Necromunda: Underhive Wars

Necromunda: Underhive Wars

TLDR: Despite being incredibly buggy, frustrating and deeply flawed I still managed to while away a couple of hundred hours and did, ultimately, enjoy the experience

Elephant in the room: AI: It is incredibly bad. Pathfinding, target selection, strategy, character builds and movement. I can now predict what the AI will do in a turn and it trivialises the engagements. It prioritises objectives over everything else, including survival. As a lot of objectives take away your weapons (you use your arms to pick them up, no shoulder mounted weapons) it becomes a turkey shoot. This means the 1:1 encounters are more or less a gimme, but the 3 and 4 gang engagements become more interesting because there are limited objectives so the AI actually becomes more aggressive.

Real player with 374.0 hrs in game

Read More: Best Games Workshop Turn-Based Strategy Games.

OK… so I don’t genuinely review games because opinion is often so divided on what one individual will enjoy and another will despise. Yet I felt compelled to say a few things about this game, so will jot them down here to be read or discarded at leisure.

Firstly I would like to say that in terms of whether I am giving the game a thumbs up, the answer is yes. As you will probably have seen through other reviews the game currently has some flaws. Many minor, some major - I will get to those shortly. Outside of the bugs, however, if you’re a fan of the whole Games Workshop 40k vibe and enjoy strategy games… then I would say that it’s a must have. Yes it has issues, but I believe these will be addressed, in time. Unfortunately it suffers from what has become something of an “epidemic” amongst modern computer games… where the people holding the purse strings determine release schedules and not the developers. I have worked in the industry for 20 years, so I do know a little of what I’m talking about. When the devs say they need three years and the company tells them they have 18 months… you know you’re in for trouble from the outset. Games will release buggy and the additional development time will emerge as patches and DLC. It’s shortsightedness. Financial losses through poor reviews could easily be avoided by a few more months of careful bug fixing. But I’m wandering off point.

Real player with 191.3 hrs in game

Necromunda: Underhive Wars on Steam

Mordheim: City of the Damned

Mordheim: City of the Damned

Hi all,

I will present this review in different segments depending on if you are:

  1. a GW fanatic and preferably familiar with the Mordheim Tabletop game. (GWF)

  2. A general fantasy/tactics lover (GFTL)

  3. everyone else (EE)

First the TL:DR version:

  1. a GW fanatic and preferably familiar with the Mordheim Tabletop game. (GWF)

You have been waiting for this game since the first time you critted the Ogre mercenary. It’s here. Go buy it. Oh wait, its not a straight conversion like BB? Hmmm. Well then have a look below to see if this adaptation is for you. Yes there are some bugs and yes the AI is not great, but this is meant to be played vs friends anyway right?

Real player with 874.9 hrs in game

Read More: Best Games Workshop Turn-Based Games.

I know the feelings about this game are very mixed but as far as I am concerned it is perfect. The difficulty is the kind of unfair that requires you to think about every move you make, even one attempt to cut a corner and you’re punished severely.

I’ve played a fair bit now and from the negative reviews I’ve read alot of people seem to dislike the hardcore nature of the game. I can appreciate why but I don’t think anyone was ever mislead about how difficult this game would be or the penalties your units face for going out of action in a mission. This is almost a roguelike RTS, the best thing about this game is that you use the environment as part of your strategy to out manouvre the far superior enemy, lock them down and beat them into nothing.

Real player with 749.8 hrs in game

Mordheim: City of the Damned on Steam