Space Hulk: Deathwing - Enhanced Edition

Space Hulk: Deathwing - Enhanced Edition

It’s a horde game with walking tanks against aliens.

If that premise doesn’t drag you in don’t bother.

You see genestealer tyranids, you kill genestealer tyranids, you move on.

You could enjoy the incredibly detailed sections of 40k imperial spaceships but you got nids to kill.

You could appreciate the somber tones of dark ambient music, the creaking space-hulk agonizing around you, but you hear steps and alien screams so you got nids to kill.

You play a walking tank with a fat gun in one hand, a melee weapon in the other , 3 gimmicks in the skill bar and lots of nids to kill. Unless you play an Assault Terminator or are a claw user, you forgo the gun for a fancy melee weapon, you still have lots of nids to kill.

Real player with 256.9 hrs in game

Read More: Best Games Workshop Co-op Games.



“A solid love-hate relationship.”


The scenery is absolutely amazing- ‘Triple A’ quality. Very pretty, very detailed. Not sure if you will hear anyone complain about these.

The Xeno’s look and feel pretty damn threatening at first, but the feelings quickly subside for two reasons:

1. You dont ever actually get to see players/bots get brutalized by the Xenos. When they die, they quietly fall to a knee and teleport out. As petty as it sounds, this absolutely killed any sense of peril for me, as this essentially tells you nobody can actually die.

Real player with 73.4 hrs in game

Space Hulk: Deathwing - Enhanced Edition on Steam