Warhammer 40,000: Space Wolf

Warhammer 40,000: Space Wolf



WHAT TO EXPECT: Games Workshop. WH40K. Isometric perspective maps. Turn-based, chess-like combat. Comprehensive card forging. Grindy deck-building. Extensive deck management. NPC roster selection. Unlockable tactical ability selection of a binary nature. Graphically appealling. 3x pve mini-campaigns. 1x pve daily challenge mode. Versus pvp mode. Grindy achievements. Singleplayer and Multiplayer. Free weekly card drops. Requires permanent online connection.

Real player with 849.0 hrs in game

Read More: Best Games Workshop Turn-Based Games.

UPD. 12.10.17

They’ve released the game, finally!

It is rebalanced. Got new balance for weapons and overall difficulty of the missions has been significantly reduced, but still hard to beat at the end. Good work afterall.

New Black-Maned wolf if great. A bit to overpower, but that’s OK.

It’s cheap, but offers much more than lots of other overpriced titles.


UPD. 23.04.17

I’ve got played new version with new weapon balance. It chaged everything. Now each weapon is useful and can find place in your deck. Range weapons are no ultimate decision anymore. You have to fill your deck with melee cards, which can now hit multiple targets or, ATLAST, strike diagonally. Also almost every weapon got new handy chain effects. Shotguns now can hit close range targets. Most of equiped weapon are now more efficient (cheaper or have better params) - that realy makes sense. I’m just learning to play with new balance, but as far as I’ve seen, it feels great.

Real player with 352.1 hrs in game

Warhammer 40,000: Space Wolf on Steam



I’ve played total war games since Rome and I have to say that yes, it’s BS that you have to pay another 60 bucks (easy) to get the “full experience” and even MORE SO to pay 4 flippin dollars for BLOOD EFFECTS in a TOTAL WAR game; yet with that being said, this is probably the most epic, amazing, awesome game that I have in my library thus far- can’t tell you how many times I banged my head against inanimate objects before taking a step back and appreciating the algorithmic-type cunning that the AI uses against you; as well as the deep and engaging gameplay aspects- morale has always been a thing but steamrolling an entire Orc Waaaaagh by concentrating fire and having nearby units re-charge the lines, close to routing, themselves- is fantastic.

Real player with 408.1 hrs in game

Read More: Best Games Workshop Turn-Based Strategy Games.

It’s worth the money and a little more

Real player with 289.8 hrs in game

Total War: WARHAMMER on Steam



As you can see I have a TON of hours in this game. Absolutely fantastic, best 4X game I’ve ever played with unparalleled battles in a setting that can’t be beat. Simply the best strategy game out there bar none.

Real player with 2201.7 hrs in game

Read More: Best Games Workshop Turn-Based Strategy Games.

Graphics/animations: 9/10 (zoom in for awesome animations)

Fidelity to the franchise: 9/10

Replayability: 8/10

AI: 3/10

Depth: 10/10

There are only four negatives. One you feel nickel and dimed for all the expansions, but it’s worth it. Two the AI and seige battles are very problematic. The AI…is…well…stupid…compare the AI to games like Starcraft 2 and you’ll quickly find yourself wanting human opponents. Online ladder needs a rework and the loading time for the campaign map is long. But other than that it’s a fantastic game. 7.6/10 Over 1300 hours played.

Real player with 1414.4 hrs in game

Total War: WARHAMMER II on Steam

Warhammer 40,000: Armageddon

Warhammer 40,000: Armageddon

Warhammer 40,000: Armageddon is a terrific game…for the right kind of gamer. Those expecting the second coming of Dawn of War (technically, third, I suppose) will be sorely disappointed. Those looking for a solid, turn-based strategy (TBS) game on a hex-based map will likely be quite pleased. Fans of the WH40K fluff will also be pleased, as you get to personally participate in the major events that make up the 2nd War for Armageddon. Personally, I’m loving the game thus far.

In terms of raw gameplay, the game itself is very much an old-school wargame. It’s somewhat similar to games like Steel Panthers, although it’s perhaps not quite as granular in its depiction of combat as that series. I haven’t played the Panzer General or Panzer Corps games, but I hear it’s similar to those (Panzer Corps especially, which is no surprise since they’re made by the same company). Anyway, it’s a TBS game on a hex-map. Units are allowed one movement and one firing action per turn (although you can move more than one space, obviously, and units with multiple weapons will use all of them, if they’re in range). Alternatively, you can reinforce a unit, or recover morale.

Real player with 945.9 hrs in game

“He was an avalanche from an unexpected quarter. He was a thunderbolt from a clear sky."

— Commissar Yarrick on Ghazghkull Mag Uruk Thraka


“Warhammer 40,000: Armageddon” takes place during the Second War for Armageddon, and is the second of three massive conflicts between the Imperium of Man and the Ork Warboss, Ghazghkull Mag Uruk Thraka that took place between 941.M41 through 943.M41. The war was fought on the Hive World of Armageddon in the Segmentum Solar, where Ghazghkull Thraka launched an Ork WAAAGH! consisting of five separate Ork tribes in an attempt to seize the planet for themselves.

Real player with 465.1 hrs in game

Warhammer 40,000: Armageddon on Steam

Warhammer® 40,000: Dawn of War® – Winter Assault

Warhammer® 40,000: Dawn of War® – Winter Assault

Warhammer® 40,000: Dawn of War® – Winter Assault Review

The War is not over yet soldier…

Some key points that this game offers:

  1. Two Single Player Campaigns, Order (Good) & Chaos (Evil).

  2. Full expansion pack to the original Warhammer 40, 000: Dawn of War game.

  3. New units, tactics and strategies allows for a fresh experience in Warhammer warfare.

  4. New and Improved multiplayer mode.

  5. New multiplayer maps.

Gameplay & Controls:

The controls haven’t changed much; the game is still played the same way as the original, all the fun commands, tactics and keyboard shortcuts.

Real player with 1005.3 hrs in game

I didn’t really get to play this game long enough to use the Imperial Guard in a combat scenario, but all I can say just playing their tutorial, the Imperial Guard is the Military Faction I’ve always wanted to be. What stopped me from keeping this game was that I’ve been told about “Warhammer 40,000:

! Dawn of War Soulstorm so I took a look at it & I found out that there’s

! more races to fight in the other one. That’s really the only reason why I refunded this keep this game.

Real player with 69.5 hrs in game

Warhammer® 40,000: Dawn of War® – Winter Assault on Steam

Warhammer® 40,000: Dawn of War® - Dark Crusade

Warhammer® 40,000: Dawn of War® - Dark Crusade

Warhammer® 40,000: Dawn of War® - Dark Crusade Review

Claim in the name of the Emperor… Warhammer: 40,000: Dawn of War is back battle brothers, in an all new bloody war for the planet Kronus…

Some key points that this game offers:

  1. New Races have been introduced.

  2. New multiplayer maps.

  3. Massive single player campaign.

  4. Single player campaign can be played with seven different races.

Gameplay & Controls:

Warhammer® 40,000: Dawn of War® - Dark Crusade is the sequel to Warhammer: 40,000: Dawn of War and its Expansion pack Warhammer: 40,000: Dawn of War: Winter Assault.

Real player with 1011.5 hrs in game

Alright, Dawn of War Dark Crusade, where to begin? This game is by far the best Dawn of War game to date, including Dawn of War 2 and its expansions. If you’re an RTS fan, there is little here not to like. (Also, you don’t need to own the original Dawn of War OR Winter Assault to enjoy this game)

The gameplay is simple and very fun, you start out with a base and a builder unit, you proceed to make buildings filling various roles such as research, unit creation, and defense. You proceed to make a base and units to defend yourself, and you eventually attack the enemy. You have two resources, power and requisition, power is used for vehicles, upgrades and research, requisition is used for everything. Requisition is easy to get, just capture points across the map and fortify them with listening posts. Power requires you to create power generators, but bases have a limited amount.

Real player with 320.9 hrs in game

Warhammer® 40,000: Dawn of War® - Dark Crusade on Steam

Warhammer® 40,000: Dawn of War® - Game of the Year Edition

Warhammer® 40,000: Dawn of War® - Game of the Year Edition

–-{Graphics/Art Style}—

☐ It’s the Matrix

☐ Beautiful

☑ Meh

☐ Paint.exe

☐ It looks like that one Rambo game everyone forgot about


☐ Fantastic

☑ Good

☐ Meh

☐ Having just the base controls doesn’t count as gameplay

☐ Staring at walls is better


☐ Audiophile’s wet dream

☐ Good


☐ Early 1990’s TV static sounds better

☐ Crickets


☑ Mick Gordon’s music or equivalent

☐ Good

☐ Meh

☐ It’s not winning any awards

☐ Nickelback level of quality

—{PC Requirements}—

Real player with 65.0 hrs in game

“Beware the Alien, the Mutant, the Heretic”

‘Warhammer 40K: Dawn of War’ is, simply put, one of the best Real-Time Strategy games on the market - A blood-soaked odyssey through the Warhammer 40k Universe - filled with Imperial Space Marines, Ork Hordes, Eldar and The Forces of Chaos.

Campaign: Released in 2004 by Relic Entertainment, ‘Dawn of War’s’ brutal opening cinematic sets the stage for what awaits within - a savage battlefield across the Imperial Planet of Tartarus where the local population have been suddenly beset by Ork Hordes. As Commander of the Space Marines (The Emperor’s Personal Guard), you begin a quest to push back the Orks and determine why they are on the planet. A deep and engaging story-fueled campaign takes you from cities to lost ruins, from mountains lairs to the planets icy tundras, leading a tech heavy force of Space Marines, Mech Walkers, Artillery Tanks, Predator Tanks and Terminator Assault Squads, to unearth the cause of this strange heresy plaguing the planet.

Real player with 54.2 hrs in game

Warhammer® 40,000: Dawn of War® - Game of the Year Edition on Steam

Warhammer 40,000: Dawn of War III

Warhammer 40,000: Dawn of War III

The best I can say for this game is simple: It looks like Warhammer 40k. I like that, so it’s a good point. But is it a “Dawn of War” game? No, it’s not. It’s just another RTS. It departs from the legacy of Dawn of War and returns to the way twitch-gaming. Is there something to like about it? Sure, there is… but there’s NOTHING to like about it in way of what I would expect from the Dawn of War series.

DoW1 was more combat-focused than Starcraft, which was why I loved it… but I greatly favored DoW2, because it emphasized tactical play, which I prefer. My review centers around this idea.

Real player with 142.0 hrs in game

If you expect a Dawn of War game, if you expect a Relic style RTS with complex tactical gameplay and features you won’t find in other strategy games, the style relic became famous for, look elsewhere, this game is none of that.

And that’s where the problem lies. If this game was a new IP, I’d probably give it a positive review and call it an interesting experiment for the RTS market.

But it’s not a new IP is it? it’s Dawn of War. And as far as Dawn of War is concerned, this game is related to that series in terms of superficial visuals only.

Real player with 100.0 hrs in game

Warhammer 40,000: Dawn of War III on Steam

Battlefleet Gothic: Armada 2

Battlefleet Gothic: Armada 2

Sadly I can’t recommend this game. Battlefleet Gothic is what got me in to Warhammer 40k back in the 1990s. I have nearly two hundred hours playing this too, but it now crashes with in a few minutes every time I play, no message just crashes. The Dev abandoned it right after launch, much Like Games Workshop abandoned the tabletop version too. DO NOT BUY, IT NO LONGER WORKS

Real player with 182.2 hrs in game

God, i wish they made ships just a little more unique. Instead of x amount of points for x amount of damage, have ships be either customizable or start off with different traits. What happened to all the uniqueness of BFGA 1? Seriously, ships could be tailored so well to your personal preference in that game. Why change that?

The skalgrim mod appears to fix these problems.

Real player with 180.5 hrs in game

Battlefleet Gothic: Armada 2 on Steam

Battlefleet Gothic: Armada

Battlefleet Gothic: Armada



Rebus Forever here with another One Minute-ish (very ish) review for a strategy game, with spaceships, set in the 40k universe.

As a bit of a goth who likes spaceships, strategy and Games Workshop, I felt ethically and morally compelled to review Battlefleet Gothic, my massive throbbing bias aside, here goes.

Do you like Gothic cathedrals but wish they were better at flying?

Has your love of spaceships been impeded by their lacking crenellations and stained glass windows?

Real player with 152.1 hrs in game

You know how if you’re on a ship for a few days, you can still feel the rocking of the ocean when you lie in your bed? Ironically, that’s how it feels to play Battlefleet Gothic: Armada. The controls are so fluid for naval combat that you can feel the ship rotations in your walk and the rumble of engines in your sleep. For that, the game gets a massive recommendation. 40k games often work like that. They have this wonderful quality where the scene setting is always perfect. The voices are on point, the UI is appropriately gothic, and the music makes you feel like you’re charging into the final battle of the 13th Black Crusade.

Real player with 97.2 hrs in game

Battlefleet Gothic: Armada on Steam