Talisman: Digital Edition

Talisman: Digital Edition

Digital edition of classic fantasy RPG board game, Talisman. If you know the board game and like it, think no more, you need this.

..what if you don’t know Talisman? I still recommend it!

Heed this, though: old school board games tend to have different sensibilities than modern digital games and it may be bit too random for your taste. If you can’t stomach being on top of the world only for your game to be turned into ashes in your mouth because of no fault of your own or genius of your opponents, but rather pure chance of bad dice rolls… This may not be for you.

Real player with 157.2 hrs in game

Read More: Best Games Workshop Board Game Games.

TL;DR: Ignore the meta-critic score; ignorant reviewers shouldn’t be allowed to review games.


Talisman: Digital Edition is an amazing adaptation of the original boardgame. I could write several pages about why this game is enjoyable to play, but there are a million reviews that can give you that. Instead, let me explain why all of the negative reveiwers are wrong:

1 - Most of the negative reviewers can’t read. I don’t know how to put this politely, but it seems that 9/10 of the negative reviews I see about this game come down to the fact that the reviewer didn’t understand how a certain card or area worked. For example, they’ll say things like, “I couldn’t use my Psionic Blast card in the middle of combat????”" … when the card clearly states when you can use it. I’m sorry, but if you can’t even read, you shouldn’t be reviewing games.

Real player with 147.9 hrs in game

Talisman: Digital Edition on Steam