Warhammer 40,000: Space Marine - Anniversary Edition

Warhammer 40,000: Space Marine - Anniversary Edition

Brilliant game, one of my favourites of all time.

First let’s start with…

The single player campaign.

You play as a Captain of the Space Marines, who are some of the mightiest heroes of the Imperium of Man. And you can tell, not just from how powerful you are in combat, but from the way the world reacts to you - you are high status, and your presence brings hope. My favourite moment was when a wounded Imperial Guard guy slumped against the wall whispers “I got to see a Space Marine before the end” in almost religious awe, followed by a prayer to the Emperor to aid you. Really makes you want to go out and kick Ork ass for the little guys.

Real player with 4060.8 hrs in game

Read More: Best Games Workshop Singleplayer Games.

I really enjoy this game. It’s pretty much mindless fun most of the time. The game’s divided in 3 different game modes, or so I feel, let’s try to quickly analize each mode, shall we?

First, we got the single player campaign. The game stars Captain Titus, probably the only likable Ultramarine out there, in a short-ish action packed, VERY linear third person shooter campaign. The way it often goes is, move from point A to point B, reach a big arena where enemies try to bumrush you, kill everyone in there in the name of the Emperor, and move to the next arena, killing a few stray enemies on the way. You can carry 4 weapons at a time, not counting melee weapons, a pistol, a heavy weapon, a normal weapon, and a bolter. The weapons featured in the game are pretty much what you’d expect from the Spess Mahreens. You got a bolter, bolt pistol and a storm bolter, a heavy bolter, plasma cannon, gun and pistol, lascannon, VENGEANCE LAUNCHER (which is basically a stickybomb launcher), a melta (Which is pretty much a shotgun in this game. Why? I dunno), a stalker bolter, a chainsword, hammer, and power axe. Sadly, there are no lightning claws or power fists. In this game, there is no such thing as health regen or medkits, the enemies ARE the medkits. When you stun an enemy, either by bitchslapping them or hurting them enough, they are open for a brutal, awesome execution, which in turn, heals you. Did anybody say blood for the blood god?

Real player with 414.3 hrs in game

Warhammer 40,000: Space Marine - Anniversary Edition on Steam