Warhammer 40,000: Dakka Squadron - Flyboyz Edition

Warhammer 40,000: Dakka Squadron - Flyboyz Edition

“Just fly straight at ’em as fast as ya can, give ’em sum dakka, and don’t ferget to yell “WAAAGH!” dead loud like. Nuffin’ to it!"

— Flyboss Skarzag, Badtoof Skwadron


“Warhammer 40,000: Dakka Squadron - Flyboyz Edition” is an arcade shooter I first became aware of in a preview of the mobile version in a “White Dwarf” magazine from 2017. I am only now getting to reading my older issues, yet before I got to even look the mobile game up on the Google Play Store, this was announced for PC. Being a long time player of the greenskins I knew I was destined to join their ranks once more. I am a long time PC gamer who enjoys mobile ports, in fact I often prefer them for a casual aside to more serious games. Mobile platforms are quite often the testing ground for potential PC releases and this is becoming more and more the case.

Real player with 26.0 hrs in game

Read More: Best Games Workshop War Games.

I have mixed feelings about this game, but I will approve of it for 40k fans who are fond of the Orks.

There is barely any background information about the 40k setting in the game itself, and there is an unspoken assumption that the person who is playing this game is already familiar with the lore, so people who are not 40k fans will probably not care about what is going on.

Graphic settings are practically a joke: There is a single low/medium/high graphics option and the ability to turn VSync on or off, and that’s it. The framerate is capped at 60 FPS in-game, and while it easily keeps to that cap, this might bother some people with higher end gaming PCs with a +120Hz monitor.

Real player with 17.1 hrs in game

Warhammer 40,000: Dakka Squadron - Flyboyz Edition on Steam

Warhammer Quest

Warhammer Quest

It’s an OK game but sadly when I play this I can only see the wasted potential of what could have been and the way it could have expose to others the warhammer fantasy universe like the Warhammer Quest (which this game is based on), Warhammer Fantesy Battles wargame or the Warhammer Roleplaying Game.

This game is a basic dungeon crawler where you explore the dungeon and kill monsters in order to reach to the final room and receive some rewards like items, gold, items and experience.

The game fall short in the amount of the random events you may encounter while dungeons crawling and sadly most of those events have negative outcomes so you will most likely try to avoid them if you can.

Real player with 182.2 hrs in game

Read More: Best Games Workshop Board Game Games.


A poor implementation of a great board game.

It’s fun at first, but the developers have managed to take a great board game and turn it into a grindfest. It’s as if they were trying to make a free-to-play money pit game. To pile insult onto injury, the PC version is a crappy port of the mobile version, with clunky, painful keyboard controls, no option for remapping keys, and a ton of unnecessary clicking.

Ways the Board Game is Superior

  • You don’t have the absurd equipment restrictions of only being able to equip/ready 12 items, and, even more stupidly, only four of each tier (there are no item tiers in the board game). Access to bandages and provisions is critical to surviving the board game early on, but access to them is artificially (and absurdly) limited in the video game.

Real player with 87.6 hrs in game

Warhammer Quest on Steam

Warhammer® 40,000: Dawn of War® – Winter Assault

Warhammer® 40,000: Dawn of War® – Winter Assault

Warhammer® 40,000: Dawn of War® – Winter Assault Review

The War is not over yet soldier…

Some key points that this game offers:

  1. Two Single Player Campaigns, Order (Good) & Chaos (Evil).

  2. Full expansion pack to the original Warhammer 40, 000: Dawn of War game.

  3. New units, tactics and strategies allows for a fresh experience in Warhammer warfare.

  4. New and Improved multiplayer mode.

  5. New multiplayer maps.

Gameplay & Controls:

The controls haven’t changed much; the game is still played the same way as the original, all the fun commands, tactics and keyboard shortcuts.

Real player with 1005.3 hrs in game

Read More: Best Games Workshop Real-Time Games.

I didn’t really get to play this game long enough to use the Imperial Guard in a combat scenario, but all I can say just playing their tutorial, the Imperial Guard is the Military Faction I’ve always wanted to be. What stopped me from keeping this game was that I’ve been told about “Warhammer 40,000:

! Dawn of War Soulstorm so I took a look at it & I found out that there’s

! more races to fight in the other one. That’s really the only reason why I refunded this keep this game.

Real player with 69.5 hrs in game

Warhammer® 40,000: Dawn of War® – Winter Assault on Steam

Dark Future: Blood Red States

Dark Future: Blood Red States


Overall, it’s a decent game with great visuals and works well as a “play for a couple hours at a sitting” arcade game. If you pay attention to the developing story, it gets a lot more interesting. Take the time to read everything; it’s worth it, and begs you to stick around for the next chapter. Some of the mission types are a little ugly and grinding, some are great, but in general it’s more fun than not.

Full Review:

I have about 28 hours of playtime during the Beta weekend in addition to the hours playing the release version, so this review takes some of that into account as well.

Real player with 59.8 hrs in game

Based on a board game from the 80s, Dark Future: Blood Red States is a tactical car combat strategy game set in the near future in an American wasteland ruled by a number of warring factions with armoured cars with big guns. The game consists of multiple seasons, with each season seeing you assume a new role fighting for or against these factions. With each season, you have a choice of missions to undertake, be it Escort missions, where you have to escort a vehicle a certain distance, or to just kill as many opponents as you can.

Real player with 53.6 hrs in game

Dark Future: Blood Red States on Steam

Hardware Engineers

Hardware Engineers

First of all, this game is AWESOME! You can play and have a good and educational experience.


The game has a history made by you, you have a computer store on the city and need to get reputation and money to your business. You can also build PCs to do Bitcoin mining to help with the monthly bills. So, the game have a really good topic, have good tutorials and a demo to you play before buy it.


On the camera you can feel a little unconfortable because it’s a little different from the other games, at least i feel that the controls are quite different but nothing that seriously. Rotating the objects using the middle mouse button (MB3) it’s a good thing but i’m not sure if everyone who plays this game know’s about this feature.

Real player with 58.1 hrs in game

There are a few things to be aware of with this game.

1. This is not in Early Access or Beta anymore. As of April 22nd, 2019 this game is officially version 1.0. Things are pretty quiet from the developer so it is likely that any and all changes/tweaks to the game will be from the community via mods.

2. This game is not built on a pre-existing game engine and is not super optimized. It is a labor of love with some rough edges. I can run it on maximum 1080p settings on my Lenovo Yoga laptop, but it sounds like I am flying an airplane at takeoff.

Real player with 27.7 hrs in game

Hardware Engineers on Steam

Warhammer 40,000: Armageddon

Warhammer 40,000: Armageddon

Warhammer 40,000: Armageddon is a terrific game…for the right kind of gamer. Those expecting the second coming of Dawn of War (technically, third, I suppose) will be sorely disappointed. Those looking for a solid, turn-based strategy (TBS) game on a hex-based map will likely be quite pleased. Fans of the WH40K fluff will also be pleased, as you get to personally participate in the major events that make up the 2nd War for Armageddon. Personally, I’m loving the game thus far.

In terms of raw gameplay, the game itself is very much an old-school wargame. It’s somewhat similar to games like Steel Panthers, although it’s perhaps not quite as granular in its depiction of combat as that series. I haven’t played the Panzer General or Panzer Corps games, but I hear it’s similar to those (Panzer Corps especially, which is no surprise since they’re made by the same company). Anyway, it’s a TBS game on a hex-map. Units are allowed one movement and one firing action per turn (although you can move more than one space, obviously, and units with multiple weapons will use all of them, if they’re in range). Alternatively, you can reinforce a unit, or recover morale.

Real player with 945.9 hrs in game

“He was an avalanche from an unexpected quarter. He was a thunderbolt from a clear sky."

— Commissar Yarrick on Ghazghkull Mag Uruk Thraka


“Warhammer 40,000: Armageddon” takes place during the Second War for Armageddon, and is the second of three massive conflicts between the Imperium of Man and the Ork Warboss, Ghazghkull Mag Uruk Thraka that took place between 941.M41 through 943.M41. The war was fought on the Hive World of Armageddon in the Segmentum Solar, where Ghazghkull Thraka launched an Ork WAAAGH! consisting of five separate Ork tribes in an attempt to seize the planet for themselves.

Real player with 465.1 hrs in game

Warhammer 40,000: Armageddon on Steam

Battlefleet Gothic: Armada

Battlefleet Gothic: Armada



Rebus Forever here with another One Minute-ish (very ish) review for a strategy game, with spaceships, set in the 40k universe.

As a bit of a goth who likes spaceships, strategy and Games Workshop, I felt ethically and morally compelled to review Battlefleet Gothic, my massive throbbing bias aside, here goes.

Do you like Gothic cathedrals but wish they were better at flying?

Has your love of spaceships been impeded by their lacking crenellations and stained glass windows?

Real player with 152.1 hrs in game

You know how if you’re on a ship for a few days, you can still feel the rocking of the ocean when you lie in your bed? Ironically, that’s how it feels to play Battlefleet Gothic: Armada. The controls are so fluid for naval combat that you can feel the ship rotations in your walk and the rumble of engines in your sleep. For that, the game gets a massive recommendation. 40k games often work like that. They have this wonderful quality where the scene setting is always perfect. The voices are on point, the UI is appropriately gothic, and the music makes you feel like you’re charging into the final battle of the 13th Black Crusade.

Real player with 97.2 hrs in game

Battlefleet Gothic: Armada on Steam

Warhammer 40,000: Dawn of War II

Warhammer 40,000: Dawn of War II

Currently on sale: Don’t hesitate to buy, it’s worth it.

This game is excellent, looks good even a decade later, and plays very well. The story is good and keeps you interested and invested, the voice acting is very well done, the graphics are great, and sound effects + ambience + music all give it a wonderful mood. Good replay value. I’ve played through it several times since I got it when it was new.

In story mode, you control personalized special units that all stay with you through the entire game. You gain new abilities and find new armor, perks, special items and weapons as you go along, and the options for unit and squad customization are great and varied. You’ll be spending an enjoyable amount of time between missions distributing gear and choosing what skills to level up on your units (and will probably find great appreciation for Cyrus' squad over time).

Real player with 653.6 hrs in game

Seeing what’s happening with DoW 3 (I’d call it ‘necromancy’) I decided to write a few words about something, that often appeared in the discussions, and that’s the difference between DoW 1 and DoW 2, which - as some people say - ruins the game.

I’ve played DoW 1 a lot (non-steam versions) back when they came out, and I think they are amazing games, especially Soulstorm (all the races!), and I was quite used to their mechanics.

When I played DoW 2 for the first time, I was quite… suprised. Game mechanics took a bit of an overhaul, so I had to get used to it, but when I did it gave me a lot of fun.

Real player with 110.8 hrs in game

Warhammer 40,000: Dawn of War II on Steam

Blood Bowl 2

Blood Bowl 2

I see a lot of negative reviews from people who have played the original blood bowl games which I can’t comment on due to BB2 being my first experience of the game, all I can say is that I love it, if I’ve got free time it’s my first, second and third choice, and if I’m not playing I’m watching a stream :)


1. Incredibly deep gameplay/strategy, after 600 hours I still feel like a noob, every team can be developed differently according to how you like to play, and more than half the teams haven’t been released yet so still plenty of variety to come.

Real player with 2055.4 hrs in game

Yes I do recommend this game. Yes I probably should take a rage management treatment due to the random nature of the game… STILL, like Poker… this dice game REALLY reward skill, but sometimes the game “deals” you a crappy hand… and then close to anybody can beat you.

Some really love Blood bowl and give it 10/10… some don’t… It’s abit sad that many of the reviews here are made of unexperienced gamers. And if you find the game too expensive - just buy it on sale!?

Unpatient or timid gamers should not play this game. You will experience that the PvP is very hard for new coaches. The skill level of the more experienced coaches are really high and they will punish every mistake. You move 11 players on the pitch in a conversion of a table top game. Turn based, 16 turns each. All the time you need to make risk calculations and use your logic and tactical skills. Read the player/race guides out there, it will help you alot developing your skills! The game should be of course played vs real human opponents… not the AI.

Real player with 1776.7 hrs in game

Blood Bowl 2 on Steam

Mordheim: City of the Damned

Mordheim: City of the Damned

Hi all,

I will present this review in different segments depending on if you are:

  1. a GW fanatic and preferably familiar with the Mordheim Tabletop game. (GWF)

  2. A general fantasy/tactics lover (GFTL)

  3. everyone else (EE)

First the TL:DR version:

  1. a GW fanatic and preferably familiar with the Mordheim Tabletop game. (GWF)

You have been waiting for this game since the first time you critted the Ogre mercenary. It’s here. Go buy it. Oh wait, its not a straight conversion like BB? Hmmm. Well then have a look below to see if this adaptation is for you. Yes there are some bugs and yes the AI is not great, but this is meant to be played vs friends anyway right?

Real player with 874.9 hrs in game

I know the feelings about this game are very mixed but as far as I am concerned it is perfect. The difficulty is the kind of unfair that requires you to think about every move you make, even one attempt to cut a corner and you’re punished severely.

I’ve played a fair bit now and from the negative reviews I’ve read alot of people seem to dislike the hardcore nature of the game. I can appreciate why but I don’t think anyone was ever mislead about how difficult this game would be or the penalties your units face for going out of action in a mission. This is almost a roguelike RTS, the best thing about this game is that you use the environment as part of your strategy to out manouvre the far superior enemy, lock them down and beat them into nothing.

Real player with 749.8 hrs in game

Mordheim: City of the Damned on Steam