell of an update. 10/10 guys, very cool.

At first, I thought this was the “Devil Simulator” I’ve always wanted. But the longer I played, the more frustrated I became with this game. I’ll start with the Good things, follow up with the Bad, and leave you with my suggestions for improvement.

The Good

-The AI is tremendously well made, just as advertised. Each NPC has different traits, different relationships with other NPC’s, and adjusts it’s behavior over time as it interacts with the other NPC’s. The level of care and attention that went into this facet of the game is dumbfounding, considering this is, at it’s core, “God Simulator meets Sim City”. As an example, if you turn enough villagers into vampires or cultists, they can split off and form their own societies.

Real player with 23.7 hrs in game

Ruinarch on Steam

Woodland Empire

Woodland Empire

Woodland Empire is a An ANTI-citybuilder; a natural take on the typical city building game

Instead of building roads and power lines, you control the wind, rain and sunlight to help your forest grow.

Manage, upgrade and grow your empire with the help of woodland creatures, including foxes, wolves, squirrels and birds

Harness the natural instincts of predators and prey to spread and fertilize your forest.

Tired of the hustle-bustle of the typical city builder? Retire to the wilderness and live in harmony with Nature

  • Control the forces of wind, sun, rain and time

  • Grow and upgrade trees and plants

  • Encourage wildlife to thrive and prosper

Read More: Best God Game Nature Games.

Woodland Empire on Steam



One of if not THE ONLY “God game” I have ever played that is not another RTS borefest.

You do not have to build everything for the people and I love that!

You place land tiles in a seemingly infinite grid. Land tiles such as grasslands, Forests, Deserts, Oceans, and the such. Each prividing different resources for little humans who live grow and die all on their own.

The game is still being developed and will continue to get better as the dev Myron continues to expand and advance the game.

Simply put, this is the first real God game!

Real player with 31.0 hrs in game

It’s neither Black and White nor Populous, but that’s okay because Deisim actually manages to carve out it’s own identity as a God game somewhere in between. Actually, on the surface Deisim kind of makes me think of Godus, except this is actually a good game. And in fact, one mind blowing consideration is that even in its current Early Access stage, Deisim is already a better game than Godus, despite being made by just one guy.

So anyway, the emphasis is on the placement of land tiles that you use to shape the environment, which then leads to tribal villages popping up. The villages will then use the environmental resources you’ve placed to grow and prosper, and eventually evolve into small towns, leading to more believers and more mana. Although indirect interaction is mainly how you grow your world, direct interaction is possible too, such as picking up villagers and buildings, or casting spells directly on things to either help or hinder the villagers. Towns will inevitably begin to spawn heretics who if given too much leeway, will convert their town into a heretic faith, eventually causing them to wage wars of conquest on their neighbours. To deal with this, a good old dose of fire or locusts can convince the heretics the error of their ways and show them that yours is the true faith.

Real player with 10.9 hrs in game

Deisim on Steam



I have more hours than my playtime states, as I usually launch this directly when steam is turned off when I go to bed.

I am a long time fan of ecosims and evolution games. This game is very pure to those genres. It has little to no

“gamification” and exists merely for simulation sake. If you are looking for a “game” here outside of watching

fish being really bad at surviving, you will be sorely disappointed. However, if you are already familiar with other games

of this genre, like the Creatures series, this game will absolutely capture you.

Real player with 50.4 hrs in game

The Disco Slug team seems dedicated to breathing new life into the oldschool Maxis sim genre. First they released Empires of the Undergrowth, the spiritual successor to SimAnt, and with Ecosystem, they seem to be testing the waters (ha!) for a run at SimLife.

First thing’s first: This is an Early Access game. At this stage, it’s not terribly “gamey” at all; the only challenge currently coded into the game is raising your “life points” through the successful propagation of species and strengthening of the ecosystem. There are 8-10 tiers of Life Points through which you can progress. Each tier reached allows you to unlock three new plants, shells, or simple lifeforms (think plankton) to diversify the base of your food chain.

Real player with 48.9 hrs in game

Ecosystem on Steam

Goblins of Elderstone

Goblins of Elderstone

My first review, finally, wow!

→ Right now i would give this game a Neutral rating, but that is not possible, and also i see great potential in this game, so i recommend it if you want to support the game and the developers. Don’t buy it yet if you’re not very patient and you don’t want to serve, literally, as a crash test dummie. ;-)

Played this game for roughly 6h, i had like 10 or more crashes. Many while i was simply trying to save → Game-Progress lost. It’s always the Unreal4-Engine that is crashing and asking you to send in a report. So the Inbox should be pretty packed by now. ^_^

Real player with 21.4 hrs in game

Check out my Steam Curator page, “Minorthreatt Gaming Reviews.” I have the most organized and extensive genre lists on Steam! Click “FOLLOW” for more of my recommendations:

The Short of it: Currently Early Access, but bursting with possibilities and originality. Building, resource management, raiding, diplomacy, trading, defending - all done by your own customized horde of goblins!

Reminds me of: If you liked Banished, Stone Hearth, or Rimworld, you’ll probably like Goblins of Elderstone. Goblins of Elderstone brings a unique and chaotic twist to the city-building genre - it’s a Goblin Tribe Simulator! Nurture your tiny clan as it grows to stand against the other races and even the gods. Rule over the chaos and feed the growing goblin war machine by raiding dungeons and villages.

Real player with 9.7 hrs in game

Goblins of Elderstone on Steam

The Universim

The Universim

March 2019 Update

Population explosion has a limit now, which in a recent game (currently year 610) it seems to top out around 250-270. The spread of the nugget stone huts seems to work in small grid pattern, 8 or so huts in a small rectangular area. What determines where they start plopping huts i do not know. Its much more efficient in some respects, although you will get a housing block started far out of the city core at times. Eventually with Tudor Architecture the nuggets will upgrade the stone huts to larger multi family homes. This is great when it comes to saving space, its just being an automatic process, you cant turn off the control. Which means houses in areas you want to abandon upgrading, while next to the beautiful Town Hall is 4 stone age huts. This means duplicate services for those out of reach areas, this doesnt hurt early game too much, but you feel the crunch later. Especially when it comes to refined resources.

Real player with 647.6 hrs in game

1. Early Access - A Preface

With any Early Access game, you need to make allowances. There’s going to be bugs and many features lacking and not everything will happen on time - after all EA is often something that small studios do to keep the lights on while they are developing the game.

That doesn’t mean you have to put up with everything. Early access makes it all the more important, that you have proper process management, a capable team lead, a plan and a time frame, that probably shouldn’t be longer than two or three years from EA start to release. During that time what’s there of the game should be playable without constantly running into gamebreaking bugs, because if people stop enjoying the game, they are not going to stay, not to mention that it’s very bad for the word of mouth factor.

Real player with 82.4 hrs in game

The Universim on Steam

Shadows of Forbidden Gods

Shadows of Forbidden Gods

TLDR - Great, unique Lovecraftian turn-based grand strategy game.

The player takes on the mantle of one of multiple eldritch gods with different play styles, bent on bringing their particular brand of apocalypse. The first unlocked god is the most simple - She Who Will Feast, a giant snake that focuses on corrupting heroes and rulers through “enshadowing” them. She starts weak, without a real worldly presence, before awakening, destroying civilised lands and ultimately eating the world. Other gods include Iastur, the Laughing King who focuses on spreading madness to all, Vinerva a god representing nature’s bounties but with a serious catch, Mammon (unreleased at time of writing) who offers great material wealth for the small price of eating people and Ophanim (unreleased at the time of writing) who offers mankind salvation from the aforementioned enshadowment but at the cost of their autonomy.

Real player with 23.7 hrs in game

My plan to destroy the world was foiled but its okay because I can change the chosen one’s name to Ligma Balls as a final act of primordial malice

Real player with 19.7 hrs in game

Shadows of Forbidden Gods on Steam

Natural Instincts

Natural Instincts

I love how immersive this game is! I feel like I’m watching a movie directed by me. Overall, I’d recommend this game and rate it a 9.5/10. There are plenty of amazing features this game has to offer all wrapped in this unique nature sim.

First off, this game is one unique experience, a special kind of animal sim that not only entertains but also teaches you about the animals you’re caring for and the environment they live in. It’s not like I’m reading a zoology textbook, but for 10 bucks (9 since I got it on sale), I learned so much. There’s always something to do plus there’s random threats and events to look out for so there’s never a dull time in the game. And this just came out! I’m so excited for what else they’re going to include. Maybe stuff like seasons, new animals, natural disasters, and more!

Real player with 17.4 hrs in game

so i decided to purchase this game as it just seemed like something different and i love animals and nature, i streamed the game and did 3 hours from tutorial to the 2nd campaign and wanted to leave a review

Firstly the game is in early access so of-couse i came across a few issues which i will get out the way first so i can move onto the good stuff

  1. did come across some random lag spikes which happened randomly every 5 mins or so and im not sure what was causing them,

  2. i did have 1 freeze crash which made me have to reload the game however the developers state in the menu that they will be working to optimise the game with time.

Real player with 9.3 hrs in game

Natural Instincts on Steam

Religion inc God Simulator

Religion inc God Simulator

A very good game I enjoy it and Wish to see it thrive Please add new updates when possible I love your hard work Keep it up and stay safe . You are awesome and I want you to feel awesome. Much love and have an awesome day.

Real player with 11.7 hrs in game

I enjoyed this game, it was fun, silly but overall it was entertaining with ways to go about things and what kind of god you want to be. I even played the mobile and the mobile is better, but I have high hopes for the PC version does well and continues to improve for the full release. Cannot wait to see what the future has in store for this game.

Real player with 10.3 hrs in game

Religion inc God Simulator on Steam